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Supporting Lecturer :

Mrs. Yuniati Al Aida, M.Pd

Compiled By :

1. Ibnu Wahyu Maulana

2. Miftaqur Roifah
3. Nur Abidin
4. Nur Adila Prastiya Amriya
5. Triya Ningsih




Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
Praise be to God Almighty because with His grace, gifts, and Taufik and hidayah we were
able to complete this paper on "Converstion Direction" well despite the many shortcomings
in it. And also we thank Ms. Yuniati Al Aida, M.Pd as a lecturer in English course who has
given this assignment to us.

We sincerely hope that this paper can be useful in order to increase our insight and
knowledge regarding Pronoun Grammar Suggestions. We are also fully aware that this paper
has flaws and is far from perfect. Therefore, we hope that there will be criticisms,
suggestions and proposals for the improvement of the papers that we have made in the future,
considering that nothing is perfect without constructive suggestions.

Hopefully, this simple paper can be understood for anyone who reads it. If this paper that
has been compiled can be useful to ourselves as well as to the people who read it. We
apologise in advance if there are any misrepresentations and we ask for constructive criticism
and suggestions from readers for the sake of improving this paper in the future.

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

Tumijajar, November 19, 2022



PREFACE ............................................................................................................... 1
PREFACE ............................................................................................................... 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... 3


INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 4

1.1 BAKCGROUND OF PAPER ...................................................................... 4

1.2 PROBLEM FORMULATION .................................................................... 4
1.3 PURPOSE OF THE PAPER ....................................................................... 4


DIRECTION ........................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Expression of complaint ............................................................................. 5

2.2 Expression of apology .................................................................................. 7

CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Conclusion .................................................................................................... 11
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................... 11



1.1 Background Of Paper

Submitting complaints or complaints in English politely is a desire that has not been fully
achieved or does not meet expectations. Therefore it is mandatory for those of us who have
complaints to convey a message to someone who receives the complaint, but politely. Friends
need to know that there are ways to voice complaints in a subtle and acceptable way for
An apology can show that you are sorry you did something. By apologizing, you can also
remember actions that you are no longer allowed to do. If your actions turn out to hurt other
people, you must immediately apologize so that your relationship does not become tenuous.
Whether with lovers, family, friends, or with colleagues or school friends.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. How to submit a complaint?

2. How to express apology?

1.3 Purpose Of The Paper

1. To find out how to complain properly.

2. To know how to express an apology properly.


2.1 Expression of Complaint

When you don't like an unexpected situation, someone will complain. So, here we
summarize some expressions of complaint that are commonly used in polite contexts.

Some of the examples below are expressions that should be used before making a
complaint, in order to still convey it in a good manner. Believe me, complaining in a rude
way or snapping won't be effective.

For that, try to use the following phrases before expressing a complaint:

"I am sorry to bother you" (Sorry to disturb)

This sentence should be said at the beginning before making a complaint. In this way, the
listener will pay more attention. Or, if you contact customer service, who serves hundreds
of complaints every day, the sentence above can make you feel a little relaxed.


"I'm sorry to bother you, but the soup is too salty. Can you replace it for me?”

"Can you help me with this?"

The second phrase that is also commonly used when filing a complaint is “can you help
me with this?” asking people for help to clear up unexpected situations. Besides being
polite, this method also puts the context in a more serious condition.

Of course, everyone would prefer to be asked for help than ordered. It is very humane.
For that, make your complaint as a request. In this way, the other person will feel
comfortable and try their best to solve it.


“Can you help me with this? My shirt came back with missing buttons.”

"I'm afraid there may be a misunderstanding"

This sentence indicates that you need to solve the problem right now. The expression
above is very polite when you are about to complain about something, even though you
are annoyed by what happened.

"I'm afraid there may be a misunderstanding. I think my seat isn't like the one that I've
booked earlier."

"I understand it's not your fault"

This is a very polite and reassuring expression especially when interacting with people
who are forced to serve customers with their complaints. This way can make them feel
understood and actually moved to care more about the problems you have.

It may sound trivial, but it would be great to hear this. Moreover, sometimes errors occur
not because of his own fault, but because of system errors. It would be far more polite
than shouting angrily at the person who happened to be at the counter.

For example:

"I understand it's not your fault. But my baggage in the previous flight is missing."

"Excuse me, I understood that"

The last expression that is also commonly used is the sentence above. Usually, this
sentence is thrown when the other person is actually giving a template or sober answer
when responding to your complaint.

