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Agreements and MoUs
Last One Year Current Affairs MCQs ने किस दे श िे साथ शहतूत बाांध िे कनर्ााण िे किए एि सर्झौते पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं ?
(a) भूटान
(b) अफगाकनस्तान
(c) बाां ग्लादे श
(d) नेपाि

Q1. India has signed an agreement with which country to build the Shahtoot dam?
(a) Bhutan
(b) Afghanistan
(c) Bangladesh
(d) Nepal
• India has recently announced an agreement with Afghanistan, to complete the Shahtoot dam which
will provide safe drinking water to the residents of Kabul.
• The dam is proposed to be built on the Maidan River, a tributary of the Kabul River which flows into
Pakistan from Afghanistan.
• India will also launch the fourth phase of the high impact community development projects in
Afghanistan, which envisages more than 100 projects worth $80 million (Rs 600 crore) that India
would undertake in Afghanistan.
• India's External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar is leading the Indian delegation at the 2020 Afghanistan
Conference being organised virtually by the UN and Afghan and Finnish governments to reaffirm the
International community’s commitment to Afghanistan during 2015-24.

Q2. भारत ने किस दे श िे साथ भू-स्थाकनि सहयोग िे किए बुकनयादी किकनर्य और सहयोग सर्झौते (BECA) पर
हस्ताक्षर किए हैं?
(a) जापान
(b) चीन
(c) किटे न
(d) अर्ेररिा

Q2. India has signed the Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (BECA) for Geo-Spatial Cooperation
with which country?
(a) Japan
(b) China
(c) UK
(d) USA

• United States Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and Secretary of Defence Mark Esper are in India to
hold the third round of US-India 2+2 ministerial dialogue with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and
their Indian counterparts.

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• The two sides have signed the Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement for Geo-Spatial
Cooperation (BECA) that would enhance the geospatial cooperation between them and it is likely to
help in improving the accuracy of missile systems of India.

Q3.सरिार ने किस सर्झौते िे तहत िांप्रेस्ड बायोगैस प्ाांट स्थाकपत िरने िे किए तेि और गैस किपणन िांपकनयोां िे
साथ एि MoU पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं ?
(a) सहज
(b) उज्जिि भारत
(d) ज्योकत

Q3. The Government has signed a MoU with oil and gas marketing companies to establish Compressed Biogas
Plants under which agreement?
(a) Sahaj
(b) Ujwal Bharat
(d) Jyoti

• The Government of India signed a Memorandum of Understanding with leading oil and gas marketing
companies to establish Compressed Biogas Plants all over India.
• These plants are to generate biogas from crop wastes.
• The agreements were signed under the SATAT (Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable
Transportation) initiative.
• Under the agreement, around 900 Compressed Biogas (CBG) plants will be established in the
country. सरिार ने किश्व बैंि िे साथ किस राज्य िे एिीिृत पररिहन पररयोजना िे िायाान्वयन िे किए एि सर्झौते
पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं?
(a) र्ेघािय
(b) नागािैंड
(c) असर्
(d) अरुणाचि प्रदे श

Q4. The Government of India and has signed an agreement with the World Bank for the implementation of
the Integrated Transport Project of which state?
(a) Meghalaya
(b) Nagaland
(c) Assam
(d) Arunachal Pradesh

• A loan agreement of $120 million has been signed between the Government of India, the Government
of Meghalaya and the World Bank for the implementation of Meghalaya Integrated Transport Project
(MITP). It will help in modernizing the transport sector of Meghalaya.
• The MITP project will improve the road infrastructure, build bridges with new technology and support
innovative solutions in the transport sector.

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• It will help to develop climate-resilient and safe roads, which will play a crucial role in the economic
development of Meghalaya.
• This loan agreement from the World Bank has a maturity period of 14 years.ीय पुरातत्व सिेक्षण िे साथ किस IIT ने स्मारिोां िी बहािी िे किए इताििी सांस्थानोां िे साथ सर्झौता ज्ञापन
पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं
(a) IIT कदल्ली
(b) IIT र्द्रास
(c) IIT िानपुर
(d) IIT बॉम्बे

Q5. Which IIT along with the Archaeological Survey of India has signed MoU with Italian institutes for
restoration of monuments?
(a) IIT Delhi
(b) IIT Madras
(c) IIT Kanpur
(d) IIT Bombay

• The Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IIT-K) and the Archaeological Survey of India have
signed an agreement with two institutions from Italy, seeking restoration and protection of historical
• The activities under this MoU will be coordinated by Prof Mukesh Sharma, department of Civil
Engineering, IIT-Kanpur.
• The MoU was signed among IIT-K, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Archaeological Survey of India,
Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti E Paesaggio, Venice on creating a network and sharing skills
for restoration and protection of historical monuments.
• All institutes shall seek to promote collaboration and activities in areas such as collaboration in
scientific studies and skill sharing, the exchange of knowledge, experience, academic materials and
publications, conducting workshops, undertaking joint field studies and technology development.ीय साांिेकति भाषा अनुसांधान और प्रकशक्षण िेंद्र ने हाि ही र्ें किस सांस्थान िे साथ बकधर बच्ोां िे किए कशक्षा
सार्ग्री सुिभ बनाने िे किए एि सर्झौता ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं ?
(a) CBSE
(b) UGC

Q6. Indian Sign Language Research and Training Center has recently signed a MoU with which organization
to make education materials accessible for Deaf children?
(a) CBSE
(b) UGC

• Union Education Minister Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ and Union Minister for Social Justice and
Empowerment, Dr. Thaawar Chand Gehlot attended the 60th Foundation Day of NCERT virtually.

