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Extreme ironing

Extreme ironing (also called EI) is an extreme sport in which people take ironing boards to remote
locations and iron items of clothing. According to the Extreme Ironing Bureau, extreme ironing is "the
latest danger sport that combines the thrills of an extreme outdoor activity with the satisfaction of a
well-pressed shirt.

Extreme ironing was invented by Tony Hiam in 1980, near Settle in the Yorkshire Dales National Park in
England. Inspired by his eccentric brother-in-law, John Slater, who ironed his clothes even when camping
in a tent, Tony illustrated the futility of unnecessary ironing by doing it in bizarre situations such as
mountain-lookouts, crowded airport departure lounges, on top of telephone kiosks and charity clothing
bins. Until 1990 Tony often carried ironing board plus iron in his car-boot, on the lookout for
opportunities to cause bystanders to glance twice, thinking: "Did I really see that?" Some purists of the
sport, apparently unaware of its early origin, claim that it was started later in 1997 in Leicester, England,
by resident Phil Shaw in his back garden.Shaw came home from what he recalls as a hard day in a
Leicester knitwear factory.[7] Shaw had a number of chores to do, including ironing his shirts. Preferring
the idea of an evening out rock climbing, he decided to combine the two activities into a new extreme
sport. In June 1999, Shaw, who uses the nickname "Steam", embarked on an international tour to
promote the activity. The stops included the United States, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa.
An encounter with German tourists in New Zealand led to the formation of a group called "Extreme
Ironing International", and the German Extreme Ironing Section or GEIS.

The activity rose high enough in the zeitgeist to land an appearance on the long-running soap opera
EastEnders. The 2 August 2004 episode featured a reference to the then-current altitude record holders
the Hot Plate Brothers. As the party-loving Kat and Zoe Slater are preparing to go out, they are invited to
the launch party at Angie's Den where celebrities—including the brothers—are supposed to appear.

It is also mentioned in Netflix’s show Dino Girl Gauko Season 1 Episode 6

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