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Course & Year : BSE 1




1) Disagree
2) Agree
3) Disagree
4) Agree
5) Disagree









⮚ Fibonacci is a sequence of numbers in which each successive number is equal to the sum of two
preceding numbers .


⮚ A curved pattern that focuses on the center point and a series of circular shapes that revolve
around it . Examples of spirals are pineapple ,hurricanes and pine cones.
⮚ When reflected waves from one end of the medium interfere with incident waves from the
source due to the source's vibrational frequency, a standing wave pattern is formed within the
⮚ The striped pattern is evolutionary in that it improves camouflaged survival rates. Although it is
most frequently associated with zebras, other species, including butterflies, also have stripes.
⮚ Linear apertures called cracks develop in materials as a result of tension. Three cracks intersect
at a node when an elastic material stretches or contracts uniformly until it achieves its breaking
strength, at which point it fails abruptly in all directions and forms 120-degree joints.
⮚ Symmetry outlines guidelines for rearranging objects without altering their pattern. In order to
conceptualize pattern generation, symmetry principles are often utilised. It is specifically
claimed that "symmetry breaking" — the act of making something less symmetrical — is how
patterns in nature are created (having fewer symmetries than its predecessor).



A . What is it about mathematics that might have changed your thoughts about it ?

⮚ Mathematics is the science that deals with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangement.
One who has learned to think mathematically will be able to think through many other issues in life,
whether numbers are involved or not. Using discipline to form your opinions is much better than using
“feel good” emotions or laziness. Mathematics, at its core, is a way to organize your thinking.
Mathematics is the science that deals with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangement. Math is all
around us, in everything we do. It is the building block for everything in our daily lives, including mobile
devices, architecture (ancient and modern), art, money, engineering, and even sports. So then, we
always change.

B. What is most useful about mathematics for humankind ?

⮚ Math makes a difference and we have way better problem-solving abilities. Explanatory
considering alludes to the capacity to think fundamentally approximately about the world
around us. Thinking is our capacity to think coherently in almost any circumstance. Expository
and thinking aptitudes are fundamental since they offer assistance to fathom issues and search
for arrangements. M Math makes a difference because we have way better problem-solving
abilities. Explanatory considering alludes to the capacity to think fundamentally approximately
about the world around us. Thinking is our capacity to think coherently in almost any
circumstance. Expository and thinking aptitudes are fundamental since they offer assistance us
fathom issues and search for makes a difference us have way better problem-
solving abilities. Explanatory considering alludes to the capacity to
think fundamentally approximately the world around us. Thinking is our capacity to
think coherently almost a circumstance. Expository and thinking aptitudes are fundamental sinc
e they offer assistance us fathom issues and search for arrangements.


A. Cite the mathematical application that you commonly do in each of the following stations

and state your appreciation.

Stations Application of and Appreciation for


1. Market Mathematical Operation , Ratio and

Proportions - In the market, we use a lot of
mathematics to make our shopping more
efficient. One of these are the mathematical
operations that we use to calculate how much
we will pay for our purchases, followed by the
ratios and proportions, which we use to
measure the right amount of the stuff that we
will use.

2. Bus/Jeepney Estimation , Mathematical Operations - When

I'm driving, I use estimation to figure out how
many minutes/hours it will take me to get to
my destination. And for mathematical
operations, it helps me pay the correct
amount of fare whether my change is exact or

3. Church Estimations , Ratios and Proportions - This

type of application is used to estimate
how many people will attend the mass
and to prepare the exact amount of
communion bread that will be served in
mass by using ratios and proportions.

Problem Solving - Basically, problem solving

is mostly used in meetings because the
4. Club meeting goal is to find a solution to a specific
problem or issue facing the organization.

5. Clinic Measurements , Ratios and Proportions - This

application is mostly used in clinics when
doctors are writing prescriptions, such as
measuring the exact amount and correct
ratio of medication that a patient will take.

6. Court Probability - Probability is used in court to

predict how a lawyer will win a case and
to predict a situation that can be used as
evidence to a suspect.

7. Laboratory Estimation ,Measurement ,Statistics -

Statistics are used in laboratories to
analyze methods and concepts, as well as
to gain a better understanding of the data

8. Birthday party Estimation , Ratios and Proportions,

Measurements - This application is used to
estimate or determine the exact amount
of food to be served for those who will
attend the party.

9. Watching games Probability - Probability is used in

watching games to predict who will win
or lose, by simply calculating the
probability of winning the game.

