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Deployment Process:


Dev server -- 2 --- these servers will be maintained by Dev team

QA Servers - 4 ---- Our team will handle remaing environments
UAT Server - 3/4
Prod Servers -6/8
BCP/DR Servers -3/4

If we host one website/application all the environment, we will call it as

dedicated servers

If we host multiple websites on all the environment, we will call it as a shared


Environments: Dev-->Dev team will handle, QA--> Dev team have to raise Change
request to us to deploy latest changes. Lead time should be 5 days
UAT --> Lead time should be 5 days or 1 week
Production -->Lead time 10 to 12 days based on the Downtime/outage
BCP/DR--> this will be updated along with Production.

Each change tickeet will have scheduled window

Start time:05/12/2021 - 9AM

end time : 05/12/2021 - 9PM or 6 PM

Change tikcet/Change order/CHage request:

For Each enviorment they have to create seperate ticket and they have to follow the
lead time.

Once Dev team create and submit the ticket, we will get notification and we can
open and review the change

Tciket should have proper instructions and it has to be approved by application

owner or Dev team manager and our team manager/lead

Key Points:
1.Before performing any Change make sure, change should be approved by your team
manager/lead or authorized person from your team.
2. you have to work on scheduled window or time frame (ex: 9AM to 12 PM on 11th
3. Make sure to take the backup before performing any changes.
4. game plan should be attached to the change request(Set of instructions to
5. Take the backup and place it to D drive other drives with the name of Changes
request or todays date.
6.FOllw the deployment instructions.
6. If deployment fails and still you have a window or time for the change request,
if the issue is related code level you can engage with developer and get it fixed
with in the window.
7. if the issue with configuration you have to work with dev team and get it fixed
8. if the isue is still persist and window or time is about to complete, you have
to rollback the change(restore the backup files)
9. If the deployment is sucessfully completed, you can inform to dev team to
validate/some time you may include QA team verify the changes.
8. Once QA team signed- off from QA environment, Again Dev team to need to create
an other ticket for UAT environment and then Production similarly.

Deployment is nothing but, It could be installation, uninstallation,

upgradation,remove, modify, configurational changes, New setup, etc.

How you will you deploy the changes, have you used any tools/scriptss for the
We have TFS or UDeploy tool to deploy the changes
We have some powershell scripts to do the deployments and wedo manually for few
deployments and for few applications we use Udeploy/TFS etc

Game plan/instructions to follow

1. login into xyz server
2. take the backup from below location
3. open xyz file and add below key's
4. copy the content from shared location \\sharedlocation\application\newfiles to
5. recycle the application pool --
6. do the IIS reset

7. delete some files

8. unintall softwares
9. create new website -- websitename and physical path, bindings sometime oter

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