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<!-- Raids -->
<Word Title="Settings_Forum">Forum</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRaidIntro1">Are you trying to correct your mistake? You opened
the Gates, but only the Eternals can eliminate the Shadow contagion. Not being one
of us, you are weak.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRaidIntro2">You shall die, like all the rest. Magma flows
through my veins, and it will cover all the land, cleansing it for new life.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRaidStory1">What cellar is this and what are we doing
<Word Title="dlgRaidStory2">This is the antechamber of the Eternals' domain.
Their slumber lasted for millennia, but the Gates of Shadows have put the world in
peril. They've awakened.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRaidStory3">Cool – that means they’ll help us deal with the
Gates quick and easy!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRaidStory4">Oh, no. They shall destroy the Gates, but they
shall also destroy the whole of mankind. For them it’s only another cycle of
destruction and creation.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgVolcanoGreetings">Of all the Eternals, I was the first to
awaken. Many fighters will come to die by my hand; I shall complete my
<Word Title="dlgVolcanoWin">I have been telling my brethren that it is my duty
to decide the planet’s destiny. Watch, unbelievers, as my blaze blankets the land!
<Word Title="dlgVolcanoLost">Enough! I concede. But know this: you have roused
my brother. Be not deceived by his appearance, for he is quick and deadly!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgVolcanoStory1">I saw some half-ruined dwellings and a huge
statue. Are there humans living here?</Word>
<Word Title="dlgVolcanoStory2">Only fanatics. They worship the Eternals in hope
to be spared. Truly, they are blind in their faith. If we fail, they will soon
learn the truth.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgMegalithGreetings">This mine is a sacred place. Why are you
here? Leave and meet your destiny with honor. The last thing you will hear is the
earth trembling beneath your feet.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgMegalithWin">I've treated humans kindly, a rare trait among the
Eternals. I helped your species many times. So run and say your last goodbyes to
your dear ones!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgMegalithLost">Damnation! Shall I have to wait for thousands of
years again? I've moved continents! Cleansing the earth was my role!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgMegalithStory1">My great-grandfather told me of the Eternals
fighting for the right to hurl their retribution upon mankind. We are now in the
middle of their war.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFungusGreetings">You have poisoned the land, and now my
mushrooms are dying. They shall absorb your mind, and we shall all be one, human.
That will be the end of your story!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFungusWin">Begone! And revel in the last minutes of your
fragile lives!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFungusLost">My brethren have forgotten themselves playing gods.
Worship makes them soft. But destruction is in humanity's nature; the world will be
better without you.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFungusStory1">Floods, fires, earthquakes – these were all works
of their hands! I am starting to see the whole thing clearly…</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFungusStory2">In a way, it’s a shame we dealt with him so
easily. I wish I could see what a mushroom armageddon looks like.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgVortexGreetings">Dark waters will engulf the earth and the
Gates of Shadows! Their secret will be lost in the abyss. And there will be no one
left on the surface to tell it!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgVortexWin">For thousands of years I’ve watched the withering of
your kind. There is some beauty in it. I think I shall keep you alive – just for
<Word Title="dlgVortexLost">For the first time in thousand years a human wins.
Your will to live is so strong! But whatever you do, the end shall be the same: you
will die.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgVortexStory1">I pray you tell us, o most ancient one, does not
mankind have a chance to atone for its sins against you?</Word>
<Word Title="dlgVortexStory2">Your fate is already decided, you only choose the
way in which your lives shall end. But the decision belongs not to me, but to the
one who knows no mercy.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgVortexStory3">We have been dealing with humans for so long that
we've learned to understand you. But the one who rules us had no such desire. You
will soon know that.</Word>
<Word Title="space"> </Word>
<Word Title="BetaWarning">Welcome to the Raids beta-test!Progress of the test
account is not related to your progress in the original game.The final version of
the raids may be different from what you see now.Bugs and suggestions are accepted
in the forum.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFeedback">You can write us about bugs, wishes and suggestions
in the forum topic. Enjoy the game!</Word>
<Word Title="TimeLessMinute">moment ago</Word>
<Word Title="ShieldName">Shield:</Word>
<Word Title="ConnectionLost">Connection lost</Word>
<Word Title="TryRelogin">Try to relogin</Word>
<Word Title="CheckInternet">Check your internet connection</Word>
<Word Title="ConfigDownloadFailed">Failed to download configuration file</Word>
<Word Title="RaidFightTimeout">Raid time is over</Word>
<Word Title="JoiningRaid1">Joining raid...</Word>
<Word Title="SeasonEndTime">Season ends in: </Word>
<Word Title="MatchingTimeout">Raid not found, try again</Word>
<Word Title="dlgExistingRaid">You are already in raid. Reset raids map.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgMaintance">Server is down for maintenance</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRaidMap">Try the Raids, a new multiplayer mode! Descend to the
underground map to challenge mighty bosses in cooperation with other
<Word Title="dlgRaidGiveKeys">Every boss fight requires having keys. Here are
some. Want more? Defeat a boss, wait for the season’s end, or check out the
<Word Title="dlgRaidAboutKeys">Boss fights require keys. You may earn them by
defeating other bosses. Want more? Get keys by completing daily quests or check out
the shop.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRaidKey0">If you have few {image0} keys at the beginning of the
season, their quantity will be restored to {1}.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRaidShield">Every boss is armored with several shields. You and
your companions have to destroy all the shields before you can finish him.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRaidGiveCharges">Take some Dark Charges - they are very
effective in boss fights. The most valuable reward is the first place!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRaidBuyCharges">Buy some Charges of Darkness: they are very
effective in a boss fight. The player who deals the most damage gets a valuable
<Word Title="dlgRaidShieldOff">Great! All the shields are destroyed! To claim
your reward and get rated, you have to win the final fight.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRaidShowLeagues1">Check out the League window to see your
current rating position and find out about rewards that you can receive after the
season’s end.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRaidShowLeagues2">Earn higher rating to receive the next Dan
and unlock new challenges. Glorious victories await!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRaidShowShop">You have unlocked a new section in the shop. Here
you can buy everything you need for the Raid fights.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFinalFightError">Prize not received. Please try again.</Word>
<Word Title="TimeDaysShort">d</Word>
<Word Title="dlgErrorJoinMatcher">Raid not found. Please try again later or
restart the game.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgConnectionLost">CONNECTION LOST</Word>
<Word Title="LeaguePreviousSeason">Previous season</Word>
<Word Title="raidUpdateVersionTitle">Update!</Word>
<Word Title="raidUpdateVersionMessage">New version available. Update necessary
for Raid mode.</Word>
<Word Title="Sphere1_Name">Minor Charge of Darkness</Word>
<Word Title="DescriptionSphere1">This Charge of Darkness causes {0} damage to
the boss.</Word>
<Word Title="Sphere2_Name">Medium Charge of Darkness</Word>
<Word Title="textDan">DAN</Word>
<Word Title="sameAccountKick">You have been disconnected because this account
is logged in from another device</Word>
<Word Title="textUsedCharge">Used Charge:</Word>
<Word Title="textVictory">VICTORY</Word>
<Word Title="textPosition">YOUR POSITION</Word>
<Word Title="textTotalDmg">TOTAL DAMAGE</Word>
<Word Title="hintMegalith">Required to enter the battle with Megalith</Word>
<Word Title="hintFungus">Required to enter the battle with Fungus</Word>
<Word Title="btnResult">RESULTS</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRaidEnded">The raid is over</Word>
<Word Title="ForthChestHint">Several raid keys, and a supply of small and
medium-sized Charges of Darkness.</Word>

<Word Title="LinkAccountTitle">Account found</Word>

<Word Title="LinkAccountMessage">Account on this device: nickname {0}, dan {1}
Found account: nickname {2}, dan {3}.
You can link the found account to this device.
Attention! In case of binding, your current progress will be overwritten
permanently with the found one.
To complete the binding, type "{4}" in the field below, without the quotes.</Word>"
<Word Title="LinkAccountAgreement">LINK</Word>
<Word Title="LinkAccountbtn">LINK</Word>
<Word Title="raid_warningtext_latin">Please use only latin letters without
<Word Title="shopRaidsLocked">Connect to online raids</Word>
<Word Title="dlgChooseLanguage">Choose forum language</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRememberChoice">Remember my choice</Word>
<Word Title="textBaseDmg">REGULAR DAMAGE</Word>
<Word Title="textMissileDmg">CHARGE DAMAGE</Word>
<Word Title="textBuffDmg">BUFFS DAMAGE</Word>
<Word Title="LinkNotify">Link your account to avoid losing game
<Word Title="dlgDamageRejectTitle">Damage rejected</Word>
<Word Title="dlgDamageRejectText">Your damage was not accepted by the server
because raid time is over. No consumables were spent for this fight.</Word>
<Word Title="btnReconnect">Connect</Word>
<Word Title="RAIDBOSS_Vortex">VORTEX</Word>
<Word Title="RAIDBOSS_Vortex_Title">Vortex</Word>
<Word Title="btnPrepare">PREPARATION</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRaidItemsCheat_Title">You are cheating!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRaidItemsCheat">You cannot go into battle with your current
equipment. Play fair - the system of bans is not asleep!</Word>
<Word Title="DailyTitle">DAILY QUESTS</Word>
<Word Title="DailyTaskCD ">Next quest in:</Word>
<Word Title="DailyTaskReward">The quest reward:</Word>
<Word Title="hintVortex">Required to enter the battle with Vortex</Word>
<Word Title="OK">OK</Word>
<Word Title="btnObtain">OBTAIN</Word>
<Word Title="hintBase">Required to enter the battle with Volcano</Word>
<Word Title="DailyNotify">New quest available</Word>
<Word Title="KeysRestoredTitle">Keys have been restored</Word>
<Word Title="KeysRestoredText">Your keys {image0} have been restored to {1}.
Enjoy the game!</Word>
<Word Title="KeysNotRestoredTitle">Keys have not been restored</Word>
<Word Title="KeysNotRestoredText">Your keys {image0} have not been restored
because you already have more than {1}.
Forward, to the new victories!</Word>
<Word Title="RaidFinishHim">Win the final battle to obtain the reward!</Word>
<Word Title="ServerReboot">Server will reboot in {0} minutes. Long raids could
be unavailable.</Word>
<Word Title="ServerRebooting">Server is preparing for rebooting, try again
later or choose a shorter raid.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgDailyTutor1">Complete tasks in raids and get useful rewards.
Once a day you can replace each task by clicking on the button {image0}</Word>
<Word Title="Pile_Key0">Bunch of steel keys</Word>
<Word Title="Pile_Key0Dsc">{0} keys for entering the battle with Volcano</Word>
<Word Title="sphere2Pack_Name">{0} medium Charges of Darkness</Word>
<Word Title="sphere2Pack_Dsc">Large pack of Charges of Darkness ({0} damage) -
best price!</Word>
<Word Title="pInfoBestRatingSeason">BEST RATING PER SEASON</Word>
<Word Title="pInfoAvgDamage">AVERAGE DAMAGE PER ROUND</Word>
<Word Title="pInfoTotalRaids">TOTAL RAIDS</Word>
<Word Title="pInfoWins">VICTORIOUS RAIDS</Word>
<Word Title="pInfoPoorRaids">WEAKEST LINK</Word>
<Word Title="pInfoFirstPlaces">FIRST PLACES IN RAIDS</Word>
<Word Title="LackOfDamageHint">Not enough damage</Word>
<Word Title="hintRaidWinnerPrize">Extra first place bonus</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRaidDailyRenewTitle">Change quest?</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRaidDailyRenewMessage">Are you sure you want to change this
The current progress will be lost.</Word>
<Word Title="raidInfoMainStats">GENERAL STATS</Word>
<Word Title="hintInfoBestRating">Best rating per season since user was
<Word Title="hintInfoAvgDamage">Average damage inflicted by the player in raid
fights for the last 10 rounds.</Word>
<Word Title="hintInfoTotalRaids">Total number of raids played.</Word>
<Word Title="hintInfoWonRaids">Total number of raids won.</Word>
<Word Title="hintInfoWeakestLink">Total number of raids where a player
inflicted too little damage and played one fight or less.</Word>
<Word Title="hintInfoFirstPlaces">Total number of raids where a player took the
first place.</Word>
<Word Title="SeasonEndNoReward">The season is over, your fight efforts are not
<Word Title="SenseiSeasonEnd">The season is over, it's time to get the deserved
reward. TOP 100 is renewed, it's time to find out who is the best!</Word>
<Word Title="SenseiTop100">Congratulations, you are in the TOP 100!</Word>
<Word Title="lbLooser">NO REWARD</Word>
<Word Title="raidWaiting">Counting the damage</Word>
<Word Title="btnEnterNow">Enter for {image1} {0}</Word>
<Word Title="RaidsNotEnoughKeysText">You need {0} {image1} to enter. You
currently have {2} {image3} .
You can buy the missing key to enter.</Word>
<Word Title="hintInDevelopment">In development</Word>
<Word Title="RAIDBOSS_Fatum">FATUM</Word>
<Word Title="RAIDBOSS_Fatum_Title">Fatum</Word>
<Word Title="LastSeasonTitle">Last season top.</Word>
<Word Title="CurrentSeasonTitle">Current top. Results in:</Word>
<Word Title="CheckInternetDamageReject">Check your Internet connection.
If you leave, your damage will not be counted.</Word>
<Word Title="Sphere3_Name">Large Charge of Darkness</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFatumGreetings">Your courage can be only matched by your folly.
But I knew that you shall come, for you are my fate, and I am yours. I shall
rewrite your destinies – forever.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFatumStory1">Be cautious, hero. This deep, the universal laws
that you’re used to cease to work...</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFatumStory2">That`s right! Hold the boy on the leash. I know
all about your destinies: who you are, and where you are going. Shall I tell you
who dies in the end?</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFatumWin">Your fate is solved. You have already lost once
you've set foot on my abode’s threshold. Will you have enough courage to rewrite
your story?</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFatumLost">I know mankind. You walk up and down the same
spiral. I’ve seen that more than once. Self-destruction and withering. Nothing can
change that. Such is your fate.</Word>
<Word Title="ZONE_RAID1">Underworld: Tier 2</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFloor2Unlock">Have you seen them? Creatures whose nature might
seem familiar are no match for you. Just wait. We’re going deeper down. Here
everything will be different.</Word>
<Word Title="hintZoneRaidLocked">Defeat Lynx's fifth bodyguard to unlock
<Word Title="dlgRaidGiveGems">The one who inflicted the most damage, will
obtain a valuable prize!
The charge of Darkness is effective in boss battles and you can buy them in the
store or before the fight in this window.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRaidGiveGems2">See, there are different charges. The most
expensive ones are the most powerful.
Power is all that matters, so take these gems {image0} {1} and buy one right now!
<Word Title="lblDamage">Damage:</Word>
<Word Title="lblListPreparing">List is being updated, please wait...</Word>
<Word Title="dlgPlayerInfoTutor">Now you can see information about other
players by clicking on their nicks.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFatumWin2">The Maker is more skilled in weaving the threads of
fate than me. He is testing your kin, for he wants a decent rival.
Go, human. Suffer his ire.</Word>
<Word Title="battleRaidLockedBoss">Get dan {0} to fight with this boss.</Word>
<Word Title="lblRaidAssets">Raid assets</Word>
<Word Title="txtShortRandomRule">Random rules!</Word>
<Word Title="txtFullRandomRule">In this raid there's a random rule each
<Word Title="hintFatum">Required to enter the battle with Fatum</Word>

<!-- DailyQuests -->

<Word Title="DailyTskSurvive">Survive {0} time(s) during raid battle with any
<Word Title="DailyTskCrit">Deal critical damage {0} time(s) during raid battle
with any boss</Word>
<Word Title="DailyTskStyle">Reach {1} {0} time(s) in any raid</Word>
<Word Title="DailyTskCombo">Perform {0} combo(s) of {1} strikes in any
<Word Title="DailyTskSeasonPlace">Reach {1} place {0} time(s) in any raid in
one season</Word>
<Word Title="DailyTskSeasonDmg">Deal {0} overall damage in one season</Word>
<Word Title="DailyTskRoundDmg">Deal {0} overall damage in one round</Word>
<Word Title="DailyTskBattleDmg">Deal {0} overall damage in one raid</Word>
<Word Title="DailyTskSeasonRaidWin">Win {0} raid(s) in one season </Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Forum">Forum</Word>
<Word Title="raid_reward_place">place</Word>
<Word Title="raid_reward_places">places</Word>
<Word Title="RaidsNotEnoughKeysHeader">Not enough keys</Word>
<Word Title="RAIDBOSS_FIRE_TITLE">Volcano</Word>
<Word Title="RAIDBOSS_FIRE_LOCKED_TITLE">Volcano</Word>
<Word Title="RAIDBOSS_Mushroom">FUNGUS</Word>
<Word Title="RAIDBOSS_Mushroom_Title">Fungus</Word>
<Word Title="RAIDBOSS_Stone">MEGALITH</Word>
<Word Title="RAIDBOSS_Stone_Title">Megalith</Word>
<Word Title="Season_reward">Season Reward</Word>
<Word Title="ZONE_RAID">Underworld</Word>

Brand new online

mode: A new evil
is rising! Prepare
to save the world
once more time with
an army of your
<Word Title="SERVER_RESPONSE_ERROR">Server response error</Word>
<Word Title="paySuccessItem">Success! Item purchased!</Word>
<Word Title="consumables_title">PREPARATION OF EQUIPMENT</Word>
<Word Title="consumable0">Charge</Word>
<Word Title="consumable1">Elixir</Word>
<Word Title="consumable2">Horn</Word>
<Word Title="dlgUseButton">USE</Word>
<Word Title="dlgUsingButton">USING</Word>
<Word Title="raid_badnickname">Invalid nickname</Word>
<Word Title="RaidReconnectingKey">Reconnecting...</Word>
<Word Title="NotEnoughRubies">Not enough verified rubies for the
<Word Title="LackOfDamageMessage">You have inflicted not enough damage so the
final fight is not available.</Word>
<Word Title="NewDan">You gain a new dan!</Word>
<Word Title="LeaguePosition">Position in league</Word>
<Word Title="RaidTab">Raid</Word>
<Word Title="GoldChestHint">Plus a lot of raid keys and a supply of small and
medium-sized Charges of Darkness.</Word>
<Word Title="SilverChestHint">A number of raid keys, and a supply of small and
medium-sized Charges of Darkness.</Word>
<Word Title="BronzeChestHint">Several raid keys, and a supply of small and
medium-sized Charges of Darkness.</Word>
<Word Title="ChestHintReward">Reward:</Word>
<Word Title="goldVictory">VICTORY</Word>
<Word Title="goldPosition">YOUR POSITION {0}</Word>
<Word Title="goldTotalDmg">TOTAL DAMAGE</Word>
<Word Title="SeasonEndPush">The season is over, come on in for a reward</Word>
<Word Title="Sphere1_Pack1">Small supply of minor Charges of Darkness</Word>
<Word Title="DescriptionSphere1_Pack1">Several Charges of Darkness, dealing 100
<Word Title="Sphere1_Pack2">Big supply of minor Charges of Darkness</Word>
<Word Title="DescriptionSphere1_Pack2">Some Charges of Darkness, dealing 100
<Word Title="Sphere2_Pack1">Small supply of greater Charges of Darkness</Word>
<Word Title="DescriptionSphere2_Pack1">Several Charges of Darkness, dealing 200
<Word Title="startFinalFight">FINISHING</Word>
<Word Title="LBimproved">The position has improved</Word>
<Word Title="LBfell">The position has fell</Word>
<Word Title="LBnotChanged">The position has not changed</Word>
<Word Title="LBnewPlayer">A new player in the League!</Word>
<Word Title="TimeHourShort">h</Word>
<Word Title="TimeMinuteShort">m</Word>
<Word Title="TimeAgo">ago</Word>
<Word Title="chatClosing">Chat is closing in {0} minutes!</Word>
<Word Title="chatClosed">Chat has been closed!</Word>
<Word Title="chatLeaveRaid">{0} has left the raid.</Word>
<Word Title="enterRaid">ENTER</Word>
<Word Title="FinalFightTryAgain">You have lost but you can try again!</Word>
<Word Title="msgDeliveryFail">Message delivery failed</Word>
<Word Title="EditboxPlaceholder">Input field</Word>

<!-- Ascension -->

<Word Title="ForgeNotificationComplex">You've got enough resources to enchant
your gear using a Mythical Recipe.</Word>
<Word Title="forgeRecipeComplex">Mythical Recipe</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_WHIRL">Tempest Rage</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_SUPER_RETURN">Shield of the Righteous</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_STONE">Stone Fetters</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_BURN">Searing Luminary</Word>
<Word Title="forgeRecipeComplexLocked">Collect the whole set to unlock new
powerful enchantments</Word>
<Word Title="shop_amount">You have {0}</Word>
<Word Title="dlg_label_total">YOU HAVE:</Word>
<Word Title="dlg_label_price">PRICE:</Word>
<Word Title="dlgForButton">{image0}{1} for {image2}{3}</Word>
<Word Title="dlgSpinButton">SPIN</Word>
<Word Title="challenge_immunity">Immunity</Word>
<Word Title="payTryAgainTitle">Connection error, or service is not
<Word Title="payTryAgainMessage">Please, restore the paid content later.
The restore button is available in the paid section of the store.</Word>
<Word Title="payTryAgainButton">OK</Word>
<Word Title="Pack_Tickets">Pack of tickets</Word>
<Word Title="Pack_Tickets_Text">{0} tickets for Puppeteer's fights.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgLoginButton">LOGIN</Word>
<Word Title="raid_warningtext_latin">Use latin letters only please.</Word>
<Word Title="raid_text_input">Input your nickname</Word>
<Word Title="raid_text_limits">At least 3 characters, maximum 10.</Word>
<Word Title="raid_new_dan">You get a new dan!</Word>
<Word Title="menu">MENU</Word>
<Word Title="experienceHint">EXPERIENCE
<Word Title="ok">OK</Word>
<Word Title="dlgCancelButton">CANCEL</Word>
<Word Title="areYouSure">Are you sure?</Word>
<Word Title="AscSetItemAcquered">You have obtained one of the items that form a
set. It has a special property that will become active once you have the whole
<Word Title="AscSetItemNotification">Learn more about the set.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgSpinFirstButton">START</Word>
<Word Title="dlgSpinMoreButton">MORE {image0} {1}</Word>
<Word Title="AscDuelTickets">Hey, cheer up, my talented friend - tickets can be
earned in duels!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgButtonRefill">REFILL</Word>
<Word Title="enemiesCount">Enemies: {0}</Word>
<Word Title="stage">Stage {0}/{1}</Word>
<Word Title="day">Day {0}/{1}</Word>
<Word Title="bodyguards">Bodyguards</Word>
<Word Title="challengeBoss">accepted your challenge</Word>
<Word Title="startFight">FIGHT!</Word>
<Word Title="shopBuy">BUY</Word>
<Word Title="shopSell">SELL</Word>
<Word Title="btnShopEquip">EQUIP</Word>
<Word Title="btnShopUnequip">UNEQUIP</Word>
<Word Title="shopUpgrade">UPGRADE</Word>
<Word Title="shopOrder">ORDER</Word>
<Word Title="shopMaking">MAKING</Word>
<Word Title="shopSale">SALE</Word>
<Word Title="survive_max">Maximum:</Word>
<Word Title="survive_min">Minimum:</Word>
<Word Title="shopBonus">BONUS:</Word>
<Word Title="shopEnchantments">Enchantments</Word>
<Word Title="shopNoEnchantments">None</Word>
<Word Title="super_enchantment_activate"> Charm {image0} is now on</Word>
<Word Title="super_enchantment_deactive"> Charm {image0} is now off</Word>
<Word Title="LockedAscensionDescription">Beat twelve tournament stages in order
to unlock this battle</Word>
<Word Title="Ascension_TITLE">Ascension</Word>
<Word Title="Ascension">ASCENSION</Word>
<Word Title="SetUiMonk_Title">SET OF MONK</Word>
<Word Title="SetUiMonk_Text">Collect and wear the complete gear set with
{image0} property to have the Tempest Rage.</Word>
<Word Title="SetUiMonk_Brief">Deliver blows, and your power will increase. It
will drop if you get hit. Accumulate enough power to land a deadly blow.</Word>
<Word Title="SetUi_Hint">You don't have this item yet.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_ascention_intro_title">PUPPETEER</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_ascension_intro1">What an interesting face! Ever thought
of being a stage actor? My theater is always in need of actors. Come and try! For a
handsome compensation, of course...</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_ascension_intro1_2">There’s more to acting than a pretty
face! For my actors, the stage is life... they’ll be angry if I invite you to the
troupe without an audition. Ready?</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_ascension_intro1_3">I know a talent when I see it! Have
you noticed my armor? You’d like to have it, right? Then enter the stage and fight
to get it!</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_ascension_intro2_1">Here's a backstage pass. It's not far
from here - you should come! For a victory you get the opportunity to try your
<Word Title="tutorial_ascension_intro2_2">Acquired {image0} {1}.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_ascension_reminder">Don't forget, friend: a unique
performance opportunity with a prize drawing awaits!</Word>
<Word Title="ZONE_2Asc_Intro_1">Our story is of sacrifice and a curse. A monk
once lived in the forest, praying and protecting wayfarers from robbers and dark
<Word Title="ZONE_2Asc_Intro_2">The simple folk loved the monk for all he did!
