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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division of Pasig City


S. Y. 2022-2023

No. ITEM f % REMARKS Learning Competencies based on DBoW

2. Compare the characteristics of materials which do not

1 2 86 45.26 LM
absorb water and materials which absorb water.
6. Identify and describe ways in changing the size, shape,
2 7 32 16.84 LM
texture, and other observable properties of solid materials.
3 10 65 34.21 LM 9. Differentiate changes in materials when bent or pressed.
4 11 49 25.79 LM 10. Describe what happens to solid materials when hammered.
13. Demonstrate how materials may undergo change by
5 15 56 29.47 LM
bending, pressing, hammering, and cutting.
6 19 78 41.05 LM 16. Infer changes in the properties of solid materials.
7 23 71 37.37 LM 20. Identify the effect of mixing two solid materials.
8 25 75 39.47 LM 22. Identify the effect of mixing solid and liquid materials
26. Determine whether the change in the material is harmful
9 29 75 39.47 LM
or useful in the environment.
33. Cite ways on how food and medicine are affected by
10 38 60 31.58 LM
changes in temperature.

1. Review the least mastered skills.
2. Provide some video clips during break time/recess related to the least mastered skills.
3. Remedial teaching of the lesson for at risk learners.
4. Revised test questionnaire.
Summary of the Item Analysis
ITEM f % REMARKS Learning Competencies based on DBoW

1 158 83.16 M 1. Describe and classify materials based on the ability to absorb water.
2. Compare the characteristics of materials which do not absorb water and
2 86 45.26 LM materials which absorb water.
3 119 62.63 NM 3. Identify and classify materials that float and sink.
4 96 50.53 NM 4. Classify materials that float and sink.
5. Identify and classify materials that undergo decay (include the
5 91 47.89 LM discussion on proper segregation of waste).
5. Identify and classify materials that undergo decay (include the
6 100 52.63 NM discussion on proper segregation of waste).
6. Identify and describe ways in changing the size, shape, texture, and
7 32 16.84 LM other observable properties of solid materials.
8 117 61.58 NM 7. Describe what happens to solid materials when Bent.
9 125 65.79 NM 8. Describe what happens to solid materials when pressed.
10 65 34.21 LM 9. Differentiate changes in materials when bent or pressed.
11 49 25.79 LM 10. Describe what happens to solid materials when hammered.
12 139 73.16 NM 11. Describe what happens to solid materials when cut.
13 109 57.37 NM 12. Differentiate changes in materials when hammered or cut.
14 84 44.21 LM 12. Differentiate changes in materials when hammered or cut.
13. Demonstrate how materials may undergo change by bending, pressing,
15 56 29.47 LM hammering, and cutting.
14. Group materials based on their ability to be bent, pressed, hammered,
16 143 75.26 M and cut.
17 109 57.37 NM 15. Make an artwork using bent, pressed, and cut materials
18 103 54.21 NM 16. Infer changes in the properties of solid materials.
19 78 41.05 LM 16. Infer changes in the properties of solid materials.
20 97 51.05 NM 17. Describe what happens to materials when heated.
21 129 67.89 NM 18. Describe what happens to materials when cooled.
19. Describe what happens to the solid materials when mixed with other
22 83 43.68 LM solid materials.
23 71 37.37 LM 20. Identify the effect of mixing two solid materials.
24 116 61.05 NM 21. Describe what happens to solid when mixed with liquid materials.
25 75 39.47 LM 22. Identify the effect of mixing solid and liquid materials
26 92 48.42 LM 23. Describe what happens when two liquid materials are mixed.
24. Describe the changes in the different materials when exposed to
27 187 98.42 M different temperature.
25. Identify changes in materials that are useful or harmful to one’s
28 79 41.58 LM environment.
26. Determine whether the change in the material is harmful or useful in
29 75 39.47 LM the environment.
27. Describe the harmful effects of the changes in the materials to the
30 84 44.21 LM environment
31 95 50.00 NM 28. Describe beneficial effects of the changes in the materials.
29. Suggest ways of preventing/minimizing the harmful effects of the
32 90 47.37 LM changes in the materials to the environment
29. Suggest ways of preventing/minimizing the harmful effects of the
33 79 41.58 LM changes in the materials to the environment
30. Discuss the beneficial effects on the changes of materials in the
34 102 53.68 NM environment
35 108 56.84 NM 31. Suggest ways to improve the useful effects of the changes in materials.
36 104 54.74 NM 32. Prepare a list of medicines/foods found at home or in the community
showing the required storage temperature.
32. Prepare a list of medicines/foods found at home or in the community
37 108 56.84 NM showing the required storage temperature.
33. Cite ways on how food and medicine are affected by changes in
38 60 31.58 LM temperature.
33. Cite ways on how food and medicine are affected by changes in
39 61 32.11 LM temperature.
34. Evaluate when the materials become useful or harmful to one’s
40 118 62.11 NM environment.

75%-100% MASTERED

Prepared by:


Grade 4 Science Teacher GLORIA B. MORA


Principal IV

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