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SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL № PhD.03/30.12.2021.P.26.


Akhrorov Voris Yunusovich



19.00.06 - Developmental and educational psychology. Psychology of development.



Tashkent - 2022

UDC: 378:151(575.1)

Психология фанлари бўйича фалсафа доктори (PhD) диссертацияси

автореферати мундарижаси

Оглавление автореферата диссертации

доктора философии (PhD) по психологическим наукам

Content of Dissertation Abstract of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on

Psychological Sciences

Ахроров Ворис Юнусович

Олий таълим муассасалари талабалари психологик саломатлигини
таъминлашнинг психологик-педагогик омиллари.................................................

Ахроров Ворис Юнусович

Психолого-педагогические факторы обеспечения психологического здоровья
студентов выcших учебных заведений ……………...............................................

Akhrorov Voris Yunusovich

Psychological and pedagogical factors of ensuring the psychological health of
students of higher educational institutions..................................................................

Эълон қилинган илмий ишлар рўйхати

Список опубликованных работ
List of

The topic of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences is
registered with the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic
of Uzbekistan under № В2018.3.PhD/Psi81
The dissertation was completed at Samarkand State University.
The abstract of the dissertation is posted in three languages (Uzbek, Russian, English (summary))
on the website of the Academic Council ( and on the Information and Educational Portal
“ZiyoNET”. (

Scientific adviser: Samarov Rustamjon Sadriddinovich

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor

Official opponents: Kamilova Nodira Gairatovna

doctor of psychological sciences, professor

Rasulova Feruza Fayzullaevna

PhD in psychological sciences

Lead organization: Jizzakh State Pedagogical University

The defense of the thesis will take place on “____” __________ 2022 at ____ hours at a meeting of
the Scientific Council PhD.03/30.12.2021.P.26.02at the Tashkent State University of Pedagogy at the
address: 100185, Tashkent city, Chilanzar district, Bunyodkor street, 27. Language: (+99871) 276-82-32;
fax: (+99871) 276-76-51; e-mail: ).

The dissertation can be found at the Information and Resource Center of the Tashkent State
Pedagogical University. (Registered under the number ______.) (Address: 100185, Tashkent, Chilanzar
district, Bunyodkor street, 27. Tel.: (+99871) 276-82-32).

The abstract of the dissertation was sent on “___” ____________ 2022

(Register of mailing protocol No. _____ dated “___” ____________ 2022).

F.A. Akramova
Chairman of the Scientific Council for
awarding academic degrees
Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor

Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Council for

awarding academic degrees
candidate of psychological sciences
Chairman of the scientific seminar at
scientific council for awarding scientists
degrees, doctor of psychological sciences, professor

INTRODUCTION (abstract of doctoral dissertation)

Relevance and necessity of the dissertation topic. In the context of

propaganda in the world of manifestations of “mass culture”, one of the important
areas in the field of psychology today remains the question of studying
psychological and pedagogical factors that negatively affect the health of young
people in adolescence and adulthood, as well as developing and systematizing
measures for their prevention.Especially when the World Health Assembly
declares that “...without mental health, there is no health.”1The implementation of a
collective action plan based on the principle shows how important the problem is.
In this regard, the issues of forming their attitude to their health as a sustainable
value, ensuring and strengthening health at student age remain relevant.
Within the framework of the biopsychosocial model in a number of scientific
centers on the problem of ensuring psychological health in the world, including 38
sections of the American Psychological Association, the Department of
Psychological Health of the British Psychological Association, the European
Society for Mental Health, public health, the psychology of health threats, the
formation of a value attitude to health, the creation, among them are such issues as
strengthening the psychological health of students, identifying psychological and
pedagogical problems associated with the educational environment, researching
psychological directions for their elimination, improving the system of
psychological support for educational subjects.
Thanks to the reforms carried out in our republic in recent years, “...
comprehensive support for young people and the formation of a healthy lifestyle
among the population, improving the well-being of our people by achieving high
economic growth and solving problems in their daily lives” 2 the normative base of
mechanisms for the formation of skills has been created, “... the establishment of
social, practical, scientific and fundamental projects aimed at the widespread
promotion of psychological health and the formation of mental knowledge and
skills among young people and adults” 3 The fact that the problem of mental health
has been identified as a priority allows us to find new theoretical and practical
solutions in deepening scientific research aimed at strengthening the psychological
health of members of our society, including students.
Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 28, 2022
No. 60 “On the development strategy of New Uzbekistan, designed for 2022-
2026”, Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 3,
2021 No. 6155 “On the strategy of action in five priority areas of development of
the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017 -2021”, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers
World Health Assembly, 66. (2013). Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-
Decree No. PF-6155 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 3, 2021 "On the implementation
of the State Program for 2017-2021 to improve the health of the population of Uzbekistan and the population."
National database of legal documents, 04.02.2021, No. 06/21/6155/0082;
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 7, 2019 No. 472 "On further
improvement of the system of training in the field of psychology and measures to prevent offenses in society."
National database of legal documents, 06/08/2019, No. 09/19/472/3253; National Database of Legislative
Information, 08/13/2021, No. 21.09.511/0793.