But a petty, jealous king ordered his death and erected a statue in his own
<Word Title="ZONE_2Asc_Intro_3">The narrow-minded monarch could never imagine
what his greedy, rash actions would cause... Without the monk, the forest was
alive - and hungry again.</Word>
<Word Title="ZONE_2Asc_Intro_4">But there is a hero - and that is you, my
friend - who will reassemble the murdered monk’s armor and take his place. His
spirit will help you. Now go!</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_ascension_immunity_fail">Though you have lost, your
immunity has become stronger. Next time you will fight better.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_ascension_immunity_fail_2">Do not yield to despair: take
this pass, and try again.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_ascension_immunity_win">You have won! And your immunity
has become stronger, so that you can fight even better in your following fights.
<Word Title="Ascension_chest_tooltip">Better chests mean better awards!</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_ascension_SetUi">More details about the gear set and the
new available property.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_ascension_MonkPower">All the gear you are wearing has the
same property, and it is now actived.</Word>
<Word Title="AscDefeatPrase_1">Your acting is not convincing! I don't believe
you! Try again, please. Do you have any tickets left?</Word>
<Word Title="AscDefeatPrase_2">You call that acting? It was amateur, at best!
Next time I expect much more from you.</Word>
<Word Title="AscDefeatPrase_3">Perhaps I should have given you a walk-on part
instead. Nevermind though, a good director can turn any ham into a real
<Word Title="AscDefeatPrase_4">What's the matter? Is this part above your
skills? Come on, you should brace yourself. Try again!</Word>
<Word Title="AscDefeatPrase_5">I suppose it could have been worse. You could
have stumbled and broken your leg when you heard the prompt-bell.</Word>
<Word Title="lottery_text">You're free to leave, but if you stay - you can get
more valuable prizes. Pay rubies and spin the wheel.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgLotteryClose">EXIT</Word>
<Word Title="dlgLotteryContinue">RETURN</Word>
<Word Title="AscWinPrase_1">What can I say? You're simply... wonderful! Please,
do not neglect us. Come again, more and more.</Word>
<Word Title="AscWinPrase_2">Theater - that's what you were born for, my friend!
I want to see you on the stage as often as I can. Please come to me again!</Word>
<Word Title="AscWinPrase_3">It would have been a sin to bury such a talent as
yours! You truly belong here, with us, on the stage. Please come again, we shall be
<Word Title="AscWinPrase_4">Your talent is worthy of all the world's gold!
But... the stage itself is the best award. Though I still have some prizes for you,
too. So please come again!</Word>
<Word Title="AscWinPrase_5">Oh yes, what we have seen was a true drama! Bravo!
You are the brightest of my stars! And the show must go on. The stage is waiting
for you!</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_C2_Z2_MONK_KATAR">Monk's Katars</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_C2_Z2_MONK">Monk's Robe</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_C2_Z2_MONK">Monk's Helm</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_C2_Z2_MONK_SHURIKEN">Monk's Shurikens</Word>
<Word Title="MAGIC_C2_Z2_MONK_ROOT_STUN">Monk's Amulet</Word>
<Word Title="MAGIC_C2_Z2_MONK_ROOT_STUN">Monk's Amulet</Word>

<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_TYPHOON">Typhoon of Spirits</Word>

<Word Title="HEAD_HIT_ENEMY_REGENERATES">Head damage only, enemy
enemy regenerates and can be damaged by head hits only.</Word>
<Word Title="KICKS_ONLY_HOT_GROUND">Kicks only, hot ground</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_KICKS_ONLY_HOT_GROUND">In this fight your enemy
can be damaged by kicks only. Staying on the ground for too long will count as a
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Monk">Monk Avatar</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Monk">Win a battle while wearing full Monk
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Sentinel">Sentinel Avatar</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Sentinel">Win a battle while wearing full
Sentinel set</Word>
<Word Title="SetUiSentinel_Title">SET OF SENTINEL</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_C2_Z3_GUARDIAN_SPEAR">Sentinel`s Spear</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_C2_Z3_GUARDIAN">Sentinel`s Armor</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_C2_Z3_GUARDIAN">Sentinel`s Conical Helm</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_C2_Z3_GUARDIAN_SHURIKEN">Sentinel`s Shuriken</Word>
<Word Title="MAGIC_C2_Z3_GUARDIAN_SPIRIT">Sentinel`s Spirit</Word>
<Word Title="SetUiSentinel_Text">Collect and wear the complete gear set with
{image0} property to have the Typhoon of Spirits.</Word>
<Word Title="SetUiSentinel_Brief">Deliver blows, and your power will increase.
It will drop if you get hit. Accumulate enough power and brutally avenge.</Word>
<Word Title="SentinelSpearSuperSlash">Spear Super Slash</Word>

<!-- Names of characters -->

<Word Title="characterSensei">SENSEI</Word>
<Word Title="characterLynx">LYNX</Word>
<Word Title="characterMay">MAY</Word>
<Word Title="characterBrick">BRICK</Word>
<Word Title="characterDragon">DRAGON</Word>
<Word Title="characterHermit">HERMIT</Word>
<Word Title="characterCrane">CRANE</Word>
<Word Title="characterReaper">REAPER</Word>
<Word Title="characterButcher">BUTCHER</Word>
<Word Title="characterTrickster">TRICKSTER</Word>
<Word Title="characterHawk">HAWK</Word>
<Word Title="characterScar">SCAR</Word>
<Word Title="characterLotus">LOTUS</Word>
<Word Title="characterKenji">KENJI</Word>
<Word Title="characterSkipper">SKIPPER</Word>
<Word Title="characterKraken">KRAKEN</Word>
<Word Title="characterWasp">WASP</Word>
<Word Title="characterIrbis">IRBIS</Word>
<Word Title="characterPuma">PUMA</Word>
<Word Title="characterWidow">WIDOW</Word>
<!-- Dialog Messages -->
<Word Title="dlgAlertTitle">MESSAGE</Word>
<Word Title="dlgExitTitle">QUIT GAME</Word>
<Word Title="dlgExitMessage">Are you sure you want to exit?</Word>
<Word Title="dlgExitButton">EXIT</Word>
<Word Title="dlgBuyTitle">BUY</Word>
<Word Title="dlgBuyButton">BUY</Word>
<Word Title="dlgBuyMessage">Are you sure you want to buy it for</Word>
<Word Title="dlgSellTitle">SELL</Word>
<Word Title="dlgSellButton">SELL</Word>
<Word Title="dlgSellMessage">Are you sure you want to sell it for</Word>
<Word Title="dlgUpgradeTitle">UPGRADE</Word>
<Word Title="dlgUpgradeButton">UPGRADE</Word>
<Word Title="dlgUpgradeMessage">Are you sure you want to upgrade it for</Word>
<Word Title="dlgNotEnoughGoldMessage">You can earn coins in fights or buy
<Word Title="dlgNotEnoughRubyMessage">You can buy gems in the store.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgNotNetworkTitle">CONNECTION ERROR</Word>
<Word Title="dlgNotNetworkMessage">There was a problem with your internet
connection, please try again in a few minutes.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryPositive">OF COURSE</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryNegative">NO</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryBtnFight">FIGHT</Word>
<Word Title="dlgLaterBtn">LATER</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryBtnOk">OK</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryBtnMore">MORE</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryBtnContinue">CONTINUE</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryBtnSeeYou">SEE YOU</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryBtnReject">REJECT</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryBtnStore">STORE</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryBtnGoodbye">GOODBYE</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStorySeal">TAKE SEAL</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryThanks">THANKS</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryBtnBeBack">I'LL BE BACK</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryBtnTake">TAKE</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryBtnRematch">REMATCH {image0} {1}</Word>
<Word Title="dlgBuyEnergyMessage1">You need energy to fight!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgBuyEnergyMessage2">More</Word>
<Word Title="dlgBuyEnergyMessage3">in</Word>
<Word Title="dlgBuyEnergyMessage4">You can refill your energy with gems or get
one energy unit for watching a video.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgBuyDecksMessage1">You have free bricks every day and you can
buy more bricks for gems</Word>
<Word Title="dlgBuyDecksAvailableBricks">Available bricks</Word>
<Word Title="dlgBuyDecksBuyBricks">Bricks for gems</Word>
<Word Title="dlgBuyDecksTitle">MAY</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryBtnShowme">SHOW ME</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryBtnNothanks">NO, THANKS</Word>
<Word Title="dlgComingSoonText">COMING SOON</Word>
<Word Title="dlgNewsTitle">NEWS</Word>
<Word Title="dlgServiceTitlePackDownload">ADDITIONAL CONTENT</Word>
<Word Title="dlgServiceDownloadRequest">You need to download additional content
to play.
SIZE: {0} MB</Word>
<Word Title="dlgServiceAgreeBtn">DOWNLOAD</Word>
<Word Title="dlgServiceDenyBtn">LATER</Word>
<Word Title="dlgServiceDownloadError">Download failed. Please check your
internet connection and try again.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgServiceBtnRetry">AGAIN</Word>
<Word Title="dlgServiceDownloadSuccess">Content has been successfully
downloaded. You can continue the game.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgServiceDownloadDemand">Some content is missing and needs to be
SIZE: {1} MB</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryBtnLeave">LEAVE</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryBtnWait">WAIT</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryBtnCancel">CANCEL</Word>
<Word Title="dlgDuelLockedTitle">DUEL</Word>
<Word Title="dlgDuelLockedMessage">You need an internet connection to fight in
a Duel.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgServiceFBTitle">FACEBOOK</Word>
<Word Title="dlgServiceFBInvite">Sign in with {image0}Facebook to get {image2}
{1} free gems!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgServiceFBLogin">Sign in with {image0}Facebook to share progress
with your friends.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgServiceBtnLogin">SIGN IN</Word>
<Word Title="dlgServiceFBLogout">You're already signed in with
<Word Title="dlgServiceBtnLogout">SIGN OUT</Word>
<Word Title="dlgServiceFBLoginFail">Problems connecting to {image0}Facebook.
Please try again in a few minutes.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgServiceFBReward">Congratulations! Your {image0}Facebook account
is now connected to Shadow Fight 2.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryBtnTakeGems">TAKE {image0}{1}</Word>
<Word Title="dlgInstantBuyMessage1">Your order will be ready in:</Word>
<Word Title="dlgInstantBuyMessage2">But it can be finished right now.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgButtonFinish">FINISH {image0}{1}</Word>
<Word Title="dlgShareCheckbox">Share with friends</Word>
<Word Title="dlgExitFightTitle">QUIT</Word>
<Word Title="dlgExitFightMessage">Are you sure you want to quit? Your progress
will be lost.</Word>
<!-- Settings -->
<Word Title="Settings_Title">SETTINGS</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Music">Music</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Sound">Sound</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Credits">Credits</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Facebook">Facebook</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Language">English</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_GameCenter">Game Center</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_UserID">UserID</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Support">Support</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Back">BACK</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Soundtack">Soundtrack</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_GooglePlay">Google Play</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_live_id">Windows Live</Word>
<!-- LevelUp -->
<Word Title="dlgSenseiCongratulation">Not bad! You've reached a new
<Word Title="dlgSenseiText">Your skills have increased.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgSenseiLevelIndicator">{image0}{1}</Word>
<Word Title="dlgSenseiProfile">PROFILE</Word>
<Word Title="dlgSenseiLater">LATER</Word>
<Word Title="dlgSenseiShare">SHARE</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFBPostMessage">I've reached level {0} in Shadow Fight 2!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFBPostName">Shadow Fight 2</Word>
<!-- diff -->
<Word Title="diff0">Easy</Word>
<Word Title="diff1">Normal</Word>
<Word Title="diff2">Hard</Word>
<Word Title="diff3">Insane</Word>
<Word Title="diff4">Impossible</Word>
<!-- fight result names -->
<Word Title="goldPrize">PRIZE</Word>
<Word Title="goldPerfect">PERFECT</Word>
<Word Title="goldFirstStrike">FIRST STRIKE</Word>
<Word Title="goldCombo">MAX COMBO</Word>
<Word Title="goldHead">HEAD HITS</Word>
<Word Title="goldShock">SHOCK</Word>
<Word Title="goldTurtleStyle">PASSIVE STYLE</Word>
<Word Title="goldHardStyle">HARD STYLE</Word>
<Word Title="goldBrutalStyle">BRUTAL STYLE</Word>
<Word Title="goldAgressiveStyle">AGGRESSIVE STYLE</Word>
<Word Title="goldCrazyStyle">CRAZY STYLE</Word>
<Word Title="goldFantasticStyle">FANTASTIC STYLE</Word>
<!-- Zones -->
<Word Title="ZONE_1">Hero Reborn</Word>
<Word Title="ZONE_3">Trail of Blood</Word>
<Word Title="ZONE_5">The Greatest Temptation</Word>
<Word Title="ZONE_6">Iron Reign</Word>
<!-- Locations -->
<Word Title="Daily">DAILY BATTLE</Word>
<Word Title="Daily_TITLE">Daily Battle</Word>
<Word Title="Duel">DUEL</Word>
<Word Title="Duel_TITLE">Duel</Word>
<Word Title="LockedDuelDescription">Defeat two bodyguards in order to unlock
this battle</Word>
<Word Title="LockedChallengeDescription">Beat six tournament stages in order to
unlock this battle</Word>
<Word Title="Tournament">TOURNAMENT</Word>
<Word Title="Tournament_TITLE">Tournament</Word>
<Word Title="Survival">SURVIVAL</Word>
<Word Title="Survival_TITLE">Survival</Word>
<Word Title="Challenge">CHALLENGE</Word>
<Word Title="Challenge_TITLE">Challenge</Word>
<Word Title="Tactics">TACTICS</Word>
<Word Title="Tactics_TITLE">Tactics</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_LYNX">LYNX</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_LYNX_TITLE">Lynx</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_LYNX_LOCKED">LYNX</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_LYNX_LOCKED_TITLE">Lynx</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_BUTCHER_TITLE">Butcher</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_BUTCHER_LOCKED_TITLE">Butcher</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_HERMIT">HERMIT</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_HERMIT_TITLE">Hermit</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_HERMIT_LOCKED_TITLE">Hermit</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_WASP">WASP</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_WASP_TITLE">Wasp</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_WASP_LOCKED">WASP</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_WASP_LOCKED_TITLE">Wasp</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_HUNTRESS">WIDOW</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_HUNTRESS_TITLE">Widow</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_SAMURAI">SHOGUN</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_SAMURAI_TITLE">Shogun</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_SAMURAI_LOCKED_TITLE">Shogun</Word>
<!-- Shop -->
<!-- Weapon -->
<Word Title="WEAPON_KNIVES">Knives</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_KNUCKLES">Knuckles</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SAI">Sai</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_STEEL_BATONS">Steel Batons</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_MACHETE">Machetes</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_DAGGERS">Daggers</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_NINJA_SWORD">Ninja Sword</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_STAFF">Staff</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SWORDS">Swords</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_NUNCHAKU">Nunchacku</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_STEEL_NUNCHAKU">Steel Nunchacku</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SHUANG_GOU">Shuang Gou</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_YARI">Yari</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_CRESCENT_KNIVES">Crescent Knives</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_STILETTOS">Stilettos</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_HEAVY_STAFF">Heavy Staff</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_AXES">Axes</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_STEEL_CLAWS">Steel Claws</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_KATANA">Katana</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_BIG_SWORDS">Big Swords</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_NAGINATA">Naginata</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_CHINESE_SWORDS">Chinese Swords</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_BUTTERFLY_SWORDS">Butterfly Swords</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_GOLDEN_KATANA">Golden Katana</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_MACES">Maces</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_GLAIVE">Glaive</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_KUSARIGAMA">Kusarigama</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SICKLES">Sickles</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_MOON_SABERS">Moon Sabers</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_TWO_HANDED_MACE">Two-handed Mace</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_DADAO">Dadao</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_MAGARI_YARI">Magari Yari</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_BATTLE_HAMMERS">Battle Hammers</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SILVER_GLAIVE">Silver Glaive</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_HEAVY_KUSARIGAMA">Heavy Kusarigama</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SUPER_KUSARIGAMA">Blood Reaper</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SUPER_AXES">Harrier Hooks</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SUPER_BIG_SWORD">Devastator</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SUPER_KHOPESH">Pharaoh’s Khopeshes</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SUPER_STAFF">Staff of Night</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_CRUSHER">Crusher</Word>
<!-- Armor -->
<Word Title="ARMOR_ROBE">Robe</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_OLD_LEATHER">Old Leather Jacket</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_KENDO">Kendo Breastplate</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_LEATHER">Leather Jacket</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_BARBARIAN">Barbarian Armor</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_CHAIN_ROBE">Apprentice’s Chainmail</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_BRONZE">Bronze Armor</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_IMHOTEP">Imhotep Cuirass</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_SHADOW">Shadow Armor</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_MANTLE_OF_NIGHT">Mantle of Night</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_RED_LOTUS">Red Lotus</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_DRAGONS_BLOOD">Dragon Blood</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_BEAST_SHELL">Beast Shell</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_SUPER_CROW">Crow’s Bane</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_SUPER_CLOAK">Sentinel Coat</Word>
<!-- Helmets -->
<Word Title="HELM_KENDO_MASK">Kendo Mask</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_CONICAL_HAT">Conical Hat</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_SOLDIER_KABUTO">Soldier’s Kabuto</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_GABLED">Pointed Helm</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_GREEN_MASK">Snake Mask</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_LOBSTER">Lobster Helm</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_KABUTO">Kabuto</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_HARDENED">Hardened Helm</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_STEEL">Steel Helm</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_HORNED">Horned Helm</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_CRESCENT">Crescent Helm</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_SPIKE">Spike Helm</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_DAWN">Dawn Tiara</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_CROWN_OF_NIGHT">Crown of Night</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_SAMURAIS">Samurai Helm</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_TWO_FACED">Two-faced Helm</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_BEAST">Beast Helm</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_SUPER_MASK">Sacral Mask</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_SUPER_JOKER">Jester’s Benediction</Word>
<!-- Ranged -->
<Word Title="RANGED_SHURIKENS">Shurikens</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_THROWING_DAGGERS">Throwing Daggers</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_KUNAI">Kunai</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_HUNTERS_KNIVES">Hunter's Knives</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_SILVER_SHURIKENS">Silver Shurikens</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_THROWING_SPIKES">Throwing Spikes</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_CHAKRAM">Chakram</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_GHOST_KUNAI">Ghostly Kunai</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_ANCIENT_CHAKRAM">Ancient Chakram</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_SUPER_SHURIKEN">Star Blade</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_SUPER_AXES">Bat Wings</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_SUPER_CHAKRAM_JEWELS">Jewel of the East</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_SUPER_CHAKRAM_BLADES">Harvester of Souls</Word>
<!-- Magic -->
<Word Title="MAGIC_ENERGY_BALL">Energy Ball</Word>
<Word Title="MAGIC_FIRE_BALL">Fire Ball</Word>
<Word Title="MAGIC_LIGHTNING_ARROW">Lightning Arrow</Word>
<Word Title="MAGIC_FIRE_PILLAR">Fire Pillar</Word>
<!-- Payment -->
<Word Title="Pile_Gems">Pile of Gems</Word>
<Word Title="Bag_Gems">Bag of Gems</Word>
<Word Title="Chest_Gems">Chest of Gems</Word>
<Word Title="Pile_Coins">Pile of Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Bag_Coins">Bag of Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Chest_Coins">Chest of Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Casket_Gems">Casket of Gems</Word>
<Word Title="Pile_Coins_2">%Pile_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Pile_Coins_3">%Pile_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Pile_Coins_4">%Pile_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Pile_Coins_5">%Pile_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Bag_Coins_2">%Bag_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Bag_Coins_3">%Bag_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Bag_Coins_4">%Bag_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Bag_Coins_5">%Bag_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Chest_Coins_2">%Chest_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Chest_Coins_3">%Chest_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Chest_Coins_4">%Chest_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Chest_Coins_5">%Chest_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="paySuccessTitle">CONGRATULATIONS!</Word>
<Word Title="paySuccessMessage">Success! Purchase completed!</Word>
<Word Title="paySuccessButton">OK</Word>
<Word Title="payFailedTitle">ERROR</Word>
<Word Title="payFailedMessage">There was a problem verifying your purchase.
Please contact the support.</Word>
<Word Title="payFailedButton">OK</Word>
<Word Title="Tapjoy">Get Free Gems</Word>
<Word Title="Tapjoy_Text">Get lots of free gems by completing offers</Word>
<Word Title="Tapjoy_TextButton">GET FREE</Word>
<Word Title="TapjoySuccessTitle">CONGRATULATIONS!</Word>
<Word Title="TapjoySuccessMessage">You earned {0} gems with Tapjoy.</Word>
<Word Title="TapjoySuccessButton">OK</Word>
<Word Title="TapjoyErrorTitle">ERROR</Word>
<Word Title="TapjoyErrorMessage">Problems connecting to Tapjoy. Please try
again in a few minutes.</Word>
<Word Title="TapjoyErrorButton">OK</Word>
<Word Title="SponsorPay">Get Free Gems</Word>
<Word Title="SponsorPay_Text">Get lots of free gems by completing offers</Word>
<Word Title="SponsorPay_TextButton">GET FREE</Word>
<Word Title="SponsorPaySuccessTitle">CONGRATULATIONS!</Word>
<Word Title="SponsorPaySuccessMessage">You earned {0} gems with
<Word Title="SponsorPaySuccessButton">OK</Word>
<Word Title="SponsorPayErrorTitle">ERROR</Word>
<Word Title="SponsorPayErrorMessage">Problems connecting to SponsorPay. Please
try again in a few minutes.</Word>
<Word Title="SponsorPayErrorButton">OK</Word>
<Word Title="Metaps">Get Free Gems</Word>
<Word Title="Metaps_Text">Get lots of free gems by completing offers</Word>
<Word Title="Metaps_TextButton">GET FREE</Word>
<Word Title="MetapsSuccessTitle">CONGRATULATIONS!</Word>
<Word Title="MetapsSuccessMessage">You earned {0} gems with Metaps.</Word>
<Word Title="MetapsSuccessButton">OK</Word>
<Word Title="MetapsErrorTitle">ERROR</Word>
<Word Title="MetapsErrorMessage">Problems connecting to Metaps. Please try
again in a few minutes.</Word>
<Word Title="MetapsErrorButton">OK</Word>
<Word Title="Eula">By making a purchase, you are accepting this
<!-- Free section -->
<Word Title="dlgGetFreeBtn">GET FREE</Word>
<Word Title="Video">Get Free Gems</Word>
<Word Title="Video_Text">Watch video to get free {image0}{1}</Word>
<Word Title="Video_TextButton">GET FREE</Word>
<Word Title="VideoSuccessTitle">CONGRATULATIONS!</Word>
<Word Title="VideoSuccessMessage">You've watched the video and earned {image0}
<Word Title="VideoSuccessButton">OK</Word>
<Word Title="Facebook_Like">Get Free Gems</Word>
<Word Title="Facebook_Like_Text">Like Shadow Fight 2 on Facebook and get free
{image0}{1} gems</Word>
<Word Title="Facebook_Like_TextButton">GET FREE</Word>
<Word Title="dlgNotAvaliableTitle">SORRY</Word>
<Word Title="dlgNotAvaliableMessage">There are currently no videos available
for viewing. Please try again later.</Word>
<!-- Lottery -->
<Word Title="lotteryBtnReady">READY</Word>
<Word Title="lotteryBtnHit">HIT!</Word>
<!-- Announces -->
<Word Title="common_challenge_unlock">Challenge fights are now unlocked.</Word>
<Word Title="common_duel_unlock">Duels are now unlocked.</Word>
<Word Title="NewShopTabAvailable">A shop section is now available:</Word>
<Word Title="dlgMagic">Magic</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRanged">Ranged weapons</Word>
<Word Title="dlgNewCurrencyPack">You can now purchase more coins for the same
<!-- Tutorial -->
<Word Title="tutorial_begin_1">Well, well... my vain disciple has returned. And
without a body it seems. How unfortunate for you.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_begin_2">You're nothing more than a shadow now. And yet,
I sense great power within you. I wonder...</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_move">Let me see you move! Show me what a shadow can
<Word Title="tutorial_punchbag">Fascinating... Now, see that punching bag?
