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Being critical and creative in thinking is an essential skill to deal with problems that come
in various form of shapes. The first component, creative thinking helps us to generate creative
idea and brainstorm any possible solution that is not existed before to solve a problem, this
way of thinking requires divergent thinking by beginning with some questions and from that
generate your own solution (Eragamreddy, N., 2013). On the other hand, critical thinking
applies facts and logical reasons in analyzing and identifying the problem to decide the best
possible solution in order to achieve the best outcome (Lau, J. Y., 2011). However, these
thinking skills require constant and correct training to stay sharp by putting yourself in a
situation in which a new perspective and idea is needed, and to work with like-minded friends
to achieve such a goal.

Thereafter, the main purpose of our project is to enhance and inspire the public’s
ability to think critically and creatively by brainstorming critically and creatively on how to
cure the environment and lower our environmental impacts in different ways. The main
theme of our project is green living and green technology to remedy the environment.
Environmental issues remain a serious problem in this generation due to the lack of
innovative new ideas and solutions. So, we are hoping that the public’s creativity along with
the awareness on the environmental issue can be triggered and alerted via the implementation
of this green themed project. Our project consists of two webinars focusing on the discussion
and sharing about increasing public awareness on the environmental problems and issues.

The first event of our project is a webinar focusing on the exposure and introduction
of zero-waste living concept to public, and university students. The founder of MINIMIZE
Zero Waste Store and My Kombuchary, Ms Jayne Lee is invited to share her business
creating process and challenge faced in her career journey. After that, the sharing of
information and knowledge on what is zero-waste living style will be continued. This
webinar is intended to alert the public to the urgency of addressing environmental issues and
their responsibilities in helping the surrounding environment. This webinar is also aiming to
inspire and improve the audience’s critical and creative thinking ability on how to develop
and maintain the sustainability of environment, by adapting and switching to green living
style to protect the environment.

The second event of our project is another webinar focusing on delivering the concept
and information of green technologies to public and university students about how to deal
with the wastes produced by human activities via innovative sustainable technologies. The
professional chemist from Faculty of Green Technology and Engineering (FEGT), ChM Dr
Wong Lai Peng, is invited to first share her working experience in the environment-related
field. After that, the webinar will continue with the sharing of information about the new and
creative technologies invested to cure the surrounding environment. This webinar is aiming
to increase the awareness of the public on the environmental issues we are facing today and
individual’s responsibilities to protect the environment that we are living in and maintain its

Overall, the main goal of this project is to improve the development of students and
public’s capability to think critically and creatively as they are going to learn and be inspired
on how to evaluate and generate ideas, clarify knowledge and concepts, seek for possible
outcome, and consider alternatives in solving each type of problems throughout this event.
Our webinar will be involving the participants in thinking innovatively and broadly on
environmental issues and problems using dispositions, for example, imagination, logical
reasoning, facts and innovation.

The theme of our event, “How to preserve our environment” has include two
subtopics. Which are zero-waste lifestyle and environmental protection. Our group is
focusing on these two topics and has contributed on some of the SDG (sustainable
development goals). It contributes most to the 6th, 12th goal, 13th goal 14th goal and 15th goal.

Zero waste lifestyle contributing on a few SDG goals. However, it contributes most to
the 12th goal which is to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. The United
Nations explain that the 12th goal is about decoupling economic growth from environmental
degradation, increasing resource efficiency, and promoting sustainable lifestyles. The 12th
goal has a total of 11 targets and zero-waste lifestyle contribute to some of the targets.

The target number 12.3 stated that “by 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the
retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains,
including post-harvest losses” (United Nations, n.d.). Zero-waste lifestyle promotes to reduce
food waste, by maintaining the grocery purchases and decompose unconsummated food
instead of throwing the food away as a waste. This way, the food is decomposed became
organic compost. This can be used as a fertilizer for soil and contribute to 15 th SDG goal,
which is life on land, because one of the targets of this goal is to end desertification and
restore degraded land. Using organic compost to fertilize soil is a great way to restore
degraded soil.

The target number 12.5 has a statement that says, “by 2030, substantially reduce
waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse” (United Nations, n.d.).
A zero-waste lifestyle promotes people to reduce their waste as much as possible by repair,
recycling, and reuse. Such as, instead of using disposable food and drink containers, use
containers that can be reuse; recycle the unusable plastics, papers, cans and many more;
instead of buy new items, try to repair the broken one. It also promotes prevention by
encourage people to buy goods with a good quality that can stand for a long time and to take
a good care of the possessed items.

Indirectly, this lifestyle helps the world to achieve the 14th goal, which is life below
water. Specifically, target number 14.1, “By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine
pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and
nutrient pollution” (United Nations, n.d.). For example, a lot of items are made of plastics,

such as disposable containers. Plastics are difficult for the earth to process; it takes 450 years
to biodegrade. In 2019, 6.1 million tonnes of plastic waste go into the aquatic environment,
there’s a lot of news about marine animals got disturbed by the presence of plastics in their
habitat. Reducing the used of disposable plastics is one of the ways to prevent more waste to
enter the marine environment.

