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Field Experience Evaluations FSU Fall 2022 

Date  Tuesday, September 20, 2022 

Semester: * Fall 2022

Teacher Candidate (use full name Kelsey Berry

example: Jonathon Doe) *

Ferris Student ID Number. Ask teacher 12326921

candidate if unknown. *

Classroom Cooperating Teacher * Holly Vostad

FSU University Supervisor * Susan Ayres

Evaluator: * FSU University Supervisor

School District (Example: Big Rapids Godwin Heights Public Schools

Public Schools) *

School Building (Example: Oak West Godwin Elementary School

Elementary) *

Content Area (Example: English All subjects

Language Arts) *

Student Grade Level(s) (Example: 3rd Kindergarten

grade) *

Placement Type: * Regular Student Teaching

Observation Number * Regular Student Teaching and ESTE (5 weeks)

1a. Demonstrates knowledge of content Proficient

(please see descriptions below) *

1b. Demonstrates knowledge of students Developing

(please see descriptions below) *

1c. Sets instructional outcomes (please see Proficient

descriptions below) *

1d. Designs coherent instruction (please Proficient

see descriptions below) *

1e. Designs student assessment (please see Developing

descriptions below) *

Provide Examples/Evidence of Above Kelsey has a good foundation in terms of understanding her
(Domain 1):  students and their needs and has begun planning for individual
student learning styles. She is becoming more familiar with
kindergarten content standards and plans thoroughly for her

2a. Creates an environment of respect and Proficient

rapport that establishes a culture for
learning (please see descriptions below) *

2b. Manages classroom procedures (please Proficient

see descriptions below) *

2c. Manages student behavior (please see Developing

descriptions below) *

Provide Examples/Evidence of Above (Domain 2): 

Kelsey, as do many educators, has challenging students in her classroom. Kelsey maintains a calm, supportive
approach to student behavior, redirecting students as needed. She frequently provides positive feedback to students
and encourages student involvement from all. 

Kelsey has defined classroom expectations and reminded students of them throughout this observation. She
referred to a visual for a particular student who was struggling to pay attention during this observation. Kelsey
continually tries different approaches to manage classroom behavior and is not afraid to ask for help if the need
should arise. 

3a. Communicates with students (please Proficient

see descriptions below) *

3b. Uses instructional strategies (please see Developing

descriptions below) *

3c. Engages students in learning (please Developing

see descriptions below) *

3d. Uses assessment in instruction (please Developing

see description below) *

3e. Demonstrates flexibility & Proficient

responsiveness (please see description
below) *

Provide Examples/Evidence of Above (Domain 3): 

Kelsey began her lesson by reminding students of the story they read the previous day including new vocabulary.
She summarized the characters and showed an illustration to begin student thinking. Using her white board, Kelsey
reread part of the story, stopping throughout to question students, model her thinking and assess student learning.
Kelsey is a reflective teacher and makes adjustments in her instruction accordingly. 

I would encourage Kelsey to continue to develop engagement strategies to ensure all students are learning which
may help to address some of the behavior issues in the classroom. 

4a. Shows Professional Responsibilities Proficient

(please see descriptions below) *

Provide Examples/Evidence of Above Kelsey has assumed many professional responsibilities in her role.
(Domain 4):  She has created positive relationships with her colleagues and has
become an involved member of the staff.

Additional Comments:  Kelsey has many strength areas and it was a pleasure to watch her
teach. I am excited to see her growth this semester as she is well on
her way to becoming an exceptional teacher!

Person completing this form * Susan Ayres

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