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9/27/22, 8:11 PM 10 Great Resignation Statistics to Boost Your Retention in 2022 | Gloat

10 Great Resignation Statistics to Boost your

Retention in 2022
A pulse check on the Great Resignation as September quits reach all time
high of 4.4 million

The Big Quit. The Great Resignation. The Turnover Tsunami. The Great Reassessment.  The Attrition Super-Cycle.

We’ve got a lot of names for today’s mass employee exodus—and an abundance of poignant headlines—all pointing to the same truth:
holding onto your top talent is more challenging today than ever before. 1/16
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old g o to you top tale t s o e c alle g g today t a e e be o e.

And it’s not going to get any easier, unless we take action now. We’ve already surpassed the record-high quit rate that first got people
talking about the Great Resignation back in April. This highlights our need to chart new strategies so that we can engage the talent
we’ll need tomorrow. And that starts by listening to them right now. 

To help you carve a path forward, we polled over 1,000 American workers in early November. The survey we’ve commissioned delves
deep into the employee-employer relationship, so that we can better understand how to improve it. There’s a full report coming out
shortly (sign up to be notified when it comes out), but we’re sharing the most eye-opening statistics right now, so that you can use
them to upgrade your employee retention strategy for 2022. 


of employees are
currently or will be
looking for a new job
in the next 90 days 2/16
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If you were hoping that the turnover crisis wouldn’t follow us into 2022, it’s time to think again. All signs suggest that
employees will continue to pursue new opportunities as the new year begins, and that many workers already have
resignation on their radar
65.8% 3/16
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of employees who are

looking for jobs outside of
their organization identify
better opportunities as
their primary motivator

Our survey revealed that the majority (42.8%) of employees are searching for work outside of their organization. When
asked why they’re looking to make this change, nearly two out of three respondents had the same answer: better
opportunities. If employee resignation is a result because it ‘s easier to grow and achieve long-term professional goals
outside of their organization, it’s going to be nearly impossible to convince them to stay. 4/16
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of employees would
like to be considered
for new and different
career opportunities in
their organization

The Great Resignation is the manifestation of something much bigger: a great reassessment. In the aftermath of a series
of simultaneous social, economic, and health crises on a global scale, people are searching for meaning and reevaluating
the role they want work to play in their lives. This statistic illustrates that same sentiment, that your employees are eager
to explore something different and would embrace new opportunities that align with their professional goals. 5/16
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of workers feel their
employer doesn’t take
their future interests
and aspirations into
account enough

When it comes to your people’s careers, are you telling them what their next steps should be? Or are you equipping them
with the tools and information they need to take their growth into their own hands? Employees who feel like they don’t
have a choice in their future are likely to jump ship in search of an organization that will put them in the driver’s seat of
their own professional progression. 6/16
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of employees believe it
is very important for
their work to align with
their values, passions,
and interests

The notion of a dead-end job is quickly becoming extinct. In the new world of work, employees won’t just expect long-
term career paths; they’ll also be looking for a more authentic connection between corporate values and their own

personal beliefs. Your people are asking for more than reports and scorecards; they want to see actionable change and
democratized access to opportunities 7/16
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democratized access to opportunities. 

of employees say their
organization hasn’t
outlined a clear path
for their professional

If your people can’t see a future at your organization, they’re going to be a lot more likely to build their future somewhere

else. Consequently, one of the most impactful steps you can take to shield your organization from high turnover is
demonstrating how your people can continue to learn and grow with your business as opposed to outside of it 8/16
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demonstrating how your people can continue to learn and grow with your business, as opposed to outside of it. 

of workers surveyed
are burnt-out

Workplace stress is at an all-time high, for engaged and disengaged employees, but it doesn’t have to become your

organization’s reality. The top culprits causing employees to burnout are a lack of opportunity and a lack of purpose.
When workers don’t have a sense of connection to the tasks they’re completing fatigue and disinterest are all but 9/16
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When workers don t have a sense of connection to the tasks they re completing, fatigue and disinterest are all but
inevitable. By matching employees to projects, gigs, and opportunities that align with their personal and professional
ambitions, you can ensure that your people are participating in work that is truly fulfilling.  And, it’s simply important to
recognize the burnout so many of our employees, and leaders, are feeling as we turn from 2021 to 2022.

“Desire for opportunities to grow and do new work”

is the second most common
reason why employees
switch jobs
In case you need more proof that access to opportunity plays a key role in boosting retention, look no
further. Employees who switched jobs cited the desire to grow and do something different as one of the
top reasons why they changed roles, closely behind the number one factor, which was, no surprise,
better pay. 10/16
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of employees are not
pursuing their desired
career path

The good news: when we asked employees if they’re currently working towards the career they’d like to pursue, nearly
two out of three said yes. Unfortunately, that also means that a significant portion of the workforce, more than one out of

three workers,  feels like they’re not on the right track. These employees are likely looking to take their career in a new
direction, and many of them will need support, guidance, and upskilling to make these transitions more seamless. 11/16
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of highly skilled workers
feel there are better or
more opportunities
outside of their

Any kind of turnover is detrimental, but losing highly skilled employees can be particularly devastating. These team
members are going to be harder to replace, and they possess the knowledge and expertise needed to set your

organization apart. So what can you do to retain them? Once again, the answer lies in presenting employees with new
opportunities that align with their personal and professional goals 12/16
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opportunities that align with their personal and professional goals.

Great Resignation Research Report

By now, we know the Great Resignation isn’t a short-lived fad. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime call to action. But what’s really going
to move the needle on workplace turnover?

To answer this question, the Gloat Research Board commissioned a survey of over 1,000 workers, analyzed the results, and
compiled the key insights you’ll need to future-proof your retention strategy. If you want to learn what’s really fueling the
Great Resignation, download the report now.

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