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The stage of engineering process that Marisol engage in is Identify and Define
Problems because we identify and Define that the problem of Marisol is how she put
things in locker and have a bigger space. She said in her mind that she need to
find a way to organize her locker. So the main problem is how she develop her
organizing skills and make the things clean and better.

2. If I were Marisol my next steps is I need to think a better solution in the

problem. So first I need to think myself first what is the correct mindset that I
will do. I will discipline my self and organize all the things that I do. I will
list my to do things first and put the books in proper place and set aside my
things that i did not use in school. I will develop my self and learn new things to

1. My recommended next step might be to determine the quantity of wooden planks

needed and to look for excellent quality clothes that can endure a long time and
carry weight. 2. Marisol is now engaged in the
Define and Specify Problems stage of the engineering process since we have
recognized that her issue is with how she organizes her locker and needs more room.
She thought to herself, "I need to find a method to arrange my locker," in her
head. Therefore, the primary issue is how she improves her organizational abilities
and makes things cleaner and better. 3. Because
her parents do not have enough money to purchase the items that her friend has in
her locker that arrange it, Marisol's criteria must be less expensive, more
spacious, and more organized than what is in her friend's locker.
4. Marisol has limited resources that she can use to arrange her locker, including
a crate that her parents used, some leftover wood from her engineering teacher's
shop, and an old rock that they used in their basement seven years ago.
5. If my locker is a medium size, I will organize it to store my belongings
both personal and educational so that I can fit some of them inside. And in order
to carry out that strategy, I need an additional budget and other resources.

1. My recommended steps was actually close to what Marisol did, the difference is
that, Marisol only focused on the quality she wanted for her locker and not the
quantity of the needed materials to meet her desired outcome.
2. Marisol engaged with the Specify criteria and Constraints, because she enlisted
some criteria for her locker to meet and build while constraining the budget to
what she can afford.
3. I agree with their idea, since cloth doesn't weight a lot, it could help Marisol
to lessen the weight in her locker, it also help to reduce the stress for the
locker door since cloth weight less than any other items that can be used.
4. I would try the cloth organizer first to see if it would fit, so that I can
remeasure and fix the cloth organizer if it is not fitted for the locker door and I
will test it if it can hold the weight I speculate it can.

3. My advice is seek other knowledge in other person in order to improve more.

Think positive always and I know what you think is what you create. If you have a
problem think a better solution because many people focus on the problem not the
solution. I will motivate Marisol to strive more and think always a solution in a

4. I have no comments and question in this case study because Marisol do what to do
and we done analyze and solve the problem of Marisol.

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