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• On this occasion, a historic Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Indian Sign
Language Research and Training Center-ISLRTC and NCERT (a National Institute of Ministry of
Education) to make education materials accessible for Deaf children in their preferred format of
communication viz Indian Sign Language.
• The MoU ensures educational standardization of Indian Sign Language as mandated in the New
Education Policy (NEP), 2020.
• This MoUwill empower the hearing impaired children in our country.
• Prof. Hrushikesh Senapaty, Director, NCERT

Q7.किस बैंि ने PM SVANidhi योजना िे तहत स्ट्र ीट िेंडरोां िो सब्सिडी िे भुगतान िे किए आिास और शहरी र्ार्िोां
िे र्ांत्रािय और SIDBI िे साथ एि सर्झौता ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं ?
(a) HDFC बैंि
(b) इां कडयन बैंि
(c) इां कडयन ओिरसीज बैंि
(d) आां ध्रा बैंि

Q7.Which Bank has signed a MoU with ministry of housing and urban affairs and SIDBI for payment of
subsidy to street vendors under PM SVANidhi scheme?
(a) HDFC Bank
(b) Indian Bank
(c) Indian Overseas Bank
(d) Andhra Bank

• Chennai-based public sector lender Indian Bank has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU)
with ministry of housing and urban affairs (MoHUA) and Small Industries Development Bank of India
(Sidbi) for payment of subsidy and cash incentives to street vendors under PM SVANidhi scheme.
• Padmaja Chunduru, MD CEO, Indian Bank, said street vendors represent a very important constituent
in the urban economy and they offer varied services to the general public.

Q8.किस राज्य ने सांयुक्त राष्ट्र िे किश्व खाद्य िायाक्रर् िे साथ टे ि होर् राशन (take-home ration) िे किए एि सर्झौता
ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं?
(a) ओकडशा
(b) पांजाब
(c) कबहार
(d) उत्तर प्रदे श

Q8 Which state has signed a MoU with the UN World Food Programme for take-home ration?
(a) Odisha
(b) Punjab
(c) Bihar
(d) Uttar Pradesh

• Uttar Pradesh’s state rural livelihood mission (SRLM) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) with the UN World Food Programme for take-home ration.
• Take-Home ration will now be manufactured and supplied through women self-help groups (SHGs)
in Uttar Pradesh.

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• Around 200 women SHG enterprises are expected to gain business with Rs 1,200 crore annual turnover
through this collaboration.
• This will almost double the loans received by the SHGs in 20 years.
• The plan is to initiate local production of take-home-ration at the block level with back-up of the
extensive SHG network of the rural livelihood mission covering 18 districts, 204 blocks and 42,228
anganwadi centres. ने किस दे श िे साथ बौब्सिि सांपदा सहयोग िे क्षेत्र र्ें एि सर्झौता ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं ?
(a) डे नर्ािा
(b) ऑस्ट्र े किया
(c) कसांगापुर
(d) इज़राइि

Q9.India has signed a MoU in the field of Intellectual Property cooperation with which country?
(a) Denmark
(b) Australia
(c) Singapore
(d) Israel

• Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in
the field of Intellectual Property cooperation with Denmark's Danish Patent and Trademark Office.
• The MoU aims at increasing IP co-operation between the two countries by way of exchange of best
practices, experiences and knowledge on IP awareness among public authorities, businesses and
research and educational institutions of both countries.
• Dr Guruprasad Mohapatra, Secretary, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade
(DPIIT), and Freddy Svane, Ambassador of Denmark conducted a formal signing ceremony for the

Q10. भारत ने किस दे श िे साथ सशस्त्र बिोां िे बीच पारस्पररि आपूकता िे किए एि सर्झौते पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं ?
(a) फ्ाां स
(b) रूस
(c) चीन
(d) जापान

Q10.India has signed a pact with which country for the reciprocal supplies between armed forces?
(a) France
(b) Russia
(c) China
(d) Japan

• India and Japan have signed an agreement concerning Reciprocal Provision of Supplies and Services
between the Armed Forces of India and the Self-Defense Forces of Japan.
• The agreement was signed on September 9, 2020 between Union Defence Secretary Dr. Ajay Kumar
and Ambassador of Japan Suzuki Satoshi.
• This agreement forms the enabling framework for closer cooperation between the Armed Forces of
India and Japan in reciprocal provision of supplies and services while engaged in bilateral training
activities, United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, Humanitarian International Relief and other
mutually agreed activities.

