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Group Name 7

Annisa Eka Maulida 11210700000150

Chindra Anindyaputri 11210700000157

Erlinda Fahriyah Tammy 11210700000171

Fiqrinur Chodariyah Minardi 11210700000175

Fitriani Herlina Dewi 11210700000177

Maulidya Fatma Rani 11210700000189

Aurella Arfiani Saputri 11210700000153



1. Understanding Post-power Syndrome

Retirement is an adaptive period that has an impact on changing life roles,
changes in social interactions, and limiting financial resources. For some seniors,
especially those who previously held important positions, retirement is a tough time to go
through because they will lose their positions. This leads to a sense of loss of label and
self-identity. The fear of retirees often causes physical and psychological problems,
especially for people who are ambitious and willing.
Post-power syndrome is a psychologically unstable occurrence in which a person
is detached from the power or position he previously held, and is recognized by
characteristics such as unstable mood swings, tends to be irritable and feels useless, and
often falls ill. People who experience Post-power Syndrome will feel disappointed with
their lives. Because they are detached from the title they previously had, they tend to feel
disrespected or flattered anymore, stressed, and experience depression and anxiety.
Therefore, it is important for people who are about to retire to prepare well in the face of
retirement to avoid psychological and social woes.
2. Psychological Theory Approach
According to Elijah (2003: 5), what is meant by Post-power Syndrome is a
collection of symptoms. Power means power. So, the translation of Post-power Syndrome
is a symptom of post-power. This event generally occurs in people who previously had
power or a position to be proud of, but when they are no longer in office, immediately
visible psychiatric symptoms or unstable emotions. The symptoms are usually negative,
which is what Post-power Syndrome means.
Prawitasari (2012: 14) added that Post-power Syndrome is usually experienced by
government officials who have high power who are usually flattered by their subordinates
or others who have interests with them. This retirement can cause problems because not
everyone is prepared to deal with it. Therefore, Post-power Syndrome has inherent
characteristics in sufferers, as expressed by Elijah:

● People who like to be appreciated and respected by others, whose requests are always
obeyed, who like to be served by others.
● People who need recognition from others due to lack of self-esteem. When he has a
position, he feels recognized.
● People who put their meaning in life on the achievements of office and on the ability to
govern the lives of others, to rule over others
3. Symptoms of Post-power Syndrome
When not in office or in power and no longer popular, at that time psychiatric or
emotional symptoms look less stable and usually negative in nature. This symptom
generally occurs in people who previously had power or held one position, but when they
are no longer in office (Kartono 2011 in Khodijah, 2018). When individuals enter
retirement by not working, it will cause "shock" in individuals who then feel lost, lost,
disgraced, which then results in shame. This individual feels useless, unwanted and feels
excluded from the environment.
Symptoms are divided into three, namely physical, emotional and behavioral
symptoms. Physically, sufferers are characterized by an appearance that looks more
haggard, not cheerful and often sickly such as easily affected by flu, fever and other
physical illnesses. (Puri, 2020). Research has found that when people retire, they also
experience symptoms in the form of changes in vision, hearing and sensory-motor that
decline after retirement hits. There are emotional symptoms, causing sadness and stress
because they can't do anything else and can't find a job and become irritable (Khodijah,
While emotional symptoms are characterized by irritability, prefer to be alone,
moody, more irritable and offended if their views and words are not appreciated. As well
as other symptoms such as sad, disappointed, feeling confused, empty, and easily afraid
(Puri, 2020). Then there are also behavioral symptoms that appear can be seen from
changes in the attitude of sufferers who tend to be more quiet, shy or vice versa even
continue to boast of their career glory in the past (Puri, 2020).
Puri, 2020 states that the symptoms that often arise if someone experiences Post-
power Syndrome, namely, turmoil or anxiety in his heart, as well as excessive worry
about facing a period that is outside his safe and comfortable zone, can distort the soul of
someone who does not prepare from the beginning.

4. Post-power Syndrome Factors

There are two factors that affect the mental health of the elderly in retirement,
namely internal and external factors. Internal factors such as age, lack of confidence, fear,
feelings of worthlessness, reduced ability to process words, and external factors such as
termination of employment, difficulty finding a job, breakup, lack of friends and social
circle. (Khodijah, 2018).

5. Tips and ways for someone to overcome Post-power Syndrome

There are several ways to overcome Post-power Syndrome including:
a. Prepare as early as possible

With a person instilling in his heart that no human being can live forever.
So, we must cultivate that retirement is a natural and normal thing that is a natural
procedure and cannot be avoided by anyone. If you can accept that it is something
from the reality of life, the heart will undoubtedly become calmer, far from
feeling anxious because of thinking about retirement, preparing savings well or
planning for long-term investments with minimal risk.
b. Building communication with the community

Do not boast of yourself either because of the power, position, or

possessions we have when we are in our prime. Do not ignore the principle of life
that everything we have achieved, we will not have forever, because when it is
time to retire, we dare to go into retirement with space and confidence. This will
direct our every step, so that we can complete the motto: "Young work old
c. Looking for new activities.

One way that can help sufferers is to create new activities such as,
participating in an activity, exercising regularly, or building a small business
which can make sufferers become distracted with new activities.

d. Ask a third person for help.

If a sufferer feels he cannot deal with the circumstances and situations he

is experiencing, then he can ask for help or assistance to third parties, such as
friends, family, religious leaders or to professionals, namely psychologists.

6. Experience or Story of Someone Who Has Experienced Post-power Syndrome

Shin Hua (2020) is a documentary film based on a true story. Crowned as the oldest
barbershop in Indonesia. In the past, Shin Hua was the most crowded and famous
barbershop in Surabaya. As time went by, Shin Hua began to lose customers from time to
time. The barbershop that was established in 1911 is now increasingly deserted and is now
on the verge of bankruptcy; Inferior to new stores full of innovation.
The barbershop was indeed abandoned, but the owner continued to perpetuate Shin
Hua's existence. Maintain the family's heirloom hair despite the many obstacles that come
your way. Currently, Freddy is the second generation to take care of Shin Hua. She was the
only one of the twelve children who wanted to continue her father's hairdressing business.
The third generation is also unwilling to continue his grandfather's hair business. This
motivates Freddy to continue to take care of Shin Hua even though he is old.

The Shin Hua Building was never renovated from the beginning. Shin Hua
decorations typical of ancient Chinese movies have their own charm for visitors. Freddy
does not want to renovate the building because he wants to preserve the memories of Shin
Hua in his prime. When local officials who invite relatives to the city government use their
services. But that was then, now many of Shin Hua's loyal customers have died. Until Shin
Hua gradually lost his existence.
Freddy recounts it started in its golden age, when customers reached 125 or more
people in a day. Until how much it hurts when Shin Hua doesn't have a single customer
every day. Shin Hua (2020) presents a portrait of Freddy's old razor. The old razors on
display can transport our minds to the past. At the moment when the old razor was used,
Shin Hua was in full swing. Imagining Shin Hua's empty seats filled with customers who
were having their hair shaved.

Khodijah. (2018). Post-power Syndrome Lansia Pensiunan PNS di Kota Surabaya. Biokultur,
Journal UNAIR, pp. 16−34.


MENGATASINYA. Diakses pada 1 Juni 2023 pukul 15.07, https://rsjd-

Agita, D. (2020) Shin Hua (2020): Warisan Tanpa Penerus. Film Forum Dokumenter. Diakses
pada 1 Juni 2023 pukul 22.27,

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