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Let’s Analyze

Activity 6. At this point, you may have formed a better grasp of what is good.
Please answer the questions below.
1. In your opinion, what constitutes a good life?

For me, living a good life entails being in good health and being supported
and loved by your family. Money that is sufficient to go on vacation at least
once a year and to purchase small gifts for special occasions, which implies
having a good quantity of money flow and without needing to be
wealthy.Additionally, achieving my goals, whether they involve a person or
objects, will make me happy and enable me to lead a fulfilling life.

2. What doe Aristotle say about the good life? How would you relate the
Aristotelian concept of good life with the contemporary world?

Aristotle claimed that virtue is what makes people happy and leads to a good
life. The good life, in his opinion, is when people are extinct. He believed that
leading a good life meant being happy or prosperous, and that this could be
attained by leading a life of virtue, which is realized by consistently acting
morally upright or in accordance with high moral standards. Given that most
people nowadays are materialistic, this must still be true in today's world. Most
individuals believe that having a successful life involves having many material
belongings. They forget that leading a life that is morally upright is necessary
for happiness and a good quality of life.

3. How does the progress in science and technology contribute towards the
attainment of good life?

New information has been created through science and technology, which
has also helped people's lives evolve and advance and allowed us to save
time and money.

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