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Feedback of our tutees:

Literacy and Numeracy

Riki Joyce Gillego

Often while I am tutoring, I will encourage the student to overcome difficulties in his lives, not just in his
studies. I help him see the good that he can do. The good that he are already doing. Doing this improves
their work, focus, and mood.

I also noticed that when I actively listened to him, as opposed to just lecturing, he perceptibly tried
harder to complete the material. I suspect that when he felt heard, he felt more empowered and
therefore saw himselves as people who could work hard with ease. I became better at responding to his
needs. Also, by hearing what he wanted to learn, I was able to make the material more engaging and
relevant to his lves, thereby making my instructions much more helpful.

As a future teacher, I have a very important responsibility of imparting knowledge to the younger
generation. However, people are often different with different things appealing to them. Thus, as a
teacher, it is important to continue to improve myself on how to carry all my pupils along while
teaching them. Whether I improve myr teaching methods by working with educational services. it’s
important to keep progressing!

"My tutoring session went very well. Very kind and helpful, made me feel accomplished in my writing.
Great tutor, because went step by step through my homework and made every problem seem easy."


Sharivie B. Llandelar

Being a tutor is fun and rewarding because it shows me things I know well, teaches me new stuff, and
makes the things I don’t understand obvious. The following are ideas, concepts, and practices that have
made my tutoring sessions more successful and more beneficial to my student.

Inevitably when tutoring, there are days when my student just don’t want to work. It might be because
they are having a bad day or not getting enough sleep.Though the effort pays off in more ways than
simply improving test scores. They also learn that they are capable of overcoming the obstacles that
seek to overthrow them. In a way, learning that you can learn is more important than the specific things
that you learn. Showing up matters just as much as what you do when you get there.

As a future teacher, I should learn to be flexible while teaching my students. I should know their
strengths and their weaknesses and be able to use different methods to teach so that all my students
can get what I am teaching. I also need to know how best to relate with each of such that they would be
able to learn and appreciate my efforts.

"It helps me so much when I am not able to get help at home with homework. It is also nice when an
extra set of eyes is needed to read. I have had are great and are so helpful! This helped a lot, I had
missed school and didn't know what was going on, so i am glad i was directed here!"

— Sydney Matthew Dino

Lodor, Sunshine

What did you learn the most from tutoring?

- For me, it improves the tutee's self-esteem, attitude toward subject matter, and academic
performance as well as personal growth. In addition to that, tutoring is a self–paced and self–directed
learning process. And I'm so thankful for my students because she learn a lot for the lessons that I

What did you like about the tutoring experience?

-Being a tutor is fun and rewarding because it shows me things I know well, teaches me new stuff, and
makes the things I don’t understand obvious. The following are ideas, concepts, and practices that have
made my tutoring sessions more successful and more beneficial to my students.

How can I continue to improve as a teacher?

-As a teacher,they inspire students in all aspects of their lives, and for many teachers, their greatest goal
is to be a role model. Teachers can inspire an uninterested student to become engrossed in learning.
They can motivate them to participate and focus on their school or learning new things.

Feedback of my Tutee (Princess Shanica M. Freolo)

Hello teacher shine,i would like to thank you for teaching me of how to read,how to solve and how to
pronounce the word correctly. I'm so thankful that I am part of your child tutoring. It is important to me
for being part of that activities because it will help me and they have some topics)lesson that I have
learned from you and apply it for myself. You're a good and kind teacher for me,and aside from that you
give me always food when we are done for the activity that you gave.Thank you also teacher shine,for
helping me to answer all my modules.Godbless po.

Velasco, Anjhela

1. What did you learn the most from tutoring?

The time I spent with my student during my tutoring sessions I learned so much to my student and also
being a teacher. I experience of how it is like on a student to teacher level.During this time, As a
teacher I encountered her strengths and her weakness. I have learned how important is to accept that
we are not perfect teachers and taught me how to learn from my mistakes.Having these experiences is
the true life of a teacher.

