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Nombre: Alejandra Gonzalez Rojas Matrícula: 2796999

Nombre del curso: Nombre del profesor:
Módulo: Actividad:
Fecha: de 2020
Bibliografía: h

Farmer Jones and his wife

Complete the text using the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Farmer Jones met Jane when he was just a young man. He couldn’t help falling
(1 fall) in love with her immediately and asked her to marry him. She said yes
although she knew it would mean get (2 get) up early to milk the cows for the
rest of her life. “Love means never had (3 have) to get up early to milk the
cows”, said Farmer Jones, and explained that he would continue to get (4 get)
up early to milk the cows so Jane could sleep late every day. Everything went
well until they tried to increased (5 increase) their profits by buying some
chickens. The first night, a fox ate one of the chickens. Farmer Jones decided to
build (6 build) a fence to protect the chickens. But the ground was too hard, so
he couldn’t. He tried to use (7 use) an axe to break the ground but it was much
too hard. So, he went to the local shop and tried buying (8 buy) a gun. But he
didn’t have any identification, so he couldn’t buy one. He tried borrowing (9
borrow) one from his neighbors but they were all worried about the fox too. “I
regret not buying (10 buy) one when I had those rabbit problems”, he told Jane.
So, Jane went to the shop and bought a gun. That night she tried stopping (11
stop) the fox. At first, she tried to scare (12 scare) the fox by shooting into the
air but it didn’t work. So, she tried hitting (13 hit) the fox but she missed. She
called her husband and he ran after the fox try to catch (14 catch) it but he
wasn’t fast enough. They tried shouting (15 shout) at the fox and they tried
throwing (16 throw) things at it and they tried leaving (17 leave) other food for
the fox but nothing worked. Soon they had only 1 chicken left. They tried asking
(18 ask) their neighbors for help and one of their neighbors told them to try
putting (19 put) tiger dung on the ground. So, they went to the local zoo to try to
buy (20 buy) some tiger dung. They put the dung on the ground and they never
saw the fox again.

 Complete the following exercises:

o Orally, answer these questions, record yourself to analyze your

pronunciation- For this section, use at least 2 comparatives, 2
superlatives and a same-level comparative (as…as…). Your recording
must last at least one minute:

 What’s your favorite country in the world?

 What do you like the most about it?
 Is the food and weather very different from Mexico? In what way?

One of my favorite country in the world is Scotland, it is as big as

Mexico in terms of green areas, this country is more interesting
than USA, because it has a lot of traditions and costumes, and
Scots are very attached to their traditions, two of the most
interesting things of Scotland is their Hogmanay, in this day they
celebrated the new year, the second thing is their passion for Irn
Bru, this is a drink has a vanilla-like flavor and is compared as a
custom one of the difference of Scotland and Mexico is the
delicious food and the coldest weather of this region.

o Listen to the audio file. If you have troubles listening, you can use the
Activity 6.pdf file for help. Find 3 words you don’t know and write their
meaning. Now write the answer of the following questions:

 Where has she worked?

She worked on England, Mexico and Japan.

 What are the differences between Mexico, Japan, and England?

Write at least 4 complete sentences using 2 comparatives and

The weather in England is very cold than Mexico and Japan.

Japan got more humid than Mexico in summer.

Mexican food was definitely the spiciest food.

Japanese food is probably the healthiest food.


 Which country is her favorite and why? Write an explanation that

contains at least 4 complete sentences using 2 comparatives and 2

Mexico is the most relaxed country.

It has beautiful weather.

It´s sunniest than England.

It beaches is as beautiful as beaches in Japan.

o Write a paragraph, where you talk about a country that you like a lot.
You must choose a different country from the one in the recording. This
writing must contain two comparative sentences (with long and short
adjectives), two superlative sentences (with long and short adjectives),
two “as…as…” sentences, and two quantifiers (too much, too many, too,
and enough).

Another country that I like too much is Mexico, it is as big as any other
country whit his culture, its people are wonderful and it’s attached to his
culture too, they have the most interesting history and the most beautiful
traditions. Mexico is one of the bigger country of Latino America, and is
as interesting as Scotland.

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