Attack it!</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_training_fight">Impressive... but a bag cannot defend
itself. Let's see how you fare against my disciple, Kenji.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_shop">I knew you could do it. Now you need to find
yourself a weapon.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_buy_knives">In this form you can't die. Thus I suggest
you challenge one of the demons now: Lynx!</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_map">I know where you can find him. Open your map.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_bodyguard_win_2">Do you think you can beat them all?
You're welcome to try. Until then do not bother me!</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_girl_hello">Hi, my name is May. I'm the local weapons and
armor expert. The best in these climes. Can I work with you?</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_girl_please">Please, please, please...</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_girl_end">Good decision! I swear that your gear will
always be in perfect condition – and I'll help you with any other problems.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_girl_tournament_1">And here's my first advice. You can
earn money in tournaments.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_girl_tournament_2">With each stage your opponents get
stronger and your prize bigger.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_girl_duel_1">Duels can be fought once every 4 hours. In
Duels you have to use equipment given to you instead of your own.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_girl_duel_2">Random rules will be applied to Duels from
now on.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_tournament_fail_1">I know another way to earn a few
<Word Title="tutorial_tournament_fail_2">In Survival you fight against numerous
opponents. Try it!</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_tournament_fail_3">The more opponents you defeat, the
bigger the prize.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_bodyguard_fail_1">I'm afraid, you can't beat Brick
without better equipment.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_bodyguard_fail_2">Attend the tournament and collect coins
to buy better weapons and armor. You can do it!</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_buy_armor_1">Oh! Looks like you've been beaten? Your
equipment is useless in this tournament.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_buy_armor_2">It's time for you to buy some affordable
armor in the store.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_buy_armor_3">As I said, you shouldn't fight without a
decent armor!</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_buy_armor_4">Listen, I can't let you go without reliable
<Word Title="tutorial_buy_helmet_1">Oh my God! Look at that huge bump on your
head. You can't go on without a helmet.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_buy_helmet_2">Now you have enough coins to buy one. Maybe
it's time to visit the store?</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_girl_winn_tournament_1">You are awesome! Earn coins in
the tournament so you can buy new gear and defeat Lynx's bodyguards.</Word>
<Word Title="sensei_lynx_advice">Lynx is stronger than he looks! You should
prepare yourself and consider upgrading your outfit before challenging him.</Word>
<Word Title="lynx_after_fifth_guard">What weak fighters I had. Thank you for
opening my eyes. Eh... as always, I'll do it all by myself.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRangedAvailable">Hey, look! Now you can purchase these Throwing
Knives. I can hardly wait to see you hurling them!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgMagicAvailable">At last this magnificent magic is in your
reach! How about scorching something right away?</Word>
<Word Title="endzone1_sensei_3">He he... by the time you are victorious I think
I will be long gone...</Word>
<Word Title="endzone1_sensei_4">In any case, good luck.</Word>
<Word Title="endzone1_newland_1">Oh, I can't believe my eyes! The craftsmanship
is really better and prices are lower in this province!</Word>
<Word Title="endzone1_newland_2">Well, go ahead! I can't wait to see this gear
in action!</Word>
<Word Title="upgrades_unlocked">I know an excellent blacksmith who can upgrade
any gear. Use the "Upgrade" button in the store.</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_guard1_defeated_1">Hermit only speaks to those who possesses
real talent.</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_guard1_defeated_2">You can prove said talent only if you
defeat all of his disciples.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_challenge">I found a new way to earn coins! You can
accept the Challenge and fight in battles with special rules.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_about_claws_1">Do you remember Lynx' weapon? He was armed
with long claws, one of their kind! Oh, it would be great to get them.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_about_claws_2">You can fight him again any time you
<Word Title="zone2_guard5_defeat">Well, well... You are a strong fighter... He
he... Perhaps you've earned some free lessons from me.</Word>
<Word Title="endzone2_girl_admire">Hey, we're moving on! You are so amazing! I
can't stop admiring you!</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_difficulty_notice">Are you sure? This battle has an
Impossible difficulty. This means that you have no chance to win now.</Word>
<Word Title="zone3_guard1_defeated_1">Ain't ya a tough one, hey? Well, ya still
too boring for the Butcher.</Word>
<Word Title="zone3_guard1_defeated_2">But his boys will surely provide you with
some entertainment, know what I'm saying?</Word>
<Word Title="zone3_guard5_defeat">What's that? Another shadow? I wonder, do
shadows bleed...</Word>
<Word Title="endzone3_girl_1">You are finally finished with those thugs! What a
<Word Title="zone4_wasp_greetings_1">You are here already? There are rumours of
your journey, you know. But if you expect to fight me – I'm going to disappoint
<Word Title="zone4_wasp_greetings_2">Unfortunately, I no longer possess the
seal you are looking for. It's been stolen from me several months ago and I've
heard nothing of it ever since then.</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_thief_greetings_1">Many apologies, but I happened to hear
you speaking with Wasp. I understand there is certain object you wish to
<Word Title="zone4_thief_greetings_2">Let's say, there is a friend of mine who
knows something of this object's whereabouts.</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_thief_greetings_3">I dare suggest he would happily give this
object away to a person able to clear this harbour of Wasp's vile crew.</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_thief_greetings_4">Defeat Wasp's men – and I'll give the
seal to you.</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_guard1_defeated_1">Kraken has lost and his ship is under my
command now. Great team we are, right?</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_guard1_defeated_2">But Wasp has other men, you know. Off you
<Word Title="zone4_guard4_defeated_1">So slow you are. I expected you to be
finished by now. Be quick, I didn't hire you to just stand here!</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_guard4_defeated_2">Take over Skipper's frigate and defeat
Wasp. You'll get no payment before that.</Word>
<Word Title="wasp_beaten">Everything is lost – all thanks to you. I guess I
stayed in one place for too long. Getting rusty.</Word>
<Word Title="thief_goodbye_1">Wonderful! I am now the only considerable force
in these lands. Ah, it's tempting to keep you in my service...</Word>
<Word Title="thief_goodbye_2">But it seems like it's not a healthy habit –
having you as an enemy. Here, take the seal.</Word>
<Word Title="thief_goodbye_3">I hope I can count on you if I will ever need a
helping hand. Goodbye.</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard1_defeated_1">I've long forgotten what it's like to
fail in combat. You are clearly different from all those peasant fools. Who do you
think has caused all this mayhem? Us? Ha!</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard1_defeated_2">We aren't savages. Unlike those
simpletons raging furiously at each other in futile hope that Widow's grace will
fall upon them.</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard4_defeated_1">Hello again! I've decided to repay you
for your services back in the harbor. After all, I owe you one.</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard4_defeated_2">Besides, surprisingly, not all citizens
were quite happy about my empowerment. I'm afraid they've even become a little
angered by it.</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard4_defeated_3">So I figured that I could use some kind
of protection. Against the angry mob, you know. You won't mind, do you?</Word>
<Word Title="widow_beaten">To hell with you! Take the seal and let demons tear
you apart at the Gate of Shadows!</Word>
<Word Title="thief_congrat">What a delightful power demonstration! This gives
me an idea or two... well, nevermind. I trust we can now get out of this terribly
depressing place?</Word>
<Word Title="endzone5_girl_1">We've almost reached the Gate of Shadows now. But
I'm afraid of what's waiting ahead...</Word>
<Word Title="Ambush1400_title">AMBUSH!</Word>
<Word Title="Ambush1400_announce">Surrender your possessions or die!</Word>
<Word Title="Ambush1400_over">Looks like they've lost their spirit! I suppose
they'll think twice before attacking again.</Word>
<!-- Discounts -->
<Word Title="discount1RegularWeaponOffer">A local blacksmith offers you a
special price for one of his weapons.</Word>
<Word Title="discount1RegularWeaponConfirm">Are you sure? You'll miss this
offer if you don't use it now.</Word>
<Word Title="discount1RegularArmorOffer">My old friend Satoshi is selling an
excellent armor at a great price.</Word>
<Word Title="discount1RegularArmorConfirm">Are you really going to leave?
Someone else will use this offer if you don't.</Word>
<Word Title="discount1RegularHelmOffer">I found a merchant selling a great helm
much cheaper than in the local store.</Word>
<Word Title="discount1RegularHelmConfirm">Are you leaving? I'm not sure this
offer will still stand by the time you return.</Word>
<Word Title="discount1RegularRangedOffer">A local blacksmith offers you a
special price for one of the ranged weapons he forged lately.</Word>
<Word Title="discount1RegularRangedConfirm">Are you sure? You'll miss this
offer if you don't use it now.</Word>
<Word Title="discount1RegularMagicOffer">I've just seen a great discount on one
of the magical amulets! Will you take a look?</Word>
<Word Title="discount1RegularMagicConfirm">Are you leaving? I'm not sure this
offer will still stand by the time you return.</Word>
<Word Title="discount1UpgradeWeaponOffer">Local blacksmith seems very
interested in one of your items and offers you to upgrade it to your current level
with a significant discount.</Word>
<Word Title="discount1UpgradeWeaponConfirm">Are you sure? You'll miss this
offer if you don't use it now.</Word>
<Word Title="discount1UpgradeArmorOffer">Local blacksmith seems very interested
in one of your items and offers you to upgrade it to your current level with a
significant discount.</Word>
<Word Title="discount1UpgradeArmorConfirm">Are you really going to leave?
Someone else will use this offer if you don't.</Word>
<Word Title="discount1UpgradeHelmOffer">Local blacksmith seems very interested
in one of your items and offers you to upgrade it to your current level with a
significant discount.</Word>
<Word Title="discount1UpgradeHelmConfirm">Are you leaving? I'm not sure this
offer will still stand by the time you return.</Word>
<Word Title="discount1UpgradeRangedOffer">Local blacksmith seems very
interested in one of your items and offers you to upgrade it to your current level
with a significant discount.</Word>
<Word Title="discount1UpgradeRangedConfirm">Are you really going to leave?
Someone else will use this offer if you don't.</Word>
<Word Title="discount1UpgradeMagicOffer">Local blacksmith seems very interested
in one of your items and offers you to upgrade it to your current level with a
significant discount.</Word>
<Word Title="discount1UpgradeMagicConfirm">Are you leaving? I'm not sure this
offer will still stand by the time you return.</Word>
<Word Title="discount1OnGameEnter">Do you remember that special offer I've
shown you lately? You can still use it!</Word>
<!-- Drop -->
<Word Title="dropNameNunchaku">NUNCHAKU</Word>
<Word Title="dropNameNaginata">NAGINATA</Word>
<Word Title="dropNameKatana">KATANA</Word>
<Word Title="dropNameWandererStaff">WANDERER STAFF</Word>
<Word Title="drop_name_blueseal">BLUE SEAL</Word>
<Word Title="drop_name_greenseal">GREEN SEAL</Word>
<Word Title="drop_name_redseal">RED SEAL</Word>
<Word Title="drop_name_purpleseal">PURPLE SEAL</Word>
<Word Title="drop_name_orangeseal">ORANGE SEAL</Word>
<Word Title="drop_name_jadeseal">JADE SEAL</Word>
<Word Title="zone1_seal_drop">A mysterious blue seal won from Lynx in deadly
<Word Title="zone2_seal_drop">A mysterious green seal won from Hermit in deadly
<Word Title="zone3_seal_drop">A mysterious red seal won from the Butcher in
deadly combat.</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_seal_drop">A mysterious orange seal won from Widow in a
deadly fight.</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_seal_drop">A mysterious jade seal won from Shogun in a
deadly fight.</Word>

<!-- Strangers -->

<Word Title="zone_1_Kenji_crutch">Hey, wait! You remember how you humiliated me
in front of my teacher, don't you? Well, let's make it even.</Word>
<Word Title="announceTitle">SOON</Word>
<Word Title="announce_zone_4">Act IV – coming soon. Stay tuned for
<Word Title="announce_zone_5">Act V – coming soon. Stay tuned for
<Word Title="announce_zone_6">Act VI – coming soon. Stay tuned for
<Word Title="stranger_sensei_difficulty_1">Wait! Don't you see this fight's
difficulty is quite above the average?</Word>
<Word Title="stranger_sensei_difficulty_2">You should probably visit the shop
if you want to defeat this enemy.</Word>
<Word Title="Act_1_head">Act I</Word>
<Word Title="Act_1">Act I
Hero Reborn</Word>
<Word Title="Act_2_head">Act II</Word>
<Word Title="Act_3_head">Act III</Word>
<Word Title="Act_3">Act III
Trail of Blood</Word>
<Word Title="Act_4_head">Act IV</Word>
<Word Title="Act_5_head">Act V</Word>
<Word Title="Act_5">Act V
The Greatest Temptation</Word>
<Word Title="Act_6_head">Act VI</Word>
<Word Title="Act_6">Act VI
Iron Reign</Word>
<Word Title="HackTitle">ERROR</Word>
<Word Title="HackMessage">Your game data may be corrupted. Please restart the
If it does not help - contact support:
Do not uninstall the game to avoid savegame loss.</Word>
<Word Title="HackButton">Reload</Word>
<Word Title="compareCloseBtn">CLOSE</Word>
<Word Title="compareNothingTitle">Nothing equipped</Word>
<Word Title="btnShopTry">TRY ON</Word>
<Word Title="loadLbl">Loading...</Word>
<Word Title="blank">%{0}</Word>
<Word Title="dlgCurrencyQuestion">{image0}{1}?</Word>
<!-- Rating -->
<Word Title="rateDlgTitle">Set Rating</Word>
<Word Title="rateDlgMessage">Do you like this game? Please give it 5 stars!
Thank you!</Word>
<Word Title="rateDlgBtn1Text">YES</Word>
<Word Title="rateDlgBtn2Text">LATER</Word>
<Word Title="rateDlgBtn3Text">NEVER</Word>
<Word Title="push_full_energy">Your energy has been restored!</Word>
<Word Title="push_energy_to_fight">You are ready for battle!</Word>
<Word Title="push_periodic">A new opponent challenges you to fight in a
<Word Title="push_retention">Your enemies are waiting for you!</Word>
<Word Title="item_notification">Your order is ready: {0}</Word>
<Word Title="delivery_notification">Your order is ready: %{0}</Word>
<!-- Attributes etc. -->
<Word Title="ATTRIBUTE_HEADDEFENSE">Head Defense</Word>
<Word Title="ATTRIBUTE_BODYDEFENSE">Body Defense</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_REGENERATION">Regeneration</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_BLEEDING">Bleeding</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_DAMAGE_RETURN">Damage Return</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_MAGIC_RECHARGE">Magic Recharge</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_CRITICAL_DAMAGE">Critical Damage</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_SHIELDING">Shielding</Word>
<!-- Profile -->
<Word Title="profile_BtnShow">SHOW</Word>
<Word Title="profile_BtnImprove">LEARN</Word>
<Word Title="profile_LblImprove">LEARNED</Word>
<Word Title="profileNoSkills">No perks to learn</Word>
<Word Title="profileSelectSkill">Select a perk</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_DOUBLE_SWEEP">%DoubleSweep</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_DOUBLE_JUMP_KICK">%DoubleJumpKick</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_THROW_THROUGH_THE_BACK">Throw through the back</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_TWO_FOOT_JUMP_KICK">%TwoFootJumpKick</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_ELBOW_STRIKE">%ElbowStrike</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_BACK_FLIP_KICK">%BackFlipKick</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_LOW_PUNCH">Low punch</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_UPPER_CUT">Upper cut</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_SUPER_SLASH">Super slash</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_VIPER">VIPER</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStoryBtnWait_2">WAIT</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_FURIOUS">Furious</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_DESPERATE">Desperate</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_DESPERATE">+{1}%% damage when your health is lower
than {0}%%.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_GRAPPLER">Your throws cripple your enemy, causing
them to deal {0}%% less damage for {1} seconds.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_IRON_GRIP">+{0}%% chance to keep your weapon after
being Shocked.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_CRUELTY">+{0}%% damage while your enemy is knocked
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_DUCK_HUNT">+{0}%% damage while your enemy is
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_SOLID_BLOCK">Your blocks have a {0}%% chance to
prevent all incoming damage.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_COUNTERATTACK">+{0}%% damage if your hit
interrupts an enemy's attack.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_ELEMENTAL_PRECISION">+{0}%% Critical Chance for
<Word Title="update_1300_wipe">Your perks have been reset. Visit the profile to
retrain them.</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_STRONG_HEAD">Strong Head</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_TOUGH_BODY">Tough Body</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_HELM_BREAKER">Helm Breaker</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_MASTER_OF_STYLE">Master of Style</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_MIRROR">Mirror</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_GRAPPLER">Grappler</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_IRON_HIDE">Iron Hide</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_DIAMOND_SKULL">Diamond Skull</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_PAIN_RAGE">Pain Rage</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_IRON_GRIP">Iron Grip</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_AGILITY">Agility</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_CLOSE_COMBAT">Close Combat</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_CRUELTY">Cruelty</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_DUCK_HUNT">Duck Hunt</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_STEEL_FOOT">Steel Foot</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_RICOCHET">Ricochet</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_THRIFTY">Thrifty</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_EAGLE_EYE">Eagle Eye</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_MARTIAL_SPIRIT">Martial Spirit</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_ACCURACY">Accuracy</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_ROCK">Rock</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_SOLID_BLOCK">Solid Block</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_COUNTERATTACK">Counter-attack</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_ELEMENTAL_PRECISION">Elemental Precision</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_ASCETICISM">Asceticism</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_POWER_SURGE">Power Surge</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_BLOODLUST">Bloodlust</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_GOOD_SHARPENING">Good Sharpening</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_BLOCK_BREAKER">Block Breaker</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_CONCUSSION">Concussion</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_AVENGER">Avenger</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_CAREFUL">Careful</Word>
<Word Title="blue_seal_description">%zone1_seal_drop</Word>
<Word Title="green_seal_description">%zone2_seal_drop</Word>
<Word Title="red_seal_description">%zone3_seal_drop</Word>
<Word Title="purple_seal_description">%zone4_seal_drop</Word>
<Word Title="orange_seal_description">%zone5_seal_drop</Word>
<Word Title="jade_seal_description">%zone6_seal_drop</Word>
<!-- Names -->
<Word Title="Shadow">SHADOW GOD</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_SHADOW">SHADOW</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_KENJI">KENJI</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_SHIN">SHIN</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_BRICK">BRICK</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_STING">STING</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_NIGHT">NIGHT</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_LYNX">LYNX</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_CRANE">CRANE</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_DRAGON">DRAGON</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_TIGER">TIGER</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_MONK">MONK</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_HERMIT">HERMIT</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_LOTUS">LOTUS</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_RHINO">RHINO</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_BULL">BULL</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_RED">RED</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_REAPER">REAPER</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_MONKEY">MONKEY</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_HORNET">HORNET</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_JESTER">JESTER</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_IRON">IRON</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_ROGUE">ROGUE</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_MAD">MAD</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_GHOST">GHOST</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_TOOTH">TOOTH</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_WING">WING</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_JACK">JACK</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_RAY">RAY</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_NIPPER">NIPPER</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_SCAR">SCAR</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_RUSH">RUSH</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_RAVEN">RAVEN</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_ANTEY">ANTEY</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_HIKARU">HIKARU</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_SPARK">SPARK</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_RIVER">RIVER</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_RAIN">RAIN</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_SNAKE">SNAKE</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_NINJA">NINJA</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_HAWK">HAWK</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_LANA">LANA</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_KID">KID</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_KRAKEN">KRAKEN</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_MEDUSA">MEDUSA</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_BOSUN">BOSUN</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_WASP">WASP</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_FOX">FOX</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_WIDOW">WIDOW</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_AKUMA">AKUMA</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_SEER">SEER</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_NEON">NEON</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_FIEND">FIEND</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_MADMAN">MADMAN</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_LARA">LARA</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_IRBIS">IRBIS</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_WOLF">WOLF</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_SURTR">SURTR</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_PUMA">PUMA</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_SMITH">SMITH</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_TROLL">TROLL</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_NEEDLE">NEEDLE</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_DANDY">DANDY</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_TOXIC">TOXIC</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_VELVET">VELVET</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_LUCKY">LUCKY</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_WHALER">WHALER</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_MAJOR">MAJOR</Word>
<!-- Moves -->
<Word Title="DoubleStepForward">Long Step Forward</Word>
<Word Title="BackRoll">Back Roll</Word>
<Word Title="StepForward">Step Forward</Word>
<Word Title="StepBack">Step Backward</Word>
<Word Title="ForwardRoll">Front Roll</Word>
<Word Title="FrontFlip">Frontflip</Word>
<Word Title="BackFlip">Backflip</Word>
<Word Title="BackHandflip">Back Handspring</Word>
<Word Title="Jump">Jump</Word>
<Word Title="Duck">Duck</Word>
<Word Title="WallJump_50">Wall Jump</Word>
<!-- Strikes -->
<Word Title="HighKick">High Kick</Word>
<Word Title="HighKneeUp">Knee Strike</Word>
<Word Title="ReverseJumpKick">Spinning Jump Kick</Word>
<Word Title="DoubleJumpKick">Double Jump Kick</Word>
<Word Title="ShortJumpKick">Short Jump Kick</Word>
<Word Title="FrontJumpKick">Front Jump Kick</Word>
<Word Title="FrontKick">Front Kick</Word>
<Word Title="BackKick">Back Kick</Word>
<Word Title="TwoFootJumpKick">Fall Kick</Word>
<Word Title="AxeKick">Axe Kick</Word>
<Word Title="BackFlipKick">Kick-flip</Word>
<Word Title="Sweep">Sweep</Word>
<Word Title="DoubleSweep">Double Sweep</Word>
<Word Title="LowKick">Low Kick</Word>
<Word Title="DodgeKick">Horse Kick</Word>
<Word Title="DodgeReverseKick">Spinning Step Kick</Word>
<Word Title="HighPunch">Straight Punch</Word>
<Word Title="ShortUpwardElbowStrike">Short Elbow Strike</Word>
<Word Title="HeavyPunch">Strong Punch</Word>
<Word Title="DoublePunch">Double Punch</Word>
<Word Title="SpinningPunch">Spinning Punch</Word>
<Word Title="UpperCut">Uppercut</Word>
<Word Title="LowPunch">Low Punch</Word>
<Word Title="ElbowStrike">Elbow Strike</Word>
<Word Title="KnivesSlash">Knives Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KerisSlash">Keris Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KnivesDoubleSlash">Knives Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KerisDoubleSlash">Keris Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KnivesHeavySlash">Knives Strong Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KerisHeavySlash">Keris Strong Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KnivesSuperSlash">Knives Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KerisSuperSlash">Keris Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KnivesSpinningSlash">Knives Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KerisSpinningSlash">Keris Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KnivesUpperSlash">Knives Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KerisUpperSlash">Keris Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KnivesLowSlash">Knives Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KerisLowSlash">Keris Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SaiSpit">Sai Spit</Word>
<Word Title="SaiDoubleSpit">Sai Double Spit</Word>
<Word Title="SaiHeavySpit">Sai Strong Spit</Word>
<Word Title="SaiDoubleSuperSpit">Sai Double Jump Spit</Word>
<Word Title="SaiSpinningSpit">Sai Spinning Spit</Word>
<Word Title="SaiUpperSpit">Sai Upper Spit</Word>
<Word Title="SaiLowSpit">Sai Low Spit</Word>
<Word Title="BatonsSlash">Batons Slash</Word>
<Word Title="BatonsDoubleSlash">Batons Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="BatonsHeavySlash">Batons Strong Slash</Word>
<Word Title="BatonsSuperSlash">Batons Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="BatonsSpinningSlash">Batons Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="BatonsUpperSlash">Batons Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="BatonsLowSlash">Batons Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KatanaSlash">Katana Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KatanaDoubleSlash">Katana Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KatanaHeavySlash">Katana Strong Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KatanaSuperSlash">Katana Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KatanaSpinningSlash">Katana Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KatanaUpperSlash">Katana Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KatanaLowSlash">Katana Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SwordsSlash">Swords Slash</Word>
<Word Title="MacheteSlash">Machete Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SwordsDoubleSlash">Swords Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="MacheteDoubleSlash">Machete Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SwordsHeavySlash">Swords Strong Slash</Word>
<Word Title="MacheteHeavySlash">Machete Strong Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SwordsSuperSlash">Swords Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="MacheteSuperSlash">Machete Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SwordsSpinningSlash">Swords Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="MacheteSpinningSlash">Machete Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SwordsUpperSlash">Swords Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="MacheteUpperSlash">Machete Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SwordsLowSlash">Swords Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="MacheteLowSlash">Machete Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="NunchakuSlash">Nunchaku Slash</Word>