2. What did you like about the tutoring experience?

The best experience during my tutoring session when you know that your student is interested and you
know that she enjoy it. And most of all, your student learned something from you on the day of the

3. How can I continue to improve as a teacher?How can I continue to improve as a teacher?

As ateacher, I can improve the ways we teach in our students by developing a new skills and strategy.
Introduce technology in the classroom, personalise the learning experience of the students, Involve
parents in the classroom, and last, Empower students to be active learners.Teachers inspire students in
all aspects of their lives, and for many teachers, their greatest goal is to be a role model. Teachers can
inspire an uninterested student to become engrossed in learning. They can motivate them to participate
and focus on their school or learning new things.

Feedback of my tutee ( Princess Shane J. Añonuevo)

The time I spent with my teacher I learned so much to her. I have learned how important is to accept
that not all of students are perfect, and taught me how to learn from my mistakes. I like the way she
teaches, she got my attention and made me interested in our topic. When my teacher gives jokes that
made me laugh so I wouldn't get bored with our lesson, and when my answer is correct she gives me a
prize that I like the most. And most of all, I would like to say thank you for teaching me how to read,
how to pronounce the words correctly, and counting the numbers orderly. Thank you also for choosing
me to teach, it is a great honor to be part of your journey as a future educator. Hopefully one day when
you are a full -fledged teacher you will have many students to teach.

Andes, Alliah Marie

I learn get to know my student has an indiviual learning style and as a tutor your ultimate goal is to help
the student become independent learner. The confidence and motivation it gave me, I couldn't get
anywhere else.

As a future teacher, I can improved the way I teach by inspiring student to their greatest goal is to be a
role model.

"I find that she explains and shows creativity in what he does and that helps his students be more
interested. She makes sure that his student feel confident and comfortable while giving activities to the
children. And she also good at understanding what we need, and how she can give help with his
students to learn more about her lesson"

— Kevin Christian T. Andes

Vibar, Bryan

1 What did you learn about the most from tutoring?

For me, I learned the most important thing in my teaching is the challenge of how to teach a child even
they are suffering in difficulty in reading and counting but I passed it because I learned to be patient with
them so that I can teach what a child should learn . and I am thankful because I experienced to be a

2. What did you like about yhe tutoring experience?

What I liked while teaching was that even though I was not very good at reading and counting, teacher
kua Bryan was still not angry with me and he was still very kind to me even though I repeatedly forgot
what he taught and he tried to recall me to get it. I really like what he teaches. I am happy because I
have experienced being taught by a students teacher because he really focused on my studies. Because
I have really wanted to go to school for a long time and I also want to experience going to the classroom
every day and being with my classmates.

3. How can I continue to improve as a teacher?

As a future teacher we are the second parents of the children and we also encourage their learning and
their living. For me, I have a lot more to improve myself as a teacher because I have more children to
handle with different behaviors

Feedback to my tutes.( Matt Andrei Maquiñana)

Hello teacher bryan, I am happy because you taught me to study, And also you encourage me that even
if I am having a hard time, the time will come when you will get and you will learn where you are having
a hard time. Just don’t give up. And I learned a lot, I learned the most from the beginning and until the
end of teaching was I learned to read even I have really hard time in reading. And I also learned to count
and recognize numbers. I cannot absorb the knowledge if you don't teach me patiently. Also you are
very patience in teaching and he didn't really let me not to get what he taught.

Llona, Jerome

1. I've learned how to value patience. Specially in tutoring students.

2. The smile of my student when he gets the correct answer in the pre-assessment also it boost my
confidence to be a good future educator

3. As of now I have so many imperfections as a teacher.Confidence,financial stability and time

management but these are the example that I need to focus on and of course if i will improve my
imperfections I know that in the future I will be a better teacher.

"Binabagalan ang pagtuturo sa mga leksyon kung saan ako nahihirapan. Mas napapadali ang aking pag
intindi dahil malinaw syang mag salita at magaan sa pakiramdam mag aral dahil inaalam nya kung saan
ako mahina at kung saan ako madaling matuto."

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