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In a Nutshell

Activity 5.
Clearly, Hickel from his article showed us how progress and development are
equated with growth and higher consumption, which could be the
development indicator. In this portion of the unit, you require again to give
your synthesis, conclusions, or arguments relevant to the topic presented. I
will supply the first item, and you will continue the rest.

1. De-development or reducing the use of resources for impoverished country

to catch up would be the right paradigm shift, especially when it limits climate
change. But, there might be no stopping or shifting by rich countries since
growth is always be the strategy for economic rise.

2. For the past 70 years, growth or an expanding population has been the main focus
of progress and development, even if it is failing. The size of the world economy has
increased by 380% since 1980. However, more than 1.1 billion additional people now
live in poverty, with a daily income of less than $5 (£3.20). We are exceeding our
present world average consumption levels. each year by more than 50% the planet's
bio-capacity. If we are not going to stop growing voluntarily especially to those
countries who are rich, the global crisis which is climate change will stop us because
the effects of it will limit the resources that humans need for growth and development.

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