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Foreign Study

Games and simulations are already widely used in the traditional educational process as quickly
expanding technological applications. They are widely used in the field of education, with a body
of research studying the relationship between games and learning (Yang, Chen, & Jeng, 2010;
Chiang, Lin, Cheng, & Liu, 2011). Learning has become increasingly aided by digital or web-
based games in recent years. This research topic piques the interest of the scientific and
educational community, including tutors, students, and game designers, in the context of online
education. Instructors and those in charge of educational policies are interested in integrating
innovative technical tools like video games, virtual worlds, and Massive Multi-Player Online
Games (MMOGs) as technology advances (Buckless, 2014; Gómez, 2014). Games and
simulations have varied results in a variety of areas, including student performance, engagement,
and motivation to learn. However, because this research is limited to certain fields, there is a
void in the literature about a consistent paradigm for use throughout academic programs. As a
result, the decision to incorporate games and simulations into the teaching process is frequently
left to the discretion of the instructor. As a result, the goal of this study is to create a framework
that will help educators from many disciplines better comprehend the benefits and drawbacks of
games and simulations in relation to their instructional objectives. With the rise in popularity of
the internet and high-tech devices (computers, tablets, and smartphones), Digital gaming has
become a popular activity, particularly among young people, on a daily basis. Studies suggest
that digital games improve spatial visualization abilities (i.e., mentally rotating and manipulating
two and three-dimensional objects) (Chisholm, Hickey, Theeuwes, & Kingstone, 2010; Green &
Bavelier 2012; Spence & Feng, 2010; Subrahmanyam & Greenfield, 1994; Uttal et al., 2013;
Wilms, Petersen, & Vangkilde, 2013), increase personal and social skills (Cala Improved
problem-solving skills (Adachi & Willoughby, 2013), and improved mood (Jackson et al., 2012).
Last but not least, on improving academic success (Green & Bavelier 2003). However, it is
stated in the third section of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)
that excessive and uncontrolled use of digital games, which is defined as Internet Gaming
Disorder, has some negative effects that have been mentioned in a number of studies in the
literature, such as insomnia (Foti, Eaton, Lowry, & McKnight-Ely, 2011; King et al., 2013;
Rehbein, Kleimann, & Mößle, 2010). The process of internationalization in higher education is
progressing steadily. The number of students leaving their country to study abroad continues to
increase. Universities have to deal with a considerable number of students whose language and
cultural backgrounds are foreign. Given the fact that these students study in a language that is not
their native language, the question of how this will affect their academic achievement and their
study behavior arises. What is the relation between the mastery of a foreign language and study
success in that same language? What factors account for the level of academic achievement of
foreign students in higher education? In this article, we shall present data collected in the
Netherlands on the academic achievement of foreign students and on factors influencing the
academic achievement of foreign students and their study behavior. On the basis of these data,
we shall make some recommendations for improvements in the academic environment provided
for foreign students.
Foreign Literature
When it comes to learning, they may become lethargic and prefer to play all day. Some students
may even skip school to have additional playing time. (SujatAli Hamzah)Addictive gamers
spend so much time gaming that their personal connections are neglected, if not completely lost.
Up to 50% of married addicted gamers report a strain in their marriage as a result of their
addiction. Gamers who are addicted also ignore responsibilities like school and employment.
(UNC-OASIS)There are many different types of online games available nowadays. The console
games come first. Videogames are the more popular term for console games. They are played on
a videogame console, which is a device designed specifically for gaming. Videogames are the
more popular term for console games. They are played on a videogame console, which is a
device designed specifically for gaming. A controller, a hand-held device having buttons and
joysticks or pads, is used to interact with the game. The gamer receives video and sound through
a television. The Microsoft Xbox, Sony Playstation, Nintendo GameCube, and Nintendo Wii are
examples of consoles. Real-time strategy games are the second type of game. This is a type of
video game in which players use strategy to overcome obstacles and get to their destination
without being eliminated. To win, players must pick which paths to pursue, what needs to be
done, and how to accomplish it. Third, there are cross-platform online games, as opposed to first-
person shooters. Creating software for several hardware platforms or executing software on
multiple hardware platforms. The Web browser is the most universal cross-platform program.
According to Helsingin Salomat, a cross-national World Health Organization survey conducted
in 2002 and published in June found that over 20% of Finnish males aged 13 to 15 spend more
than three hours per day at the computer playing online games. In the same age group, "heavy
user" girls account for only 2% to 3% of the population. Finland was one of the most notable
examples in the survey when it came to the big gender gap. According to empirical evidence,
researchers discovered that a sense of presence, generally defined as "a sense of being there," is a
significant factor for online gaming users based on the facts of J.A Jacko in 2009. Both research
concluded that internet games are beneficial. Both studies concluded that online games are
extremely addicting to those who become addicted to them. It's important to remember that a
person's entire existence is often determined by the quantity of knowledge he or she accumulates
and how that knowledge is applied to bettering himself, his country, and the world at large. This
clarifies the rationale for the necessity of education. The most fundamental benefit of school is
knowledge. One learns about a variety of subjects, including mathematics, history, literature, and
political science . The worldwide information we obtain via education has a significant impact
on our future lives and allows us to comprehend events in a much more coherent manner.
Meanwhile, educational success is determined by students' academic performance. Educators and
scholars have long been fascinated by the factors that influence the quality of students' academic
performance. Many factors influence academic success, including parental education and
income, instructors' topic expertise, truancy, textbook availability and accessibility, libraries,
practical laboratories, lunch service, and many others . Academic success has been shown to be
heavily influenced by the home environment. Poverty affects children's physical environs, which
may provide less excitement and learning materials. Secondary school education is considered to
be the backbone and foundation for higher education at tertiary institutions. Lower academic
performance in Senior High School poses a challenge to any country's educational system,
particularly Ghana's. As a result, there is a need to evaluate the literature on academic
performance and gain insight into the elements that influence students' academic success in
Senior High Schools. This could assist highlight some gaps in the literature and other concerns
that have been favored by research and publications in one way or another. This research was
designed to review the literature on determinants and their effects on senior high school students'
academic outcomes.