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Q11.किस राज्य सरिार ने रे ििे प्रणािी र्ें सुधार िे किए AIIB िे साथ 500 कर्कियन अर्रीिी डािर िे ऋण सर्झौते
पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं?
(a) र्हाराष्ट्र
(b) पकिर् बांगाि
(c) र्ध्य प्रदे श
(d) ओकडशा

Q11. Which state government has signed a loan agreement of 500 million USD with AIIB to improve the
railway system?
(a) Maharashtra
(b) West Bengal
(c) Madhya Pradesh
(d) Odisha

• Government of Maharashtra and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank have signed a loan agreement
of 500 million USD to improve service quality, safety and network capacity of suburban railway
system in Mumbai
• The project is to increase network capacity in the region.
• This in turn will also help to reduce fatal accidents of commuters.
• Among the primary beneficiaries of the project, 22% will be female passengers.
• The total cost of the project has been estimated as 997 million USD. Of this, 500 million USD is to be
financed by AIIB, 310 million USD by the Maharashtra State Government and 187 million USD by
the Ministry of Railways. ने किस दे श िे साथ अांतररक्ष सहयोग िे किए एि सर्झौते पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं ?
(a) नाइजीररया
(b) गाब्सम्बया
(c) घाना
(d) र्ािी

Q12. India has signed an agreement on space cooperation with which country?
(a) Nigeria
(b) Gambia
(c) Ghana
(d) Mali
• India and Nigeria have signed an agreement on space cooperation.
• The External Affairs Ministry said the MoU between India and Nigeria on 'cooperation in the
exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes' was concluded at the Federal Ministry of
Science and Technology, Abuja.
• The signing ceremony was witnessed by Muraleedharan through a video link.
• ISRO Scientific Secretary R Umamaheswaran was also present through video link from ISRO
Headquarters in Bengaluru.
• The MoU envisages India-Nigeria collaboration in space science, planetary exploration, ground
stations, development of micro and mini satellites and joint Space R&D.
• On the occasion, both sides also agreed to sign a subsidiary MOU between New Space India Limited
(NSIL), under ISRO, and Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP), under
the Federal Ministry of Environment of Nigeria, on cooperation in use of Geospatial Technologies.

Q13.खादी और ग्रार्ोद्योग आयोग (KVIC) ने भारत िे किस िेंद्रीय सशस्त्र पुकिस बि िे साथ एि सर्झौता ज्ञापन पर
हस्ताक्षर किए हैं?.

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(a) CISF
(b) CRPF
(c) ITBP
(d) BSF

Q13. The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) has signed a MoU with which Central Armed
Police Forces of India ?
(a) CISF
(b) CRPF
(c) ITBP
(d) BSF

• The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) has taken another big step towards making
India “Aatma Nirbhar” by joining hands with ITBP to supply mustard oil.
• KVIC and ITBP have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that the ITBP will soon place
an order for supply of 1200 quintals of high quality kacchi ghani mustard oil which will be supplied
by KVIC through its PMEGP units in a month’s time. ने किस दे श िे साथ पारां पररि कचकित्सा पिकत और होम्योपैथी िे क्षेत्र र्ें सर्झौता ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर किए
(a) बोत्सिाना
(b) र्ोजाब्सम्बि
(c) कजम्बाब्वे
(d) ज़ाब्सम्बया

Q14. India has signed a MoU with which country in the field of Traditional System of Medicine and
(a) Botswana
(b) Mozambique
(c) Zimbabwe
(d) Zambia

• The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has given ex-post facto approval to
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between India and Zimbabwe on Cooperation in the
field of Traditional Systems of Medicine and Homeopathy.
• This will provide a framework for the cooperation between the two countries for the promotion of
traditional systems of medicine and homeopathy and will mutually benefit the two countries in the
field of Traditional Medicine.
• The objective of the MoU is to promote traditional systems of medicine and homeopathy between two
nations on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. ने किस दे श िे साथ साइबर सुरक्षा िा किस्तार िरने िे किए एि सर्झौते पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं ?
(a) इज़राइि
(b) बाांग्लादे श
(c) कर्स्र
(d) जॉडा न

Q15. India has signed an agreement to expand cyber security?

(a) Israel

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(b) Bangladesh
(c) Egypt
(d) Jordan

• India and Israel have signed an agreement to further expand collaboration in dealing with cyber threats
amid rapid digitisation due to the coronavirus pandemic that exposed the vulnerabilities of the virtual
• The agreement was signed between the Director-General of Israel's National Cyber Directorate
(INCD), Yigal Unna, and India's Ambassador to Israel, Sanjeev Singla.
• Israel can contribute from its experience and can benefit from the vast experience gained in India in
dealing with cyber attacks.

Q16.किस बैंि ने नर्ाकर् गांगे िायाक्रर् िे किए सर्थान बढाने िे किए भारत िे साथ $ 400 कर्कियन िे ऋण सर्झौते
पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं?
(a) एकशयाई कििास बैंि
(b) न्यू डे ििपर्ेंट बैंि
(c) एकशयन इां फ्ास्ट्र क्चर इां िेस्ट्र्ेंट बैंि
(d) किश्व बैंि

Q16. Which Bank has signed a loan agreement of $400 million with India to enhance support for the Namami
Gange programme?
(a) Asian Development Bank
(b) New Development Bank
(c) Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
(d) World Bank

• The World Bank has signed a loan agreement of $400 million with the Government of India to enhance
support for the Namami Gange programme.
• The loan agreement aims to make the Ganga a clean and healthy river. The loan amount of $400 million
comprises a loan of $381 million and a proposed Guarantee of up to $19 million.

Q17.किस राज्य सरिार ने र्कहिा स्वयां सहायता सर्ूहोां िो सशक्त बनाने िे किए AMUL िे साथ एि सर्झौता ज्ञापन
पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं?
(a) आां ध्र प्रदे श
(b) पकिर् बांगाि
(c) ओकडशा
(d) झारखांड

Q17. Which state government has signed a MoU with AMUL to empower women self-help groups?
(a) Andhra Pradesh
(b) West Bengal
(c) Odisha
(d) Jharkhand
• The Government of Andhra Pradesh has signed a MoU with AMUL to empower women self-help
groups and to encourage the cooperatives in government sectors.
• The MoU was signed by Poonam Malkondaiah, Special Chief Secretary Agriculture, Animal
Husbandry and Dairy Development and Rajan, Chennai Zonal Head of AMUL

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• Andhra Pradesh produces around 4crore litres of milk per day and stands 4th in the production of Milk
with only 24% under the organised sector.

