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Ailyn Maung

Ethnics 21
Hnou Lee
November 7th, 2022

Week 11: Reading Blog

For this week, we were provided three different readings to discuss and express what we
found compelling. This week’s readings were; Zernike - The Harvard Guide to Happiness,
Minnick - Fourteen Ways of Looking at Electives, and Cicarelli — Is College an Investment or
an End in Itself? In the first reading by Zernike, the author discusses seven different steps in
achieving true happiness while being in college. Meet the faculty, Take a mix of courses, Study
in Groups, Write, Write, Write, Speak another language, Consider Time, and Hold the Drum.
While reading, I found that I can relate the most to - take a mix of courses, study in groups,
consider time, and hold the drum. The reason I agree with those certain steps is because I feel
like those are the things that have made me still sane while starting college, especially studying
in groups as it helps me not get overwhelmed with work. The second reading by Minnick, the
author discusses fourteen different tips on college electives. I really agree with the overall
reading as it is a very helpful guide if you need assistance or advice on choosing certain
objectives/subjects to take if you need to fill an elective or are just wanting to explore. The last
provided reading by Cicarelli, discusses a contraversal topic in college. With this last reading, I
didn’t quite agree or disagree with the topic. Overall I agreed with the first two readings, and I
really suggest the two first readings in regards to advice or tips for college.

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