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The gospel story of Jesus' resurrection teaches us about the power of faith and the

importance of overcoming doubt. It reminds us that we are all human, and it's
natural to have moments of doubt and uncertainty, even when we believe in
something deeply.

The disciples knew that Jesus had risen, yet they still locked themselves in a room
out of fear. In the same way, we can find ourselves shutting ourselves off from the
world when we're afraid, even if we know deep down that we shouldn't. But Jesus
appeared to them in their fear, offering them the peace and reassurance they

Thomas, one of the disciples, struggled with doubt and demanded physical proof
before he could believe. It's easy to relate to Thomas - we all have moments of
doubt, where we feel like we need concrete evidence before we can fully embrace
something. But Jesus showed Thomas his wounds, and it was only then that he

However, we don't always need to see physical evidence to have faith. Miracles
and blessings can be found in everyday life, reminding us that there is a higher
power at work. Sometimes, it's in those moments of uncertainty and doubt that our
faith can grow stronger.

Ultimately, the story of Jesus' resurrection teaches us that faith can overcome fear,
doubt, and even death. It reminds us to keep our hearts open, to seek the truth, and
to believe in something greater than ourselves.

Aira Mae C. Ariola

Grade 11 – Mary, Mother Most Pure (HUMSS)
De Guia Academy

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