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The effects of violent video games on children.

Consumers have had access to video games for the past 30 years. They are a unique sort of
entertainment in that they invite users to participate in the storyline of the game. Instead of
casually viewing a movie, today's advanced video games need players to devote continual
attention to the game. Players will experience both positive and negative effects as a result of
this. Video games with violent content have become increasingly popular among children and
adolescents, which have a wide range of negative effects on them, causing great concern for
parents, teachers and policy makers.

Violent video games have a negative impact on children's psyche and behavior. Children quarrel
with their peers and disobey their parents and teachers. They are less social, pay less attention
and are more likely to become introverts. They have difficulties maintaining communication
with family members, such as strained parent-child relationships. Other issues include a rise in
the symptoms of emotional disorders and somatic abnormalities

On the otherhand, violent criminal acts are often repeated throughout the video game. Playing
video games may make children more prone to criminal activity. Furthermore, they end up with
a mediocre career or perhaps remain unemployed .Violent media, particularly among children,
might heighten aggressive feelings and thoughts. These effects on aggressive behaviour can be
long-term. Although, there have been fewer studies on interactive video games, data suggests
that playing violent video games has a greater impact on children's and adolescents' behavior
(Joint Statement, 2000).

Again, most of the childrens are occasional gamers, playing video games only when they had a
chance to, while a few did admit that they were addicted to playing video games. The number of
children who had never played a video game was quite small. In addition, those who play violent
games think that, games like GTA, Project IGI, Max Payne, etc provided them with
entertainment and excitement.Even it gives them some sort of entertainment, those who are
engaged in playing video games all day long and staying at home does not get the scope to talk,
interact or share ideas. As a result, they are more likely to be introverts with indications of
behavioral disorders.

In conclusion, violent video games have adverse effects on the psychology, behaviour, academic
career and future lives of the children. Without a doubt, the detrimental effects on youngsters
who play violent video games are severe.

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