The second topic is environmental remediation. Which contributes more to the 6th,
13th, 15th goals. The speaker from this event talks a lot about how human activities affect our
environment, causing changes. The main goal of this event is to spread awareness of the
availability of clean water, climate change, and the damage that humanity has made to the
land and to the aquatic environment.

The 13th goal is called climate action and one of the targets, which is target number
13.3 stated to “improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on
climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning” (United Nations,
n.d.). From the event the participants learn how CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) from refrigerant
can cause damage to the atmosphere and the impact of climate change to organism living on
earth. This information is given to spread awareness of climate change.

The 6th goal is called “ensuring access to water and sanitation for all” (United Nations,
n.d.). From the event, participants learn some facts about the availability of clean water,
water pollution and the source of the pollution.

The 15th goal is “sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse
land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss” (United Nations, n.d.). The audience learns facts
about the importance of soil, why we should have to keep the soil to stay clean, and the
human acts that cause harm to soil. With this knowledge we hope that the audience of the
event is aware of the damage that has been made to soil and prevent this would happen


“How To Preserve Our Environment” is a project aimed at equipping audiences with

various information about the environment and to let them think critically on ways to
diminish the negative effect of human activity on the environment. This allows the audience
to know the current state of the environment, why is it in such a state, and allows the
audience to think and reflect on what can be done to preserve the environment. This project
strives to motivate the audiences to take their initiatives on helping the environment through
experienced speakers. The objectives of this project are as follows:

- To expose the audience to various aspects of the environment

- To gain understanding on why the current environment is not properly preserved
- To provide information about the environment and ways to preserve it
- To realize the responsibility of individuals on environment preservation
- To inspire the audience to think creatively and critically about environmental
- To allow the audience to develop critical thinking based on life sharing experiences


Project Title 1 : Green Living – Zero Waste Lifestyle

Project Date & Day : 20th August 2022 (Saturday)
Project Time & Duration : 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (2 hours)
Project Platform : Microsoft Team

Project Title 2 : Green Technologies – Environmental Remediation

Project Date & Day : 20th August 2022 (Saturday)
Project Time & Duration : 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (2 hours)
Project Platform : Microsoft Team

To fulfil the learning outcome of this course (MPU 34142), our group decided to
organize a virtual event with two different titles. In both events, audiences will be informed
the importance and the urgency of environmental preservation and sustainable development.
We also hope the event will inspire them to think critically and creatively about the
environmental issues they face daily. Hence, audiences will be empowered to act on the
relative ecological issues. Subsequently, good problem-solving skills to prevent and
overcome environmental problems will be delivered. The possible activities we have
suggested for both events are experience-sharing sessions and talk.

Furthermore, to make both webinars memorable, we would encourage interaction

among the participants and the guest(s) via Q&A sessions and the engagement of the
participants via quizzes and mini games. Prizes would be prepared in advance for the
quiz/mini-game winners. The details of both webinars are shown above, and we hope the
project will run smoothly and perfectly.


Name: Wong Kin Yang

Position: Chairperson

Student ID: 1903805

Name: Ng Chee Cong

Position: Vice-Chairperson

Student ID: 1902741

Name: Melanie Ho Yenn Teng Name: Phylicia Liu Name: Keshika Selva Kumar

Position: Secretary Position: Assistant Secretary Position: Treasurer

Student ID: 2106296 Student ID: 2105407 Student ID: 2105924

Name: Erlena Beh Name: Tan Chun Kit

Position: Publicity Manager Position: Program Manager

Student ID: 2002017 Student ID: 2002818

1. Wong Kin Yang Chairperson - Assign role and task.
- Hold a discussion.
- Contacting the speakers for the
- Checking member's work.
- Helping group member to finish
the allocated task.
- Design the flow of the events.
2. Ng Chee Cong Vice chairperson - Assign role and task.
- Interact and communicate with
the participants by joining them
in a WhatsApp group.
- Create the quiz questions and
answer script for the 2nd event.
- Helping group member to finish
the allocated task.
- Create emcee scripts.
- Create quiz instructions.
3. Melanie Ho Yenn Secretary - Create registration form for the
Ting event.
- Record the registrees of the
4. Phylicia Liu Assistant - Create sign-in, sign-out and
secretary feedback forms for the events.
5. Keshika A/P Selva treasurer - Collecting fees from the
Kumar registration.
- Financial record.
Emcee of the - Welcoming the audience.
events - Introducing the speakers to the
- Helps the speaker to engage with
the audience.
- In charge of documentation.

