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ETHICS (Finals)
COURSE FACILITATOR: Maricris C. Villacampa,
FB/MESSENGER: Maricris Cayao Villacampa
Phone No: 09325110223

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Unauthorized copying and / or editing is prohibited. (For Classroom Use Only) Prepared by: Jude V. Tuanzon, LPT,

Activity No. 1
“In heaven, there is no beer; that’s why we drink beer here” so goes the song of the
What kind of life is suggested by the lines?

The lines of the song implies a life with pleasures of drinking beers while the person
is still alive.

Activity No. 2 The Importance of Justice

DIRECTION: Express and substantiate your thoughts through a 15 – 20 sentence essay

to answer the question below. Use the rubric as your guide.

1. How important is justice in our society? (50 pts)

The principle of justice could be described as the moral obligation to
act on the basis of fair adjudication between competing claims. As such, it is linked
to fairness, entitlement and equality.Justice means giving each person what he or
she deserves or, in more traditional terms, giving each person his or her due. Justice
and fairness are closely related terms that are often today used interchangeably.In
any case, a notion of being treated as one deserves is crucial to both justice and
fairness.Justice helps us figure out what is fair, what is right and what is wrong.
When justice is working, everyone feels like they are being treated fairly. Rules and
laws help people figure out what is 'just' or fair.It guides the development and
operation of an individual business or organization, as well as of a larger economic
or political system. Justice-based leaders seek to promote a culture that develops,
enriches and empowers each member of the group and thereby strengthens the
whole.The purpose of justice is to provide fair treatment to each individual, without
exception, in regard to their personal rights according to the laws of the land of their
residence or in other countries where the individual's country is represented in a
consulate.Many would say that it means fairness. Laws should be applied fairly to all
people. Others would say that justice means "he got what was coming to him." The
severity of the punishment should match the severity of the crime for justice to be

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Activity No. 3 Utilitarianism, Justice, and Fairness

Read and reflect on the case below and answer the questions that follow. (20 pts)

A 4-day-old child was admitted into a Nigerian Hospital, with neonatal tetanus,
jaundice, and sepsis. Four days into the treatment, their clinical condition continued to
deteriorate. The family requested to be discharged against medical advice on the grounds
that the outcome of continued treatment may not be favorable with the possibility of
neurological disability and the financial burden of continued treatment which could lead to
catastrophic financial consequences for the rest of the family members. What would the
family do if they are adherents of the utilitarian principle? Would you do the same if you are
one the family member of that 4-day-old child? Why or why not?

This is in line with the utilitarian moral principle in which,

decisions are made based on the maximum number of individuals who would benefit
from the outcome in spite of the fact that some individuals may be harmed by such
decisions. The doctor’s opinion was that continuing the child’s treatment and
protecting the child’s right to survival could only happen with the baby remaining in
hospital care. This is in line with the deontological ethical theory which judges an
action based on it being morally correct irrespective of its actual consequence. The
ethical issue arising here is, how appropriate is it to make decisions in the best
interests of the child when the overall cost of that decision is weighing heavily on
the interests of the larger society which in this case is the family. In conclusion,
while professional medical ethics is the same in most countries, implementation of
what is in the child's best interests varies according to the provisions made available
by each country.


Criteria VERY GOOD(4) GOOD(3) FAIR(2) POOR(1)
Poor and hard
Clear Minor lapses in Significant lapses to follow
ORGANIZA Organization, Organization, in Organization, organization,
TION OF Introduction is Introduction Introduction does There is no
clearly stated but
IDEAS inviting, Details clearly stated, not preview the clear
not inviting,
50% are in logical Details are in structure, Details introduction,
Details are in
order logical order are in logical order Details are not
logical order
S More than 30
No error. 1-10 errors. 11-20 errors. 21-30 errors.
(Spelling) errors.
90-100% of the 70-89% of the 50-69% of the 30-49% of the Less than 30%
REFLECTI content of content of content of content of of the content of
ON reflection is reflection is reflection is reflection is reflection is
30% thoughtful, clear thoughtful, clear thoughtful, clear thoughtful, clear thoughtful, clear
and cohesive and cohesive and cohesive and cohesive and cohesive
DIRECTION: Read and analyse the questions. Express and substantiate your thoughts
through a 3 to 5 – sentence essay. Use the rubric as your guide.