<Word Title="NunchakuDoubleSlash">Nunchaku Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="NunchakuHeavySlash">Nunchaku Strong Slash</Word>
<Word Title="NunchakuSuperSlash">Nunchaku Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="NunchakuSpinningSlash">Nunchaku Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="NunchakuUpperSlash">Nunchaku Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="NunchakuLowSlash">Nunchaku Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="ClawsSlash">Claws Slash</Word>
<Word Title="ClawsDoubleSlash">Claws Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="ClawsHeavySlash">Claws Strong Slash</Word>
<Word Title="ClawsSuperSlash">Claws Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="ClawsSpinningSlash">Claws Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="ClawsUpperSlash">Claws Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="ClawsLowSlash">Claws Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="TonfaSlash">Tonfa Slash</Word>
<Word Title="TonfaDoubleSlash">Tonfa Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="TonfaHeavySlash">Tonfa Strong Slash</Word>
<Word Title="TonfaSuperSlash">Tonfa Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="TonfaSpinningSlash">Tonfa Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="TonfaUpperSlash">Tonfa Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="TonfaLowSlash">Tonfa Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="StaffSlash">Staff Slash</Word>
<Word Title="StaffDoubleSlash">Staff Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="StaffHeavySlash">Staff Strong Slash</Word>
<Word Title="StaffSuperSlash">Staff Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="StaffSpinningSlash">Staff Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="StaffUpperSlash">Staff Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="ThrowThroughTheBack">Throw Through The Back</Word>
<Word Title="ThrowThroughTheBackProfile">Throw Through The Back</Word>
<Word Title="StaffLowSlash">Staff Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="GlaiveSlash">Glaive Slash</Word>
<Word Title="GlaiveDoubleSlash">Glaive Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="GlaiveHeavySlash">Glaive Strong Slash</Word>
<Word Title="GlaiveSuperSlash">Glaive Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="GlaiveSpinningSlash">Glaive Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="GlaiveUpperSlash">Glaive Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="GlaiveLowSlash">Glaive Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="AxesSlash">Axes Slash</Word>
<Word Title="AxesDoubleSlash">Axes Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="AxesHeavySlash">Axes Strong Slash</Word>
<Word Title="AxesSuperSlash">Axes Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="AxesSpinningSlash">Axes Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="AxesUpperSlash">Axes Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="AxesLowSlash">Axes Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="TwoHandedSlash">Two-handed Weapon Slash</Word>
<Word Title="TwoHandedDoubleSlash">Two-handed Weapon Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="TwoHandedHeavySlash">Two-handed Weapon Strong Slash</Word>
<Word Title="TwoHandedSuperSlash">Two-handed Weapon Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="TwoHandedSpinningSlash">Two-handed Weapon Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="TwoHandedUpperSlash">Two-handed Weapon Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="TwoHandedLowSlash">Two-handed Weapon Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KusarigamaSlash">Kusarigama Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KusarigamaDoubleSlash">Kusarigama Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KusarigamaHeavySlash">Kusarigama Strong Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KusarigamaSuperSlash">Kusarigama Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KusarigamaSpinningSlash">Kusarigama Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KusarigamaUpperSlash">Kusarigama Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KusarigamaLowSlash">Kusarigama Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SpearSlash">Spear Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SpearDoubleSlash">Spear Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SpearHeavySlash">Spear Strong Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SpearSuperSlash">Spear Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SpearSpinningSlash">Spear Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SpearUpperSlash">Spear Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SpearLowSlash">Spear Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="ThrowForward">Throw Forward</Word>
<Word Title="ShuanGouSuperSlash">Shuang Gou Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="CrescentKnivesSuperSlash">Crescent Knives Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="NinjaSwordSuperSlash">Ninja Sword Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KnucklesSuperSlash">Knuckles Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="BigSwordsSuperSlash">Big Swords Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="NaginataSuperSlash">Naginata Super Slash</Word>
<!-- Profile descriptions -->
<Word Title="newVersionTitle">Update!</Word>
<Word Title="newVersionMessage">New version available. Would you like to update
<Word Title="newVersionCancel">Cancel</Word>
<Word Title="newVersionUpdate">Update</Word>
<Word Title="restoreTitle">RESTORE DATA</Word>
<Word Title="restoreMessage1">There is a level {0} savegame from {1} on our
Press "Cancel" to continue with the level {2} savegame on your device, or "Restore"
to restore the online savegame.</Word>
<Word Title="restoreMessage2">There is a savegame with level {0} from {1}, but
you have an old version of the game. Would you like to update now?</Word>
<Word Title="restoreMessage3">Are you sure that you want to restore savegame
stored on our server?</Word>
<Word Title="restoreBtnCancel">CANCEL</Word>
<Word Title="restoreBtnRestore">RESTORE</Word>
<Word Title="restoreBtnUpdate">UPDATE</Word>
<Word Title="credits">Credits</Word>
<Word Title="CreditsFamilies">THANKS TO OUR FAMILIES!</Word>
<Word Title="English">English</Word>
<Word Title="German">German</Word>
<Word Title="French">French</Word>
<Word Title="Russian">Russian</Word>
<Word Title="ChineseSimplified">Chinese Simpl.</Word>
<Word Title="ChineseTraditional">Chinese Trad.</Word>
<Word Title="Italian">Italian</Word>
<Word Title="Portuguese">Portuguese</Word>
<Word Title="Spanish">Spanish</Word>
<Word Title="Turkish">Turkish</Word>
<Word Title="Arabic">Arabic</Word>
<Word Title="Japanese">Japanese</Word>
<Word Title="Korean">Korean</Word>
<Word Title="downloadingScreenText">Downloading...</Word>
<Word Title="reloadScreenText">The game has been updated.
Restart is necessary.</Word>
<Word Title="battleComingSoon">Complete Interlude</Word>
<Word Title="battleCompleted">COMPLETED</Word>
<Word Title="battleLocked">LOCKED</Word>
<Word Title="battleLockedBoss2">Defeat Lynx to unlock this Act</Word>
<Word Title="battleLockedBoss3">Defeat Hermit to unlock this Act</Word>
<Word Title="battleLockedBoss4">Defeat the Butcher to unlock this Act</Word>
<Word Title="battleLockedBoss5">Defeat Wasp to unlock this Act</Word>
<Word Title="battleLockedBoss6">Defeat Widow to unlock this Act</Word>
<Word Title="challenge_deny">You do not fulfill the following
<Word Title="challenge_announce">The following rules are applied in this
<!-- Achievements -->
<Word Title="achievementReward">REWARD:</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_BtnReward">TAKE</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_Completed">COMPLETED</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Perfect_Rounds">Win {0} rounds perfectly in any
mode except Survival.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Perfect_Rounds_1">Win {0} round perfectly in any
mode except Survival.</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_perfect_1">Not a Scratch</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_perfect_2">Without a Bruise</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_perfect_3">Invincible</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Firsthits">Make first hit in {0} rounds.</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_firsthits_1">Rapid Reaction</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_firsthits_2">Snake Bite</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_firsthits_3">Lightning Strike</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Max_Combo">Perform a {0}-hit combo.</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_maxcombo_1">Combo Adept</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_maxcombo_2">Combo Expert</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_maxcombo_3">Combo Master</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Style">Reach {0} style during any fight.</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_aggresive_1">Aggressive</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_crazy_1">Crazy</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_fantastic_1">Fantastic</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_HeadHitRounds">Finish {0} rounds with a head
<Word Title="achievement_name_headhitrounds_1">Headache</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_headhitrounds_2">Skull Crusher</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_headhitrounds_3">Executioner</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Disarm">Disarm your enemy {0} times in any mode
except Survival.</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_disarm_1">Superiority</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_disarm_2">Domination</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_disarm_3">Overpower</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_KickFights_1">Win a fight using kicks only in any
mode except Survival.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_KickFights_2">Win {0} fights using kicks only in
any mode except Survival.</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_kickfights_1">Mighty Kicks</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_kickfights_2">Feet Power</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_kickfights_3">Kick Master</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Unarmed_1">Win {0} fights barehanded in any mode
except Survival.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Unarmed_2">Win {0} fights barehanded in any mode
except Survival.</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_unarmed_1">Punch and Kick</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_unarmed_2">Natural Strength</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_unarmed_3">Inner Power</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_BlockedRounds">Block every hit in {0} rounds in
any mode except Survival.</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_blockedrounds_1">Careful</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_blockedrounds_2">Tactician</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_blockedrounds_3">Strategist</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Losses_1">Lose a fight.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Losses_2">Lose {0} times.</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_losses_1">Cuts and Bruises</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_losses_2">Just a Flesh Wound</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_losses_3">Battle Scars</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_BarelyAlive_1">Finish a round with a critical
health level.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_BarelyAlive_2">Finish {0} rounds with a critical
health level.</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_barelyalive_1">Close Call</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_barelyalive_2">Unbendable</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_barelyalive_3">Will to Survive</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Punchfights_1">Win a fight using punches and
throws only in any mode except Survival.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Punchfights_2">Win {0} fights using punches and
throws only in any mode except Survival.</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_punchfights_1">Boxer</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_punchfights_2">Brawler</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_punchfights_3">Fist of Steel</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_FastRounds">Win {0} rounds in {1} seconds in any
mode except Survival.</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_fastrounds_1">Blitz</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_fastrounds_2">No Time to Waste</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_fastrounds_3">Tight Schedule</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_LongRounds">Make {0} rounds last at least {1}
seconds in any mode except Survival.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_LongRounds_1">Make {0} round last at least {1}
seconds in any mode except Survival.</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_longrounds_1">No Hurry</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_longrounds_2">Let's Take It Slow</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_longrounds_3">War of Attrition</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Bodyguards">Defeat all {0}'s bodyguards.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Bodyguards_1">Lone Beast</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Bodyguards_2">Class Dismissed</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Bodyguards_3">No Mexican Standoff</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Bodyguards_4">Shore Leave</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Bodyguards_5">Better Suitor</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Boss">Defeat {0}.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Boss_1">Ninja Hunter</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Boss_2">Taught The Teacher</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Boss_3">Fresh Meat</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Boss_4">Boarding Party</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Boss_5">No Heart to Break</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Tournaments">Win the Tournament in one
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Tournaments_2">Win the Tournament in {0}
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Tournaments_1">Contender</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Tournaments_2">Well-known</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Tournaments_3">Famous</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Tournaments_4">Eminent</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Tournaments_5">Champion</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Challenges">Complete every Challenge in one
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Challenges_2">Complete every Challenge in {0}
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Challenges_1">Novice</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Challenges_2">Skillful</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Challenges_3">Talented</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Challenges_4">Proficient</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Challenges_5">Master</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Survivals">Overcome Survival in {0}.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Survivals_1">Panda Bear</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Survivals_2">Forester</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Survivals_3">Swamp Warrior</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Survivals_4">Spelunker</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Survivals_5">Sole Survivor</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_CloseGatesOfShadows">Close the Gates of
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_CloseGatesOfShadows">Sealed</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Boss_6">Conqueror</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Bodyguards_6">One Man Army</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Tournaments_6">Professional</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Challenges_6">Guru</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Survivals_6">Sunstroke</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Tournament_IM">Return of the Legend</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Challenges_IM">Back on Trail</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_GatesOfShadows">Off the Hinges</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Tournament_IM">Win every Tournament in the
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Challenges_IM">Complete every Challenge in the
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_GatesOfShadows">Open the Gates of Shadows once
<!-- Challenges -->
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_NO_WEAPON">You have to fight barehanded in this
fight with a weapon level {0} or higher only.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_NO_JUMPS">You can't jump during this
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_KICKS_ONLY">In this fight your enemy can be
damaged by kicks only.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_HOT_GROUND">Staying on the ground for too long
will count as loss.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_RING_OUT">Leaving the marked zone during this
fight counts as a loss.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_HELM_LEVEL_RESTRICTION">You may enter this fight
with a helm level {0} or higher only.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_NO_KICKS">You can't use kicks in this
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_NO_BLOCKS">You can't block enemy hits in this
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_NO_HELM_NO_ARMOR">You have to fight without helm
and armor.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_DODGE_ENEMYS_RANGED">Enemy ranged weapons kill
you instantly.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_TIMEOUT">You have only {0} seconds in every round
of this fight.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_ENEMY_REGENERATES">Your enemy restores health
over time in this fight.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_INVISIBLE_ENEMY">Your enemy is invisible in this
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_N_ENEMIES">You have to fight against {0} enemies
in a row with a random weapon each round.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_NO_EQUIPMENT">You have to fight without any of
your weapon, helm, armor, ranged weapon and magic.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_NO_DOUBLE">You can't use double strikes in this
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_NO_FALLS">Being knocked off your feet during this
fight counts as a loss.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_RING_OUT_NO_BLOCKS">Leaving the marked zone
during the fight counts as a loss. You can't block enemy hits.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_TIMEOUT_HOT_GROUND">You have only {0} seconds in
every round of this fight and staying on the ground for too long will count as
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_ENDURANCE">You and your enemy both have very weak
attacks in this fight.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_ENEMY_VULNERABLE_MAGIC">Your enemy is vulnerable
to magic damage only.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_ARMOR_LEVEL_RESTRICTION">You may enter this fight
with an armor level {0} or higher only.</Word>
invisible and restores health over time in this fight.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_HEAD_HIT">In this fight your enemy can be damaged
by head hits only.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_NO_HELM">You have to fight without helm.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_RING_OUT_HOT_GROUND">Leaving the marked zone or
staying on the ground for too long counts as a loss.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_HEALTH_DROPS">Your health decreases over time in
this fight.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_NO_BLOCKS_NO_FALLS">You can't block enemy hits,
and being knocked off your feet during this fight counts as loss.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_HEALTH_REGENERATION">Your health restores over
time in this fight, but your enemy is tougher than usual.</Word>
both have very weak attacks in this fight, and his health restores over
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_ENEMY_WITH_LIFESTEAL">Your enemy steals health
with each successful hit.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_NO_HEALTHBAR">Health bars are hidden in this
over time in this fight, but your attacks restore it.</Word>
enemy restore health with each successful hit.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_TIMEOUT_SURVIVE">Your enemy is invulnerable, stay
alive for {0} seconds to win.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_THROWS_ONLY">In this fight your enemy can be
damaged by throws only.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_FIGHT_IN_THE_DARK">Your vision darkens
periodically in this fight.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_SCORE_CONTEST">Win by scoring more hits than your
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_DODGE_ENEMYS_MAGIC">Enemy magic kills you
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_SHOCK">Your enemy restores health over time in
this fight, disarm him to win. (Try to deal a lot of damage in a short
restores over time in this fight, but your attacks return damage.</Word>
magic at a high rate in this fight.</Word>
enemy is vulnerable to magic damage only, but it recharges only when you take
enemy regenerates and can be damaged by head hits only.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_KICKS_ONLY_HOT_GROUND">In this fight your enemy
can be damaged by kicks only. Staying on the ground for too long will count as
<Word Title="NO_HEALTHBAR_DAMAGE_RETURN">Hidden healthbar, enemy returns
hidden in this fight, and your attacks return damage.</Word>
<Word Title="NO_WEAPON">No weapon</Word>
<Word Title="FRAGILITY">Increased vulnerability within shown area</Word>
<Word Title="NO_RANGED_NO_MAGIC">No ranged weapons and no magic</Word>
<Word Title="NO_RANGED">No ranged weapons</Word>
<Word Title="NO_MAGIC">No magic</Word>
<Word Title="DARKNESS">Fight in the dark</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_LEVEL_RESTRICTION">Weapon level {0}</Word>
<Word Title="NO_JUMPS">No jumps</Word>
<Word Title="KICKS_ONLY">Kicks only</Word>
<Word Title="HOT_GROUND">Hot ground</Word>
<Word Title="RING_OUT">You lose on ring-out</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_LEVEL_RESTRICTION">Helm level {0}</Word>
<Word Title="NO_KICKS">No kicks</Word>
<Word Title="EQUIPMENT_LEVEL_RESTRICTION">Equipment level {0}</Word>
<Word Title="NO_BLOCKS">No blocks</Word>
<Word Title="NO_HELM_NO_ARMOR">No helm and armor</Word>
<Word Title="DODGE_ENEMYS_RANGED">Dodge enemy missiles</Word>
<Word Title="TIMEOUT">{0} seconds timeout</Word>
<Word Title="ENEMY_REGENERATES">Enemy has regeneration</Word>
<Word Title="INVISIBLE_ENEMY">Invisible enemy</Word>
<Word Title="N_ENEMIES">{0} enemies in a row, random weapon each round</Word>
<Word Title="NO_EQUIPMENT">No equipment</Word>
<Word Title="NO_DOUBLE">No double strikes</Word>
<Word Title="NO_FALLS">You lose if you fall</Word>
<Word Title="STYLE">Reach {0} style</Word>
<Word Title="RING_OUT_NO_BLOCKS">No blocks, you lose on ring-out</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_LEVEL_RESTRICTION">Ranged weapon level {0}</Word>
<Word Title="TIMEOUT_HOT_GROUND">{0} seconds timeout and hot ground</Word>
<Word Title="ENDURANCE">Enduring fight</Word>
<Word Title="AGGRESSIVE">Reach "Aggressive" style</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_AGGRESSIVE">Enemy is invulnerable, reach
"Aggressive" style to win</Word>
<Word Title="ENEMY_VULNERABLE_MAGIC">Enemy is only vulnerable to magic</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_LEVEL_RESTRICTION">Armor level {0}</Word>
<Word Title="INVISIBLE_ENEMY_REGENERATES">Invisible enemy with
<Word Title="HEAD_HIT">Head damage only</Word>
<Word Title="CRAZY">Reach "Crazy" style</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_CRAZY">Enemy is invulnerable, reach "Crazy" style
to win</Word>
<Word Title="NO_HELM">No helm</Word>
<Word Title="RING_OUT_HOT_GROUND">Hot ground, you lose on ring-out</Word>
<Word Title="HEALTH_DROPS">Health drops over time</Word>
<Word Title="NO_BLOCKS_NO_FALLS">No blocks and you lose if you fall</Word>
<Word Title="HEALTH_REGENERATION">Your health regenerates</Word>
<Word Title="ENDURANCE_ENEMY_REGENERATES">Enduring fight, enemy
<Word Title="ENEMY_WITH_LIFESTEAL">Enemy has lifesteal</Word>
<Word Title="TIMEOUT_STYLE">Reach {0} style in {1} seconds</Word>
<Word Title="NO_HEALTHBAR">Hidden healthbar</Word>
<Word Title="HEALTH_DROPS_AND_LIFESTEAL">Health drops, you have
<Word Title="HEAD_HIT_ENEMY_REGENERATES">Head damage only, enemy
<Word Title="KICKS_ONLY_HOT_GROUND">Kicks only, hot ground</Word>
<Word Title="ENEMY_STRIKES_HARD">Powerful enemy attacks</Word>
<Word Title="PLAYER_AND_ENEMY_WITH_LIFESTEAL">You and your enemy have
<Word Title="TIMEOUT_SURVIVE">Enemy is invulnerable, you win on timeout</Word>
<Word Title="THROWS_ONLY">Throws only</Word>
<Word Title="FIGHT_IN_THE_DARK">Fight in the dark</Word>
<Word Title="RING_OUT_STYLE">Reach {0} style, you lose on ring-out</Word>
<Word Title="SCORE_CONTEST">Score victory</Word>
<Word Title="COMBO">Perform combo {0}</Word>
<Word Title="DODGE_ENEMYS_MAGIC">Dodge enemy magic</Word>
<Word Title="SHOCK">Disarm</Word>
<Word Title="RING_OUT_BRUTAL">Reach "Brutal" style, you lose on ring-out</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_RING_OUT_BRUTAL">Stay in the marked zone, reach
"Brutal" style to win</Word>
<Word Title="HEALTH_REGENERATION_DAMAGE_RETURN">Your health regenerates, enemy
returns damage</Word>
<Word Title="ENEMY_FAST_MAGIC_CHARGE">Enemy recharges magic quickly</Word>
<Word Title="ENEMY_VULNERABLE_MAGIC_PAIN_MAGIC_CHARGE">Enemy is vulnerable to
magic, limited magic recharge</Word>
<Word Title="RANDOM_EQUIPMENT">Random equipment</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_KERIS">Krises</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_TONFA">Tonfas</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_LABRYS_AXES">Labryses</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_TWO_HANDED_CUDGEL">Two-handed Cudgel</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_WANDERER_STAFF">Wanderer's Staff</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_RONIN">Ronin Doublet</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_GUARD">Guard's Harness</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_CHAIN">Chainmail</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_BLOOD_MASTER">Scarlet Leather</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_STRONG_BARBARIAN">Sturdy Barbarian Armor</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_MANTIS">Mantis Harness</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_LEGIONER">Legionnaire Armor</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_EMERALD_BREASTPLATE">Emerald Mail</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_RED_STEEL">Red Platemail</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_MOON">Moon Shroud</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_DRAGON">Radiant Platemail</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_ASSASSIN">Assassin's Robe</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_HAWK">Hawk Mantle</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_TWILIGHT">Twilight Shroud</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_GILDED">Gilded Platemail</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_STORM_CUIRASS">Aegis of Winds</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_BLOOD">Blood Casque</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_TAIL">Plumed Headpiece</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_BRONZE">Bronze Casque</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_VIKING">Longhorn</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_MANTIS">Mantis Cap</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_GENERAL">General’s Kabuto</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_MOON">Moon Crown</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_LEGIONER">Legionnaire Helm</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_IRON">Iron Casque</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_SUN">Radiant Headpiece</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_EMERALD">Emerald Cap</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_SILVER">Silver Kabuto</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_ASSASSIN">Assassin's Cowl</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_SNOW">Snow Cap</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_DARKNESS">Twilight Crown</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_SUPER_HORNED">Doom Crest</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_ASSASSIN_KUNAI">Assassin's Kunai</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_HUNTING_KUNAI">Steel Darts</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_LIFESTEAL">Lifesteal</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_STRONG_HEAD">A {0}%% chance to reduce incoming
head damage by {1}%%.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_TOUGH_BODY">A {0}%% chance to reduce incoming body
damage by {1}%%.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_ASCETICISM">A {0}%% chance to greatly recharge
your magic when you lost {1}%% or more health from a single hit.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_POWER_SURGE">A {0}%% chance to recharge {1}%% of
your magic at the start of a fight.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_BLOCK_BREAKER">A {0}%% chance to bypass your
enemy's block.</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_THORN">THORN</Word>
<Word Title="dlgMayShop_Helm">It seems like you should consider buying a new
<Word Title="dlgMayShop_Armor">Don't you think it's time to improve your armor?
