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March of the Nutcracker

The song is in the key of G and is in Common time. Clarinets, trombones, and trumpets play a

regal march-like melody as the music begins. This melody descends in pitch, rises abruptly, and then

descends once more, to which the violins respond with a silvery response. This main theme is played

repeatedly while the oboe plays a long note that sounds like it's being signed to emphasize the violins'

out-of-tune pitch. Following this, there is a staccato dance-like chromatic dissonance between the

clarinet and the oboe that is developed upon and changed throughout the piece. The piece soon

changes to feature prominently displayed sixteenth notes and eighth notes to add dramatic emphasis

during the march's epic battle. The main march theme that was established at the beginning is repeated

in the final section, and the flutes also "sigh" as the fast-descending sixteenth notes descend. The

orchestra as a whole then plays the final note in a single eighth. The melody throughout the whole

symphony is staccato/chromatic. The texture was a combination of homo/polyphonic, and thick. The

rhythm was duple, one strong and one weak. The Form was Ternary (A-B-A).

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