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Philosophy of Education (EDU601)

Assignment I (Fall 2021)

Name: Ali Akbar
Roll No: Bc210411602

Q1. Differentiate between Plato and Emanuel Kant Philosophies in detail with the help of
practical examples.


Plato is known as the father of idealism and one of the forefathers of philosophy, the love of

Plato was a Greek philosopher known for his ideas about a perfect state, and he believed that
education was one of the keys to eliminating evil and achieving it. Plato received the education
of a young man in Athens, where the education of young people was observed. Publicly rather
than privately.

Plato's teaching method recommended that early learning should be as close to the game as
possible. Upon reaching higher levels of education, the student's reasoning should be encouraged
in the process of thinking and abstracting.

Plato's educational philosophy was based on the idea of an ideal republic in which Plato
expressed his specific views on the nature of knowledge, reality and spirit. Plato outlines the
basic education of a Greek boy, who also learned to read and write. And study the poets.

Plato believed that learning is a form of memory, a memory of the thoughts that occur naturally
in the soul of every human being.

For all children, Plato's state education must be taken from the parents and given by the state.
Education for all: Plato wants all boys and girls to be educated to the best of their ability in all
areas of knowledge and understanding. Do, including metaphysics, theology and pivot

Plato maintains the concept of welfare based on ethics. This means that happiness or well-being
(iodimonia) is the ultimate goal of moral thinking and behavior, and virtues are the required
skills and temperament that are necessary to acquire.

Plato's theory of natural law states that human beings have an inner sense of right and wrong that
governs our reasoning and behavior. Concepts of natural law are ancient, dating back to the time
when Plato saw education as the means of achieving both individual justice and social justice.
According to Plato, individual justice can only be achieved when each individual has fully
developed his or her potential.
Plato believes that all people can easily live in harmony when society provides them with equal
educational opportunities to compete with one another fairly from an early age. Without equal
educational opportunities, an unjust society emerges because the political system is run by
incompetent people, resulting in oligarchy, poor democracy.

For Plato, ethics is knowledge. Therefore, knowledge must be just. From this Plato concludes
that ethics can be acquired through three stages of knowledge development: knowledge of one's
work, self-knowledge, and knowledge of the idea of goodness. According to Plato, social justice
can only be achieved when all sections of society, workers, warriors and rulers are in harmony.

* Plato's practical example for the modern education system.

In Japan and other South Asian countries like ours, modern education has played a significant
role in the economic development of their societies. College entrance exams, especially in
Pakistan, have created serious social inequalities and problems: unequal educational
opportunities, lack of character education, financial burden on parents, etc. In order to achieve
justice, modern society needs the teaching of Platonic ideology, because Plato's philosophy of
education will provide a comprehensive vision for solving the problems of social education
(social injustice, unequal opportunities, lack of character).

Emmanuel Kant

Emmanuel Kant is known as the father of modern moral philosophy and his ideas and ideas are
thought provoking and complex. Emmanuel Kant was a German philosopher whose
comprehensive and systematic work in science (the theory of knowledge), ethics and aesthetics
greatly influenced all later philosophies, especially the various schools of thought of
Continuumism and Idealism.

Kant's method of teaching divides education into moral and physical education. For this, physical
education is just a general way of comparing human food and care to animals. Physical and
moral education teaches us how to live as a free being.

Emanuel Kant's educational philosophy was that education is different from training which
involves preconceived notions. In addition to education, the central importance for them was the
development of character and teaching. Kant advocated public education and tax learning.

Emmanuel Kant believed that there are three different forms of knowledge which are analytical,
logical and artificial (one priority).

Kant said that the person who is brought up is blessed with freedom. The parent-child
relationship cannot be a natural one dominated by mere reason, such as between a typical
producer and his product, and it Allows for a relationship between the two. According to Kant,
the basis of morality is the concept of freedom and the moral value of an action depends on the
maxim on which it is performed. Similarly, according to Kant, the moral laws are: a. Is necessary
and applies to all rational beings. Kant claims that the moral law is given to everyone voluntarily.

According to Kant, the laws of nature are the laws according to which everything will happen
and the laws of freedom are the laws according to which everything must happen.
EmmanuelKant says that study is a collection of experiences that everyone acquires in an
educational environment, on which ethical experiences are based. Kant discusses the four stages
of the education process: development, discipline, learning, and moral education.

Kant believes that the most important part of education is the moral part, and its purpose is to
develop man's inner discipline and to teach man freedom where the source of moral law is
practical wisdom. When wisdom appears in every human being through education and morality,
then society can also appear.

 A practical example of Emmanuel Kant for the modern education system.

In other South Asian countries, such as Japan and Pakistan, modern education has played a
significant role in the moral development of their societies. In Kant's ethical philosophy, moral
work and necessity are essential elements in our country, so man is responsible for the need and
dependence on work freedom and character building. Kant respects moral education, so it is the
first step in educating our country's children. They must learn every thought about the freedom
of society.

In order to achieve ethics and morality, modern society needs Kant Theory of Education. Kant's
education will provide a comprehensive vision for addressing ethical and moral issues (bad
behavior, misunderstandings, and narrow-mindedness) in community education.

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