<Word Title="dlgMayShop_Weapon">Your weapon is falling apart! You really should
buy a new one!</Word>
<Word Title="ATTRIBUTE_UNARMEDDAMAGE">Unarmed Attack</Word>
<Word Title="ATTRIBUTE_WEAPONDAMAGE">Weapon Attack</Word>
<Word Title="ATTRIBUTE_RANGEDDAMAGE">Ranged Attack</Word>
<Word Title="ATTRIBUTE_MAGICDAMAGE">Magic Attack</Word>
<Word Title="ATTRIBUTE_CRITICALCHANCE">Critical Rating</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_GooglePlus">Google+</Word>
<Word Title="GooglePlay">{image0} Google Play</Word>
<Word Title="shopRangedLocked">Defeat Lynx to unlock ranged weapons</Word>
<Word Title="shopMagicLocked">Defeat Hermit to unlock magic</Word>
<Word Title="Unlimited_Energy">Unlimited Energy</Word>
<Word Title="Unlimited_Energy_Text">Play as much as you want!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFreeRubyReminder">You can get free gems by watching video or
completing offers.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgSurvivalPayReminder">You look exhausted. Maybe you should
acquire some coins and prepare yourself for a fight?</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStarterPackTitle">STARTER PACK</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStarterPackOffer1"> {image0} %WEAPON_STARTER_PACK_TONFA</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStarterPackOffer_XMAS_Horns"> {image0}
<Word Title="dlgStarterPackOffer2"> {image0} {image1} {2}</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStarterPackOffer3"> {image0} {image1} {2}</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStarterPackOffer4"> {image0} No ads</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStarterPackOffer5"> {image0} Special gift</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStarterPackPrice">FOR ONLY {0}!</Word>
<Word Title="rateDlgMessage1">Do you like Shadow Fight 2?</Word>
<Word Title="rateDlgMessage2">Please rate us 5 stars! Thank you!</Word>
<Word Title="rateDlgMessage3">Please tell us how to improve our game!</Word>
<Word Title="duel_invite">Duels are already available!</Word>
<Word Title="HighBlockProfile">Block</Word>
<Word Title="Block_Keys">Automatically</Word>
<Word Title="Throw_Keys">up close</Word>
<Word Title="TapjoyRubyTab">%Tapjoy</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_energy_1">You need energy to fight. It restores over
time. But you can use gems to restore energy. Here, take this: {image0} {1}</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_energy_2">Use the gems Sensei just gave you to restore
<Word Title="dlgStoryBtnBuyEnergyForGems">REFILL {image0} {1}</Word>
<Word Title="dlgBuyEnergyMessage5">More {image0} in </Word>
<Word Title="HELM_STARTER_PACK">Iron Mask</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_LIGHT">Light Helm</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_CLOSED">Close Helm</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_QUILTED">Riveted Jacket</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_FOREIGN">Red Doublet</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_GREEN">Snake Harness</Word>
<Word Title="dlgTimeDelivery">Delivery time: {0}</Word>
<Word Title="dlgOrderTitle">ORDER</Word>
<Word Title="dlgOrderButton">ORDER</Word>
<Word Title="dlgOrderMessage">Are you sure that you want to order this
<Word Title="tutorial_dojo_new_move">Head to your dojo and try a new
<Word Title="tutorial_try_double_sweep">%tutorial_try_move{Press }{\image\
icon_kick.png}{\image\combobuttons\icon_kick.png}{ %try_double_sweep_end}</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_try_move">{0}{image1}{image2}{image3}{image4}{5}</Word>
<Word Title="try_double_sweep_end"> to perform a double sweep.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_profile_moves">You can take a look at all of your moves
in the profile screen.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_block">Take a note that the block is performed
automatically if you're not making another move.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgDiscipleGreetings">Your fighting style differs from anything
I've ever seen! Please, let me be your apprentice! Only you can show me the path to
real mastery!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgDiscipleReject">I won't give up! I'm going to continue my
training. Press {image0} in your dojo in case you ever change your mind.</Word>
<Word Title="characterDisciple">KID</Word>
<Word Title="Bag_Coins_6">%Bag_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Pile_Coins_6">%Pile_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Chest_Coins_6">%Chest_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="dlgSuperItemAvailable">Take a look, the first item with an
enchantment became available for you! You can press the icon below it to see
detailed description.</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_CRITICAL_PROTECTION">Critical Protection</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_CRITICAL_PROTECTION">A {0}%% chance to reduce
damage from an incoming critical hit. Extent of this reduction depends on the power
of this enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgGotGift">Received {image0}{1}</Word>
<Word Title="dlgGotItems">{0} items received</Word>
<Word Title="ThrowForwardProfile">Forward Throw</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_CROW">CROW</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_VIXEN">VIXEN</Word>
<Word Title="SicklesSlash">Sickles Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SicklesDoubleSlash">Sickles Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SicklesHeavySlash">Sickles Heavy Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SicklesSuperSlash">Sickles Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SicklesUpperSlash">Sickles Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SicklesLowSlash">Sickles Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SicklesSpinningSlash">Sickles Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SilverGlaiveSuperSlash">%GlaiveSuperSlash</Word>
<Word Title="CudgelSuperSlash">Cudgel Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFightsLeftReminder">Don't forget that you haven't won all
fights in a previous province! You should consider going back to finish them,
before current opponents would become too hard for you.</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_RONIN">RONIN</Word>
<Word Title="RING_OUT_TIMEOUT_SURVIVE">You lose on ring-out, but win on
<Word Title="INVERTED_JOYSTICK">Inverted movement</Word>
<Word Title="HEALTH_DROPS_ENEMY_REGENERATES">Health drops, enemy
<Word Title="SCORE_CONTEST_HEAD_HIT">Score victory, head hits only</Word>
<Word Title="RANDOM_AREA_HEALTH_DEGENERATION">You lose health in shown
<Word Title="RING_OUT_DARKNESS">Fight in the dark, you lose on ring-out</Word>
<Word Title="RANDOM_AREA_ENEMY_REGENERATION">Enemy regenerates in shown
<Word Title="SHRINKED_LOCATION_AGGRESSIVE_ENEMY">Shrinked fight location</Word>
<Word Title="LOSE_FALL_DAMAGE_RETURN">You lose if you fall, enemy returns
<Word Title="RANDOM_AREA_ZONED_DAMAGE">Enemy takes damage in shown area
<Word Title="SCORE_CONTEST_KICKS_ONLY">Score victory, kicks only</Word>
<Word Title="INVERTED_JOYSTICK_HOT_GROUND">Hot ground, inverted movement</Word>
<Word Title="RING_OUT_SCORE_CONTEST">Score victory, you lose on ring-out</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_RING_OUT_TIMEOUT_SURVIVE">Leaving the marked zone
during this fight counts as a loss. Enemy is invulnerable, stay alive for {0}
seconds to win.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_INVERTED_JOYSTICK">Movement controls are inverted
in this fight.</Word>
decreases over time in this fight, and enemy regenerates.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_SCORE_CONTEST_HEAD_HIT">Win by scoring more head
hits than your enemy.</Word>
over time within shown area.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_RING_OUT_DARKNESS">Your vision darkens
periodically, and leaving the marked zone during this fight counts as loss.</Word>
regenerates health within shown area.</Word>
location borders are closer to each other than usual.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_LOSE_FALL_DAMAGE_RETURN">You lose if you fall on
the ground in this fight, and your attacks return damage.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_RANDOM_AREA_ZONED_DAMAGE">Your enemy takes damage
within shown area only.</Word>
hits than your enemy, using only kicks.</Word>
ground for too long will count as loss. Movement controls are inverted in this
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_RING_OUT_SCORE_CONTEST">Win by scoring more hits
than your enemy. Leaving the marked zone during this fight counts as loss.</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_TITAN_TITLE">Titan</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_TITAN_LOCKED_TITLE">Titan</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_guard3_defeated_3">After your disappearance Shogun claimed
you were killed by traitors. He executed these so-called conspirators without a
trial, then seized power. But that was only the beginning...</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_guard3_defeated_4">You're a threat to Shogun's power. He
will stop at nothing to destroy you if he finds out you’re alive. Please, my
Prince, leave this city before it’s too late!</Word>
<Word Title="zone_6_quest_fight_greetings_1">General, find this rebel who calls
himself 'the Prince.' He and his associates are to be arrested and executed. Use
whatever resources you deem necessary.</Word>
<Word Title="zone_6_quest_fight_greetings_2">Y-yes, my lord. I'll have my best
mercenary unit hunt him down. They won't fail!</Word>
<Word Title="Zone6FinalDialog">CONGRATULATIONS</Word>
<Word Title="FinalBattleDescription">The Gates await you</Word>
<Word Title="ZONE_7">Revelation</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_INDIAN_KATAR">Katars</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_CEREMONIAL_SHUANG_GOU">Ceremonial Shuang Gou</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SHARP_TONFA">Blade Tonfas</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_NORTHERN_HAMMER">Northern Hammer</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_DADAO_JANISSARY">Ronin's Dadao</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SILVER_SPEAR">Silver Spear</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_TRIDENT">Trident</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_Z6_KNIVES">Meteorite Knives</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SUPER_SABERS">Ornamental Sabers</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_CHINESE_SABERS">Oriental Sabers</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_SENSEI_KENDO">Kendo Armor</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_CENTURION">Centurion Mail</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_GRAND_CHAIN">Grand Chainmail</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_SPIKE">Spike Breastplate</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_GILDED_CENTURION">Gilded Centurion Mail</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_RAVEN">Raven Mantle</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_DARK">Dark Cuirass</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_SHADOW_MASTER">Shadow Carapace</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_ROYAL_BREASTPLATE">Heraldic Cuirass</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_DRAGON_JAWS">Scale Breastplate</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_SHAMAN">Shamanic Harness</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_CELESTIAL">Celestial Gown</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_HARBINGER_CUIRASS">Harbinger Cuirass</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_NECROMANCER">Death Mark</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_BLACK_BUFFALO">Black Buffalo</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_SUPER_BANSHEE">Banshee's Cry</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_CEREMONIAL">Ceremonial Armor</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_SMART_GABLED">Parade Helm</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_CRIMSON">Copper Helm</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_DARK_LEGIONER">Dark Legionnaire Helm</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_TRITON">Dreadening Mask</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_DARK">Dark Mask</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_GOLDEN">Gilded Helm</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_KNIGHTLY">Paragon Armet</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_ICARUS">Avian Sallet</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_IFRIT">Ifrit Shell</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_CELESTIAL">Celestial Crown</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_DEMON">Demon Crest</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_SPARTIAN">Spartan Coif</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_RITUAL">Ritual Headpiece</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_CEREMONIAL">Ceremonial Mask</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_NEEDLE">Needles</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_HEAVY_SHURIKENS">Weighted Shurikens</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_SHURIKEN_OF_DARKNESS">Shurikens of Night</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_ASSASSINS_DAGGER">Assassin's Daggers</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_SUPER_KUNAI">Lunar Knives</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_BEAST_AXES">Beast Axes</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_KUNAI_OF_WIND">Kunai of the Wind</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_DRAGON_WINGS">Dragon Wings</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_CHAKRAM_OF_MASTER">Keen Chakram</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_SUPER_DAGGERS">Crystalline Spikes</Word>
<Word Title="MAGIC_BOMB">Dark Blast</Word>
<Word Title="MAGIC_MASS_BOMB">Dark Implosion</Word>
<Word Title="MAGIC_WATER_BALL">Water Ball</Word>
<Word Title="MAGIC_ASTEROID">Asteroid</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_FRENZY">Frenzy</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_CRITICAL_DAMAGE">Damage of a Critical Hit is
increased. Damage addition depends on the power of this enchantment.</Word>
is increased. Probability depends on the power of this enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_AGILITY">A {0}%% chance to reduce damage from your
enemy's throws by {1}%%.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_SPIKE_BLOCK">A {0}%% chance to return 100%% damage
to your enemy while blocking.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_CLOSE_COMBAT">A {0}%% chance to increase your
damage in close combat by {1}%%.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_GOOD_SHARPENING">+{0}%% to weapon critical
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_IRON_HIDE">A {0}%% chance to reduce your enemy's
critical weapon damage to your body by {1}%%.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_DIAMOND_SKULL">A {0}%% chance to reduce your
enemy's critical weapon damage to your head by {1}%%.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_CHARGE_STEAL">A {0}%% chance to recharge your
magic by {1}%% after being hit by magic attack.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_MAGIC_RESISTANCE">A {0}%% chance to reduce your
enemy's magic damage by {1}%%.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_LEG_BREAKER">A {0}%% chance to weaken your enemy's
kicks by {1}%% when attacking their body.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_THRIFTY">A {0}%% chance not to spend a ranged
weapon ammo.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_CAREFUL">No damage through your block until you
take a hit.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_SYPHON">A {0}%% chance to restore health by {1}%%
of your magic damage during {2} seconds after full recharge.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_ENCHANTED">+{0}%% to your damage during {1}
seconds after being hit by magic attack.</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_COBRA">Cobra</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_SPIKE_BLOCK">Spike Block</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_ENCHANTED">Enchanted</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_CHARGE_STEAL">Charge Steal</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_MAGIC_RESISTANCE">Magic Resistance</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_LEG_BREAKER">Leg Breaker</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_SUPLEX">Suplex</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_ENLIGHTENMENT">Enlightenment</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_SYPHON">Syphon</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_FENCING_MASTER">Fencing Master</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_HEAVY_METAL">Heavy Metal</Word>
<Word Title="Suplex">Suplex</Word>
<Word Title="ThrowSuplexProfile">Suplex</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_SHOGUN">SHOGUN</Word>
<Word Title="FINAL_BATTLE_TITLE">Gates of Shadows</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SUPER_HAMMERS">Imhotep Pounders</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SUPER_KNUCKLES">Coral Prickles</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SUPER_FANS">Emerald Cutters</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_Z6_NUNCHAKU">Heavy Nunchacku</Word>
<Word Title="Throw_Keys_Suplex">up close, aback</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_MANTIS">MANTIS</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_BIRD">BIRD</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_ROSE">ROSE</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_EXILE">EXILE</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_SHARK">SHARK</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_FISHER">FISHER</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_LILY">LILY</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_PLAGUE">PLAGUE</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_OLDMAN">OLDMAN</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_CAPRA">CAPRA</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_BEAR">BEAR</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_TALON">TALON</Word>
<Word Title="characterThief">SLY</Word>
<Word Title="endzone4_girl_1">I hope we won't meet Sly again.</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_seal_drop">A mysterious purple seal won from Wasp in a
deadly combat.</Word>
<Word Title="characterLana">ROSE</Word>
<Word Title="characterRenegade">FISHER</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_NOMAD">NOMAD</Word>
fight with a weapon, armor and helm level {0} or higher only.</Word>
this fight with a weapon, armor, helm and ranged weapon level {0} or higher
enter this fight with a weapon, armor, helm, ranged weapon and magic level {0} or
higher only.</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_THIEF">THIEF</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_FURY">FURY</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_SAVAGE">SAVAGE</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_ARROW">ARROW</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_SIMOOM">SIMOOM</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Resolution">Resolution</Word>
<Word Title="FansHeavySlash">Fans Heavy Slash</Word>
<Word Title="FansSpinningSlash">Fans Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="FansLowSlash">Fans Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="FansSuperSlash">Fans Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KatarsSuperSlash">Katars Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="KatarsSpinningPunch">Katars Spinning Punch</Word>
<Word Title="TridentSuperSpit">Trident Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="NunchakuZ6Slash">Nunchaku Slash</Word>
<Word Title="NunchakuZ6DoubleSlash">Nunchaku Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="NunchakuZ6HeavySlash">Nunchaku Heavy Slash</Word>
<Word Title="NunchakuZ6SuperSlash">Nunchaku Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="NunchakuZ6SpinningSlash">Nunchaku Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="NunchakuZ6UpperSlash">Nunchaku Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="NunchakuZ6LowSlash">Nunchaku Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="EQUIPMENT_RANGED_LEVEL_RESTRICTION">Equipment level {0}</Word>
<Word Title="dlgChallengeUpgradeReminder">Take a note that you can increase
your item level by upgrading it!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgDiscipleAccept">I can hardly wait to begin!
Press {image0} in your dojo to start practicing.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_ACCURACY">+{0}%% critical chance to your ranged
weapon attacks.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_BLOODLUST">+{0}%% to damage during {1} seconds
after dealing a critical hit.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_MASTER_OF_STYLE">+{0}%% Critical Chance for
unarmed attacks when your style is at least Aggressive.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_FENCING_MASTER">A {0}%% chance that after being
hit by an enemy weapon your next weapon attack will be critical; this effect is
removed if you are hit.</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SUPER_SPEAR">The Sting</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SUPER_GLAIVE">Sapphire Fang</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SUPER_SAI">Harbinger Sai</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_SUPER_SPIKED">Fury Carapace</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_SUPER_HALO">Hallow Aegis</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_SUPER_FEATHERED">Ravenheart</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_SUPER_SCARAB">Scarab Shell</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_SUPER_STRIPS">Goldenhorn</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_SUPER_PLUMED">Imperial Plume</Word>
<Word Title="dlgWorseArmorEquipped">Wait a moment! You have much better
equipment in your arsenal. You have to choose the strongest armor available to
ensure victory.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgWorseWeaponEquipped">Do you want to go into battle with this
weapon? Maybe you should check your arsenal for something more powerful
<Word Title="dlgWorseHelmEquipped">Your current helm looks quite outworn for
the upcoming fight! You may find a better option in your arsenal.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_STYLE">Enemy has increased defense, reach {0}
style to win immediately. (Try to use different strikes.)</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_TIMEOUT_STYLE">Enemy has increased defense, reach
{0} style to win immediately and you have only {1} seconds in only one round. (Try
to use different strikes.)</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_RING_OUT_STYLE">Leaving the marked zone during
this fight counts as a loss. Enemy has increased defense, reach {0} style to win
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_COMBO">Enemy has increased defense, perform a
{0}-hit combo to win immediately. (Try to hit your opponent several times in quick
<Word Title="DESC_BASE_ATTRIBUTE">Base Value</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE">Base Item Value</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_UPGRADE_ADVANTAGE">Upgrade Benefit</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ATTRIBUTE_HEAD_DEFENSE">Head Defense governs your ability to
withstand Head Hits.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ATTRIBUTE_BODY_DEFENSE">Body Defense governs your ability to
withstand Body Hits.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ATTRIBUTE_UNARMED_DAMAGE">Unarmed Damage defines how much
damage you would deal barehanded.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ATTRIBUTE_WEAPON_DAMAGE">Weapon Damage defines damage dealt
with your currently equipped weapon.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ATTRIBUTE_RANGED_DAMAGE">Ranged Damage defines damage dealt
with your currently equipped ranged weapon.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ATTRIBUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE">Magic Damage defines damage dealt
with your current spell.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ATTRIBUTE_CRITICAL_RATING">Critical Rating defines your
chance to deal a Critical Strike.</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Advanced">ADVANCED</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Advanced_Title">ADVANCED SETTINGS</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Graphics_Quality">Graphics Quality: </Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Graphics_Low">Low</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Graphics_Medium">Medium</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Graphics_High">High</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Controller_Scale">Controller Scale: </Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Controller_Small">Small</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Controller_Large">Large</Word>
<Word Title="dlgServiceBtnLater">LATER</Word>
<Word Title="dlgServiceRestart">RESTART</Word>
<Word Title="dlgSettingsRestart">Attention! Game must be restarted for these
settings to apply.</Word>
<Word Title="Tournament_INTERMISSION">%Tournament</Word>
<Word Title="Survival_INTERMISSION">%Survival</Word>
<Word Title="Duel_INTERMISSION">%Duel</Word>
<Word Title="Challenge_INTERMISSION">%Challenge</Word>
<Word Title="Duel_INTERMISSION_TITLE">%Duel_TITLE</Word>
<Word Title="Tournament_INTERMISSION_TITLE">%Tournament_TITLE</Word>
<Word Title="Survival_INTERMISSION_TITLE">%Survival_TITLE</Word>
<Word Title="Challenge_INTERMISSION_TITLE">%Challenge_TITLE</Word>
<Word Title="dlgInstantUpgradeMessage1">You item upgrade will be ready
<Word Title="dlgInstantUpgradeMessage2">But it can be finished right
<Word Title="dlgButtonUpgrade">UPGRADE {image0}{1}</Word>
<Word Title="dlgLowFPSWarning">Seems like FPS on your device is very low! We
recommend you to change graphics quality in the Settings menu.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_TORMENTOR">+{0}%% critical chance when your
enemy's health is less than {1}%%.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_FLYING_FORTRESS">-{0}%% to incoming damage while
you are in the air.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_CRUST">-{0}%% to incoming damage while you are on
the ground.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_CONFUSION">A {0}%% chance that after receiving
headhit, the enemy will not be able to use throwing weapons {1} seconds.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_POINT_BLANK">A {0}%% chance to fell your enemy by
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_ENERGY_RUSH">+{0}%% to magic recharge for {1}
seconds after a magical attack.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_AFTERSHOCK">+{0}%% damage for {1} seconds after a
magical attack.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_MISSILE_THIEF">A small chance to restore one
missile when hit by an enemy ranged weapon.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_SHOOTING_RAGE">A {0}%% chance to increase unarmed
damage by {1}%% for {2} seconds after ranged hit.</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_TORMENTOR">Tormentor</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_FLYING_FORTRESS">Flying Fortress</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_CRUST">Crust</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_CONFUSION">Confusion</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_SHOOTING_RAGE">Shooting Rage</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_ENERGY_RUSH">Energy Rush</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_AFTERSHOCK">Aftershock</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_MISSILE_THIEF">Missile Thief</Word>
<Word Title="dlgUpgradeToLevelReminder">When you're buying an outdated piece of
equipment, don't forget that it can be upgraded to your current level by a local
<Word Title="dlgDenomination1">I tried to get us some snacks, but they threw my
money back in my face! It appears that platinum coins are in use now.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgDenomination2">However, I did manage to find some local
simpletons to exchange our gold for the new coins at a favorable rate! Sometimes I
amaze even myself...</Word>
<Word Title="dlgTimeUpgrade">Upgrade time: {0}</Word>
<Word Title="upgrade_notification">Upgrade completed: %{0}</Word>
<Word Title="purchase_restore">RESTORE</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_STARTER_PACK_TONFA">Rabid Tonfas</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_STRANGER_KNUCKLES">Spiny Knuckles</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_MORNING_STARS">Morning Stars</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SUPER_LEECHES">Leeches</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_ELEGANT_STAFF">Elegant Staff</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_FLAYER_CLAWS">Flayer Claws</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_BARBED_GLAIVE">Barbed Glaive</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SUPER_DRAGON_TEETH">Dragon Teeth</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_KUKRIS">Kukris</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_QUENCHED_SAI">Quenched Sai</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_KEEN_KATANA">Keen Katana</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SUPER_DAISHO">Daisho</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_PIT_MASTER">Pit Master</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_PATRIARCH_MANTLE">Patriarch Mantle</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_ORIENTAL_WRAPPINGS">Oriental Wrappings</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_SUNRISE_CUIRASS">Sunrise Cuirass</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_ADAMANTINE_PLATEMAIL">Adamantine Platemail</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_BRUTE_BREASTPLATE">Brute Breastplate</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_VINDICATOR_MAIL">Vindicator Mail</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_SUPER_NIGHTFALL">Nightfall Cuirass</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_VIPER">Viper Armor</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_SUPER_SAMURAI">O-yoroi</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_TAILED_CASQUE">Tailed Casque</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_NIGHTFALL_HEADPIECE">Nightfall Headpiece</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_SUPER_SECOND_WIND">Second Wind</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_GUARDIAN">Guardian Helm</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_HEXAPOD">Hexapod</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_STOUT_CASQUE">Stout Casque</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_ADAMANTINE_ARMET">Adamantine Armet</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_MASK_OF_HORROR">Mask of Horror</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_ASCENDANCY">Ascendancy Helm</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_SUPER_SAMURAI">Mempo</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_WEIGHED_KUNAI">Weighed Kunai</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_THROWING_SICKLES">Throwing Sickles</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_THROWING_AXE">Throwing Axes</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_SUPER_BOOMERANG">Piercers</Word>
<Word Title="MAGIC_WAVE">Force Wave</Word>
<Word Title="MAGIC_FIRE_SPLASH">Fire Splash</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_IM_STRANGER">NOVA</Word>
<Word Title="SCORE">Score {0} points</Word>
<Word Title="PLAYER_AND_ENEMY_WITH_LIFESTEAL_DARKNESS">Fight in the dark, you
and your enemy have lifesteal</Word>
<Word Title="RING_OUT_INVERTED_JOYSTICK">Inverted movement, you lose on ring-
regenerates in shown area</Word>
<Word Title="SHRINKED_LOCATION_RANGED_ONLY">Shrinked fight location, given
ranged weapon only</Word>
<Word Title="SCORE_HEAD_HIT">Score {0} head hits</Word>
<Word Title="INVISIBLE_ENEMY_REGENERATES_IN_AREA">Invisible enemy regenerates
in shown area</Word>
<Word Title="SCORE_INVERTED_JOYSTICK">Score victory, inverted movement</Word>
<Word Title="STYLE_KICKS_ONLY">Reach {0} style, kicks only</Word>
<Word Title="SCORE_CRITICAL">Score {0} critical hits</Word>
<Word Title="SHRINKED_LOCATION_TIMEOUT_SURVIVE">Shrinked fight location, you
win on timeout</Word>
<Word Title="STYLE_INVERTED_JOYSTICK">Reach {0} style, inverted movement</Word>
<Word Title="RING_OUT_DODGE_ENEMYS_MAGIC">Dodge enemy magic, you lose on ring-
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_SCORE">Win by scoring {0} hits.</Word>
vision darkens periodically, you and your enemy restore health with each successful
zone during this fight counts as loss. Movement controls are inverted in this
decreases over time in this fight, but regenerates over time within shown
borders are closer to each other than usual, win with a given ranged weapon
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_SCORE_HEAD_HIT">Win by scoring {0} head
is invisible in this fight and regenerates over time within shown area.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_STYLE_KICKS_ONLY">In this fight your enemy can be
damaged by kicks only, reach {0} style to win immediately.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_SCORE_CRITICAL">Win by scoring {0} critical
borders are closer to each other than usual. Enemy is invulnerable, stay alive for
{0} seconds to win.</Word>
inverted in this fight. Reach {0} style to win immediately.</Word>
you instantly. Leaving the marked zone during this fight counts as loss.</Word>
<Word Title="intermission_stranger_1_challenge">By the mercenaries' code of
honor I must give away my weapon in case of my loss. But I'm very good at my trade!