of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 29, 2015 No. 251 “On approval of the
concept and set of measures to ensure healthy nutrition of the population of the
Republic of Uzbekistan for the period 2015-2020” and other regulatory legal acts,
to a certain extent, serve to implement the set tasks.
Compliance of research with the priorities of the development of science
and technology of the republic. The dissertation work was carried out within the
framework of the priority direction of the republican development of science and
technology I. “Formation of a system of innovative ideas and ways to implement
them in the socio-legal, economic, cultural, spiritual and educational development
of the information society and a democratic state”.
The level of knowledge of the problem. A number of scientific studies by
foreign and domestic scientists have been carried out on the problem of ensuring
psychological health. Psychologists Sh.R.Barotov, E.G.Goziev, F.E.Gazieva,
R.Samarov, A.Saidov, D.I.Ilkhamova, M.K.Karamyan, V. M. Karimova,
Yuldasheva, I. Mattiev, O. M. Musurmonova, K. Riskulova, N. K. Svetlichnaya,
M. Tilavov, M. T. Toirova, T. Umatkulov, D. D. Sharipova and others conducted
From scientists of the Commonwealth of Independent States V. Ananiev, S.
Borisov, E. Vasiliev, A. Kurkov, O. Vasiliev, F. Filatov, I. Gurvich, O. Danilenko,
I. Dubrovin, G. A. Kovalev, V. Konovalchuk , I. Kotsan, V. V. Kudryashova, O.
Lebedeva, E. Litnitskaya, D. Metelkina and A. Mishina, G. Nikiforov, S.
Oksanich, N. Pronina, I. Ralnikova, Y. Rodin, N. Rodionov , V. Solomonov, M.
Khvatova, T. Khomulenko studied the importance of mental health in adapting to
the educational environment, the psychological health of students in the
educational space, the formation of a healthy lifestyle among young people, and
the socio-psychological determinants of a healthy lifestyle.
Foreign researchers A.Antonovsky, M.Barerra, S.Cohen and T.Wills,
E.Frydenberg and R.Lewis, N.Haan, S.Hobfoll, C.Holahan, T.Kroeber, R.Lazarus,
G.Marshall, G.Mc.Callion and J.Feder, R.Moos and S.Schaefer, T.Millon,
C.Peterson and M.Seligman, T.Pozzoli and G.Gini, C.Ryff, GSSchmitz,
R.Schwarzer, Sidney M .Jourard, T.Teismann, G.Vaillant, J.Winnubst conducted
scientific research on such issues as health, psychological health, psychological
well-being, psychological protection, health maintenance mechanisms, mental
stability, stress, depression, attitudes, the sanogenic sphere of the image “Ego”, the
inner picture of health.
Connection of the research with the research plans of the educational
institution where the dissertation was completed. The dissertation research was
carried out within the framework of the topic “The concept of personality
development in the psychology of the 21st century”, registered under the number
SPs-01 of the research plan of Samarkand State University named after. Sh.
Rashidov (2016-2020).
The aim of the study is to identify of psychological and pedagogical factors
affecting the psychological health of students, as well as the development of
proposals and recommendations for improving the activities of the psychological
service of a higher educational institution.