10. Police station Problem Solving - This type of application is

also used in police stations to respond to

B. If mathematics is important in different fields/aspect, state 5 disadvantage if a person doesnot

know and understand mathematics.

1.Having low skills in analysis ,logical and critical thinking .

2.She/he can’t/ will not be able to manage their bank account or even their savings account.

3. She/he would not be able to identify if they received the right amount of his/her change ,after
buying some goods.

4. Cannot even solve a simple equation .

5.She/he will be having error payments, loans, taxes, debt services, etc.


A. Provide a concise answer to the following:

1. What is mathematics?
⮚ Mathematics is a branch of knowledge that includes topics such as numbers , formulas , and
related structures ,shapes and the spaces in which they exist ,and quantities and their changes .

2. Where is mathematics?

⮚ Mathematics is present in everything we do. It is the foundation for everything in our daily
lives ,including mobile devices, computers , software, modern architecture and also ancient
Architectures , art, money, engineering and even sports , cars , machinery etc.

3. What role does mathematics play in our world?

⮚ Mathematics is a fundamental part of human thought and logic ,an integral part of our attempts
to understand the world and ourselves .Mathematics provides an effective way to build mental
discipline ,promoting logical thinking and mental rigor.

B. Make a two – three pages synthesis paper focusing in one of the following aspects of


Mathematics helps us predict the behavior of nature and phenomena in the world. Use math tools to
create models that correspond to what you can measure and observe in the real world. Models that we
use every day, models that work to observe the world, and behaviors that correspond to models that
have not yet been observed. Models that can be measured are called “laws of nature”. Mathematics is
the tool we use to encode our observations of the physical world. Mathematics can help us understand
how things happen in the natural world, such as how the sun sets, where it went, or why it returned. It's
easier to count these events than to describe them in words. Mathematics is especially useful when
trying to explain the infinite sense one gets when thinking about the natural world that exists outside of
us. Math can also be used for everything that happens to us naturally, like seeding clouds or even The
weather, or what's going to appear the next day will it rain or now no longer, Mathematics enables us in
our everyday lives, we simply cannot see it with our bare eye, there are loads of factors that we will do
to math, all round us have numbers, all that we will see within side the international have numbers,
maps, cell phones, laptops, edges of our house, the scale of your house, the measurements of your
doors, tall buildings, and plenty of different things, math is the motive why you've got mobile
telephones and the way it works without math we cannot make those things, For example, Researchers
observed that a set of the microorganism grows exponentially beyond the regular time at a selected
rate. This version then may be used to discover what number of microorganisms are there at an equal
time. There are loads of factors that arithmetic has performed to us, additionally through simply
predicting. What you spot these days within the present day international which all seem to be managed
through the regulations of arithmetic, observations, and mistakes corrections. Through commentary and
trying out it has become clear that earth and numerous different planets moved across the sun.
Eventually, mathematical equipment had been invented to explain those herbal motions. We human
beings are there on the equal sport for a lengthy time, so we’ve gotten quite properly at it. So
mathematical equipment can be expecting all which might be going on in our international
environment, even outdoor the arena, galaxies, etc. Mathematics plays a vital function in this process,
operating with a fixed of equations that describe the atmosphere, taking into account temperature,
stress, and humidity.

How can I say that math does assist us throughout the years? We have math all around the
international, even our high-quality and understanding scientists use math to are expecting how the
arena is made and the way it’s going to be destroyed, I’m now no longer predicting I’m simply telling you
men that our well-known scientist use math to reveal us what happened, for example, “Nikola Tesla” he
invented The Tesla Tower which may be used as a Wi-Fi adapter, he extensively utilized math to remedy
the one's equations so he can invent it, we're the usage of it now, to our cell phones, receiving text,
sending messages, or must I say through the usage of the Internet. Subsequently, we additionally have
“Thomas Edison” who invented the mild bulb, he additionally uses math, and power has math in it too,
for example (kW) 1000watts. Next, we additionally have “Isaac Newton” who advanced Newton’s
Method for approximating the foundation features of math and had a big jump ahead to the fields of
math, and finally, we have “Albert Einstein” who located the arguable Big Bang Theory which he proved
it through fixing the equations and locating out how the planets and additionally our earth is mad, See
how Mathematics works and enables us on our normal life, math offers us predictions on what's going
to appear at the future, math determines the whole lot, math subjects to our lives. The weather
forecast, calamities, or even all of the equipment that we're using these days are the paintings of math,
this is why Mathematics is predicting the whole lot that is going on in our everyday lives.


Collect pictures and create an album showing the application of mathematics in different

workstations in your community.

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