<Word Title="intermission_stranger_1_reject">Coward! Can't believe I've wasted
my time on you. What a disgrace!</Word>
<Word Title="intermission_stranger_1_greetings">I've been watching you for all
that time. You're going pretty well, so I'm obliged to stop you now. I've been
warned about your skill by my master.</Word>
<Word Title="intermission_stranger_1_rematch_offer">I've managed to find out
how much she's been paid for your head. Nova doesn't care who pays, and we don't
need any gossip about your loss...</Word>
<Word Title="intermission_stranger_1_challenge_again">So you wish to try once
more? That's the spirit!</Word>
<Word Title="intermission_stranger_1_rematch_warning">We shouldn't let her go!
She's going to tell everything to her master... I fear the one who hired her is
related to Titan somehow.</Word>
<Word Title="intermission_stranger_1_drop">Accepting her defeat, Nova hands
over her knuckles as she promised.</Word>
<Word Title="Pile_Coins_Platinum">%Pile_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Pile_Coins_Platinum_2">%Pile_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Pile_Coins_Platinum_3">%Pile_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Pile_Coins_Platinum_4">%Pile_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Pile_Coins_Platinum_5">%Pile_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Pile_Coins_Platinum_6">%Pile_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Bag_Coins_Platinum">%Bag_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Bag_Coins_Platinum_2">%Bag_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Bag_Coins_Platinum_3">%Bag_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Bag_Coins_Platinum_4">%Bag_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Bag_Coins_Platinum_5">%Bag_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Bag_Coins_Platinum_6">%Bag_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_start_dialog_may_1">How strange... We've traveled so many
days, and yet there are no signs of life. No people, no animals, no trees...
Nothing but a huge wasteland.</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_start_dialog_sensei_1">This land is close to the Gates of
Shadows and has suffered greatly. I remember fertile plains once surrounded the
great Ivory City...</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_start_dialog_may_2">Look! That glow in the distance – it’s
the Ivory City! It's burning! How can that be? It's supposed to be full of people!
Can we still help them?</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_guard1_greetings">You, there – halt! If you drop your
weapons and come out where I can see, I promise you a swift and painless
<Word Title="zone6_guard1_defeated_1">You... The Prince! But... But, you should
be dead! It's impossible! Troops, fall back!</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_guard1_defeated_2">Interesting... This fool seems to think
you are some 'prince'. I think you should play along.</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_guard2_greetings_1">Look, Captain! There he is, just as I
said! The Prince has returned from the grave!</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_guard2_greetings_2">Coward! I should have hanged you long
ago. Step aside, so that I may deal with this beggar and prove he is no
<Word Title="zone6_guard2_defeated_1">Mercy, o Prince! I will leave this city;
I’ll never take up a weapon again, only spare my worthless life. Please, my lord!
<Word Title="zone6_guard2_defeated_2">A Prince, huh? Have you been keeping
secrets from us?</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_guard2_defeated_3">No, this is obviously a case of mistaken
identity. But, if they fear him, it is all the better.</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_guard3_greetings">So, you are the impostor who pretends to
be my master! Your deceit insults his memory. For that, you will pay!</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_guard3_defeated_1">Forgive me for doubting you, my Prince. I
fear Shogun's lies have entangled my mind.</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_guard3_defeated_2">Tell us more about Shogun.</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_guard3_defeated_5">You're a threat to Shogun's power. He
will stop at nothing to destroy you if he finds out you’re alive. Please, my
Prince, leave this city before it’s too late!</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_guard4_defeated">My defeat will do you no good, monster.
Shogun knows you are here. Whatever you are planning, he will stop you...</Word>
<Word Title="zone_6_quest_fight_won">Ha-ha! That was the fastest running away
I've seen in a while. That'll show you, losers!</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_shogun_greetings_1">So... Here you are, after all of these
years. What took you so long? Have you found another realm to ruin with your greed
and incompetence?</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_shogun_greetings_2">I see my assassins haven't failed
completely. You're only a shadow of the Prince I knew.</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_shogun_won">Did you really think you could match my power? I
have conquered countless lands! Enslaved whole nations! Even Kings bow before me!
<Word Title="zone6_shogun_defeated_1">No... This is impossible... I am
invincible! I cannot lose, not now! And you... you think you can take my empire
away from me? Hah!</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_shogun_defeated_3">Well done, my disciple. You now have all
six Seals needed to close the Gates. But don't celebrate just yet. First, we must
reach the Gates...</Word>
<Word Title="shadow_gates_greetings_1">Long time no see, Shadow. You didn't
think we would just disappear, did you?</Word>
<Word Title="shadow_gates_greetings_2">It's six against one this time. You will
never reach the Gates!</Word>
<Word Title="shadow_gates_greetings_3">When we're done with him, I get whatever
is left of his body!</Word>
<Word Title="shadow_gates_defeated_1">We were the strongest warriors who ever
lived and yet we failed to defeat you...</Word>
<Word Title="shadow_gates_defeated_2">You don't belong to this world. No one is
that powerful...</Word>
<Word Title="shadow_gates_defeated_3">Don't think you've seen the last of us.
We'll meet again soon, Shadow. Until then, enjoy your victory.</Word>
<Word Title="shadow_gates_defeated_4">Finally, we have reached the Gates of
Shadows... The sight of it is hard to bear. You have everything you need to close
them forever, except for one thing.</Word>
<Word Title="shadow_gates_defeated_5">Only those made of flesh and bone can use
the Seals. I would gladly do it if I were not so old. I can still shatter a brick
wall with my fist, but my life energy is draining fast.</Word>
<Word Title="shadow_gates_defeated_6">Hey, don't look at me! I like you guys,
but there is no profit in dying or becoming another shadow. Good luck
<Word Title="im_begin_1">May! No, this cannot be! Something has gone terribly
<Word Title="im_begin_2">An unexpected turn of events... I'm truly sorry about
your friend, Shadow.</Word>
<Word Title="im_begin_3">This was a bad idea from the start. But now, we must
open the Gates once more to save May. Any ideas?</Word>
<Word Title="im_begin_4">The Seals! Each one appears to be connected to its
owner somehow. We should revisit each owner – perhaps we will learn how to break
the Seals.</Word>
<Word Title="im_begin_5">What? Are you serious?.. Oh, what am I saying – of
course you're serious... Well, Lynx is first in line, so I guess we should start
<Word Title="im_lynx_greetings">So, you're back. You expect me to just sit here
while you open the Gates? No, I can't let you do that! Not again!</Word>
<Word Title="im_lynx_defeated">Ah! The voice! I still hear Titan's voice inside
my head! You don't understand the power you're dealing with. You've doomed us all!
<Word Title="im_hermit_greetings">Everyone was so afraid of my magic, but there
are far more powerful forces at work here – things we don't understand, but we know
they should be feared.</Word>
<Word Title="im_hermit_defeated">Do not think that you can fully comprehend
Titan's powers! He can change one's thoughts, feelings, and memories! How do you
fight that?</Word>
<Word Title="im_butcher_greetings">You think I'm the monster? You haven't seen
what Titan does to his enemies... I have, and it sickens even me.</Word>
<Word Title="im_butcher_defeated">Why do you persist? No one wants you to open
the Gates. Someone will be strong enough to stop you!</Word>
<Word Title="im_wasp_defeated">Believe me, you do not want to see what lies
beyond the Gates. Forget your friend; it's not too late to turn back!</Word>
<Word Title="im_widow_greetings">Titan's minions are like nothing you've ever
seen before. You think you're prepared? It's never enough!</Word>
<Word Title="im_widow_defeated">Titan's been leading you from the very
beginning! Pulling your strings like a puppet master. Even now you do what he
<Word Title="im_shogun_greetings">Until Titan finds the way through the Gates,
this is my realm, and I will not allow you to take it from me!</Word>
<Word Title="im_shogun_defeated">Why do you hasten your own demise? Leave now
and enjoy what little time your world has left before Titan destroys you
<Word Title="im_ending_1">Now that they're taken care of, what's next?</Word>
<Word Title="im_ending_2">Now it is up to Shadow. He has the tools and the
experience. He is finally ready.</Word>
<Word Title="im_ending_3">This is suicide. I know May is your friend... but do
you really want to do this?</Word>
<Word Title="im_ending_4">You must go! There is no time for debate. It is now
or never!</Word>
<Word Title="im_ending_5">No matter what happens, it was an honor to travel
with you, Shadow.</Word>
<Word Title="im_ending_6">Have no fear, my apprentice. Your heart is pure, your
resolve is strong. Trust in yourself and your training, and you cannot fail.</Word>
<Word Title="Act_2">Act II
Secret Path</Word>
<Word Title="Act_4">Act IV
Pirate Throne</Word>
<Word Title="battleInterludeBoss">Defeat {0} to break the Seal</Word>
<Word Title="butcher_beaten_1">I'm no villain. I've given these children a
gift. The gift of strength, violence! You'll see. They'll be the top of the food
chain because of my teachings!</Word>
<Word Title="butcher_beaten_2">There is no going back now. Our path leads us
across the sea. We must find a boat.</Word>
<Word Title="butcher_beaten_3">Hey, didn't that guy say he had a boat waiting
for him? Let's go catch him at the docks before he leaves!</Word>
<Word Title="butcher_beaten_4">You again? What kind of trouble are you going to
cause me this time? Well, I'll help you. Just this once! But I'm still angry. Cast
<Word Title="Completed">COMPLETED</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFirstPaymentRefusal">You can return to this offer by clicking
on a timer icon in the bottom left corner of the screen. This offer expires on any
purchase or in: </Word>
<Word Title="dlgGoldOffer">Purchase a {0} and get {1}%% more coins for the same
<Word Title="dlgPaymentAd">Make any purchase to remove all ads and get a
special gift!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgProfitablePrice">{image0}{1} FOR ONLY {2}!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgSpecialOfferTitle">SPECIAL OFFER!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgStarterPackRefusal">You can buy the Starter Pack by clicking on
a timer icon in the bottom left corner of the screen. This offer expires in:
<Word Title="endzone1_girl_come_along">I've always dreamed of excitement and
adventure. What are we standing around for? Let's go!</Word>
<Word Title="endzone1_sensei_1">Ah, the first Seal. Well done, Shadow. Only
five Seals left. Come, we must hurry!</Word>
<Word Title="endzone1_sensei_2">My apprentice is missing. I'm worried for his
safety. He left to try the new schools in the next town, but I have not heard from
him since.</Word>
<Word Title="Error">ERROR</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_ENEMY_STRIKES_HARD">Enemy attacks are much more
powerful than yours.</Word>
your ranged weapon is level {0} or higher.</Word>
<Word Title="GetFree">GET FREE</Word>
<Word Title="hermit_beaten_1">You are very skilled for one so young. I will
share my secret with you, but you must complete a task in return.</Word>
<Word Title="hermit_beaten_2">Butcher, the gang leader in the nearby village,
threatens me. He wants my magic. Get rid of him and you'll have earned my
<Word Title="hermit_beaten_3">Now go and sow destruction!</Word>
<Word Title="hermit_beaten_4">You have shown great skill, Shadow. I trust that
you can wield this magic for good. But do not allow it to tempt you or taint your
good heart.</Word>
<Word Title="hermit_beaten_5">Great! I can't wait to see this. How about we
find some targets to practice your new power on?</Word>
<Word Title="im_wasp_greetings">You tempt Titan with your meddling! We don't
know where he came from, only that he is... different. He creates strange things to
serve him...</Word>
<Word Title="Interlude">Interlude</Word>
<Word Title="lynx_beaten">No! It cannot be... All the glory of the Order within
your grasp, but you only seek the Seal?</Word>
<Word Title="lynx_beaten2">Fine! You have won your precious trinket. Be gone
from my sight, but be warned: I will not forget what you have done!</Word>
<Word Title="lynx_won">Ha! You can't beat me, Shadow. Why do you even
<Word Title="redirect">Go</Word>
<Word Title="SCORE_CONTEST_INVERTED_JOYSTICK">Score victory, inverted
<Word Title="shadow_gates_defeated_7">So I'm the only one left? Sensei, Sly,
come on! This is no time to fear for your own skin!</Word>
<Word Title="shadow_gates_defeated_8">No?.. Fine! Be like that! Nobody needs
your help anyway! Let's go, Shadow!</Word>
<Word Title="SuccessTitle">CONGRATULATIONS!</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_bodyguard_win_1">I'm the leader of the Assassin's Order;
you are not worthy of fighting me! At least your "battle" with Shin was
<Word Title="tutorial_boss_hello">Who is this lowly worm before me? I'll not
waste my time fighting the likes of you.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_boss_hello2">Here's Shin, the weakest apprentice in my
Order. First, defeat him... if you can. Perhaps then will you have the honor of
fighting me.</Word>
<Word Title="wasp_beaten_1">What have I done? Widow said everyone would kneel
to me if I agreed to help her!</Word>
<Word Title="wasp_beaten_2">She said betraying my father was the only way to
show men that women should rule.</Word>
<Word Title="wasp_beaten_3">This is not our war, but I am curious about
<Word Title="wasp_beaten_4">Me too! She’s obviously a worthy opponent. Let’s
pay her a visit, shall we?</Word>
<Word Title="widow_beaten_1">How does it feel to defeat a woman? And you're the
one who'll close the Gates of Shadows? You have no idea how quickly their power
will tear you apart!</Word>
<Word Title="widow_beaten_2">I'm feeling a bit... dizzy. Widow's spell turned
me into a weak-willed, love-sick maniac! Thanks for saving me. I owe you a big
<Word Title="widow_beaten_3">She's really freaking me out, guys! She's right
though. I feel like something dark and terrifying is yet to come. We need to be
<Word Title="widow_beaten_4">Stay focused. The Gates of Shadows are close.
There may be strange, frightening things ahead for us, but we must not fail.</Word>
<Word Title="ZONE_2">Secret Path</Word>
<Word Title="ZONE_4">Pirate Throne</Word>
<Word Title="zone1_guard2_defeated">I... I don't understand. How could one so
small defeat me?</Word>
<Word Title="zone1_guard2_greetings">Such an insignificant creature like you is
hardly a challenge for me. Prepare to be crushed, little man!</Word>
<Word Title="zone1_guard3_defeated">I am defeated? Impossible! The Order will
not ignore this outrage! You will be hunted and punished, Shadow!</Word>
<Word Title="zone1_guard3_greetings">There's nowhere for you to run, nowhere to
hide. The Order will stop at nothing to defeat you.</Word>
<Word Title="zone1_guard3_greetings2">But that won't be necessary, for I shall
land the killing blow and bring honor to my Master!</Word>
<Word Title="zone1_guard4_defeated">My defeat only serves to strengthen Lynx.
With each battle he learns more of your moves, your skill, and thus, how to defeat
<Word Title="zone1_guard4_greetings">I beat Lynx easily the first time I fought
him. However, when I removed his mask I saw only a dummy.</Word>
<Word Title="zone1_guard4_greetings2">Then I felt his claws digging into the
back of my neck. I have served him ever since.</Word>
<Word Title="zone1_guard5_defeated">I've grown bored of this life, the Order. I
wish to return to my true place, my seat of high power. But don't think that Lynx
will be so easy. He will not fail!</Word>
<Word Title="zone1_guard5_greetings">Honor and tradition? Ha! The Order is
merely a playground for me, a minor amusement, a way to hone my already impressive
sword skills.</Word>
<Word Title="zone1_guard5_greetings2">And I am more than happy to show my
skills to you now.</Word>
<Word Title="zone1_lynx_greetings">You think defeating my guards proves your
strength? They were weaklings, pawns, easily forgotten and replaced.</Word>
<Word Title="zone1_lynx_greetings2">But the Order has need of one with your
skill, your drive. You must choose: join us or suffer.</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_begin_1">This town was known for its fighting schools, yet
it lies in ruin! So much destruction... what could have done this?</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_begin_2">Let's find someone who can tell us what's happened.
There's a young man over there; maybe he can help.</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_begin_3">You! Tell us: what's happening here?</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_begin_4">You're here for Hermit's competition, no doubt.
Stand in line, though you'll never get a chance to try.</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_guard1_defeated">I can't believe you beat me... Hermit came
here with nothing, yet built the best fighting school in the east!</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_guard1_defeated2">Perhaps... humility is the lesson I must
learn if I am to ever open my own school.</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_guard1_greetings">I am the true chosen one; the only one
worthy of Hermit's teachings. I will prove it and then open my own school. Prepare
yourself for defeat!</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_guard2_defeated1">You beat me – so what? Competitions are
for fools, not real warriors. The only way to truly earn Hermit's knowledge is to
take it by force!</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_guard2_defeated2">You seem like a smart fighter. Want a leg
up in the competition? I know Hermit's secret. You can have it... for a
<Word Title="zone2_guard2_defeated2_accept">Excellent doing business with you.
You won't regret it. I'll be back in a bit for delivery.</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_guard2_defeated2_reject">Time is money, and you've just cost
me both. Oh well, it's your loss.</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_guard2_greetings">Look at the destruction one old man has
brought. Imagine what I'll do with such power. Get out of my way; I must get
Hermit's secret knowledge!</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_guard3_defeated1">Heed my warnings! Magic has no place in
martial arts. It dirties the mind, clouds the focus, and in the wrong hands it can
bring destruction and despair.</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_guard3_defeated2">Magic! So that is Hermit's great secret.
Beware, my apprentice, magic is dangerous and powerful. It should not be
<Word Title="zone2_guard3_defeated3">Sensei is right, Shadow. Magic is too
dangerous to allow just anyone to have it. But you... imagine what you'll be
capable of with such a power!</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_guard3_greetings">No one should posses such power. This
competition is pointless. I will win and the secret will end with me.</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_guard4_defeated">There is no shame in being bested by a good
<Word Title="zone2_guard4_greetings">War is the only constant – with Hermit's
magic, I will conquer all who oppose me... starting with you! </Word>
<Word Title="zone2_guard5_defeated1">Crane, how far you have fallen. What have
you become? Forsaking the old ways? Forgetting all I have taught you? Shame on you!
<Word Title="zone2_guard5_defeated2">Forgive me, Sensei. I have brought shame
to you and to myself. Your apprentice has shown me the error of my ways.</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_guard5_greetings">Sensei, my old teacher. Come to witness
the new way? Your teachings are outdated, unimaginative! And this new apprentice...
weak and unworthy!</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_hermit_greetings">Could you be the one I have been waiting
for? Let us test your skills!</Word>
<Word Title="zone2_hermit_won">You lack focus! Pay attention now and try
<Word Title="zone3_begin_1">Hey, guys! How's it going? I'm Bird; it's nice to
meet you. Welcome to our little town.</Word>
<Word Title="zone3_begin_2">How strange for this girl to walk alone at night,
talking to strangers. I have a bad feeling about this.</Word>
<Word Title="zone3_begin_3">Don't be so worried, old man! There's nothing fishy
going on here. She's just being friendly!</Word>
<Word Title="zone3_butcher_greetings">Only the strongest survive! I teach them,
train them, raise them to cut and shred! Meddling fools – now I'll teach you a
different lesson!</Word>
<Word Title="zone3_butcher_won">You'll return over and over again until I spill
every last drop of your blood. Bring it on!</Word>
<Word Title="zone3_guard1_defeated">Please don't hurt me! I just got mixed up
with the wrong people, that's all. Let me go and I promise to stop tricking
<Word Title="zone3_guard1_greetings">Wanna see some sights? I'll show you my
favorite part of town first – it'll take your breath away... once and for
<Word Title="zone3_guard2_defeated1">Please have mercy! Butcher doesn't know
about our relationship. He thinks love makes you weak. Please don't tell him about
<Word Title="zone3_guard2_defeated2">Your fight with Hermit destroyed my
business! Now everyone knows the secret.</Word>
<Word Title="zone3_guard2_defeated3">I'll have to think of a new plan... I'll
have plenty of time for that. A ship awaits me. Farewell.</Word>
<Word Title="zone3_guard2_greetings">No; you've hurt Bird! You will pay for
what you've done to my love!</Word>
<Word Title="zone3_guard3_defeated">I don't understand. Why didn't anyone come
to my aid? Could it be that Butcher... used me? No. No, I refuse to believe
<Word Title="zone3_guard3_greetings">Butcher is our leader, our guiding star.
