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What do you think about each of the following statements? In your own time,
read each topic and express your opinion.
You should give reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. Experiments on animals should be banned. (cấm thí nghiệm trên động
- It’s Unethical
Animals experience pain, loneliness, fear, and emotions, just like us. When
they have to endure scientific and medical experiments, it’s
- Animal Testing Is Dangerous for Humans
Sometimes math and science don’t work. A few years ago, big pharma
pushed a new wonder drug, Vioxx, to treat arthritis patients. It was a
welcomed relief. Lab monkeys and five other animal species showed
improvements on paper.

2. It is unethical to put wild animals in 200s.

Animals experience pain, loneliness, fear, and emotions, just like us. When
they have to endure scientific and medical experiments, it’s incomprehensible.

3. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration is
often quoted by people who have thought of a good idea but know that they
must put in a lot of time and effort to create something or accomplish a

Example: I was able to turn my idea into a huge company because I knew
that genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
4. Anyone could become a prodigy with enough work.
Being a prodigy means you have natural talent at something you've never
tried, or more commonly, have developed an extraordinary skill over time.
Becoming a prodigy requires a great deal of hard work and dedication.
Work on building a skill set, working on building an autodidactic mindset,
and getting rid of bad habits that inhibit your mental strength. So, let me
think Anyone could become a prodigy with enough work when they trying
and work hard
5. If a young child shows unusual talent in one particular area, the
parents should push the child to develop that talent.
In pursuit of this outcome, parents tend to sign kids up for many activities,
particularly those activities they think are going to be important and
valuable and that they imagine their kids will love. The reality, however, is
that what resonates for a parent may or may not interest the child. In
addition, there are only so many hours in a day. Children who are
overscheduled tend to feel highly stressed and have no mental energy left
for exploration, curiosity and creative thinking, the very building blocks for
developing a true talent.
6. Help from friends and family is very important in helping people
overcome challenges in their life.
Being social and spending time with others:
- Helps you cope with stress. People who spend time with family and
friends find healthier ways to cope with stress. I think that people use their
family and friends as a stress buffer, talking about their problems instead of
seeking negative coping mechanisms like drinking alcohol, smoking or
doing drugs.
- May lengthen your life. An article noted that older adults with larger
social networks have a good episodic memory, better cognitive functions
and a lower allostatic load, which is the wear and tear on the body and brain
from being stressed. Having a good relationship with marital partners, adult
children, siblings, and friends contribute to these positive health effects.
- Improves psychological well-being. The emotional support provided by
social ties enhances your psychological well-being. One study found that
people who view their friends and families as supportive reported a greater
sense of meaning in life and felt like they had a stronger sense of purpose.
- Is good for your cardiovascular health. Stress can actually encourage
inflammation in the arteries, which is a precursor to atherosclerosis, or
clogged arteries. Having good friends and a strong social support network
can relieve stress.
7. Medical care is very important in helping people overcome physical
Medical care has several important functions other than restoring or maintaining
health. These other functions are assessment and certification of health status,
prognostication, segregation of the ill to limit communication of illness, and
helping to cope with the problems of illness--the caring function. Medical care
serving these "paracurative" functions may legitimately be given indepedently,
without associated curing or preventive intent of the provider of care. Although
such services do not result in benefits to health, such as extension of life or
reduction of disability, they do have other valued outcomes, outcomes not
measurable as a gain in personal health status. For example, caring activities
may result in satisfaction, comfort, or desirable affective states, even while the
patient's health status deteriorates during an incurable illness.
8. Teenagers naturally need much more sleep than older people do.
Teenagers need more sleep than older. Teenagers usually need between 8 and
10 hours of sleep nightly. Because, teenagers In addition to recharging your
physical batteries, sleep helps your brain function at its best, too. Scientists
believe that the brain remains active during certain periods of sleep, sorting
through and storing information from the day. It may also use sleep time to
replace needed chemicals. But In fact, science is squarely on the side of adults.
