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Guía de autoaprendizaje

Material de apoyo para la continuidad educativa

ante la emergencia COVID-19

Estudiantes 8.° grado

Fase 3, semana 17


1 | Inglés Guía de autoaprendizaje 8.o grado

Fase 3, semana 14
Unidad Indicadores de logros Productos
Unit 6. Healthy habits 6.8 Describes past events with the Describe acciones y eventos
correct use of the past tense que tuvieron lugar en el
Content: pasado, utilizando vocabulario
Simple past (I ) using regular y expresiones en tiempos
verbs apropiados (100%)

Orientación sobre el uso de la guía

Esta es una guía que te dará las orientaciones para que construyas tu propio aprendizaje. Desarrolla paso a paso lo
solicitado y consulta los enlaces de sitios web que se sugieren para ampliar los temas desde casa. No es necesario
imprimir el documento, únicamente debes leer las orientaciones y resolver en tu cuaderno de clase.

1. Actividades

1.1 Activation

Con el objetivo de explorar tus conocimientos previos acerca de acciones o eventos en el pasado,
trabajaremos con los siguientes ejercicios.

Instructions: Put the verbs in simple past and match the pictures with the verbs. When you finish write the
hidden message.


1. studied
2. walked
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1.2 Presentation

Review of Simple Past Tense with regular verbs: Study the chart with the spelling rules:

Spelling rules

visit – visited
Infinitive + ed / d
love - loved
Vowel + y: ed enjoy – enjoyed

Consonant + y: ied study – studied

One-syllable verb
stop – stopped
1 vowel + 1 consonant: Double consonant
bat - batted
+ ed
Two- syllable with stress on second
permit – permitted
syllable and ending with a single
commit - committed
consonant: Double consonant + ed

As you know, the Simple Past tense with regular verbs. Has affirmative, negative and interrogative forms. Let’s
review them!

Past simple

Affirmative Interrogative Negative

I worked Did I work? I didn´t work

You worked Did you work? You didn´t work

He worked Did he work? He didn´t work

She worked Did she work? She didn´t work

It worked Did it work? It didn´t work

We worked Did we work? We didn´t work

You worked Did you work? You didn´t work

They worked Did they work? They didn´t work

Short answers

Did I / you / he, etc Yes, I /you / he, etc did.

Work…? No, I / you / he, etc didn´t
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1.3 Practice

Now, you are ready to practice using Simple Past Tense using regular verbs in affirmative, negative
and interrogative forms with short or long answers.

1.3.1. Match the endings to make regular verbs in simple past tense.

Examples: live – lived, play – played, hurry – hurried.

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1.3.2 Instructions: Write the Simple Past Tense in these exercises. Look at the examples.

• Write the past simple: finish – finished

• Write the sentences into negative or interrogative: Julia studied Maths (-). Julia didn’t study Maths. You
played golf? Did you play golf?
• My dad saved (save) money last year.
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1.3.3 Instructions: Complete this worksheet using Past Simple Tense using regular verbs in affirmative,
negative and question forms. Follow the instructions in the previous exercise.
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1.4 Production

Instructions: How about YOU? It is time to practice!

On the following piece of paper, write:

• Five (5) affirmative sentences using simple past tense describing real actions you or your family members
did. Please use correct expressions of time in the past.
• Five (5) negative sentences using simple past tense describing actions you didn’t do. Remember to use time
expressions in the past.
• Five (5) questions asking your best friend what he or she did. Answer them giving short answers.

• I visited my brother yesterday.
• My family and I didn’t go to the beach last weekend.
• A question to my best friend: Kika: Did you play with Luna (her dog) two days ago? Yes, I did. I played with
my adorable Luna!

2. Recursos en línea

En el siguiente video podrás escuchar y visualizar vocabulario relacionado con simple past tense with regular
verbs. Si deseas ampliar tu vocabulario, gramática, habilidades auditivas acerca de estos temas y educar tu
oído con la correcta pronunciación en inglés, da clic sobre los siguientes links:


3. Criterios de evaluación

Describe acciones y eventos que tuvieron lugar en el pasado, utilizando vocabulario y expresiones en tiempos
apropiados: 100 %

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