Q18.नेशनि इां टेकिजेंस कग्रड (NATGRID) ने पुकिस स्ट्े शनोां िे िेंद्रीिृत डे टाबेस ति पहांचने िे किए किस सांगठन िे
साथ एि सर्झौता ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं?
(a) राष्ट्रीय जाांच एजेंसी
(b) भारतीय तटरक्षि बि
(c) िेंद्रीय अन्वेषण ब्यूरो
(d) राष्ट्रीय अपराध ररिॉडा ब्यूरो

Q18. The National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID) has signed a MoU with which organization to access the
centralized database of Police Stations?
(a) National Investigation Agency
(b) Indian Coast Guard
(c) Central Bureau of Investigation
(d) National Crime Records Bureau

• The National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with
the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) to access the centralised online Crime and Criminal
Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) database for getting details of First Information Reports
(FIRs) and stolen vehicles.
• The project aims to go live by December 31, 2020.
• NATGRID will act as a link between intelligence and investigation agencies to access a database
related to immigration entry and exit, banking and telephone details of a suspect on a secured platform.
• NCRB- Director– Ramphal Pawarीय तटरक्षि बि ने सर्ुद्री सांबांधोां िो बढािा दे ने िे किए किस दे श िे साथ एि सर्झौता ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर
किए हैं ?
(a) इां डोनेकशया
(b) कफिीपीांस
(c) म्याांर्ार
(d) र्िेकशया

Q19. Indian Coast Guard has signed a MoU with which country to boost maritime relations?
(a) Indonesia
(b) Philippines
(c) Myanmar
(d) Malaysia

• In a significant step towards bolstering the comprehensive strategic partnership between India and
Indonesia, a MoU has been signed between the Indian Coast Guard and Indonesia Coast Guard.
• This will enhance collaborative and cooperative engagements in the domains of maritime law
enforcement, maritime search and rescue and marine pollution response.
• This is likely to entail exchange of information towards combating transnational maritime crimes,
facilitation of coordinated search and rescue operations at sea and conduct of capacity and capability
building activities.

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Q20.पकिर् बांगाि सरिार ने कसांचाई सेिाओां और बाढ प्रबांधन र्ें सुधार िे किए किस बैंि िे साथ एि ऋण सर्झौते पर
हस्ताक्षर किए हैं?
(a) किश्व बैंि
(b) एकशयाई कििास बैंि
(c) न्यू डे ििपर्ेंट बैंि
(d) एकशयन इन्फ्फ्ास्ट्र क्चर इन्वेस्ट्र्ेंट बैंि

Q20. The West Bengal government has signed a loan agreement with which bank to improve irrigation
services and flood management ?
(a) World Bank
(b) Asian Development Bank
(c) New Development Bank
(d) Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

• The Government of India, West Bengal Government and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,
AIIB, have signed a loan agreement for a 145 million dollar project to improve irrigation services and
flood management in the Damodar Valley Command Area in West Bengal.
• The West Bengal Major Irrigation and Flood Management Project will benefit about 27 lakh farmers
from five districts of the state with better irrigation services and improved protection against annual
• This project will assist in improving irrigation and agriculture in the Damodar Valley Command Area,
by optimizing the use of surface and groundwater.
• It will also strengthen flood management, which will help boost agricultural productivity and increase
incomes in rural areas. The total value of the project is over 413 million dollars.

Q21. भारत ने किस दे श िे साथ आर्द बांदरगाह (पोटा ऑफ िॉि) िे सांचािन िे किए एि सर्झौते पर हस्ताक्षर किए
(a) बाां ग्लादे श
(b) श्रीिांिा
(c) म्याांर्ार
(d) चीन

Q21. India has signed an agreement with which country to operate the port of call?
(a) Bangladesh
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) Myanmar
(d) China

• India and Bangladesh have signed an agreement to operationalise five new ports of call and two new
protocol routes.
• High Commissioner of India to Bangladesh Riva Ganguly Das and the Secretary, Ministry of Shipping
government of Bangladesh Mohammad Mezbah Uddin Chowdhury signed the addendum to the
Protocol in Dhaka
• The number of Indo-Bangladesh Protocol (IBP) routes are being increased from 8 to 10.
• This includes the Sonamura- Daudkandi stretch of Gumti river and the operationalisation of the
Rajshahi-Dhulian-Rajshahi routes with the extension up to Aricha.
• The Sonamura-Daudkandi route will improve the connectivity of Tripura and adjoining states.

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Frontier IAS Coaching HCS Mains Test Series ने किस दे श से िोकिांग िोयिा आयात िरने िे किए एि सर्झौता ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर िरने िी योजना
बनाई है ?
(a) रूस
(b) अल्जीररया
(c) ितर
(d) सऊदी अरब

Q22. India has planned to sign an MoU with which country to import Coking coal?
(a) Russia
(b) Algeria
(c) Qatar
(d) Saudi Arabia

• Indian Petroleum Minister Shri Dharmendra Pradhan and Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak
held a meeting through video conference.
• The ministers emphasized cooperation in the coking sector.
• They also held talks about signing an Memorandum of Understanding on Coking coal.
• India will require 180 million tonnes of coking coal by 2030-31. The coking coal is to be mainly used
to cater to the steel industry.
• This comes because the National Steel Policy aims to increase the steel production by 300 million
tonnes by 2030.
• The coking coal reserves in India is around 27.9 billion tonnes.