Indicators Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner

Discussion of the Very Clear Clear Acceptable Needs
subject matter Improvement
Application of the Very Clear Clear Acceptable Needs
concepts to the Improvement

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Quality Writing Piece was written in an Piece was written in Piece had little style Piece had no
extraordinary style and an interesting style and voice; gives some style or voice;
voice; very and voice; somewhat information but poorly gives no new
informative and well- informative and organized manner information and
organized organized very poorly
Grammar Usage and Virtually no spelling, Few spelling, A number of spelling, So many
Mechanics punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, or spelling,
grammatical errors grammatical errors grammatical errors is punctuation, or
present grammatical

1. What is an ethical behavior based on utilitarianism and consequence ethical framework?

(5 pts)

ANSWER:Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that determines right from wrong by focusing on

outcomes. It is a form of consequentialism. Utilitarianism holds that the most ethical choice is
the one that will produce the greatest good for the greatest number.This would arguably
produce the greatest good for the greatest number.

2. What criticisms are given against utilitarianism and consequence ethical framework?
Explain. (10 pts.)

ANSWER:Utilitarianism is an incorrect moral theory.The most common argument against act

utilitarianism is that it gives the wrong answers to moral questions. Critics say that it permits
various actions that everyone knows are morally wrong.

3. Are all pains are ethically bad? What about the pains of martyrdom and acts of heroism?
(10 pts.)

So lets start with the obvious assumption that pain is bad and pleasure is
good. So actions that cause pain are impermissible and actions that course pleasure
are permissible (maybe obligatory). This moral theory is called Utilitarianism. It's the
view that morality comes from the pain or pleasure that actions cause.Not all pain
are good or bad experience,without pain we can't learn our mistakes.Pain can save
us and build our strong empire and it can be consider as a gift of God,through this
experience we can develop or create the best version of ourselves.Martyrdom,one
who voluntarily suffers death rather than deny his religion by words or indeed,such
as action is afforded special,institutionalized recognition in most major religions of
the world.The term may also refer to anyone who sacrifices his life or something of
great value for the sake of principle.

4. To which kind of pleasure has your life been directed? Where there were times when you
had to embrace pain for something you considered more important? Do you regret having
gone through this pain? (10 pts.)

In this pandemic,my life is guided in the direction of doing what the things
that makes me happy.In this era full of social media,sometimes when I'm bored,I like
watching k-drama,tiktoks and stalking a k-pop star.However,the most essentialthing
that I considered,for which I accept my flaws and imbrace my
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imperfection.Accepting our flaws makes as strong and bolder.Some people may
judge you about your personality or apperance but if we try to appreciate our flaws
we will able to show people how we love ourselves.

5. What’s the difference between social and distributive justice? (5 pts)

Social justice is concerned with people interacting with one another or

communities and involving them in activities or social gatherings in society.
Distributive justice, on the other hand, is concerned with the equitable distribution of
goods, duties, and privileges in accordance with the merits of individuals and the
best interests of society. We are both social and individual beings, as we call social
what we call companionship. Distributive justice is not dissimilar to what we refer to
as social justice, which is related to a society; it is the person who provides or
distributes justice for the society that is referred to as justice in our society, but they
are not the same in reality. Individual cooperation is social, but distributive justice is
a justice that must be followed by society.

