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Dahunan, Ken Alvin H BSBA 311

Topic: Amending the Rizal law.

Issue: Do not teach section 1 in all courses but change or choose only to relevant courses?

This is my explanation about my issue we all know that Section 1 is the law that authorizes the
publishing and distribution of Jose Rizal's novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo and
calls for their inclusion in the curricula of all public and private schools, colleges, and
universities. Some of us are asking why we are still studying Rizal life and working here in
college but were knowledgeable enough about Rizal because of our elementary and high school
days. We gained knowledge because of the guidance of our teachers in elementary and high
school regarding Rizal. We already know him as our National Hero, and we as students cannot
forget that. And as Sir Redmond said "He doesn't need to teach us in our subject because we
already have knowledge about Rizal” because he wants to teach us in our subject for the reality
of life there are lessons to be learned. And the relevant courses I'm talking about are history, law,
and literature. While our course is BSBA we need to focus on our skills and abilities for this

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