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Name: Heiddy Macas

Date: September 12, 2022

Diplomacy and the elements of the state in

“La Isla de las Rosas” movie

“The island of roses”, a film based on real events, is a representation that manages to
connect concepts such as politics, freedom, the role of diplomacy and issues related to
national and international law.

Giorgio Rosa’s dream of building a structure outside Italian territory, and getting it
recognized as an independent state, was the cause of political unrest with the Italian
authorities, which generated a controversial scenario for that time.

It is important to point out the ambition of Rosa, who, according to the version of the
film of Netflix, was always directed to follow the law and prove it to the Italian
authorities, however, he faced some obstacles.

Throughout this story, we can identify the presence of elements of a state, for example,
from the beginning when Rosa as an engineer with the utopian idea of creating a liberal
symbol, builds a platform on the sea floor, supposedly outside Italian control, we
recognize that the character and the group of people with him, have found a territory to
settle, 12 km from the coast of Rimini, beyond the territorial waters of Italy. Later on,
the Island is taking shape, the population of this state is formed, and that is another
indispensable element for a territory to be called a state. Later, a type of government
was instituted, where Giorgio Rosa became the president of the so-called "Republica de
la Isla de las Rosas". However, a stable political organization was not appreciated, as
such government was not constituted of a certain type of legislation, but of a condition
of "freedom", as a state without laws. In addition, they highlighted the sovereignty they
had over the territory since it did not belong to Italy, so Rosa and the people who had
joined their ideas, defended the independence they had over their space, but, even with a
part of the elements of what is a state, without international recognition, Rosa and her
utopian idea would be considered a game about to end. A state to acquire sovereignty
and independence, needed to be recognized internationally and be subject to
international laws and policies of international organizations such as the United Nations,
however, Rosa, despite trying, seeking even the European council to be some
intermediation of this council between Rosa and its territory and the authorities of Italy.

Throughout the film, the use of diplomacy in the midst of this conflict is notorious.
Although Rosa tried to manage international relations between "his state" and Italy,
through negotiation, communication and other not so rational means, even so, he could
not reach agreements to recognize his island as a state, and the story ends with a failed
attempt to maintain relations, and a use of force is made to consider destroyed "the
republic" for which Rosa dreamed and worked so much.

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