6. Recall a situation where you have been fair in your judgment of the situation. (10 pts)

I remember the day when I was trying to save our friendship.In our group of
friends we have 3 members but one day my best friend have an argument then I was
trying to saved it.First,I observed every details that comes out to their mouth and
listen it carefully.I take the bothsides and let them calm down.As they calm,I let my
opinion out so that we can have a fair judgement and then later on they realize their
mistakes and apolize to each other.I believe we people have different
personality,flaws and imperfection,so we must learn to understand each one of us
because we don't know how heavy they carry in order to this world full of

7. Why paying taxes is said to be a moral obligation? (10 pts)

It's because they believed that paying taxes would benefit residents and the
economy, despite the fact that it is not a moral requirement for us. Paying taxes has
nothing to do with moral obligation; certainly, we pay taxes because it is required by
law, but it is not a moral issue. "If we truly believe in the rule of law, there can be no
residual notion of a moral obligation to pay tax," Stephen Mayson says. Taxes are
not the same as our moral obligation because our moral obligation is based on our
personal moral dealings as individuals, not on what the law rules say.

8. Why is taxation called legalized confiscation? (10 pts)

The goal of taxation is to fund the state, and the responsibility is mandatory,
yet the taxes are being handled unfairly. Taxation is essentially the legalized theft of
citizens' money to fund government activities. This means that before our money
may be legitimately taken from us in a modern democracy that adheres to the rule of
law, the State's power to confiscate must be explicitly and unequivocally stated. As I
understand it from the module, I believe that states are not properly using or
managing it, and that they are simply taking taxes from us for their own needs.

9. Since the purpose of taxes is to finance the state, would it mean that tax avoidance is
morally wrong? (10 pts)

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The employment of lawful means to lower the amount of income tax owed by
an individual or a corporation is known as tax avoidance. As I have stated, moral
obligation has nothing to do with taxation; we pay taxes to support the government's
authority, not for our own morals. So, tax evasion is neither morally wrong nor
morally right; it is taxes that we pay, and we have an obligation under the law if we
want the correct taxes for us, but not in our morality.

10. How can taxation be an instrument of social justice in the Philippines? Explain. (15 pts.)

Taxation is the process through which the government takes a portion of

what its citizens earn in order to have money to spend on public services, such as
operating and maintaining public venues or properties for the public's use. This
could be a social justice instrument in the Philippines because it is the reason why
society or those with government jobs can move or perform rights and duties. For
example, public services such as teachers are paid by the government, which is
funded by our taxes, and older citizens receive money from the government, which
is funded by our taxes.Also, taxation is utilized for what the country needs and if
there are people who need it, such as those who have been displaced by storms or
other calamities. Taxation plays an important role in managing society in the
Philippines, but sadly, the government's officials have not dealt with it well.

11. Do you agree that happiness lies in having all the pleasures of this world? Why or why
not? (10 pts)

I don't agree. Happiness would provide you with motivation, productivity,

effective decision-making, and the ability to enhance yourself as a person. Is
contentment, on the other hand, found in obtaining all of life's pleasures? Yes, not all
pleasures in this world may bring you actual happiness, but some things you enjoy
that you consider pleasure might bring you a lot of satisfaction.As a generation, we
can see that people want to leave this world because they can't find happiness in the
pleasures of it; it can only bring them pain. But, as for me, you can just cheer up
yourself and don't look for happiness in things or people; instead, look for
happiness in yourself; that's more than a pleasure of this world. Happiness may be a
deception if you want it to be that way in living with pleasure in this world; it is up to
the person, but true happiness can only be found within themselves.

12. Is there anything wrong with pleasure? Why or why not? (10 pts)

There is nothing wrong with pleasure; but, it will be considered wrong if

the pleasure is unrestricted and without regard for the repercussions, such as what
if the pleasure caused you harm because of the circumstances. They say that
anything can be terrible if you have too much of it, and this is true; therefore, too
much pleasure could be harmful. To have pleasures in this life in the correct way, we
must control, moderate, and discipline ourselves.

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Activity No. 1 Song Analysis.