Even more, he raised me from a little boy. I owe him everything. We all do!</Word>
<Word Title="zone3_guard4_defeated1">It used to be all about having fun,
breaking rules, being young. But things have changed so much. This... cult... is
too serious. It's not fun anymore.</Word>
<Word Title="zone3_guard4_defeated2">Hermit warned us about Butcher's gang, but
this... this is much worse. He has been misleading children, turning them, building
his own private army!</Word>
<Word Title="zone3_guard4_defeated3">That's disgusting! How could he do such a
thing? Give me your sword and I'll kill him myself!</Word>
<Word Title="zone3_guard4_greetings">You've met Bull, that worthless fool? It
was Butcher himself that killed his parents. I always thought it was a mistake
letting that little brat live.</Word>
<Word Title="zone3_guard5_defeated">My defeat means nothing. This island will
be your grave. Butcher will take your life away.</Word>
<Word Title="zone3_guard5_greetings">I hear the gentle whisper of your blood
speaking to me. Come, and I will free it from that confining cocoon.</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_begin_1">Have you heard anything about the place we are
heading? Who is in charge?</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_begin_2">Of course I've heard! Some time ago the Pirate King
disappeared. His daughter, Wasp, took over and now controls this harbor.</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_begin_3">It's said Wasp has a magic amulet which brings luck
to its owner...</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_begin_4">An amulet, you say? That sounds familiar. I wonder
if that's the item we've been searching for...</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_begin_5">Getting to Wasp won't be easy. She's had some
trouble recently and has gone into hiding. Anyway, not my problem. A job awaits!
Good luck!</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_guard1_defeated">So, you're a tough one, eh? Let's see how
far you get...</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_guard1_defeated2">Ah, so you've met these "New Blood"
fellas. Some of Wasp's crewmen mutinied and took over her ships.</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_guard1_defeated3">She's got a few loyal henchmen by her
side, but they're still in hiding... oh, I should be going!</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_guard1_defeated4">I saw you deal with that mutineer bilge
rat Kraken. You know, Wasp could use a warrior like you.</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_guard1_defeated5">Deal with the rest of those New Blood
fools and the captain will make you rich!</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_guard1_greetings">Who the hell are you? This port is closed.
But... You've got a nice ship there – I claim it in the name of New Blood!</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_guard2_defeated">You've chosen the wrong side, lad. When
Wasp is through with you, you'll disappear just like her father! Mark my
<Word Title="zone4_guard2_greetings">The Pirate King disappears without a
trace, Wasp takes over, and nobody asks where her father went!</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_guard2_greetings2">She had something to do with it, I tell
ya. I don't trust that wench, and neither should you!</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_guard3_defeated">Your strength belongs with New Blood! The
Pirate King disappeared because of his ungrateful daughter – and you’re helping
spread her lies!</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_guard3_greetings">Wasp's old dogs sent you, eh? They put
their money on the wrong guy. I’ll hoist you over the yardarm and you’ll sink like
all the rest! </Word>
<Word Title="zone4_guard4_defeated">We stand to lose this war because of the
likes of you. Brothers killing brothers, and you profit from their suffering. You
won't leave this city alive!</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_guard4_greetings">So, you've dealt with the mutineers and
have come for your reward?</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_guard4_greetings2">Wasp was going to give you an audience
until she saw you with that petty profiteer Sly! He's been selling weapons to New
<Word Title="zone4_guard4_greetings3">Sly! Is this true? Have you armed their
<Word Title="zone4_guard4_greetings4">I can explain everything! But now isn't
the time... can you help a friend out here?</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_guard5_defeated">If only the Pirate King were here – none of
this would be happening! Damn that girl and her selfish acts!</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_guard5_greetings">What's that silly girl gotten herself into
now? If it weren't for me, Wasp would be long dead. You're just another mess for me
to clean up!</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_wasp_greetings">I should thank you, honestly. Before you
came, I had two problems: the mutineers and my so-called "advisors" trying to
restrict my control.</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_wasp_greetings2">But now, thanks to you, I'm the only one in
power here!</Word>
<Word Title="zone4_wasp_won">That’s it? That’s all you’ve got? Weak! Get up and
fight me for real... if you can!</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_begin_1">Well, what do we have here? An interesting
specimen... I've met so many men, so boring, so average. </Word>
<Word Title="zone5_begin_2">But... There's something peculiar about this one.
I'll keep my eye on you.</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_begin_3">An interesting specimen? She's so full of herself!
Shadow is above flattery.</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_begin_4">She must be the woman Wasp spoke of. Something
is... bothering me, but I am not sure what.</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_begin_5">She doesn't scare me... but all these bodies do. My
God, it's a slaughterhouse! And look at the damage from the siege engines!</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard1_defeated1">I came as a marauder, but something
changed. There's a light in my heart for Widow. But I failed. I... I am not worthy
of her affection.</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard1_defeated2">I can't forget that beautiful woman! Her
face is all I see when I close my eyes.</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard1_defeated3">I spent all my money on a gift for her –
surely, these precious gems will tell her how I feel about her.</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard1_defeated4">You did what? Are you feeling all right?
<Word Title="zone5_guard1_defeated5">Am I all... No! No, I'm not all right!
What's happening to me? This is maddening!</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard1_greetings">Widow is my goddess! I would give all the
riches in the world just to see her smile at me.</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard1_greetings2">I saw the way you were looking at her...
her face will be the last thing you ever see!</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard2_defeated">She came from nowhere as we hunted. We were
dumbstruck. When I finally came to my senses, blood stained my hands, and my
brothers were no more...</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard2_defeated2">All these men are vying for Widow's
affection. But they're not thinking straight – they've been charmed. That's why
they're attacking!</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard2_defeated3">Sly's gone mad, too. But, Sensei, why
doesn't it affect you?</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard2_defeated4">I feel her pull, too, but I am skilled
enough to resist the power.</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard2_greetings">I'm the last of my tribe. The spirits
showed me the way to the most miraculous woman I've ever seen.</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard2_greetings2">I sacrificed much to attract her
attention; I can't allow you to steal her from me now!</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard3_defeated">Am I cursed? Love has driven me to madness
and brought me to my knees, turning me into a mindless youth.</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard3_defeated2">But my body can't keep up with my
ambitions. I'm just a lonely, pathetic, old man.</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard3_greetings">Maybe I'm not as young or strong as I used
to be, but my experience will win over your arrogance! The woman will be
<Word Title="zone5_guard4_defeated">She has a strange power over men, beyond
her beauty – it's magic! I can't resist, but I see her true nature.</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard4_defeated2">She is cruel and evil. I'm begging you:
free me from this misery!</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard4_greetings">You'll go no farther. Widow has chosen me
as her favored watchdog, and I am to stop anyone from coming to see her. Prepare to
feel my fists!</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard5_defeated">You're a perfect representative of your
kind – vain and self-satisfied!</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard5_defeated2">Widow will punish you and turn you into
her favorite little toy. Mark my words!</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard5_greetings">I don't need some magic spell to love
Widow. Her power over men excites me.</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_guard5_greetings2">Love is the perfect way to rob you men of
your free will. But somehow you're beyond her control... so I'll fix it!</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_widow_greetings">Such a powerful young man – you'll be a
perfect addition to my collection.</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_widow_greetings2">Fight my magic all you want; I like the
struggle. No matter, I'll win and you'll stay by my side forever!</Word>
<Word Title="zone5_widow_won">I'll be here when you're ready to try again. A
worthy adversary such as yourself... we could be good friends. Or perhaps
<Word Title="zone6_begin_5">It will be full of trickery and illusion. Take
care, my disciple, and be ready for anything.</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_guard4_greetings">You should have never returned, Prince.
Did you think your former subjects would submit to you after what you did?</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_guard4_greetings2">Your highborn head has no place here,
except on the end of a pike!</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_guard5_defeated">I know you have no mercy for the defeated,
<Word Title="zone6_guard5_defeated2">But whatever torture you've prepared, it
will not compare to the fate awaiting those who fail to carry out Shogun's
<Word Title="zone6_shogun_defeated_2">They used your name to scare children,
yes. But I brought them order; I gave them the Empire! My people won't follow a
petty prince now...</Word>
<Word Title="zone6_start_dialog_sensei_2">Perhaps, but we must be careful. No
natural fire can burn so long; this realm belongs to the shadows now.</Word>
<Word Title="btnStoryPaymentAccept">ACCEPT {image0} {1}</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_HW14_BROOM">Broomstick</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_HW14_WICKED_VEIL">Wicked Veil</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_HW14_PUMPKIN">Pumpkinhead</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_HW14_WITCH">Witch Hat</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_HW14_SCYTHE">Grim Scythe</Word>
<Word Title="forgeRecipeDuplex">Duplex Recipe</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_STATIC_CHARGE">Static Charge</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_STATIC_CHARGE">A chance to strike your enemy with
a bolt of electricity. This chance is proportional to the damage taken.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_eclipsemode_new_mode">The powers of the Gates of Shadows
not only gave you special abilities, but also the ability to see the dark side of
the world itself!</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_eclipsemode_new_mode_2">At any time you may take a look
beyond the veil and face some real threat. Your enemies would become much more
powerful; however, the rewards would become incredible as well.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_eclipsemode_reward_orbs">They say that the Shadow Energy
filling our world can be turned into a powerful material that may be used by
talented smiths to enchant all kinds of equipment.</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_enchantments_1">Charmed, I'm Sure</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_enchantments_2">Man-at-charms</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_enchantments_3">Charmed and Dangerous</Word>
<Word Title="Settings_Location_Resolution">Location Resolution: </Word>
<Word Title="dlgDontShowAgain">Don't show this again</Word>
<Word Title="panel_change">Panel</Word>
<Word Title="im_ending_7">Seals are broken and the Gates of Shadows are open
again. There is nothing left for our hero but to meet his most dangerous and
powerful foe – Titan.</Word>
<Word Title="im_ending_8">Whether he’ll rescue May and return his body or not
you shall find out very soon!</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_ONLY">Given ranged weapon only</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_RANGED_ONLY">Win with a given ranged weapon
<Word Title="TRANSIENT_BLEEDING">Passing burning effect</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_TRANSIENT_BLEEDING">You and your enemy both pass
on burning effect to opponent on attack.</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_GYPSY">GYPSY</Word>
more hits than your enemy. Movement controls are inverted in this fight.</Word>
<Word Title="SCORE_CONTEST_CRITICAL_ONLY">Score victory, criticals only</Word>
critical hits than your enemy.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Enchantments_1">Charmed, I'm Sure</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Enchantments_2">Man-at-charms</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Enchantments_3">Charmed and Dangerous</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_perfect_eclipse_1">Can't Touch Me!</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_barelyalive_eclipse_1">Gravewalker</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Enchantments_1">Enchant an item.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Enchantments">Enchant {0} items.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Perfect_Eclipse_Rounds">Win {0} rounds perfectly
in any mode except Survival during Eclipse.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_BarelyAlive_eclipse">Finish {0} rounds with a
critical health level during Eclipse.</Word>
<Word Title="Perk_Reset">Perk Reset</Word>
<Word Title="Perk_Reset_Text">Purchase this item to reset your perk tree</Word>
<Word Title="ProfileNoPerks">You have no perks</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_OVERCHARGE">Overcharge</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_FULL_POWER">Full Power</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_AVENGER">A {0}%% chance to trigger Avenger, which
grants a Critical Hit with {2}%% damage for {1} seconds after receiving a Critical
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_ENLIGHTENMENT">A {0}%% chance to avoid a death
blow, replenishing {1}%% of your health instead.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_ROCK">A {0}%% chance to withstand a Critical Hit
without falling to the ground, returning {1}%% of its damage to the enemy.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_MARTIAL_SPIRIT">A {0}%% chance to increase your
magic recharge from a successful unarmed attack by {1}%%.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_MIRROR">Blocking an enemy hit gives you a {0}%%
chance to get +{1}%% damage for {2} seconds.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_STEEL_FOOT">A {0}%% chance to knock down your
enemy with a kick. This chance is doubled if you're in the air.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_COBRA">A {0}%% chance that during first {1}
seconds of a round your First Strike would reduce enemy health by {2}%%.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_FURIOUS">A {0}%% chance to get +{1}%% damage on a
successful hit. This effect wears off if you're hit or after {2} seconds.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_FULL_POWER">A {0}%% chance to increase your magic
damage by +{1}%% for {2} seconds after your magic is fully charged.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_EAGLE_EYE">Not using ranged weapons for more than
{0} seconds triggers a chance to get +{1}%% ranged damage for {2} seconds.</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_PRECISION">Precision</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_OVERHEAT">Overheat</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_INTOXICATION">Poisoning</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_WEAKNESS">Weakness</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_BLOODRAGE">Bloodrage</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_REJUVENATION">Rejuvenation</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_STUN">Stun</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_TIME_BOMB">Time Bomb</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_ENFEEBLE">Enfeeble</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_STORM">Static Charge</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_SHOCK">Shocking Strike</Word>
<Word Title="ENCHANTMENT_DAMAGE_ABSORPTION">Damage Absorption</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_PRECISION">A chance to make a Critical Hit with
increased damage. This chance depends on the power of the enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_SHOCK">Chance to cause a Shock with a Head Hit is
increased. This chance depends on the power of the enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_PAIN_OVERHEAT">Each hit taken has a chance to put
a buff on you that makes your next strike inflict {0}%% more damage. This chance
depends on the power of the enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_INTOXICATION">A chance that your enemy will start
to lose {0}%% health per second over {1} seconds after being hit. This chance is
proportional to the damage dealt and the power of the enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_WEAKNESS">A chance to weaken your enemy's melee
attacks by {0}%% for {1} seconds after a successful hit. This chance depends on the
power of the enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_BLOODRAGE">A chance that you will deal {0}%% more
damage on your hit, but would also lose {1}%% of damage dealt in health. This
enchantment won't work if it would cause you to lose. This chance depends on the
power of the enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_REJUVENATION">A chance to regenerate {0}%% of
your health per second for {1} seconds after being hit. This chance is proportional
to the damage dealt and the power of the enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_DAMAGE_ABSORPTION_BODY">A chance to absorb all
damage dealt to your body by a single strike. This chance depends on the power of
the enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_DAMAGE_ABSORPTION_HEAD">A chance to absorb all
damage dealt to your head by a single strike. This chance depends on the power of
the enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_STUN">A chance to stun your enemy for {0} seconds
with a successful hit. This chance is proportional to the damage dealt and the
power of the enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_TIME_BOMB">A chance on every successful hit to
set a delayed explosive on your enemy, which will detonate after {0} seconds. This
chance depends on the power of the enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_ENFEEBLE">A chance to weaken your enemy's attacks
by {0}%% for {1} seconds after a successful hit.This chance depends on the power of
the enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_STORM">A chance to trigger a short lightning
storm targeting your enemy after being hit. This chance is proportional to the
damage dealt and the power of the enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="btnEnchantment">ENCHANT</Word>
<Word Title="hintPossibleEnchantments">Possible Enchantments:</Word>
<Word Title="btnApply">APPLY</Word>
<Word Title="forgeCurrenciesCost">Requirements:</Word>
<Word Title="forgeRecipeSimple">Simple Recipe</Word>
<Word Title="forgeRecipeMedium">Medium Recipe</Word>
<Word Title="dlgWarning">WARNING</Word>
<Word Title="dlgEnchantmentMessageOldItem">Warning! You're trying to put an
enchantment on a low-level item.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgEnchantmentMessage1">Are you sure that you want to enchant this
item for </Word>
<Word Title="dlgEnchantmentMessage2">Enchantment would be ready in: </Word>
<Word Title="dlgEnchantmentMessageEnchanted">Warning! Existing simple/medium
enchantments would be destroyed in the process.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgSuperEnchantmentMessageEnchanted">Warning! Existing mythical
enchantment would be destroyed in the process.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgEnchantmentTitle">ENCHANTMENT</Word>
<Word Title="dlgInstantEnchantmentMessage2">But it can be completed right
<Word Title="enchantment_notification">Enchantment is ready on an item:
<Word Title="dlgEnchantButton">ENCHANT{image0}{1}</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_eclipsemode_beginning1">When you opened the Gates of
Shadows, your human life was forgotten. The Gates did not just take away all you
had, but gave you something special in exchange.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_eclipsemode_beginning2">Its incredible power granted you
an opportunity to view the most foul side of our world, its darkest side...</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_eclipsemode_switch">When the Eclipse darkens the sun,
your foes will be much stronger. If you dare take the chance, you could be greatly
rewarded for your courage.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_eclipsemode_switch_back">If you want to collect more
Shadow Orbs, then glance at the Eclipse again.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_eclipsemode_switch_back_2">Remember, you can always
return to our realm. Just look at the Eclipse and the sun will shine once
<Word Title="tutorial_forge_beginning1">The world stands in awe of your
marvelous adventures. The people are grateful to you for your deeds of valour and
that you are resisting these dark forces.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_forge_beginning2">Your deeds inspired the blacksmith. Now
his talents are at your service. He knows how to deal with Shadow Orbs, and he is
ready to improve your gear with them.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_forge_select_item">This time the required materials are
provided by the blacksmith. Choose an armor to imbue it.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_forge_reenchant_warning">When you enchant your armor, the
current properties vanish and are replaced by the new ones. Enchanting cannot be
undone, so be sure you consider this carefully.</Word>
<Word Title="KnucklesHighPunch">Knuckles Straight Punch</Word>
<Word Title="KnucklesHeavyPunch">Knuckles Strong Punch</Word>
<Word Title="KnucklesSpinningPunch">Knuckles Spinning Punch</Word>
<Word Title="KnucklesUpperCut">Knuckles Uppercut</Word>
<Word Title="KnucklesLowPunch">Knuckles Low Punch</Word>
<Word Title="ScytheSuperSlash">Scythe Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="BattleHammersSuperSlash">Battle Hammers Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="SteelClawsSuperSlash">%ClawsSuperSlash</Word>
<Word Title="ChineseSabersSuperSlash">Oriental Sabers Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="ShogunSuperSlash">Daisho Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="ShogunDoubleSlash">Daisho Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="MagariYariSuperSlash">Magari Yari Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="dlgCrashNotification">We registered a game crash during your last
session due to low memory on your device. Do you want to lower your graphic
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_HELM_BREAKER">A {0}%% chance to increase your Head
Hit damage by {1}%% for {2} seconds after dealing a Head Hit.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_MAGIC_DAMAGE_RECHARGE">A chance to increase your
magic recharge from a successful hit by {0}%%. This chance depends on the power of
this enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_MAGIC_PAIN_RECHARGE">A chance to increase your
magic recharge from a taking a hit by {0}%%. This chance depends on the power of
this enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_BLEEDING">A chance that your enemy will start to
lose {0}%% health per second over {1} seconds after being hit. This chance is
proportional to the damage dealt and the power of the enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_LIFESTEAL">A chance on every successful hit to
replenish your health by {0}%% of damage dealt to enemy. This chance depends on the
power of this enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_FRENZY">A chance to increase your melee damage by
{0}%% for {1} seconds after a successful hit. This chance depends on the power of
this enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_FRENZY_DEFENSE">A chance to increase your melee
damage by {0}%% for {1} seconds after being hit. This chance depends on the power
of this enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_REGENERATION">A chance to regenerate {0}%% of
your health per second for {1} seconds after being hit. This chance is proportional
to the damage dealt and the power of the enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_DAMAGE_RETURN">A chance that your enemy will take
{0}%% of damage dealt on every hit. This chance depends on the power of this
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_SHIELDING">A chance to reduce incoming damage by
{0}%% for {1} seconds after being hit. This chance depends on the power of this
<Word Title="announcement_zone7_coming_soon">Titan is waiting for you. Soon
enough you will confront the almighty conqueror from the Shadow realm! You will
take this dangerous path this month...</Word>
<Word Title="KatarsHighPunch">Katars Straight Punch</Word>
<Word Title="KatarsHeavyPunch">Katars Strong Punch</Word>
<Word Title="KatarsUpperCut">Katars Uppercut</Word>
<Word Title="KatarsLowPunch">Katars Low Punch</Word>
<Word Title="MonkKatarsHighPunch">Katars Straight Punch</Word>
<Word Title="MonkKatarSuperSlash">Katars Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="MonkKatarLowPunch">Katars Low Punch</Word>
<Word Title="FansSlash">Fans Slash</Word>
<Word Title="FansDoubleSlash">Fans Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="FansUpperSlash">Fans Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_LYNX_CLAWS">Lynx's Claws</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_HERMIT_SWORDS">Hermit's Swords</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_BUTCHER_KNIVES">Butcher's Knives</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_WASP_NAGINATA">Wasp's Naginata</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_WIDOW_FANS">Widow's Fans</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SHOGUN_KATANA">Shogun's Katana</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_TITAN_SWORD">Titan's Desolator</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_eclipsemode_replay_beginning">Should you want to prove
that your victory was not incidental, the Eclipse can send you back in time to face
your beaten foe once again.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_eclipsemode_replay_icon">The fights you can return to are
marked red.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_eclipsemode_replay_boss_reward">If you beat up the chief
demon in these parts, you'll get his astonishing weapon as a reward.</Word>
<Word Title="replays">Replays: {0}</Word>
<Word Title="free">FREE</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_disarm_eclipse_1">Thunderer</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_losses_eclipse_1">Veteran</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_longrounds_eclipse_1">From Dusk Till Dawn</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_BossNoLose_1">Not a Chance</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_BossNoLose_2">Unstoppable</Word>
<Word Title="achievement_name_BossNoLose_3">Three in a Row</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Boss_Rematch_1">Master of Hunt</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Boss_Rematch_2">Secret Knowlege</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Boss_Rematch_3">Pork</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Boss_Rematch_4">Man Overboard!</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Boss_Rematch_5">Frozen Heart</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Boss_Rematch_6">Long Live the King!</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Zone_1_Rematch">Twilight</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Zone_2_Rematch">Darkness</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Zone_3_Rematch">Murk</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Zone_4_Rematch">Blackout</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Zone_5_Rematch">Gloom</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Zone_6_Rematch">Total Eclipse</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Survivals_Eclipse_1">Through the Thicket</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Survivals_Eclipse_2">Dark Forest</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Survivals_Eclipse_3">Dead Marshes</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Survivals_Eclipse_4">Monster Cave</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Survivals_Eclipse_5">Ultimate Soldier</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Survivals_Eclipse_6">Desert Storm</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Disarm_eclipse">Disarm your enemy {0} times
during Eclipse.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Losses_eclipse">Lose {0} times during
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_LongRounds_Eclipse">Make {0} rounds last at least
{1} seconds during Eclipse.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_BossNoLose">Win a fight with a demon without
losing a single round.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_BossNoLose_1">Win {0} fights with demons without
losing a single round.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Boss_Rematch">Win a fight with {0} once
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Zone_Rematch">Win all Tournaments and Challenges
in {0} once again.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Survivals_Eclipse">Overcome Survival in {0}
during Eclipse.</Word>
<Word Title="PERK_DISORIENTATION">Disorientation</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_RICOCHET">A {0}%% chance to block all damage from
an incoming ranged attack.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_DISORIENTATION">A {0}%% chance to increase your
attack by {1}%% after a ranged attack.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_CONCUSSION">A {0}%% chance to prevent enemy use of
magic or ranged weapons for {1} seconds after a Head Hit.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_PAIN_RAGE">A {1}%% chance to increase damage by
{0}%% for {2} seconds after receiving a Head Hit.</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SECTIONAL_SCYTHE">Mowers</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_TONFA_GUNS">Blaster Tonfas</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_TEC_GLAIVE">Fretsaw</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_LUMINOSITY">Luminosity Plate</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_REDSHIFT">Redshift</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_ALLOY">Alloy Armor</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_SUPER_FUSION">Fusion Core</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_INFERNO">Inferno Carapace</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_INFERNO">Inferno Headpiece</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_ADVANCED_CONICAL">Advanced Conical Helmet</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_SUPER_PREDATOR">Mask of Prey</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_QUASAR">Quasar</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_ANGER">Marauder</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_UNKNOWN">Unknown Weapon</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_UNKNOWN">Unknown Armor</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_UNKNOWN">Unknown Helm</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_UNKNOWN">Unknown Ranged Weapon</Word>
<Word Title="MAGIC_UNKNOWN">Unknown Power</Word>
<Word Title="characterKali">KALI</Word>
<Word Title="characterCypher">CYPHER</Word>
<Word Title="characterHyperion">CRONOS</Word>
<Word Title="characterShroud">SHROUD</Word>
<Word Title="fight_locked_chapter1">Chapter 2 coming soon!</Word>
<Word Title="Act_7_Chapter_1">Act VII: Chapter 1</Word>
<Word Title="Act_7">Act VII</Word>
<Word Title="Casket_Gems_Zone7">%Casket_Gems</Word>
<Word Title="Bag_Gems_Zone7">%Bag_Gems</Word>
<Word Title="Chest_Gems_Zone7">%Chest_Gems</Word>
<Word Title="Pile_Coins_Zone7">%Pile_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Bag_Coins_Zone7">%Bag_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="Chest_Coins_Zone7">%Chest_Coins</Word>
<Word Title="BOSS_TITAN">TITAN</Word>
<Word Title="Hideout">HIDEOUT</Word>
<Word Title="Survival_Factory">FACTORY</Word>
<Word Title="Stone_Forest">STONE GROVE</Word>
<Word Title="STONE_FOREST_TITLE">Stone Grove</Word>
<Word Title="battleCliffhangerDescription">Search the Stone Grove for the
ancient one.</Word>
<Word Title="HIDEOUT_TOURNAMENT">Hideout Tournament</Word>
<Word Title="MINIBOSS_CYPHER_TITLE">Cypher</Word>
<Word Title="SURVIVAL_FACTORY">Factory Survival</Word>
<Word Title="MINIBOSS_HYPERION_TITLE">Cronos</Word>
<Word Title="battleHyperionDescription">Cronos is hiding among the Factory
facilities. You must find him!</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_CYGNUS">CYGNUS</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_RAPTOR">RAPTOR</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_LOOTER">LOOTER</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_arrival1">Weapons down. Come with me. Titan awaits your
<Word Title="zone7_c1_shroud_fightend1">Glad I made it in time! Get up; we must
leave quickly. Shroud will not stay unconscious for long!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_shroud_fightend2">My name's Kali. Pleased to meet you...
