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A friendship lesson of life

Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting. It

means the memories last, even if contact is lost…Having a friend requires time for you to get
your friend know you do care about him/her, but to become memorable friends also
confidence is needed. What is something we can do have confidence with my friend?
Talking with the truth builds confidence and friendship. It is something I always recommend.
In the case of Mia and me, we didn´t even talk so much after ICPNA classes.

Yes, I met her at ICPNA in Juniors 1 level. Her name is Mia Ocampo, and we were the same
age, so we became friends so quickly because the connection was super strong that we
sometimes thought the same at the same time. How did she become memorable to me?
Well, she is the reason why I´m here now on Advanced 5, I mean she made me love English
and now is my passion.We were happy to be always on the same classroom and we used to
study together after class and for Basic 1 we had already became de best students of our
shift. We were smart enough to pass all final exams with 20 and we motivated each other.
Project wasn’t too complicated to us, we used to do straightforward PPTS to be elegant and
we were careful not to make mistakes on speaking. However, that good time disappeared
when we grew up. When we turned fifteen, she accustomed to throw parties all the
weekends and she always invited me, but I had a reason for not accepting the invitations.
ItIs just that I was still naïve for those kind of things. She left ICPNA and made other friends,
even so I wanted to meet her at least once a month. I insisted on going out on Vacation, but
She was always busy. I was reluctant to abandon her friendship, sometimes I used to write
her a message like: What´s up Mia? How is it going? Is everything ok? but I never received a
response of her.

At the end I understood what was happening. It was simple, I´m intelligent enough to realize
when someone doesn’t want to be my friend anymore. I wonder what could have happened
to us. Not talking so much ruined our friendship or who knows. The important thing is that
she had to appear in my life for me to continue learning English and most important, for that
language to become an essential part of me. So, never blame anyone in life. The good
people give you happiness, the worst people give you a lesson and the best people give you


"Mother's love is bliss, is peace, it need not be acquired, it need not be deserved. If it is
there, it is like a blessing; if it is not there it is as if all the beauty had gone out of life.” My
mother´s name is Barbara, she was pregnant of me when she was a 21-year-old student,
THEREBY I admire her temple, she is a young, interesting woman.

She is very organized. Every Sunday, she gives us a weekly calendar with the number of
hours we will devote to each housework. She taught me that I just have to make a general
outline of what you want to accomplish in a particular week so that I won’t forget any
important things. We are a intelligent, well-organized family. She is naturally neat, punctual,
and detailed. Their habits and behaviors in life and at work are ordered, planned and
efficient. She has natural organizational skills that other personality types might have to work
to develop. Also, she is the best friend I have ever imagined having. When I´m disorientated
she always gives me a 1- hour advice, she knows what to say in the PRECISE time. She
REFINES my way of thinking, now I´m a calm, charismatic teenager. He is studying
medicine; she spends a lot of time studying because in the past she couldn´t so now she
wants to become a professional. She is a serious, hardworking student. There is a same-age
student. it's never too late to study, we have to PERSIST focusing on your goals. In addition,
she is the best chef in the whole world, my favorite meal that she makes is Lomo saltado, is
a juicy , salty dish, besides I love her ceviche, is a spicy, sour dish. She prepares Peruvian
dishes. Additionally, my mother is a good tennis player. By the moment she is in the middle
of a competition, she has EMERGED as a favorite to win a medal. I want to play like her
when I grow up, she is a pro player because she fully understands the fundamentals and
techniques involved, but also be able to transfer those skills through demonstration and

In conclusion, what does it mean to be a super mother? A super mother is a mother who can
maintain all domestic duties alongside a full-time job or a mother that goes above and
beyond in providing for herself and her family. There is nothing my mother wouldn’t do for
me, there are not enough words I can say to describe just how important my mother is to
me, she is a woman like no other, she gives me everything: she gives me love, she gives me
her soul and she gives me her time.

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