"We Are the World" is a charity single originally recorded by the supergroup USA for
Africa in 1985. It was written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie and produced by
Quincy Jones and Michael Omartian for the album We Are the World. With sales in excess
of 20 million copies, it is one of fewer than 30 retail singles to have sold at least 10 million
copies worldwide. Sing or read the song and internalize its meaning.

The title of the song "we are the world"it means,we human creates our world and
also we we are the future generations of the world.We can create a better future by
the help of our helping hands,we can make a positive effect on our future world.

Based on the song above, answer the questions below.

1. Which line of the song is your favorite? Why?

Based on song

My favorite line in this song is "Love is all we need".This line is a complete package
for me.We human was born by love because our mother and father loves each other.I
belive "money can't buy love but money is a second lead to make you survive.As
you can see,in this pandemics,many people share their love to the people who needs
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their help,through sharing foods,clothes or shelter.If we people,spread love not
hate,we live happy and contented.

2. Do you agree that our world is a small word after all?

I disagree,because we human has different perspective in life.We can see the world
differently through our experience in life.In my opinion,I can see the world full of
challenges and only the strongest one can survive.Human need to help one
another,in order to make our worl better,through our helping hands we can see the
world huge and wonderful.

3. Does the song suggest a global world? How?

It suggest a global world because the song tells the unity as one, like we are world,
we are the children lines, it directly explained we are the people in the world who
needs connection or cooperation to make world better. Also, the song convey we
should help each other so we make it better and that’s a sign being a global world or
globalisation. The interaction and unity among people it's really the suggestion of
the best song of Michael Jackson, “We are the World.”

Activity No. 2
In the space below,
create your own poster slogan of
peace as a millennial. DO
NOT copy from the internet. (10

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Activity No. 3

By means of a graphic organizer (attribute wheel) below, describe the

Fillennial/Millennials and answer the question that follow. (20 pts)


1.Value Authenticity
2.Socially Conscious

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1. Do you possess the qualities you mentioned in the attribute wheel? How?

Yes, I do. Especially in spending much hours in searching or social media and in
family focused. I am bit multi-tasker because I can do my work in home at the same
time in school activities. In fillennials YOLO-mind-set, I don’t think I belong on that
because I’m always in home and just in Church but it’s true, in this generation
teenagers or millennials are adventurous.

2. What are the attributes of a millennial that needs improvement? How can those
“negative” attributes be improved?

The attributes of a millennial that needs improvement are millennials who love
spending hours in internet, bought so much stuff for luxury goods which is not a
need and being too much confident and narcissistic because it’s not worth it and
appropriate for their needs and too much confident and being narcissistic could lead
bad to them. To improve it they should what is more important or significant as
individual and how the best to handle their selves.

Activity No. 4 Baby Boomers and Millenials: What’s their stand on shared moral

Direction: Pre-marital sex, abortion, euthanasia, death penalty, and gay marriage are just
some of the moral dilemma that both baby boomers and millennials face in their everyday
lives. Pick at least 2 of those shared moral dilemma and interview at least 3 baby boomers
and 3 millenials and ask them their stance on the specific moral issues that you have
chosen. Provide a brief profile of your interviewee. You are the one to formulate the
questions that you are to ask them in order to illicit the needed response. Provide a short
profile of your interviewee. Make a summary of the interview and an analysis by comparing
and contrasting their answers. Present your output via powerpoint presentation or MS
word. Evidence of the interview such as transcript and the questionnaire must be attached.
Use the rubric as your guide. (50 pts)

Indicators Expert (50) Accomplished (30) Capable (20) Beginner (10)

Development of Ideas Well-developed ideas; Developing ideas; Poorly developed ideas Ideas are out of topic.
introduces new ideas, sometimes stimulates which do not add to the
and stimulates discussion. discussion.
Evidence of Critical Clear evidence of critical Beginning of critical Poorly developed critical Nothing can be
Thinking thinking-application, thinking; postings tend to thinking. comprehended.
analysis, synthesis, and address peripheral
evaluation. Postings are issues. Generally
characterized by clarity accurate, but could be
of argument, depth of improved with more
insight into theoretical analysis and creative
issues, originality of thought. Tendency to
treatment, and recite facts rather than
relevance. Sometimes address the issue.
include unusual insights.
Arguments are well
Discussion of the subject Very Clear Clear Acceptable Wrong

Application of the Very Clear Clear Acceptable Wrong

concepts to the question

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DIRECTION: Read and analyse the questions. Express and substantiate your thoughts
through a 3 to 5 – sentence essay. Use the rubric as your guide.

