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Strategic Aspects & Policy Perspective for Development

of Cooperatives in Assam (GoA)

Prepared by
Prof. Arup Barman
Dept. of Business Administration,
Assam University, Silchar (Assam)
Dr Biswajit Chakraborty
Deputy Registrar of Cooperatives,
Nagaon District (Assam)

(dtd 2nd Nov 2022)

For Holistic Plan

1. Vision Development: Govt. has to develop realistic- pragmatic visions for the development of
cooperatives with the help of visionary development professionals.
Suggestion: (By 2047, the economy of the state of Assam will embed a cooperative-based
economy and will become one of the top performing states through collaboration and solidarity
economy through sustainable ventures revolution)

2. Mission: Holistic mission for the cooperative need to be developed in support of multi-
stakeholders guided by the practices of the world and in support of professionals.
Suggestion: State has to initiate Cooperative Development as the Mission of the State ( Like the
Health Mission of Govt.)

3. Strategy and Tactical Implementation for Cooperatives' development need through the
professional and performance-based approach. All these need engagement planning for all
stakeholders to execute tactical planning for the management of visible and realistic development.
Think-Tank Development for mission vision, execution and tactical development and execution is a
must for the long-term sustainable development of Co-ops.
Point to Point/Issue to Issue:

1. Promoting Cooperatives-
- Policy change, Campaign and Awareness, Incentives to Villages, Empowering Panchayats,
MLAs, and MPs.
- Training, Engaging Education Sector,
- Funding, State level, Mission Based Incentives Design
_ Introduction of Merger and Acquisition Policy and Implementation Training to parties

2. Promotion of Cooperation among Cooperatives

- Common Resource Centre Development
- Common Knowledge Centre Development
- Assigning and Designing Mentor Cooperatives
- Development of State Level Cooperative Federations (under State Missions)
3. Establishing 6 Lacs ---
- Multi-Sake holder Campaign, Awareness
- Incentives, Finance
- Engaging Higher education for Awareness and Delegating them to engage in motivating
villagers, project identification and mentoring
- Govt. Land Utilisation for Cooperatives, departmental support designing.

4. For Multipurpose Copeeerative Development

- Engaging Higher Education with Practice
-Engaging Government Nominated Advisors for Academician Engagement in the mission
- Incorporation of Institutions
- Promoting “Ideas to Action”
- Designing Development funds for villages ad making a point that “ No Cooperative in Village, No
Other Funds.” Initiate and run cooperatives in your house, and get incentive and government
-Government identification of Lands, Project Invitations
- Market Development by Local Experts and Real Life Exemplars.
-Motivation and Incentives

5. Membership Drive
- Youth Engagement
- Business Engagement
-Banking Sector Engagement
- Efficient Cooperative Bank Mgt.
- Common Information Centre
- Cooperative Facilitation Campign by gov.
-Connecting Powers Centres, Benchmarked coop development as Political and Representational
- No engagement in cooperatives no fund to local MLA policy,
- Tickets policy based on the contribution towards cooperatives
- Membership Facilitation, Incentive Plan

6. Developing cooperatives for Sustainable Growth

- Strategic Engagement of Higher Education Institutions
- Sustainable Venture Identifications Campaign for Engagement
- Finance, support and strategic development in the sectoral aspects of the economy that cares
about sustainability,
- State Level and District and Local Level Sustainable development Planning and Execution Planning
- Connecting cooperatives to sustainable development, incentives, tactical planning design

7. Mitigation of Regional Imbalance

- Research and Identification
- Cooperative Venture Growth as the criteria of development of a region,
- Equity of growth of support ecology for “Cooperative Development”
8. Exploring New Sectors-
- Research and Campaign
- Advocacy
- Training
- Promoting through Finance, advisory for Circular Economics and Enterprises to Solidarity
Enterprises like Coop Ventures

(The establishment of a Central Govt, State Govt. or Jointly Funded “Regional Training,
Consultancy, and Research Institute for Cooperative Development” is a must. It will work
as an agency for doing many groundworks for the realistic achievement of the mission and
vision, detail planning and executions in regard)

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