6. Erlena Beh Publicity manager - Designing posters.

- Promotes the events on social
7. Tan Chun Kit Program manager - Designing game for the event.
- Decide the platform used for quiz

- Record the progress of the group


Gantt Chart – How to Preserve Our Environment Proposal

During preparation of our project, we have implemented several of marketing strategy
to promote our project, online talk. Since our target segmentations are UTAR students,
UTAR staff and public, we used the basic element of advertising – posters, to promote our
online talk. The first marketing strategy in designing posters are used is because it is free as it
able to design using free application or online website such as Canva. This will save our cost
and time by using free elements from the website, and we also avoid the usage of copyright
elements. Moreover, the most significant is that posters able to give a visual of attraction
towards the target groups.

After having the final design of the posters, we shared through social media such as
Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp for a more exposure to the publics. In addition, message
of the project was emphasized that to let the target audience know what our event purpose is
and what they will learn and get benefits by joining our online talk. Hence, the cost of budget
in advertise our project is low which we able to afford to do it. To enhance the interesting of
the target audiences to join, we also invited experiences and high educated speakers for our
events. Instead of increasing the participants interest, this also able to increase their
trustworthy and credibility of the event information.

Moreover, USSDC points were applied for UTAR students to claim for both online
talks events. To be more attractiveness and have interaction to the audience, one of the
events, Environmental Remediation talk had included quiz/mini game session during the
webinar. Prizes RM30, RM15 and RM5 will be given to those participants who able to
complete the quiz/mini game, respectively. Hence, these strategies able to promote to more
audience instead of just giving an informative talk.


During the process of both webinars, we were very happy to receive so much support
from UTAR students, staff and public that has participated especially to both of our speakers,
Ms. Jayne Lee, the founder of MINIMIZE Zero Waste Store and My Kombuchary, and Dr
Wong Lai Peng, the professional chemist from Faculty of Green Technology and Engineering
(FEGT) who were willingly to make time to be the speakers.

The webinar was a great opportunity to raise awareness to the public on the current
environmental issues and enhance their knowledges on how to improve the environmental
sustainability. During the second webinar, we included a quiz session for our participants,
and it was shown that most of them had quite a knowledge regarding to environmental issues.

The project management was done in a cooperative manner. Controlling,

coordinating, and planning was done by our group members. Within the partnership with our
speakers, we have been working together in a structured and positive manner. We have also
learned a lot from each other concerning planning an event, doing research for the topics, and
improving our communication skills. Most important lesson learnt regarding this cooperation
is that, due to the short time for the preparation of the proposal and the way this done, the
group meeting should consist of a thorough exploration of the project plan to ensure
everything is according to plan.

The implementation process went well considering a delay for the second webinar due
to a small miscommunication mistake.


TOTAL 150.00

We have a budget of RM50 as there is a quiz for the participant. There are no estimate
expenses for the publicity, poster design and venue fees. It is because due to its an online
mode event that was conducted through Microsoft Teams as its free and does not require
anything to spend on. There are also no equipment and materials needed for our talk as it was
held online. Instead-poster were designed by the team and the event was promoted and shared
through social media such as Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook. All participant was
charged RM 3 per event and RM5 if they wish to attend both the event. Our team was
supposed to collect a total of RM150.00 but we did not manage to collect that amount.

In conclusion, environmental preservation is an important concept to our mother
nature. Having knowledge to protect and cure the environmental issues can prevent the
resources exploitation. Both talks discuss about the civilization's environmental challenges
and strategies to fix them. The SDG Goals of our programs is Clean Water and Sanitation,
Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, Life Below Water, and Life on
Land, respectively. The purpose of the event is to offer knowledge and solutions for
preserving the environment. In addition, individuals will be exposed to the responsibility of
individuals on environmental concerns, which could stimulate their future creative/critical
thinking about environmental sustainability. The sponsors are needed for our event as there is
an estimated budget of RM150 for our event as need to be used as the speaker’s souvenir,
donation for UTAR hospital, and the cash prizes for winners. Although our minimum target
for the participants is 50 persons, we still hope that there are more people willing to join this
talk. The talk can benefit the participants and help them to gain more knowledge about the
environmental preservation and apply in their future life. We hope that our upcoming event
can be organized successfully. 

Eragamreddy, N. (2013). Teaching creative thinking skills. International Journal of english
language & translation studies, 1(2), 124-145. Retrieved August 10, 2022, from
Lau, J. Y. (2011). An introduction to critical thinking and creativity: Think more, think better.
John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved August 10, 2022, from
Lee, J. (2022, August 20). Green Living - Zero Waste Lifestyle. Kampar, Perak, Malaysia.
United Nations. (n.d.). Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Retrieved from United Nations:
United Nations. (n.d.). Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its
impacts. Retrieved from United Nations:
United Nations. (n.d.). Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine
resources. Retrieved from United Nations:
United Nations. (n.d.). Goal 6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all. Retrieved from
United Nations:
United Nations. (n.d.). Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse
land degradation, halt biodiversity loss. Retrieved from United Nations:
Wong, L. P. (2022, August 20). Green Technologies – Environmental Remediation. Kampar,
Perak, Malaysia.


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