Research objectives:
scientific study of the problem of psychological health, theoretical analysis of
psychological and pedagogical factors affecting the psychological health of
empirical study of psychological and pedagogical factors affecting the
psychological health of students;
improvement of psycho-prophylactic work with the help of a psycho-
correction program aimed at strengthening the psychological health of students;
substantiation of mechanisms and models for improving the system of
psychological services in ensuring the psychological health of students.
Object of study. The object of the study wasselectedthe process of ensuring
the psychological health of students of a higher educational institution, the study
involved students of Samarkand State University and Karshi State University aged
18 to 23 years, the total number of respondents was 420 people.
Subjects of research are psychological and pedagogical factors that affect the
psychological health of students of a higher educational institution.
Research methods. During the study the “Questionnaire for studying the
level of satisfaction of university students with the educational environment” is
used which is prepared on the basis of the questionnaire “Psychological safety of
the educational environment” by I. Baeva, “Questionnaire for studying students’
ideas about a healthy lifestyle”, prepared by S. Oksanich based on the
methodology of M. Rokeach “Direction values”, the neuroticism scale of the
Personality Inventory (EPI)” by G. Eysenck and the method of B. Phillips
“Determining the level of anxiety in the educational environment”, Dembo-
Rubinstein’s “Self-assessments” were also used, methods of mathematical
statistics (frequency analysis, Pearson’s correlation analysis and Student’s t-test).
Scientific novelty of the researchconsists of the following:
it has been proved that the direct influence of students’ ideas about a healthy
lifestyle on the level of satisfaction with the educational environment is a
psychological and pedagogical factor that ensures psychological health, as it
reduces the emotional and cognitive component of anxiety associated with the
situation in the “subject-subject” relationship based on the development of an
adequate attitude to yourself;
according to the adequacy of students’ self-assessment, it was proved that the
reflexive side of psychosocial health can develop on the basis of the transformation
of the criteria “health”, “character”, “mental activity” according to the principle of
it has been proved that the use of psycho-corrective methods “team game”,
“desensitization”, “freezing”, based on an integrative approach aimed at
developing sanogenic thinking by strengthening the conative aspect of emotional
stability and ideas about a healthy lifestyle in ensuring the psychological health of
students is effective;
in accordance with the importance of the fact that the “model for improving
the psychological service in higher educational institutions” forms cognitive,
emotional, behavioral aspects in psychological activity, it is improved on the basis

of adding the “sanogenic reflex development” component in accordance with the
principle of determinism to psycho-prophylactic and corrective orientations.
Practical results of the study are as follows:
as a result of approbation, psychodiagnostic methods for studying
psychological and pedagogical factors that affect the psychological health of
students of a higher educational institution have been put into practice;
psycho-prophylactic work is methodically improved by identifying
psychological and pedagogical factors that are important for ensuring the
psychological health of students, developing the ability to overcome conditions
that negatively affect psychological health, with the help of psycho-correctional
describes the mechanism and model for improving the psychological service
of a higher educational institution, aimed at ensuring the psychological health of
students in the educational space, and the principle of vertical management, which
ensures the continuity and systematicity of its activities.
Reliability of the study results is ensured by the scientific and
methodological validity of the approaches and methods used, the
representativeness of the selection group, the analysis of empirical results using
mathematical and statistical methods, the practical implementation of conclusions,
suggestions and recommendations, the processing of empirical material obtained
during the study, the method of frequency analysis of mathematical and statistical
data to determine the degree of their statistical significance, the Pearson correlation
test and the statistical method using the T-test, the processing of statistical data is
carried out on a PC using “Microsoft Office Excel”, as well as “SPSS Statistics
ver. 26.0”.
Scientific and practical significance of the research results. The scientific
significance of the results of the study is explained by the fact that the theoretical,
empirical-experimental, methodological aspects of the psychological and
pedagogical factors of ensuring the psychological health of students of higher
educational institutions, evaluation criteria, and also by the fact that scientific
findings can be used in research in the direction of educational psychology, social
psychology, pedagogy, valeology, pedagogical management.
The practical significance of the research results is based on the results of
empirical research, psychological and pedagogical recommendations in the
educational process, “Youth and pedagogical psychology”, “Social and
psychological training”, “Psychological service”, “Psychology of health”,
“Psychodiagnostics”, “Psychohygiene” is determined the possibility of using
theoretical and practical developments in enriching the content of the fields of
science, conducting lectures and practical classes, as well as the possibility of
using them in the implementation of psycho-corrective measures in psychological
Practical significance of the research results lies in the fact that they serve
to enrich such areas of science as “Youth and educational psychology”, “Socio-
psychological training”, “Psychological services”, “Psychology of health”,
“Psychodiagnostics”, “Psychohygiene”, lectures and practical classes From the