Q23. किस राज्य ने जि प्रबांधन प्रथाओां र्ें सुधार िे किए भारत सरिार और किश्व बैंि िे साथ एि ऋण सर्झौते पर
हस्ताक्षर किए हैं?
(a) आां ध्र प्रदे श
(b) ओकडशा
(c) कहर्ाचि प्रदे श
(d) पकिर् बांगाि

Q23. Which state has signed a loan agreement with the Government of India and World Bank to improve
water management practices?
(a) Andhra Pradesh
(b) Odisha
(c) Himachal Pradesh
(d) West Bengal

• The Government of India, Government of Himachal Pradesh and the World Bank signed a loan
agreement of US$80 million (about Rs 600 crore) to improve water management practices & also
to increase agricultural productivity in selected Gram Panchayats in Himachal Pradesh.
• The Integrated Project for Source Sustainability and Climate Resilient Rain-Fed Agriculture to be
implemented in 428 Gram Panchayats in 10 districts which will benefit over 400,000 smallholder
• The loan agreement was signed by Sameer Kumar Khare, Additional Secretary, Department of
Economic Affairs, on behalf of the Government of India; Ram Subhag Singh, Additional Chief
Secretary (Forest), on behalf of the Government of Himachal Pradesh; and Junaid Ahmad, Country
Director, India, on behalf of the World Bank.

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Q24.िेंद्रीय र्ांकत्रर्ांडि ने रे ििे क्षेत्र र्ें तिनीिी सहयोग िे किए किस दे श िे साथ सर्झौता ज्ञापन (MoU) िो र्ांजूरी दी
(a) रूस
(b) जर्ानी
(c) र्ािदीि
(d) बेब्सल्जयर्

Q24.The Union Cabinet has approved the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed with which country
for technological cooperation in the Railway Sector?
(a) Russia
(b) Germany
(c) Maldives
(d) Belgium

• The Union Cabinet has approved the Memorandum of Agreement (MoU) signed between India and
Germany for technological cooperation in the Railway Sector.
• The India and Germany agreement was signed In February 2020 between the Ministry of Railways
and Germany’s DB Engineering and Consulting GMBH.
• It will enable cooperation in freight operations (includes cross-border transport, automotive transport,
logistics), passenger operations (includes high-speed cross-border traffic), infrastructure building &
management (includes dedicated freight corridors, development of passenger stations).
• It will also help in the development of modern, competitive railway organisation (includes organization
structures, railway reforms), information technology (IT) solutions for railway operations, marketing,
sales, administrative purposes, predictive maintenance, private train operations & other areas agreed
by 2 sides. सरिार िी किस योजना ने स्वयां सहायता सर्ूहोां द्वारा बनाए गए उत्पादोां िे किए अर्ेज़न िे साथ सर्झौता
ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर किये है?
(a) ब्सिि इां कडया कर्शन
(b) दीनदयाि अांत्योदय योजना-राष्ट्रीय शहरी आजीकििा कर्शन
(c) पीएर् िौशि कििास योजना
(d) प्रधानर्ांत्री श्रर् योगी र्ान -धन योजना

Q25. Which Indian flagship program has recently signed an MoU with Amazon to e-market products made
by self help groups?
(a) Skill India Mission
(b) Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission
(c) PM Kaushal Vikas Yojna
(d) Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan Yojna

• Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) has signed MoU
with Amazon to e-market products made by self help groups in India.
• The MoU has been signed as a part of Women’s Day celebration. Every year March 8 is celebrated as
International Women’s Day. The women entrepreneurs in E-Commerce platform has been growing
substantially. The MoU will help to empower these women entrepreneurs.

Q26.िौन से अधासैकनि बि ने कदव्ाांग सैकनिोां िे िौशि कििास िे किए गैर सरिारी सांगठन िे साथ एि सर्झौता
ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं?

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(a) BSF
(b) ITBP
(c) CRPF
(d) CISF

Q26. Which paramilitary force has signed an MoU with an NGO for Skill development for divyang troops?
(a) BSF
(b) ITBP
(c) CRPF
(d) CISF

• The CRPF has inked a deal with a disability support NGO in order to train its troops, who lost their
limbs in operations, in various skills including cyber operations, artificial intelligence and para-sports.
• A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was formalised between the force and the Aditya Mehta
• A total of 189 CRPF personnel lost their limbs or underwent amputation in the last ten years while
they were in the line of duty or operations.
• The MoU is aimed to create new opportunities for such personnel who remain an integral part of the
force. ने िच्े तेि िे आयात िे किए किस दे श िे साथ पहिी बार अनुबांध पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं ?
(a) रूस
(b) नॉिे
(c) किटे न
(d) यू.एस.ए.

