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High Pass Filter

1. %Butterworth High Pass Filter

2. clc;
3. close all;
4. clear all;
5. format long;
6. rp=input('enter the passband ripple:(default:0.2)');
7. rs=input('enter the stopband ripple:(default:40)');
8. wp=input('enter the passband frequency:(default:2000)');
9. ws=input('enter the stopband frequency:(default:3500)');
10. fs=input('enter the sampling frequency:(default:8000)');
11. w1=2*wp/fs;
12. w2=2*ws/fs;
13. [n,wn]=buttord(w1,w2,rp,rs,'s');
14. [z,p,k]= butter(n,wn);
15. [b,a]=butter(n,wn,'high','s');
16. w=0:0.01:pi;
17. [h,om]=freqs(b,a,w);
18. m=20*log10(abs(h));
19. an=angle(h);
20. subplot(2,1,1);
21. plot(om/pi,m);
22. ylabel('gain in db--------->');
23. xlabel('(a) normalized freq------>');
24. subplot(2,1,2);
25. plot(om/pi,an);
26. ylabel('phase in db--------->');
27. xlabel('(b) normalized freq------>');
Low Pass Filter

1. %Butterworth low Pass Filter

2. clc;
3. close all;
4. clear all;
5. format long;
6. rp=input('enter the passband ripple:(default:0.15)');
7. rs=input('enter the stopband ripple:(default:60)');
8. wp=input('enter the passband frequency:(default:1500)');
9. ws=input('enter the stopband frequency:(default:3000)');
10. fs=input('enter the sampling frequency:(default:7000)');
11. w1=2*wp/fs;
12. w2=2*ws/fs;
13. [n,wn]=buttord(w1,w2,rp,rs,'s');
14. [z,p,k]= butter(n,wn);
15. [b,a]=butter(n,wn,'s');
16. w=0:0.01:pi;
17. [h,om]=freqs(b,a,w);
18. m=20*log10(abs(h));
19. an=angle(h);
20. subplot(2,1,1);
21. plot(om/pi,m);
22. ylabel('gain in db--------->');
23. xlabel('(a) normalized freq------>');
24. subplot(2,1,2);
25. plot(om/pi,an);
26. ylabel('phase in db--------->');
27. xlabel('(b) normalized freq------>')
Band Pass Filter

1. clear all
2. alphap=2; %passband attenuation in dB
3. alphas=20; %stopband attenuation in dB
4. wp=[.2*pi,.4*pi]; % passband freq. in radians
5. ws=[.1*pi,.5*pi]; % stopband freq. in radians
6. %to find cutoff freq. and order of the filter
7. [n,wn]=buttord(wp/pi,ws/pi,alphap,alphas); %syatem function of the filter
10. [b,a]=butter(n,wn);
11. w=0:.01:pi;
12. [h,ph]=freqz(b,a,w);
13. m=20*log10(abs(h));
14. an=angle(h);
15. subplot(2,1,1);plot(ph/pi,m);grid;
16. ylabel('Gain in dB');
18. subplot(2,1,2);plot(ph/pi,an);grid
19. ylabel('phase in radians');
20. xlabel('noramlised frequency');
Band Stop Filter

1. clear all
2. alphap=2; %passband attenuation in dB
3. alphas=20; %stopband attenuation in dB
4. wp=[.2*pi,.4*pi]; % passband freq. in radians
5. ws=[.1*pi,.5*pi]; % stopband freq. in radians
6. %to find cutoff freq. and order of the filter
7. [n,wn]=buttord(wp/pi,ws/pi,alphap,alphas); %syatem function of the filter
8. [b,a]=butter(n,wn,'STOP');
9. w=0:.01:pi;
12. [h,ph]=freqz(b,a,w);
13. m=20*log(abs(h));
14. an=angle(h);
15. subplot(2,1,1);plot(ph/pi,m);grid;
16. ylabel('Gain in dB');
18. subplot(2,1,2);plot(ph/pi,an);grid
19. ylabel('phase in radians');
20. xlabel('noramlised frequency')

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