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April 16, 2023

John 20:19-31
In the gospel from John 20:19-31 today, we can see ourselves as Thomas who is an
ordinary person, with all his own fears and doubts. Even if he is a believer of Christ himself, still, he
doubted the resurrection of Jesus. We all carry something of the DNA of Thomas. Here is the great
miracle where he have seen transformation yet he doubts. He encountered Jesus yet he refuses to believe
this great miracle. Unless he himself witness and see Jesus and touch Him, Thomas won’t believe.This is
the message from the gospel from John 20:19-31. Faith has something to do with us. If we believe in Him
we don’t need to see the real scenario first because we give ourselves in faith to Him. Faith is to believe
in what we do not see. In John 20:19-31, Thomas touched the wounds of Jesus and it was there when he
believed. Yet, as for us we don’t need to see His wound to believe. It is enough that every day is a miracle
and a blessing. It is enough that we are able to wake up every day. I, myself, don’t need to witness the
wound of Jesus in order to believe in Him. We have to entrust everything to Jesus; our will, our wisdom
and our lives. Since the day I was born until today that I am still breathing, I know that He is working in
my life. It is enough that He doesn’t let go of me even if I’m a sinner. He is working in our lives and we
may not see it. And I think this is what faith is all about. When we feel lost and alone, we may not have a
clear sense that Jesus is with us.  Typically, we do not see Jesus appear to us.  However, at that point in
our life, surely, there is any sense of Jesus’ presence with us.  We experience gift of strength from our
faith in Jesus. Perhaps our faith and our belief enabled us to keep on going.  Jesus is always with us,
gifting us and gracing us; however, we may not tangibly experience Jesus with us.  Surely, Jesus walks
with us daily. Just like air, we can’t see it but we can feel it.
Again and again, in the midst of our doubts and fears, and in the midst of our sin and failings, our
crucified and risen Lord and Savior comes to us and says: “Peace be with you.” Again and again, he
comes to us and says, “Do not doubt, but believe.” Again and again, Jesus forgives us, breathes new life
into us, and offers us the gift of new life in Christ, and the promise of the Holy Spirit.

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