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Name:__________________________ Date:______________ Year&Section:_____________


Note: Read carefully and choose the correct answer

___1.) is the intromittent organ. It has a long shaft and an enlarged bulbous-shaped tip called the
glans, which supports and is protected by the foreskin.

A. Penis B. Scrotum C. Testis

___2.) has two major functions is To produce sperm by meiotic division of germ cells within the
seminiferous tubules, and to synthesize and secrete androgens that regulate the male reproductive

A. Penis B. Scrotum C. Testis

___3.) is a pouch-like structure that hangs behind the penis. It holds and protects the testicles. It
also contains numerous nerves and blood vessels. During times of lower temperatures, the
Cremaster muscle contracts and pulls the scrotum closer to the body.

A. Penis B. Scroum C. Testis

___4.) which is also known as the sperm duct, is a thin tube approximately 30 centimeters (0.98
ft) long that starts from the epididymis to the pelvic cavity.

A. Epididymis B. Accessory Glands C. Vasdeferens

___5.) is a long whitish mass of tightly coiled tube. The sperm that are produced in the
seminiferous tubules.

A. Epididymis B. Accessory Glands C. Vasdeferens

___6.) provide fluids that lubricate the duct system and nourish the sperm cells. They are the
seminal vesicles, the prostate gland, and the bulbourethral glands.

A. Epididymis B. Accessory Glands C. Vasdeferens

___7.) It’s the time when sperm travels up through the vagina, into the uterus and fertilized an
egg found in the fallopian tube.

A. Conception B. Fertilization C. Ovulation D. Pregnancy

___8.) it’s a part of female’s menstrual cycle when a mature egg is released from the ovary and
travels to the fallopian tube for possible fertilization.

A. Conception B. Fertilization C. Ovulation D. Pregnancy

___9.) is the period in which a fetus develops insides woman’s womb or uterus.

A. Conception B. Fertilization C. Ovulation D. Pregnancy

___10.) the time when a sperm cell successfully meets an egg cell in fallopian tube.

A. Conception B. Fertilization C. Ovulation D. Pregnancy

___11.) small called when menstrual blood flows, semen travels, and dilates during child birth.

A. Uterus B. Vagina C. Cervix D. Fallopian tubes

___12.) home developing fetus that holds baby.

A. Uterus B. Vagina C. Cervix D. Fallopian tubes

___13.) birth canal that joins cervix outside of the body.

A. Uterus B. Vagina C. Cervix D. Fallopian tubes

___14.) tunnels for egg cells to travel to uterus. Where the fertilization of eggs occurs.

A. Uterus B. Vagina C. Cervix D. Fallopian tubes

___15.) It’s a inner lining in uterus builds ups and sheds monthly depends on hormonal situation.

A. Uterus B. Vagina C. Cervix D. Endometrium

___16.) Middle layer of uterine wall main function is to induce urine construction.

A. Uterus B. Myometrium C. Cervix D. Fallopian tubes

___17.) the bag of skin in which testes are located is called.

A. Uterus B. Myometrium C. Scrotum D. Fallopian tubes

___18.) the fluid which contains sperm is called?

A. Semen B. Myometrium C. Cervix D. Fallopian tubes

___19.) ovaries are situated just ventral to.

A. Uterus B. Myometrium C. Cervix D. Kidneys

___20.) The sperms that are fused with the egg from the.

A. Androecium B. Myometrium C. Zygote D. Fallopian tubes

___21.) The small organ shaped organ located in the abdominal cavity are called.

A. Ovaries B. Myometrium C. Zygote D. Fallopian tubes

___22.) Name the site of sperm maturation?

A. Ovaries B. Epididymis C. Zygote D. Fallopian tubes

___23.) Which of the following produces the male sex hormones?

A. Leydig cell B. Epididymis C. Zygote D. Fallopian tubes

___24.) The site of fertilization in the female mammalian reproductive system is?

A. Cervix B. Epididymis C. Zygote D. Fallopian tubes

___25.) The structure that attaches testis to dorsal body wall is?

A. Cervix B. Epididymis C. Zygote D. Scrotal sac


___26.) the OVARIES AND TESTES release hormones that cause the body to develop as a
person grows older.

___27.) an EGG CELL is one of the largest cells in the female body.

___28.) a SPERM CELL consists of the head and tadpole-like tail, which allows it to swim
towards a female egg cell.
___29.) the process of an egg and sperm joining together is called REPRODUCTION.

___30.) ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION involves the production of eggs by the female and sperm
by the male.

___31.) when an egg and sperm join, they create an AMOEBA.

___32.) each sex cell contains 23 CHROMOSOMES, while every other cell in the human body
with a nucleus has 46 CHROMOSOMES.

___33.) the organs of the male reproductive system include the testes, scrotum and

___34.) Prior to that, the genital tubercle in both sexes is a phallus.

___35.) The word hygiene has been derived from the Greek word hygieons which means


(4) give at least 4 important terms of ponders.

(6) give at least 6 internal genitalia within the true pelvis.

(5) give at least 5 cleanliness of personal hygiene,


Part I. For each question, identify whether the difference between men and women is based
on sex (biological) or on gender (a difference constructed by society). Circle the correct

1.Women give birth to babies, men don’t.

Sex Gender

2.Little girls are gentle, little boys are tough.

Sex Gender

3. do better in science and math; girls do better in art and literature.

Sex Gender

4.Amongst agricultural workers, women are paid only 40-60 percent of the male wage.

Sex Gender

5.Women can breastfeed babies, men can bottle-feed babies.

Sex Gender

6.In ancient Egypt men stayed at home and did weaving. Women handled family business.
Women inherited property and men did not.

Sex Gender

7.Men’s voices change at puberty, women’s do not.

Sex Gender

8.In one study of 224 cultures, there were 5 in which men did all the cooking and 36 in which
women did all the house building.

Sex Gender

9.According to UN statistics, women do 67 percent of the world’s work, yet their earnings for it
amount to only 10 percent of the world’s income.

Sex Gender

10. According to statistics from the Inter-Parliamentary Union, only 20 percent of

parliamentarians worldwide are women despite the fact that women represent roughly 50 percent
of the population.

Sex Gender

Part II. Give the corresponding answer to the given questions. (2 points each)

1. A biological categorization based primarily on reproductive potential. is based in a

combination of1 anatomical features.

2. Type of chromosome that participates in sex determination.

3. What are the female chromosomes?

4. What are the male chromosomes?

5. It is a case wherein the genitals appear to be a conglomerate of male and female organs.

6. Hermaphroditism is also known as?

7. It refers to the socially constructed characteristics of women and men

8-9. Gender tackles the _____ and _____ of an individual.

10. It is the set of roles, characteristics, and expectations of how a man or woman should feel,
think, and act as influenced by parents, peers and society.

11. It is the personal sense of one's own gender.

12. It permits man and woman and any other individual whose identity are under the category of
LGBTQIA+ for equal enjoyment of human rights

13. It is viewed as a person’s capacity for sexual feelings and the orientation of those feelings

14. The umbrella term for those who belongs to the third gender.

15. Attracted to people of the “opposite”

Part III. True or False

1. We should respect everyone regardless of there gender or sexual orientation.

2. Gays are not human-beings.

3. Ethics in gender Studies is important.

4. Love has no gender.

5. Men are superior.

6. Those who belong to LGTBQIA+ deserves inequality.

7. Family is the first agent of socialization

8. Knowing the differences between Gender, Sex and Sexuality is important.

9. “Men shouldn’t cry” is an example of Gender Stereotype.

10. Women can also do, what men do.

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