theoretical and practical developments of research, training, empirical results, the
possibilities of applying psychocorrection in psychological practice are
Introduction of research results. Based on the scientific results of the study
of psychological and pedagogical factors in ensuring the psychological health of
students of higher educational institutions:
the direct influence of students’ ideas about a healthy lifestyle on the level of
satisfaction with the educational environment is due to a decrease in the emotional
and cognitive component of situational anxiety in the “subject-subject”
relationship based on the development of an adequate attitude towards oneself,
suggestions and recommendations regarding the psychological and pedagogical
factor that ensures psychological health, included in the content of the module
“Psychodiagnostics” (reference book of the educational and scientific center of
psychology dated April 19, 2021 No. PM 14a) in accordance with the order of the
educational and scientific center of psychology at the Tashkent State Pedagogical
University dated April 19, 2021 No. PM 14a. As a result, an increase in the
psychodiagnostic and psychocorrectional competencies of psychologists is
on the adequacy of students’ self-assessment, proposals and recommendations
on the possibility of developing the reflexive side of psychosocial health based on
the principle of centralization of the criteria “Health”, “character”, “mental
activity” in accordance with the order of the Educational and Scientific Center of
the Faculty of Psychology of the Tashkent State Pedagogical University No. 14A
April 19 2021 in embedded content. As a result, the development of knowledge of
psychologists regarding the conduct of psycho-correctional work is achieved;
“team game”, “desensitization”, aimed at the development of sanogenic
thinking in ensuring the psychological health of students by strengthening the
conative aspect of ideas about emotional stability and a healthy lifestyle,
suggestions and recommendations on the effectiveness of the use of psycho-
corrective methods based on the integrative approach “fading” are included in the
content module “social-psychological training” (reference book of the educational
and scientific center of psychology No. 14A dated April 19, 2021, PM 14A dated
April 19, 2021). As a result, methodological work aimed at ensuring psychological
health has been improved;
In accordance with the importance that the “model for improving the
psychological service in higher educational institutions” forms cognitive,
emotional, behavioral aspects in psychological activity, suggestions and
recommendations for improving the “sanogenic reflex development” component in
accordance with the principle of determinism in psychoprophylactic and corrective
directions are laid down in the content of the “Psychological service” module
(reference book of the Educational and Scientific Center for Psychology of the
Tashkent State Pedagogical University No. 14A dated April 19, 2021) in
accordance with the order .
Approval of research results. The research results were discussed at 4
international and 6 republican scientific and practical conferences.

Publication of research results. In total, according to the main results of the
study, 16 scientific papers were published, of which 6 articles were published in
journals recommended by the UAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including 2 in
foreign journals.
The structure and scope of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an
introduction, three chapters, conclusions and recommendations, a list of references
and applications. The volume of the thesis is 137 pages.

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