Q27. India has signed the first ever term contract with which country to import crude oil?
(a) Russia
(b) Norway
(c) UK
(d) USA

• The Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Shri Dharmendra Pradhan and the Chairman of Rosneft
(Russia’s largest oil producing company) signed the first ever term contract.
• According to the contract India will import 2 million metric tonnes of Urals grade crude oil.
• The agreement was signed between IOCL and Rosneft. The companies discussed energy cooperation
and hydrocarbon enhancement.
• Rosneft is the largest oil producing company in Russia. The company is extended over 20 countries in
the world. The company is to bid in the disinvestment of BPCL (Bharat Petroleum Corporation
Limited). On November 20, 2019, the Union cabinet approved to privatize BPCL selling 52.98% of
its stakes to the private sector.
• After the crude oil agreement, India and Russia are also looking for ways to sign agreements to bring
LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) supplies from Russia.

Q28.नेपाि ने फरिरी 2020 र्ें जि किद् युत पररयोजना, अरुण- III िा कित्तीय सर्झौता किस दे श िे साथ पूरा किया था?
(a) चीन
(b) बाांग्लादे श
(c) भारत

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(d) श्रीिांिा

Q28. Nepal completed the financial agreement of its largest hydropower project, Arun-III with which country
in Feb 2020?
(a) China
(b) Bangladesh
(c) India
(d) Sri Lanka

• India and Nepal inked financial closure of Arun-III, the largest hydropower project in the Himalayan
• The 900 MW hydropower project will be built by the financial assistance from India.
• The project is under construction at Sankhuwasabha District of Nepal.
• The Project Development Agreement for construction of the dam was signed between SAPDC and the
Investment Board of Nepal in November 2014.
• The estimated cost of the project stands at USD 1.04 million. It is being developed on a build-own-
operate and transfer (BOOT) basis by Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam (SJVN) Arun-III Power Development
Company (SAPDC), a joint venture of the Government of India and the Government of Himachal
Pradesh. और नेपाि ने किस र्ांकदर िे बुकनयादी ढाां चे र्ें सुधार िे किए एि सर्झौता ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं ?
(a) चाांगु नारायण र्ांकदर
(b) गोिणा र्हादे ि र्ांकदर
(c) पशुपकतनाथ र्ांकदर
(d) श्री र्ुब्सक्तनाथ र्ांकदर

Q29. India and Nepal have recently signed an MoU to improve infrastructure of which temple?
(a) Changu Narayan Temple
(b) Gokarna Mahadev Temple
(c) Pashupatinath Temple
(d) Shri Muktinath Temple

• India and Nepal signed a MoU to improve infrastructure of the Pashupatinath temple complex.
• The MoU was signed between the Federal Affairs ministry of Nepal and Indian Embassy.
• Under the agreement, India has pledged to extend financial assistance of Rs 2.33 crores. The project
is to be implemented by Kathmandu Metropolitan city. India is to assist in constructing a sanitation
facility at the temple complex.
• India’s assistance comes amidst a raging border row between the two countries.
• The Pashupatinath temple is the largest temple complex in Nepal. It is located on the Bagmati river of
Nepal. The temple is one of the UNESCO World Heritage site. िी सहायता िे किए 750m USD िे 'COVID-19 सकक्रय प्रकतकक्रया िायाक्रर्' पर किस बैंि ने हस्ताक्षर
किए ?
(a)एकशयन इन्फ्फ्ास्ट्र क्चर इन्वेस्ट्र्ेंट बैंि (AIIB)
(b) एकशयाई कििास बैंि
(c) किश्व बैंि
(d) न्यू डे ििपर्ेंट बैंि

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Q30. Which bank has signed a 750m US dollar 'COVID-19 Active Response Programme” to assist India?
(a) Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
(b) Asian Development Bank
(c) World Bank
(d) New Development Bank

• The Central Government and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) have signed a 750
million US dollar 'COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support Programme” to assist India
to strengthen its response to the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on poor and vulnerable
• The Ministry of Finance in a statement said that this is the first ever budgetary support programme
from the AIIB to India. The agreement was signed by Additional Secretary in the Finance Ministry
Sameer Kumar Khare and Director General (Acting), Rajat Misra on behalf of the AIIB.
• The Programme will provide the Government with budget support to mitigate the severe adverse social
and economic impact of COVID-19.

Q31.NCERT ने रचनात्मि ई-िकनिंग सार्ग्री िे किए किस सांगठन िे साथ एि सर्झौता ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं?
(a) UGC
(b) Rotary India
(c) CSIR
(d) ISRO

Q31.NCERT has signed an MoU with which organization for constructive e-learning content?
(a) UGC
(b) Rotary India
(c) CSIR
(d) ISRO

• To make e-learning more constructive, NCERT and Rotary India digitally signed MoU for e-learning
content telecast for class 1-12 over all NCERT TV channels in the presence of Union HRD Minister
Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ and Secretary of Department of Education & Literacy Smt. Anita
Karwal also attended this digital event.
• He hoped that amidst COVID-19 the collaboration of Rotary India Humanity Foundation and NCERT
with the guidance and support of MHRD will ensure that e-learning reaches children across the country
with NCERT approved content.

