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740] - Speaker 1
So Claire.

[00:00:12.860] - Speaker 1
Thus one feeling is represented as a number of emotional states, each with a certain connotation of a
new meaning. Emotions may signify concrete events happenings and doings proper names employed as
plural length generation a unique generalizing effect. If you forget to invite somebody's ant milli, I want to
be able to say I had nothing to do with it.

[00:00:52.840] - Speaker 1
We were emailed out Millise because of an incite office and Eric Strike triple checking of the list. These
examples represent the second type of grammatical metaphor formed by the transposition of the lexical
and grammatical meanings. The third type of transposition can be seen on the example of cosmication.
This is a device in which grammatical metaphor appears due to the classification transposition of a noun.
Because nouns are divided into animate and inanimate, and only animate nouns have the category of

[00:01:38.590] - Speaker 1
Pacification transposes a common noun into the class of proper names by attributing to it thoughts or
qualities of a human being. As a result, the syntaxical, mythological and lexical valency of these nouns
changes. For example. England's mastery of the seas, too, was growing even greater. Last year, her
trading prior the Dutch had pushed out of several colonies the category of case possessive.

[00:02:15.180] - Speaker 1
Case, which is typical of the pronouns since it denotes possession, becomes a mark of specification in
cases like the following one last first, no drop virtual case. Abstract nouns transposed into the class of
personal nouns are charged with various emotional connotations, as in the following examples, where
certification appears due to the unexpected lexicogramatical validity. The will be going pregnant of
womanhood in the corner looked a little less terrified when she stole the wine, the choppy little eccentricity
or the old entity about an old, old person. The emotional connections in such cases may range from
affection to irony or distaste. So although the English now has fewer grammatical categories than the
Russian one, it says the potential in producing grammatical metaphor is high enough and we'll speak
about the article and its talented potential.

[00:03:40.690] - Speaker 1
The article may be a very expressive element of narration, especially when used with proper names. For
example, the indefinite articles make evaluated quotations when used with a proper name. For example I
am a male by both and we are a hotblooded family. It may be charged with a negative evaluated
connotation and diminish the importance of someone's personality, make it sound insignificant. For
example, besides Rain NAND and Mrs.

[00:04:22.750] - Speaker 1
Freeweb, there was a Mrs. Kinsley rewife of one of the governors. Or a phosphorus is not an uncommon
animal. The definite article used with the proper name may become a powerful expressive means to
emphasize the person's good or bad qualities. For example, well, she was married to him, and what was
more, she loved him.

[00:04:53.070] - Speaker 1
Not the Stanley who everyone saw, not the everyday one, but a teenage, sensitive, innocent Stanley who
knelt down every night to say his praise.

[00:05:07.010] - Speaker 1
Or Yanni Andrew Masmanson I married in the first case, the use of two different articles in relation to one
person throws in to release the contradictory features of this character. The second example implies that
this article embodies all the good qualities that Andrew Manson used to have and lost in the eyes of his
wife. The definite article in the following example serves as an intensifier of the episode used in the
character's description. My good fellow, I said, quote what brings me here is this I want to see the evening
song going down over the slow tip Sierra Nevada. Within the hour he had spread his all over the town and
I was pointed out for the rest of my visit as the mad Englishman.

[00:06:16.910] - Speaker 1
The definite article may contribute to the devices of gradation or help create the reason of the narration,
as in the following example. But then he would lose saintsonra his collection here and his uncle this world
the loss the loss, the loss. No article or the omission of article before common noun conveys a maximum
level of abstraction and generalization. For example, the postmaster and postmistress, husband and wife
looked carefully at every piece of mail or how infuriating it was length, which looked like baker scents,
became the Garden of Eden. If only you could get water, you could draw a line with a pencil on one side,
a waterless barrel on the other, and irrigated persuades, not sound, not quiver, as if horse and men had
towed to Nettle.

[00:07:41.810] - Speaker 1
Or they went as though car and driver were one indivisible hole. So that's all for today.

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