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Imag Describe how Jesus Explain what this picture tells Imagine how this
e is shown in this us Jesus is like image might affect a
image Christian’s faith


A Wearing a white gown, Jesus is in heaven.  Jesus is We can turn to Jesus in

bright lights from without sin.  Jesus is powerful.  times of need.  We can
heaven, Jesus is seen Jesus is the Son of God. look to Jesus to guide
as powerful with his us.  Jesus is a perfect
arms outstretched. example to follow.

B There is baby Jesus  The birth of Jesus tell us He is  The birth of Jesus tells
who surrounded by here to save us. God sent his that he is also human
Mary, Joseph and the only begotten son. and divine and He was
kings. conceive by Mary
without sin.

C  Jesus was crucified at The crucifixion of Jesus tell us  Without the crucifixion
the cross. that he is the salvation of our of Jesus we Christian
sin. will not be saved.

D  Jesus walking on  Jesus prove that He himself is  Jesus tells us that we

water. powerful that he can do should believe and
everything. focus on him only. That
we should believe in
him no matter what

E  Jesus is shown It explain that Jesus posture in  It tells us that we

kneeling in prayer is in prayer is an indication of his Christian should
the garden. submission to the Father's will. followed Jesus on how
The kneeling of Jesus is a sign he faces challenges.
of submission to God the father. Through prayer we can
depend on it.
F  Jesus Christ, the gate  Jesus is the one who can lead  The gate of heaven is
of heaven. us to heaven. Through him, the the salvation from hell.
gates of heaven will be open if Jesus is only gate
we believe and trust him. through which we can
find salvation.

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