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Total marks- 100


A} MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION (Mca) (All questions are compulsory) (1 X 20=20)

1. Implantation occurs when embryo is in the form of

a) Morula b) Secondary oocyte
c) Zygote d) Blastocyst


Apara is formed due to the obstruction of..

a) Thda AH b) 3ATaE AH
C) THaE l H

3.7gTH fa¥Hl . . R I Ed.

a) a b) 57
c) f7 d) t

. wall of fundus is site of implantation.
a) Lateral b) Anterior
b) Medial d) Posterior

this shloka is related to...

... **"
h Hau 71RH HAH
a) t b) 3/Tda
c) d) HTH


6. HTd by which nyay?
through mother's aahar
Garbha poshan carried
a) harh 7 b) kCT 4 7

b) chYT7 T d) RUJHA T

HifTaTo AT
7. 7Rh1 gT. rutukaal is...
According to Acharaya charak,
a) 12 b) 16
c) 18 d) 8

8. 379H 3IFAR
b) t
a) 3HT7H1
c) 3 7 d)
of ulna does not have .
9. The coronoid process
a) Anterior
b) posterior
d) Lateral
b) Medial

b) 7
a) 5
c)6 d) 8

11. Gastric ulceration usually found in ... .Curvature of stomach.
a) Greater curvature b) lesser curvature
c) Both d) None

12. 1hH UH qTI YEY GUA1?

Which of the following is mention as chikitsa purusha?
a) uhHTThd E b) UEUTrdlrHh Thy
c)hH d) all of the above

13.7 3TRR A1H...

a)ita b) 3ATCHT
c) 7 d) R

14. T, TE, 3 J
T4, 8, 3 ..... includes in Asthiprakara
a) TT5lr b)hThtI
c) ThUITEY d)a7ae

. Hiaciei 3T
15. Tai HH SRTaiT 3ier HAT how many numbers of Asthi in human
According to Acharya Sushruta,
a) 330 b) 300
c) 360 d) 209

16. 4 qu
Complete the shloka

b) 3TT2HT
a)afsr d) HiTH
c) T

17. Anatomical position of larynX. '**

b) c2-c5
a) cl-c4
d) c3-c7
c) c3-c5
found in ***'**
. .
. .
region of
18. Appendix b) Right hypochondrium
a) Right iliac d) Left iliac fossa
c) umblical region
... Surface
on humerus
lies on *****'

19. Deltoid b) Anterolateral
a) Anteromedial
d) Posterior
c) Anterior

and ashaya
number of koshthang
Acharya Sushruta,
According to
.. espectively
b) 15, 8
a) 8, 7
c) 13, 10
d) all of these
QUESTIONS (SAQ) (Al questions are
Compulsory) (5 x 8-40)
write down nine
regions of abdomen and its
2. HHUI aufa importance.
Explain Saptapath.

Explain Ashaya and Koshtha.

write down definition of sharir and

5. , cUI, h I GRYNT FYY I .

Explain snayu, kandara, kala.

6. 3HT7T fA4Ai FUg TI.

Explain placenta formation.

7- Explain fertilization and cleavage
Describe Dauhridavastha.

C} LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS (LAQ) (All questions are Compulsory) (10 X 4-40)

Write down organs of Digestive system sequentially and explain stomach

in detail.

2 479teHTT TY UrE7 HakR aU

Describe in detail Mritadeha shodhan according to Modern aspect and
according to Acharya sushruta.


Explain Masanumasik Garbhovruddhi in detail.

Define Asthi and its types and explain Humerus in detailed through

following points:
determination b) Upper End
a) Location, Side
c) Lower End d) Applied Anatomy

- END:

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