No matter how unfair it seems, children simply need more sleep than adults.
9. Schools should redesign their schedules to help teenagers sleep more.
Changing school start times can offer teenagers the opportunity to get the nine
or more hours of sleep that they need, and establishing healthy sleep behaviors
at home can help ensure that they do. Because sleep is an essential part of our
physical and mental well-being.
10. Sleep deprivation among teenagers is a more serious problem than it
was in the past.
Nowaday, teenagers can reading a fascinating book, playing your favorite
video game, or watching a funny television show, there are three words you
probably dread hearing in the evening.
Despite the fact that sleep is very important to our health, many of us
continually try to cheat our bodies out of the sleep we so desperately need.
We're surrounded by so many things that demand our attention, as well as all
sorts of opportunities for fun, that we often choose other activities over sleep.
Doing so on a regular basis, though, can lead to sleep deprivation, which can
have many different negative effects. In addition to feeling tired from physical
exhaustion, you can also feel psychologically tired when you don't get enough
sleep. This can lead to crankiness and an inability to focus and think clearly.
11. A positive attitude can help one person to overcome his/her physical.
-The first step to having a positive attitude towards disability is not to judge. In
order to advance our communities and society as a whole, we must all have a
more accepting outlook towards one another, especially when it comes to
- Disabilities have been known to make people feel outcast or isolated from
wider society – especially if the disability can be visually seen. This is why it’s
imperative to remain positive towards anybody we come into contact with,
especially those with a disability.
- Of course, disability is not only physical and visible. A disability can also
affect someone’s mental capacity. Displaying empathy, patience and positivity
towards disability of any form promotes inclusion and openness for the affected
12. We should pass stricter laws to protect endangered species. them do
their homework.
I strongly believe endangered species should be conserved by implementing
stricter laws and safety measures.God created all life forms with equal care and
love. As man loves freedom, so do all forms of animals. Man uses animals for
his pleasure, entertainment and convenience. This is man’s cruelty to animals.
The innocent animals in the forests have been dragged to the verge of
extinction.The price of human greed is being paid by poor, innocent animals.
Some animal species are getting depleted at an alarming rate. If the present state
of affairs is allowed to continue, the next generation will not get to see many
majestic animals even in the zoo. In order to save the rare species of animals
from extinction people, the Government, and the Animal Right Activists further
need to act concertedly to ensure safety and protection to animals. The need of
the hour demands more proactive strategies and their implementation to save
and protect animals
13. It is much easier for students to do well in school if their parents help
them do their homework.
- Limitations of Distractions
If you are at home, you are bound to be surrounded by a sea of distractions.
They can be games, televisions, laptops, and mobile phones. It is super easy to
check social media, text a friend or watch videos now and then. However, one
of the best ways to make sure the students finish their work as fast as possible is
not to allow them to do so as much as possible to have their complete focus on
their work.
- Guiding, Not Telling
As a parent, if you are busy with many things, it is easy to give them the
answers and have them write them down. However, we tend to forget that
homework is to give them more time and practise with the learning materials to
soak the knowledge in and understand.
For this reason, I would suggest being by their side and let them do their
homework by themselves for the most part. If they are stuck for too long, seem
to go in the wrong direction, or are asking for help, do not hesitate in helping
them. However, instead of just telling them the answer, you can try giving hints
and have them conclude by themselves. Another option would be to give them
the answer but explain it to them.
14. If parents give rewards to children for doing homework, the rewards
should vary with the assignment.
Parents should reward their little ones for their achievements and hard work. A
little pat on one’s back suggests that their effort has been recognized, and this
would develop a sense of achievement among children, encouraging them to
keep up the good work in the future. Parents see rewards as a way to get kids
going in the right direction on the path to establishing good habits. The reward
shouldn’t necessarily be money or material goods, but parents can reward
children by showing them affection, praising them, or giving them extra time
with a favorite activity.
15. Too much homework can lead to psychological problems among high
school students.
It may cause stress and negative health effects.
