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Nearly 100 years ago, a man named George Polya designed a four-step method to solve all kinds
of problems: Understand the problem, make a plan, execute the plan, and look back and reflect.
Because the method is simple and generalizes well, it has become a classic method for solving
problems. In fact, the method is applicable to all areas of our lives where we encounter problems
—not just math. Although the method appears to be a straightforward method where you start at
Step 1, and then go through Steps 2, 3, and 4, the reality is that you will often need to go back
and forth through the four steps until you have solved and reflected on a problem.

Polya’s Problem-Solving Chart: An Example

A version of Polya’s problem-solving chart can be found below, complete with descriptions of
each step and an illustration of how the method can be used systematically to solve the following

There are 22 students in Mrs. Byer’s third grade class. Every student is required to either play the
recorder or sing in the choir, although students have the option of doing both. Eight of Mrs.
Byer’s students chose to play the recorder, and 20 students sing in the choir. How many of Mrs.
Byer’s students both play the recorder and sing in the choir?

Step Number Description of Step Example

1. Understand the problem. Figure out what is being There are 22 total students. There are
asked. What is known? What three groups of students: Students who
is not known? What type of only play recorder, students who only
answer is required? Is the sing in choir, and students who do
problem similar to other both. Initially, we do not know how
problems you’ve seen? Are many students are in any of these
there any important terms for groups, but we know the total of the
which you should look up three groups adds up to 22. We also
definitions? know that a total of 8 students play the
recorder, and a total of 20 students
sing in the choir. We must find the
number of students who do both.

2. Make a plan. Come up with some We could list out the 22 students and
strategies for solving the then assign to each either recorder,
problem. Common strategies choir, or both until we got the right
include making a list, totals. We could draw a Venn Diagram
drawing a picture, that separates out the three types of
eliminating possibilities, groups. We could try solving a similar
using a formula, guessing problem with a class of fewer students.
and checking, and solving a
simpler, related problem.
3. Execute the plan. Use the strategy chosen in Let’s try solving a similar problem
Step 2 to solve the problem. with a class of 6 students, 5 of whom
If you encounter difficulties play recorder and 3 of whom are in the
using the strategy, you may choir. In this case, we know that there
want to use resources such as is only one student who doesn’t play
the textbook to help. If the recorder, and so this student must sing
strategy itself appears not to in the choir. That means the other two
be working, return to Step 2 choir singers must play the recorder, so
and select a different there are 2 students who do both. Now,
strategy. let’s try that same method with the
original problem. Since only 8 of the
22 students play recorder, the other 14
must sing in the choir and not play
recorder. But there are 20 students in
the choir, so 6 of these choir students
also play the recorder. So the answer is

4. Look back and reflect. Part of Step 4 is to find a way

to check your answer,
preferably using a different
method than what you used
to solve the problem.
Another part of Step 4 is to
evaluate the method you used
to solve the problem. Was it
effective? Are there ways
you could have made it more
effective? Are there other Let’s check our answer with a Venn
types of problems with which Diagram, which was one of the other
you might be able to use this
type of solution method? strategies we considered in Step 2. We
first fill in each region based on the
results we found in Step 3. Now we
check to see if the numbers match the
original problem. Notice that 2 + 6 +
14 = 22 total students, 2 + 6 = 8
students playing the recorder, and 6 +
14 = 20 students in choir. So our
answer checks out!

Looking back on our answer, we now

see that our process of subtracting
from the total can be used in any
similar situation, as long as all students
must be in at least one of the two
groups. In the future, we wouldn’t
even have to use the simpler related
problem since we’ve found a more
general pattern!

Polya’s First Principle: Understand the problem

This seems so obvious that it is often not even mentioned, yet students are often stymied in their
efforts to solve problems simply because they don’t understand it fully, or even in part. Polya
taught teachers to ask students questions such as:

 Do you understand all the words used in stating the problem?

 What are you asked to find or show?
 Can you restate the problem in your own words?
 Can you think of a picture or diagram that might help you understand the problem?
 Is there enough information to enable you to find a solution?

Polya’s Second Principle: Make a plan

Polya mentions that there are many reasonable ways to solve problems. The skill at choosing an
appropriate strategy is best learned by solving many problems. You will find choosing a strategy
increasingly easy. A partial list of strategies is included:

Guess and check Look for a pattern

Make an orderly list Draw a picture
Eliminate possibilities Solve a simpler problem
Use symmetry Use a model
Consider special cases Work backwards
Use direct reasoning Use a formula
Solve an equation Be ingenious

Polya’s Third Principle: Carry out the plan

This step is usually easier than devising the plan. In general, all you need is
care and patience, given that you have the necessary skills. Persist with the plan that you have
chosen. If it continues not to work discard it and choose another. Don’t be misled, this is how
mathematics is done, even by professionals.

Polya’s Fourth Principle: Look back

Polya mentions that much can be gained by taking the time to reflect and look back at what you
have done, what worked, and what didn’t. Doing this will enable you to predict what strategy to
use to solve future problems

Home. (n.d.). YouTube. Retrieved November 3, 2022, from


Tool for the Field: Polya's Problem-Solving Method. (n.d.). OPEPP. Retrieved November 3,
2022, from


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