Q32. किस कित्तीय सांस्था ने भारत र्ें भूजि स्तर र्ें सुधार िे किए 450 कर्कियन अर्रीिी डािर िे ऋण सर्झौते पर
हस्ताक्षर किए हैं?
(a) किश्व बैंि
(b) एकशयाई कििास बैंि
(c) एकशयन इन्फ्फ्ास्ट्र क्चर इन्वेस्ट्र्ेंट बैंि
(d) अांतरााष्ट्रीय र्ुद्रा िोष

Q32. Which financial institution has recently signed a USD 450 million loan agreement to improve the
groundwater level in India?
(a) World Bank
(b) Asian Development Bank
(c) Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

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(d) International Monetary Fund

• The Central Government and the World Bank recently signed a USD 450 million loan agreement to
improve the groundwater level in India, which is the main aim of the Atal Bhujal Yojana.
• With the help of this agreement, the Government will implement the Atal Bhujal Yojana in various
states including Gujarat, Haryana, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar
• The main aim of this agreement is to stop the decreasing level of ground water in India and strengthen
the institutions related to ground water.

Q33.सर्ुद्री प्ाब्सस्ट्ि प्रदू षण िो िर् िरने िी कदशा र्ें किस दे श ने भारत िे साथ सांयुक्त रूप से िार् िरने पर
सहर्कत व्क्त िी है?
(a) कफनिैंड
(b) नीदरिैंड
(c) नॉिे
(d) आयरिैंड

Q33. Which country has agreed to work jointly with India towards mitigating marine plastic litter?
(a) Finland
(b) Netherlands
(c) Norway
(d) Ireland

• India marks the beginning of super year of Biodiversity with the hosting of the 13th Conference
of Parties (COP) of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
(CMS), an environmental treaty under the aegis of United Nations Environment Programme,
from 17th to 22nd February 2020 at Gandhinagar in Gujarat.
• On the sidelines of CMS COP-13, India and Norway declared the 2020-30 decade as the
“Decade of rapid action on Climate Change and Environment”.
• The countries will work together towards strengthening mutual cooperation on climate and
environment including ocean affairs.
• The countries decided to work towards mitigating marine plastic pollution. ने किस दे श िे साथ परर्ाणु प्रकतष्ठानोां और सुकिधाओां िी सूची िा आदान-प्रदान किया?

(a) बाां ग्लादे श
(b) नेपाि
(c) पाकिस्तान
(d) ईरान

Q34. India has exchanged the nuclear installations with which country under an agreement?
(a) Bangladesh
(b) Nepal
(c) Pakistan
(d) Iran

• India and Pakistan exchanged their nuclear installations under an agreement that prevents them from
attacking each other’s atomic facilities.

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• India and Pakistan exchanged the list of nuclear installations under the Agreement on Prohibition of
attack against nuclear installations.
• The exchange was done based on diplomatic channels simultaneously in Islamabad and New Delhi.
• The first of the exchange took place on January 1, 1992.
• The agreement on Prohibition of Attack against Nuclear Installations was signed between Pakistan
President Benazir Bhutto and Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi. It was signed on December 31, 1988.

Q35. किस दे श ने भारत िे साथ आशुगांज-अखौरा सड़ि िो 4-िेन राजर्ागा र्ें अपग्रेड िरने िे किए एि सर्झौते पर
हस्ताक्षर किए हैं?
(a) नेपाि
(b) बाांग्लादे श
(c) भूटान
(d) पाकिस्तान

Q35. Which country signed an agreement to upgrade Ashuganj-Akhaura road into a 4-lane highway with
(a) Nepal
(b) Bangladesh
(c) Bhutan
(d) Pakistan

• India and Bangladesh signed an agreement to upgrade the 50.58-kilometre long road between
Ashuganj river port and the Akhaura land port in Bangladesh into a 4-lane highway.
• The deal to upgrade the 39 km long road between Ashuganj river port to Dharhara area was signed
between the Roads and Highways Department of Bangladesh and an Indian Company Afcons
Infrastructure Limited.
• The project is part of the dollar 2 billion second line of credit extended by India to Bangladesh in 2016.
• The project will boost connectivity between Bangladesh and North-eastern part of India which will
facilitate sub-regional connectivity among South and South-east Asian countries. सरिार ने किस राज्य िे बोडो क्षेत्रोां र्ें स्थायी शाांकत िाने िे किए एि ऐकतहाकसि बोडो सर्झौते पर हस्ताक्षर
किए हैं ?
(a) नागािैंड
(b) र्कणपुर
(c) अरुणाचि प्रदे श
(d) असर्

Q36. The Government of India has signed a historic Bodo agreement to bring permanent peace in Bodo areas
of which state?
(a) Nagaland
(b) Manipur
(c) Arunachal Pradesh
(d) Assam

• The Government of India has signed a tripartite agreement with members of all factions of the National
Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB) and All Bodo Students' Union (ABSU), in the presence of
Home Minister Amit Shah at the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) headquarters in Delhi.
• Those who were previously associated with armed resistance groups will now be entering the
mainstream and contributing to our nation’s progress.

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• The agreement provides political and economic benefits to the tribal areas without seeking a separate
Bodoland state or union territory.
• Bodoland Territorial Area Districts will now be renamed to Bodoland Territorial Region
• Financial package of Rs 1500 crores in 3 years announced by HM Amit Shah.ीय नौसेना ने जनिरी 2020 र्ें (GSI )भारतीय भूिैज्ञाकनि सिेक्षण िे साथ एि सर्झौता ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर
किए| GSI िा र्ुख्यािय िहााँ ब्सस्थत है?
(a) नागपुर
(b) िखनऊ
(c) जयपुर
(d) िोििाता

Q37. In Jan 2020; Indian Navy signed a MoU with the Geological Survey of India. Where are the HQs of GSI
(a) Nagpur
(b) Lucknow
(c) Jaipur
(d) Kolkata