-Students in high-achieving communities who spend too much time on
homework experience more stress, physical health problems, a lack of balance
in their lives, and alienation from society.
-The researchers also found that spending too much time on homework meant
that students were not meeting their developmental needs or cultivating other
critical life skills. Students were more likely to forgo activities, stop seeing
friends or family, and not participate in hobbies.
Many students felt forced or obligated to choose homework over developing
other talents or skills.
16. Online gaming is more likely to cause problems with addiction than
other online activities.
Games can offer young people a sense of escape from the reality of the world
and the social aspect of some games can help children feel part of a community.
However, without the right guidance on what games to play or when to play,
children can be exposed to certain risks such as in-game bullying, online
grooming or in some extreme cases gaming addiction.
17. Playing video games leads to the increasing rate of teenage crimes.
Some brutal act on video games have been playing drastically with tender minds
and controlling their emotions by manipulating their weak spots. For instance,
Famous game "blue Whale' utilizing a person's personal information and exploit
them to hurt their own selves and attend suicides. In addition, games promoting
vulgarity content resulting in high rape cases.
18. Some people believe that when the elderly are not able to look afer
themselves, it is better for them to live with their children.
Adult children can help their parents. Definitely, aging people would confront
some difficulties in their daily lives sometimes .Older people need help in
various things, such as to lift heavy things, to do some hard calculations, to
control some new technical objects, and so on. Young people are good at these
kinds of things. For instance, my mother bought my grandmother a new smart
phone , but she doesn't know how to use it, i will show it to her.
19. Older people need their independence, just like younger people.
Throughout our adult lives, most of us are able to determine our own actions
and decisions, but as we reach our older years, the scope of our independence
can diminish as a result of changing mobility or health. However, with the right
care package in place, your loved one can enjoy as much independence as
possible whilst also receiving the support they need. Live-in care is a great
example of independence in health and social care.
20. Some people believe that when the elderly are not able to look afer
themselves, it is better for them to live in a nursing home.
Most of all elderly feel extremely lonely in their life, so living in nursing homes
with other elderly can help reducing their loneliness. Young people stay busy
with their work and study all the time, but old age people usually do not have
much to do because they are retired from work, as a result they feel alone at
21. Teenagers should be required or encouraged to volunteer when they are
not in school.
For teens especially, volunteer work can help them broaden their horizons, meet
new friends, experience different cultures or learn a new language, all while
contributing to society’s needs. Here are some of the many ways volunteering
can help young people develop into confident, proactive citizens. Volunteer
work is certainly a testament to a teenager’s character that he or she is willing to
work to bring about change. Volunteering is where young people can learn what
they are passionate about. It is where they find confidence and develop skills
that will serve them for many years ahead.
22. Charity begins at home.
Charity begins at home it is a true saying as someone that cannot love her/his
family then how can that person love someone else. First, we need to learn to
care and love our family wholeheartedly then we can shower love to the outside
Also, it is a person’s first and foremost responsibility to serve her/his family
first then others. In addition, fulfill duties towards your family than others.
23. Only rich people should do charitable work.
I completely do not agree with this perspective. Most people in this world can
participate in charitable activities in many ways, not rich people. For instance,
students who are usually doing charity work by giving old books, clothes, or a
small amount of money to the poor and the homeless out there. The students can
give the things they have and do anything they can to help other overcome
obstacles. It demonstrated that not just the rich should do charity activities but
everyone should be a giver to make this earth happy and meaningful.
24. Video games can cause violent behaviour.
Violence in online games is now more and more aggressive. In the past, it was
only simple to hit by hand, but now is provided with a variety of weapons with
higher damage and kills more players. The mentality of young people is that
when they see violent acts in the game often, they will feel and enjoy. When
virtual reality gets mixed up, gamers will obsess over those behaviors,
eventually deeming it a normal behavior in real society.

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