Indicators Expert (4) Accomplished Capable (2) Beginner (1)

Discussion of the Very Clear Clear Acceptable Wrong
subject matter
Application of the Very Clear Clear Acceptable Wrong
concepts to the
Quality Writing Piece was written in Piece was written Piece had little Piece had no
an extraordinary in an interesting style and voice; style or voice;
style and voice; very style and voice; gives some gives no new
informative and well- somewhat information but information and
organized informative and poorly organized very poorly
organized manner organized

Grammar Usage Virtually no spelling, Few spelling, A number of So many

and Mechanics punctuation, or punctuation, or spelling, spelling,
grammatical errors grammatical punctuation, or punctuation, or
errors grammatical errors grammatical
is present errors.

1. Explain what globalization means and is globalization good or bad? Explain. (15 pts)

Globalization means the speedup of movements and exchanges (of human beings,
goods, and services, capital, technologies or cultural practices) all over the planet.
One of the effects of globalization is that it promotes and increases interactions
between different regions and populations around the globe.

2. Which among the traits (positive and negative) of the Millennial/Fillennial do you
possess? Is there any trait which blocks you from becoming the ethical and moral person
you ought to be? Any plan to address this no good traits? (10 pts)

I possessed more the negative traits as millennials of being spending hours in

scrolling in the social and a positive traits which a family focused. I think there's no a
traits as millennials that blocked to become an ethical or moral because whatever I
have a bad traits I could control it and change it for the better and I really know my
limitation. I think a bad traits as millennials is not address a no good traits because
millennials also a smart person to make a positive way.

3. Do you agree that the youth “are indispensable and have an essential role in peace and
nation-building?” Defend your answer. (10 pts)

I agree because based on the facts that millennials likes to a team work maybe they
can do better with a group. Youth doing a nation-building could do more work and
they unite with goals and ideas and also peace with their selves. For instance, they
do organizations that related to their worship, education and about life, they could
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relate and as their guidance to have a peace among others and ourselves and a good

4. What were the efforts made in the Philippines to promote gender diversity in the
workplace? Were those efforts enough? (10 pts)

Gender diversity is vital to any workplace. Not just because it's a laudable goal; it
simply makes bottom-line business sense. The Philippines made efforts to promote
gender diversity is they looked for the benefits and what’s the best for workers so I
think they accepted for the women ability and capability and include women for the
work of men at the time with men to a women. I think it’s enough because until now
there's have a gender diversity in the Philippines.

5. How does globalization affect you personally? How do you respond to the demands of
globalization? (15 pts)

Globalization affects me through the freedom of interaction among people wherever

country or ethnics they’re from. I respond to the demands of globalization is I am
fully accepted it and practiced. Like, I bought and used the products from other
countries and also adopted their some cultures and it’s alright because we’re indeed
have globalization now. Globalisation is like embracing each others economics,
politics, and cultures and their interconnectedness with each other so as I am one of
the Filipino I embracing the connection of that matter to participated in trading of
commodities products from other countries.

6. Globalization has lots of challenges. How will you cope up with those challenges? (15

I will cope for those challenges of globalization as I work as one. For instance, I used
the technology to my studies as one of the globalization here. When I’m struggling
with my essay and activities, I used more sources to understand and comprehend
more through the internet and find more accurate answer for it. A globalization
challenges being students is the problem of education in learning especially now
we're experiencing pandemic so I used technology and through this I am receiving
more knowledge.

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