For example, when taking a taxi to the airport and the price is 25 dollars. But the taxi
driver asked for 40 dollars. For that, you can interrupt by saying the sentence above. This
shows that you are disturbed by what the person is doing.

Complaint Conversation

After recognizing some of the sentences above, now is the time to apply them in a
dialogue. Consider the following example between a buyer and an online seller who
received goods not according to the order.

A: “I am sorry to bother you. I have received my order number 0085, but it seems like the
piece of clothes that I ordered isn’t the same with the one I got this morning.”

B: “Hello, thank you for calling. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience. Can you tell me
again the order number?”

A: “It is 0085, under the name Jeeva.”

B: “Right, I got the order history here. I’m afraid there might be an understanding
between the shipping and order division. They sent you the 0086 package.”

A: “This is ridiculously wrong. I need to wear that shirt tonight. Can you help me with

B: “But our shipping period is two days.”

A: “Excuse me, I understood that hence I ordered this since a week ago. But this is
unacceptable; it’s not my fault either. I understand that it’s not your fault. But as the
representative, please be responsible.”

B: “Sure. We will arrange one-day service to send you the right package right away. I
assume it will arrive in your order no more than 5 pm today.”

A: “Thank you.”

2.2 Expression of Apology

When we make a mistake, the thing that should be done is to apologize. What words do
you use often? Maybe "I'm sorry" or "Sorry, yeah".

A. The Structure of a Good Apology

In conveying an apology, you should use a good structure such as giving reasons and
promising not to do it again. Here's an example of a structure you can use:

Asking for forgiveness + Reason + Promise

From the structure above, you know that a good apology flow is to apologize, explain
why, and promise.

Here's an example of using the structure.

"I'm sorry for breaking your vase, mom, because I didn't see it, I promise to be more

"I do apologize for coming late, sir, because I woke up late, I promise I'll wake up earlier

Apologizing Sentence Formulas

If you pay attention to the examples above, there is the use of a gerund or verb+ing,
namely a verb that is added to the ending -ing so that it becomes a noun or a noun. So, the
formula becomes:

I am sorry for + gerund (verb+ing)

Example: "I'm sorry for breaking your vase."

You can also use another formula:

I'm sorry that + verb

Example: "I am sorry that I didn't reply to your text."

B. Various Expressions of Apology

You know, apologizing to friends and apologizing to parents or teachers actually have
different expressions, you know. Here are the various expressions.

I'm (so) sorry (for).
I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.
I really am sorry.
I'm so very sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I do apologize.
Please accept my apology.

C. Responding to an Apology

Then, what if it's your turn to receive an apology? How do you usually respond to
someone's apology? If you frequently use the expressions "it's okay" or "no problem," it's
a sign that you've almost mastered apologizing responses. But, there are other
expressions you can use.

No worries.
That's alright. I forgive you.
Don't worry about it.
Well, let's just forget it.
There's no need to apologize. Let's forget it.
I accept your apology, so don't worry.
Yes, we should let bygones be bygones.

D. Conversation about Apologizing

Example dialogue 1

James: Sorry I'm late. I was held up at the airport.

Brandon: That's OK. I've just arrived myself.

Example dialogue 2

Amira: I apologize for my behavior. I was under a lot of stress.

Susan: Nevermind. I understand.

Dialog Example 3

Atika: Sorry to keep you waiting. It won't happen again.

Sacha: Don't worry about it.

Dialog Example 4

Harris: I really am very sorry about this problem.

Johnny: I should think so too! What you did was completely unacceptable

Dialog Example 5

Dorry: Sorry about spilling tea on your floor. I'll get a fool.

Jerry: Oh, it doesn't matter. The cleaning lady will clean it up later.

Example Dialog 6

Seller: We sincerely apologize for the late delivery.

Customer: I'm afraid that's not good enough! I expect some sort of discount.

Example Dialog 7

Alice: I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I know you were hurt by my

Katherine: Forget about it. I wasn't annoyed at all. I know these kinds of things can
happen from time to time.

Alice: That's so kind of you. (You are very nice.)




Submitting a complaint or complaint in English is called expressing complaint. When

submitting a complaint, make sure to convey it politely so that the person receiving the
complaint feels valued and is happy to help solve the problem you are experiencing.

Admitting a mistake and apologizing is not an easy thing to do. Not a few people who are
prestige and have a high ego to apologize first.
it is very important to apologize and forgive in order to maintain harmony and cohesiveness.
Because through the word apology can describe a little about regret for the mistakes that
have been made.



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