• Indian Navy has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Geological Survey of India
(GSI) for ‘Sharing of seabed sediments data, products and expertise for Naval Application in
Meteorology and Oceanography’.
• The MoU was signed between Commodore AA Abhyankar, who heads Indian Navy’s Oceanology
and Meteorology Directorate and Shri N Maran, Deputy Director General of GSI.
• GSI’s Marine and Coastal survey Division based at Mangaluru has mapped most of India’s 2.1 Million
km exclusive Economic Zone and has a vast repository of offshore data.
• This data collected using GSI’s state-of-the-art oceanic research vessels Samudra Manthan, Samudra
Kaustubh, Samudra Shaudhikama and Samudra Ratnakar, will now be used by Indian Navy’s rapidly
growing blue water fleet for reliable and accurate oceanographic modeling to support their expansive
maritime operations in the Indian Ocean regional of GSI.

Q38.राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य प्राकधिरण ने आयुष्मान भारत योजना पर जागरूिता बढाने िे किए किसिे साथ एि MoU पर
हस्ताक्षर किए हैं?
(a) ITC-e-कर्त्रा
(b) ITC-e-किसान
(c) ITC-e-ग्रार् सभा
(d) ITC-e-चौपाि

Q38. The National Health Authority has signed an MoU with which initiative to raise awareness on the
Ayushman Bharat- PMJAY?
(a) ITC e-Mitra
(b) ITC e-Kisan
(c) ITC e-Gram Sabha
(d) ITC e-Choupal

• In a bid to raise awareness among farmers on Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana
(AB-PMJAY), the National Health Authority has signed an MoU with ITC e-Choupal to enable
farmers across the country to avail benefits under Ayushman Bharat- PMJAY.

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• Through this collaboration, NHA and ITC e-Choupal will spread awareness about AB PM-JAY
scheme and conduct outreach and training activities.
• This partnership between National Health Authority and ITC e-Choupal, will empower millions of
citizens in rural India and Indian farmers with digital interventions.
• The collaboration focuses on providing secondary and tertiary treatment for a range of serious illnesses
such as cancer, heart ailments, etc to farmers and their families in rural areas.

Q39. असर् अांतदे शीय जि पररिहन पररयोजना िे किए भारत ने किस बैंि िे साथ USD 88m ऋण सर्झौते पर हस्ताक्षर
किए हैं ?
(a) ADB
(b) AIIB
(c) World Bank
(d) NDB

Q39. India has signed USD 88m loan agreement for Assam Inland Water Transport Project with which bank?
(a) ADB
(b) AIIB
(c) World Bank
(d) NDB

• The central government and Assam state government have signed a USD 88 million loan agreement
with the World Bank to implement the Assam Inland Water Transport Project.
• The project aims to modernise the infrastructure and services of Assam's passenger ferry sector, which
operates on its rivers including the Brahmaputra.
• Assam has more than 361 ferry routes and a majority of them cross the Brahmaputra or serve its
islands. The service is a crucial means of transport for thousands of commuters in both the urban and
rural areas of the state.

Q40.किस िांपनी ने भारत र्ें 1 िाख से अकधि अयोग्य र्कहिाओां िो िौशि प्रदान िरने िे किए राष्ट्रीय िौशि
कििास कनगर् (NSDC) िे साथ साझेदारी िी है?
(a) Google
(b) Microsoft
(c) Facebook
(d) IBM

Q40. Which company has collaborated with the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) to skill
more than 1 lakh underserved women in India?
(a) Google
(b) Microsoft
(c) Facebook
(d) IBM

Microsoft has announced a collaboration with the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) to skill
more than 1 lakh underserved women in India over the next 10 months.
• This initiative is an extension of Microsoft’s partnership with NSDC to provide digital skills to over 1
lakh youth in the country.
• The partnership is focused on enhancing women’s workforce participation by equipping underserved
young women from rural communities with the skills required to thrive in a digital economy.
• These live training sessions will be delivered online through the Microsoft Community Training
(MCT) platform.

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Frontier IAS Coaching HCS Mains Test Series

• Under this partnership, eSkill India – NSDC’s digital skilling initiative – will support in building the
outreach of this engagement through its skilling ecosystem, which includes sector skill councils,
training partners, and training centres. Microsoft and NSDC will award a joint e-certificate to
participants post-course completion. ने किस दे श िे साथ चाबहार बांदरगाह से ज़ाहेदान ति रे ि िाइन बनाने िा सर्झौता किया है ?
(a) ईरान
(b) चीन
(c) अर्ेररिा
(d) इराि

Q41. India has signed an agreement with which country to construct a rail line from Chabahar port to Zahedan?
(a) Iran
(b) China
(c) USA
(d) Iraq

India and Iran have signed an agreement to construct a rail line from Chabahar port to Zahedan, along the border
with Afghanistan.
• The Iranian government has decided to proceed with the construction on its own, citing delays from the Indian
side in funding and starting the project.
• Iranian Transport and Urban Development Minister Mohammad Eslami inaugurated the track-laying process
for the 628 km Chabahar-Zahedan line, which will be extended to Zaranj across the border in Afghanistan.
• The entire project would be completed by March 2022
• Iranian Railways will proceed without India’s assistance, using approximately $400 million from the Iranian
National Development Fund.
• The development comes as China finalises a massive 25-year, $400 billion strategic partnership deal with
Iran, which could cloud India’s plans.

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