Local Study
According to Justin Vista, Heinson Tan, and Bryan Yaranon, online games are difficult to resist,
especially if they are only available in our immediate vicinity. Students like it and soon forget
about their responsibilities and difficulties, but it has a negative influence on them known as
addiction. According to them, addiction is excessive playing that cannot be avoided because the
majority of young people claim to be bored with their daily life, particularly with their education.
That is why online games are addictive and enjoyable for them. The study looked into the
elements that influence respondents' college academic achievement. With document scanning,
this study used descriptive and correlational survey methods of research. Gender and
respondents' degree/course were found to be insignificant factors in college academic
performance; HS GPA was found to be a significant factor that influences college academic
performance; Admission Test Score in English and Science had no significant relationship with
college academic performance; however, in Mathematics, the higher the overall Admission Test
Score, the higher the college academic performance; male respondents did not differ in collegian
academic performance. When grouped by admission test in English, those who received average
and above average scores performed better in college than those who received failing and below
average scores, while in Mathematics, those who obtained average and above-average scores
performed better in college than those who received failing and below average scores.

Local Literature
According to Maslog C. of Philippine Communications Today, One societal problem that has
been seen since 1998 is that Internet cafes have primarily become game hubs. According to one
survey, games take up about half to two-thirds of the computer in a typical Internet cafe (violent
and gory games). The remaining PCs were primarily used for surfing, email, internet chat, word
processing, and research. Internet cafés have evolved into more than just game centers. They are
becoming addiction hotspots for young people, especially guys, even primary school students.
"Internet cafes are enticing adolescents to a new sort of addiction, one that may not ruin their
bodies like narcotics do, but that is surely distorting their brains," says one concerned Internet
cafe owner. "To the young, play is reality, and reality is play." The capacity of a country's human
resources determines its progress. The quality and preparedness of workforce with good
technical understanding, personal and interpersonal abilities as scientists and technologists are
critical to society's knowledge and technological growth. As a result, it is critical that the highest
standards are established when defining the objectives, components, and processes for higher
education institutions' information technology and industrial technology programs. Education
and knowledge are public goods. Knowledge acquisition and application are part of a larger
societal effort (UNESCO, 2015). The necessity for HEIs in the Philippines to generate competent
graduates in their specialized disciplines who have the skills and traits to deal with the ever-
changing work environment in the twenty-first century is a monumental challenge (Magulod,
2017a, 2017b). Consider their various learning styles and preferences as one of the crucial
elements to create a quality and optimal learning experience for university students. Students'
learning styles pertain to how they learn and process information. In fact, Moeinikia and Zahed-
Babelan (2010) and Williams, Brown, and Etherington (2013) both agree that there is a favorable
relationship between learning styles and academic achievement in university settings. The
qualities, strengths, and preferences in the way people receive and process information are
termed learning style (Hsieh, Jang, Hwang & Chen, 2011). It also alludes to the notion that
everyone has their own learning style or set of tactics (Gokalp, 2013). Similarly, as mentioned by
Dung and Florea (2012), James and Gardner (1995) defined learning styles as a complex process
for an individual learner to effectively acquire information. Consequently. according to Ghaedi
and Jam (2014), learning styles are the differences in how learners use one or more senses to
perceive, organize, and remember events. Threeton and Walter (2009) assert that there is a
scarcity of learning style studies of students in the trade, technology, and industry sector of
career and technical education as the study's premise. Learning styles range greatly across
professional and technical domains of specialization, according to Kolb & Kolb (2009).
Individuals tend to enroll in degree programs where their learning styles are supported by the
learning environment. The purpose of this study was to analyze the learning style preferences of
students enrolled in applied science courses in order to add to the body of knowledge regarding
the different learning styles that students in these disciplines have.

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