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Topic: Some people think it’s better to choose friends who always have the
same opinions as them. Others believe that it’s good to have friends who
sometimes disagree with them. Discuss both views and give your opinion

Whilst some people think making friends with likeminded individuals is the best
option, others seek a relationship which has differences of opinion. I believe that
although it is pleasant to have friends who share similar mindsets, diverse
perspectives provide more opportunities for personal growth.

On the one hand, friends who share interests and belief systems are likely to have
stronger long-life bonds since these relationships are usually more comfortable. If a
group of friends had a mutual understanding, they would be strongly supported
emotionally by others when facing difficulties as they mostly have identical
perspectives views and solutions for certain issues. For example, if people do not
have a strong social circle that makes them believe in their decisions, they can
hardly be confident enough to overcome challenges. <- this example is quite
general, it needs to be more specific to 'overcoming a challenge with support of a
friend' - you could change it, or EXTEND it to add some detail. [it needs to be FULLY

On the other hand, some people claim that friends with diverse opinions are
essential in a healthy relationship to make more room for personal growth. Although
conflict might emerge when opinions clash, individuals can take it positively by
seizing this opportunity to enhance their critical thinking skills in terms of educational
knowledge and emotional intelligence. Consequently, people will become more
mature and insightful, which is reflected in the capability to use multi-dimensional
thinking to evaluate and solve complex problems. For example, if one friend is a
materialist and the other has a spiritual perspective, both can not only learn different
values to bring balance to their personal lives but also enrich knowledge for their
comprehensive development. <- better example, think about making the first
example as detailed as this.

In conclusion, having friends who are similarly minded leads to fewer disagreements,
however, in my opinion, it is sometimes better to have friends who occasionally differ
from us to have more fresh perspectives for further self-growth.

LR: 8

CC: 7 [used 'for example' twice - try and use a different device, and not at the
beginning of the sentence for one of the examples]

GRA: 7/8 [could be an 8, try and use a synonym of 'although' in the introduction as
you use this structure twice]

TR: 6 [body 1 feels like it could have a bit more development]

*REMEMBER, complex ideas/vocabulary won't necessarily help you.

Topic: Some people feel that it is always wrong to keep animals in captivity,
for instance, in zoos. Other people say that there are benefits for the animals
and for humans. Discuss both sides of this debate, and give your personal

Whilst some people consider taking wild animals away from their natural habitat to
be inhumane, counterparts think this action benefits not only humans but also
animals in terms of conservation. I believe that although keeping animals in zoos
hinders their natural thriving, this can ensure animals will be protected, especially
those that are in danger of extinction.

On the one hand, people who oppose zoos raise concerns about the treatment and
living conditions of animals at these institutions establishments. Animals kept in
enclosures do not have adequate opportunity to develop naturally, resulting in losing
instincts, such as hunting or raising offspring on their own. Animals that develop in a
forced way will have difficulty adapting and will be more prone to both physical and
mental illness. For example, some zoos compel the inbreeding of animal species in
order to avoid incurring additional expenditures for more animals for commercial
purposes. Although this provides economic benefits to zoos, it causes animals to
grow ill or deformed, especially their offspring. <- great example/extension.

On the other hand, Zoo advocates believe that keeping wild animals in captivity will
ensure their safety from surrounding dangers. Currently, many species of animals
are facing the risk of extinction when their natural habitats are destroyed not only by
humans but also by extreme weather such as droughts, storms, or wildfires. If these
animals are not safeguarded in zoos, they will could be at risk of endless unlawful
poaching. Furthermore, zoos are presently receiving a lot of funding while also being
closely supervised by numerous animal welfare and social organizations to
guarantee that wild animal feeding and health care activities are carried out
appropriately. For example, in recent years in Australia, the Koala's habitat has been
severely devastated by drought and wildfires. If the government, animal welfare
organizations, and zoos did not provide significant assistance for the conservation of
Koalas, the number of this species endangered would increase. [they may have
already died out.]

In conclusion, although keeping animals in enclosures may detrimentally affect their

ability to thrive naturally, I think the benefits of this action will be more beneficial
to wild animals, especially those in danger of extinction. [same word choice as the
introduction + repeated 'benefits - beneficial]

LR: 7 [conclusion can improve, repeated some words]

GRA: 7

CC: 8 [for example used x2]

TR: 7 [conclusion needs to feel different to the introduction]

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