Shadow? That's an interesting name. Come on, I'll take you somewhere safe.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_shroud_fightend3">Who have you brought here, Kali? Did
you forget we're in hiding?</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_shroud_fightend4">Listen, Cypher! This is Shadow; I saw
him come through the Gates, and he's still alive. It's a miracle! But Shroud was
his welcoming committee.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_shroud_fightend5">Shroud himself? Interesting... So,
Shadow, you must be quite important to Titan if he sent his best fighter to fetch
you. That makes you important to us, too.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_shroud_fightend6">You should rest here. We can't allow
you to leave the compound just yet, for your own safety... and ours.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_shroud_fightend7">Kali, give our guest a tour. We will
speak later.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_tournament_begin1">Here you'll meet heroes from
innumerable planes. They found themselves stuck here after Titan annexed their
worlds, adding them to his vast domain.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_tournament_begin2">Cypher managed to unite them under his
command, but they can be difficult to deal with. You'll have to earn their
<Word Title="zone7_c1_survival_begin1">There's a looters' camp not far from
here. There might be something useful there, but the camp is heavily guarded. Will
you help?</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_tournament_lecture1_1">Titan never conquered a world
without resistance. Each time a champion arises to stop him.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_tournament_lecture1_2">But every champion has failed -
and after that, another world followed his fate. I saw that with my own
<Word Title="zone7_c1_tournament_lecture2_1">Shroud was once such a champion.
He lost, and compromised with his conscience. Titan spared his life, but made a
faithful slave out of him.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_tournament_lecture2_2">You don't yet understand what
you're dealing with, boy. Titan is a monster, a parasite for whom life itself means
<Word Title="zone7_c1_cypher_fightenter1">Your fight against Titan is
inevitable, but the outcome is not predetermined. You will need more than just your
strength. Show me all you've got!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_cypher_fightend1">You're strong, capable. But Titan is no
simple brute. He can harrow your mind, leaving no chance to defend. His will turns
into your will. But there's a way.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_cypher_fightend2">Before Titan came, an ancient tribe
lived here. Their wills were strong. He was unable to turn them into his mindless
soldiers, so he ordered their destruction.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_cypher_fightend3">But one of these ancients escaped and
hid... somewhere. I tried to use Cronos, my greatest creation, to find him.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_cypher_fightend4">Oh, I remember that one. He returned
insane, and then just ran away again. That was a real mess...</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_cypher_fightend5">The ancient one is powerful. He wiped
Cronos' memory, replacing it with an idea to cleanse this world of all vices. He's
likely near one of Titan's factories.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_cypher_fightend6">So, it seems that Cronos is our best
chance at finding the ancient one. Let's go!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_cronos_fightenter1">How dare you approach the voice of
the ancients? Their ghosts scream in anger over Titan's foul touch upon their once
beautiful land! Show your true face, beast!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_cronos_fightend1">Well, he's switched off. Let me check
his memory chip. And... Done! The ancient one is in the Stone Grove. It's a real
tomb, but we have no choice. Let's go!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_shroud_ambush1">No. It can't be him! This must be some
kind of trap!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_shroud_ambush2">So, you've finally come to face me. I've
been waiting for you, Shadow. We have unfinished business to attend to.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c1_final">What fate is in store for Shadow? Will he defeat
Titan and rescue May? Find out in the second chapter in early 2015!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_denomination1">What’s that? Some kind of money from your
world? Funny. But they’re nothing but junk here. Our coins are different. Here,
take some as my gift.</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_XMAS15_CANES">Caramel Shuang Gou</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_XMAS15_SANTA">Frosty Breastplace</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_XMAS15_HORNS">Antlers Of The Forest Spirit</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_XMAS15_SANTA">Face of Christmas</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_XMAS15_SNOWBALLS">Snow charges</Word>
<Word Title="Xmas15_Gift_Text">Purchase this box to get one of the following:
Coins; Tickets; Resources; unique Xmas items.</Word>
<Word Title="xmas15_free_tickets">Congratulations! You've won {image0}{1}
<Word Title="xmas15_free_res">Congratulations! You've won {image0}{1}
<Word Title="WEAPON_XMAS14_CANES">Candy Canes</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_XMAS14_SANTA">Christmas Spirit</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_XMAS14_HORNS">Reindeer Horns</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_XMAS14_SANTA">Beard of Frost</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_XMAS14_SNOWBALLS">Snowballs</Word>
<Word Title="Xmas14_Gift_Text">Purchase this item to get one of the following:
Rubies; Coins; A unique Xmas item.</Word>
<Word Title="XMAS14_LOTTERY">A Random Gift</Word>
<Word Title="Chest_XMAS15">A Random Gift</Word>
<Word Title="xmas14_free_simple_recipe">Congratulations! You've won a free
Simple Recipe! Head to the forge to apply it.</Word>
<Word Title="xmas14_free_medium_recipe">Congratulations! You've won a free
Medium Recipe! Head to the forge to apply it.</Word>
<Word Title="xmas14_free_unlimited_energy">Congratulations! You've won an
Unlimited Energy!</Word>
<Word Title="xmas14_free_super_perk">Congratulations! You've won a unique perk!
<Word Title="xmas14_free_santa_armor">Congratulations! You've won a unique Xmas
<Word Title="xmas14_free_gems">Congratulations! You've won {image0}{1}
<Word Title="xmas14_free_coins">Congratulations! You've won {image0}{1} coins!
<Word Title="xmas14_gift">Dear friend, we wish you happy holidays. Please
accept this gift!</Word>
<Word Title="xmas2014_stranger_1_greetings">Wow, who’s that approaching? He's
both festive and... militant?</Word>
<Word Title="xmas2014_stranger_1_greetings2">No one escapes the Festive
Spirit... without a gift! Ho ho ho! Everyone is given his due! So, did you behave
this year?</Word>
<Word Title="xmas2014_stranger_1_challenge">I hope you've been following your
path, tirelessly fighting against evil. Or have you been cheating, huh, lazy thing?
I’m not to be deceived!</Word>
<Word Title="xmas2014_stranger_1_reject">So, it appears you have something to
hide? Maybe everything you have in this world was obtained by dishonest means?
Remember, we can see it all! Season's greetings!</Word>
<Word Title="xmas2014_stranger_1_rematch_offer">You know... uh, there was an
old custom that few remember. One could, uh, entertain the Festive Spirit with a
small donation to keep him around a while longer.</Word>
<Word Title="xmas2014_stranger_1_challenge_again">What? Do you want to try
again? Wouldn't you rather make me some gingerbread cookies instead? You've got to
be a better baker than a fighter, ho ho ho!</Word>
<Word Title="xmas2014_stranger_1_drop">I see, I see! You are an expert fighter,
which means you train a lot. Good kids get good gifts. And you deserve some of my
<Word Title="xmas2014_stranger_1_rematch_warning">Are you sure? I doubt you'll
ever see him again if you quit now.</Word>
<Word Title="DaggersSlash">Techno Knives Slash</Word>
<Word Title="DaggersDoubleSlash">Techno Knives Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="DaggersHeavySlash">Techno Knives Heavy Slash</Word>
<Word Title="DaggersSuperSlash">Techno Knives Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="DaggersSpinningSlash">Techno Knives Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="DaggersUpperSlash">Techno Knives Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="DaggersLowSlash">Techno Knives Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="TonfaGunsSuperSlash">Blasters Shot</Word>
<Word Title="SCORE_CONTEST_INVISIBLE_ENEMY">Score victory, invisible
more hits than your enemy, the opponent is invisible.</Word>
<Word Title="kakao_unregister_text">All game data will be deleted</Word>
<Word Title="kakao_unregister">KAKAO unregister</Word>
<Word Title="kakao_guest_login">Guest login</Word>
<Word Title="kakao_guest_login_text">Game data will be deleted when you
uninstall, change the device or unregister</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_MINE">Landmines</Word>
<Word Title="RANDOM_AREA_ENEMY_DEGENERATION">Enemy loses health in shown
health over time within shown area.</Word>
<Word Title="FORGE_NOTIFICATION_SIMPLE">You've got enough resources to enchant
your gear using a simple recipe.</Word>
<Word Title="FORGE_NOTIFICATION_MEDIUM">You've got enough resources to enchant
your gear using a medium recipe.</Word>
<Word Title="PERKDESCRIPTION_OVERCHARGE">After your magic is fully charged, {1}
successful melee attacks grants you +{0}%% magic damage for {2} seconds.</Word>
<Word Title="DESC_ENCHANTMENT_DAMAGE_OVERHEAT">Each strike has a chance to put
a buff on you for {1} seconds that makes your next strike inflict {0}%% more
damage. This chance depends on the power of the enchantment.</Word>
<Word Title="zone_1_stranger_1_challenge">You'll only be remembered as a vulgar
copycat of Trickster the Great! I stake my nunchaku on you not being worth the dust
on my sandals!</Word>
<Word Title="zone_1_stranger_1_reject">Coward! What kind of a man refuses a
<Word Title="zone_1_stranger_1_greetings">Is all that noise about you? I was
the main greatest sensation that happened to this town before you! Show me what
you're good for, upstart!</Word>
<Word Title="zone_1_stranger_1_rematch_offer">Money can cure a wounded pride.
Shadow, I’m sure this bumpkin will gladly show off once more, and earn some dough
as well.</Word>
<Word Title="zone_1_stranger_1_challenge_again">Right! My martial arts cost a
few coins! Very well; I’ll show you a feint or two. Watch and admire!</Word>
<Word Title="zone_1_stranger_1_rematch_warning">This guy sure is unruly, but...
perhaps you could still learn something from him? Let's try!</Word>
<Word Title="zone_1_stranger_1_drop">Fine. I admit, I was too excited. It
happens, huh? Perhaps I need more self-control. Here, take my nunchaku. You earned
<Word Title="zone_2_stranger_1_challenge">Hermit’s tournament is just a vanity
fair. It’s mastery that matters, not brute strength! My naginata could be yours, if
you're skillful enough.</Word>
<Word Title="zone_2_stranger_1_reject">I hoped to meet one who cared about the
spirit of martial arts. But you seem to be like all the rest, seeking strength as
if it could solve all your problems.</Word>
<Word Title="zone_2_stranger_1_greetings">I travel the land, searching for the
perfect rival, but I've yet to meet one. Could you be the one I’m looking
<Word Title="zone_2_stranger_1_rematch_offer">He may be a stranger to vanity,
but not to gambling. I bet he likes the sound of coins jingling even more than the
sound of punching fists.</Word>
<Word Title="zone_2_stranger_1_challenge_again">So, you want to place a bet? I
like your courage! Yes, I'll give you another chance. After all, no one is born a
true master.</Word>
<Word Title="zone_2_stranger_1_rematch_warning">Wait, Shadow! Don’t go! Having
his naginata could turn the tide of the tournament in our favor!</Word>
<Word Title="zone_2_stranger_1_drop">I bow to you, friend. Take my weapon; you
earned it. My next quest. . . a new life goal. Perhaps a martial arts school of my
<Word Title="zone_3_stranger_1_challenge">Doncha be scared, kitten. Here, like
my katana? You males are so fond of shiny toys. It's yours if you can beat
<Word Title="zone_3_stranger_1_reject">He-he! If you're 'fraid to fight a
woman, I'm at ease 'bout my master's future. You're no threat to him!</Word>
<Word Title="zone_3_stranger_1_greetings">I'm Butcher’s favorite wife! I won’t
letcha touch my master’s sacred face!</Word>
<Word Title="zone_3_stranger_1_rematch_offer">I don’t think this lady is
incorruptible. Let’s offer her some coin to spare us a little more of her precious
<Word Title="zone_3_stranger_1_challenge_again">Butcher gives me more as pocket
change! But fine. I'll fight another match with you. It'll be my easiest money
<Word Title="zone_3_stranger_1_rematch_warning">If she’s indeed Butcher’s
favorite wife, we have a perfect chance to send him a message. Let him be scared of
<Word Title="zone_3_stranger_1_drop">Kill that fatso! And do it with my sword -
I want him know what it was like for me, attending to all his wishes. Give Butcher
my regards!</Word>
<Word Title="zone_4_stranger_1_challenge">I’ve been fighting off those
bloodsuckers for ages! If I’m not lucky today, you’ll have the dearest thing I own:
my spear.</Word>
<Word Title="zone_4_stranger_1_reject">So you’re not one of the pirates? Sorry,
son. Go in peace then.</Word>
<Word Title="zone_4_stranger_1_greetings">Screw you all and all your brawls! I
am a peaceful man. I want no part in your war! Just let me live and work in peace!
<Word Title="zone_4_stranger_1_rematch_offer">Let's offer the old man some
money and ask him to fight once again. We could use his spear, and he could use
several coins to escape from this hole of a port.</Word>
<Word Title="zone_4_stranger_1_challenge_again">I’ll take your money, fine, but
don’t think I’ll make it easy this time! I am a man of principle!</Word>
<Word Title="zone_4_stranger_1_rematch_warning">It’s better if you take his
weapon and let him go. Wasp’s men would hardly be that kind to him.</Word>
<Word Title="zone_4_stranger_1_drop">You’ll make better use of this spear than
me, son. I should keep to my fishing rod. And you – I trust that you will go and
put an end to this carnage.</Word>
<Word Title="zone_5_stranger_1_challenge">Let’s play a game, uh? I win - you
carry me on yer back right to the Widow’s place. I lose, you get my wep. </Word>
<Word Title="zone_5_stranger_1_reject">Yo, homie, you’re a snore! Just like 'em
all 'ere. Okay, I’ll go find someone funky.</Word>
<Word Title="zone_5_stranger_1_greetings">Well now! Whadawe have 'here? Got
something nice, uh? Wanna me split yer head wi’ me kusarigama?</Word>
<Word Title="zone_5_stranger_1_rematch_offer">Try offering him money. I’m not
sure if he has any use for it, but he’s got a very nice weapon. Won’t ask where he
stole it from.</Word>
<Word Title="zone_5_stranger_1_challenge_again">Yo! Scrillas! That’s my boy.
Willin’ to pay for being beaten! </Word>
<Word Title="zone_5_stranger_1_rematch_warning">You have to stop this psycho at
all costs. Who knows what a mess he can make if left unattended?</Word>
<Word Title="zone_5_stranger_1_drop">No way! You won! Well, that was some
fight. Here, grab my kusarigama. Imma go give knuckle sandwiches to 'em local
blunderers. </Word>
<Word Title="zone_6_stranger_1_challenge">This engagement has been the sole
purpose of my life. My way ends here. If you win, you will have my weapon. </Word>
<Word Title="zone_6_stranger_1_reject">You will not fight? For such a coward as
you are, dying with honor would have been a reward greater than living in fear. So
I shall leave you to your misery.</Word>
<Word Title="zone_6_stranger_1_greetings">My sire died by your hand, Prince.
When you disappeared, I thought his death would remain unavenged. I’m glad to see
the hour of vengeance has come.</Word>
<Word Title="zone_6_stranger_1_rematch_offer">I bet a couple of coins could
persuade him to fight again. Ronins don't receive a wide welcome nowadays. I’ve
heard of them literally starving!</Word>
<Word Title="zone_6_stranger_1_challenge_again">Though not a great warrior, you
have that grit that might have helped you to defeat my sire once. So let us see
what you can do this time.</Word>
<Word Title="zone_6_stranger_1_rematch_warning">No, no. We cannot let him go!
The others must have no cause to doubt your being their Great Prince!</Word>
<Word Title="zone_6_stranger_1_drop">This combat was a fair one. That means
that you deserved winning that first time, too. Take my sword, Prince, and let it
serve you well.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_begin1">Fear not. I can take many a form, this being only
one. True Shroud shall not be seen here any longer. </Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_challenge_begin1">Shadow is the champion who's come to
defeat Titan! Will you help us?</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_challenge_begin2">Thou shall not see Titan. For this is
what thou needs to know: many claimed to fight him before. Each of them found me,
talked to me, so strong and proud. </Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_challenge_begin3">As time passed, I saw each one of them
on Titan’s leash, their eyes empty, devastating their own homeworlds. History
repeats itself over and over again...</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_challenge_begin4">You don’t understand! Shadow is
different, outstanding! If you help us, Titan will fall! You’d know that if you saw
what Shadow went through to get here!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_challenge_begin5">Enough! I want to know nothing! Only
one was "outstanding". And he failed like all the rest. But it does not matter. It
is all in the past now.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_challenge_enter1">Let me show thee some of those who came
before. I keep them in my memory - all of them...</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_challenge_enter2">Fight them, each with his own rules
coming from his own world, and thou shall see what fine warriors fell under Titan's
feet. </Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_duel_begin1">Shadow, do you copy? You've impressed our
fighters, but another wishes to spar under special rules. Meet him at the Hideout
if you want. Over and out.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_duel_begin2">Shadow, it’s Cypher speaking. There is yet
another fighter at the Hideout who would like to spar with you. </Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_ancient_fightenter1">Yes, thou art strong, Shadow, and
well instructed in the art of fighting. </Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_ancient_fightenter2">But please, forget about confronting
Titan. Hide, like I do. Let me help. Here: I shall change thine form. Thou shalt
look like one of his men... </Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_ancient_fightenter3">Don’t be ridiculous. You know he
will not stop.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_ancient_fightenter4">Then – my need to stop thee is that
much greater. Titan shall not have another slave-soldier, strong as thou
<Word Title="zone7_c2_ancient_fightend1">Indeed thou art full of might, O
Shadow, and strong beyond all measure. For even Shroud could never overcome me when
I sparred with him.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_ancient_fightend2">Did you teach Shroud?!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_ancient_fightend3">I trusted in him. He had prospect, and
grip, and will. He could have been the long-expected liberator. But Titan made him
an enslaver instead.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_ancient_fightend4">But do you now believe that Shadow has
a chance against Titan? Will you help us?</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_ancient_fightend5">It has been a long time since I have
believed in anything. Begone. I have nothing for thee.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_tournament_begin1">Shadow, Kali, do you copy? Status
<Word Title="zone7_c2_tournament_begin2">We found Ancient. It was a mostly
useless meeting. But Shadow now looks like one of Titan's soldiers. Ancient can
change others’ forms as well as his own.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_tournament_begin3">Interesting. He won't be allowed near
Titan still, but I have an idea. Titan's men are holding a competition at the
<Word Title="zone7_c2_tournament_begin4">The winner will be promoted to a
commander of a special squadron "Faceless" at the ceremony held at Titan's citadel.
It's your chance to get close to Titan.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_tournament_battleend1">Shadow, Kali, do you copy? Got new
intel. Looks like Shroud is completely out of control!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_tournament_battleend2">Titan is sending one of his
retainers, a certain Justice, to bring Shroud to his senses. Here is what we’ve
<Word Title="zone7_c2_tournament_battleend3">...attention all units. Everyone
who gets visual contact on Shroud, report immediately. Do not approach him, he’s
extremely dangerous.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_tournament_battleend4">Don’t even try! Friend or foe,
I’ll crush everyone who stands between me and my prey!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_shroud_wins1">I have intercepted another exchange of
messages. Commencing transmission.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_shroud_wins2">Shroud, Titan has personally ordered me to
take Shadow alive. You must cooperate. Over.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_shroud_wins3">I know Titan’s will. What he truly wants!
Shadow dies by my hand! You shall not stop me!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_shroud_wins4">The Hideout's compromised! My fighters are
trying to stop Shroud, but they’re too weak! I'm in the panic room, but it’s just a
matter of time before...</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_shroud_wins5">This is Shroud! Your base is under my
control! Shadow, hear me: I will find your know-it-all friend sooner or later.
Clock’s ticking, show yourself!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_shroud_beaten1">Shroud, my dear. At last I've found you.
Was this brave soldier trying to stop you?</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_shroud_beaten2">Stand up, soldier. Your battle isn’t over
yet. It will not end until you make Shroud bite the dust. He deserves that
humiliation. Fight again!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_shroud_beaten3">You fools! You think Titan mesmerized me?
I'm here of my own free will! He’s the one who understands how to build a new
world, a world without borders and wars!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_shroud_beaten4">All worlds share the same fate – their
own destruction. Titan saves the people from the burden of killing each other,
takes them under his iron fist... </Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_shroud_beaten5">Enough talking! Shroud, you will be
placed in the Incubator’s feeding tub to serve as nutrition for a new generation of
Titan’s military.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_shroud_beaten6">And you, my little winner... No normal
soldier is capable of stopping Shroud. Besides, I couldn’t help but recognize your
fighting style.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_final">Long time no see, dear friend.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_eclipsemode_reward">A fight won in Eclipse grants Shadow
Orbs giving special properties to items.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_forge_random_enchantment">But remember – Shadow Orbs are
unstable. It is hard to predict the result.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_forge_materials">Here you can see the number of Shadow
Orbs you need to enchant your gear.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_forge_show_enchantment">Good! Your armor is now
enchanted. Come back any time to improve your gear.</Word>
<Word Title="tutorial_return_map">For now you can return to your map and
continue your journey.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Zone1_Rematch">Win a Tournament in Act I once
<Word Title="fight_locked_chapter2">
You're not trained enough
to face Titan!</Word>
<Word Title="MINIBOSS_ANCIENT_TITLE">Ancient</Word>
<Word Title="MINIBOSS_SHROUD_TITLE">Shroud</Word>
<Word Title="characterAncient">ANCIENT</Word>
<Word Title="characterJustice">JUSTICE</Word>
<Word Title="HIDEOUT_DUEL">Hideout Duel</Word>
<Word Title="Location_Eggs">INCUBATOR</Word>
<Word Title="EGGS_TOURNAMENT">Incubator Tournament</Word>
<Word Title="Act_7_Chapter_2">Act VII: Chapter 2</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_GARNET">GARNET</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_BERYL">BERYL</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_TOPAZ">TOPAZ</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_GOLEM">GOLEM</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_ABYSS">ABYSS</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_HARPY">HARPY</Word>
<Word Title="NO_BLOCKS_KICKS_ONLY">No blocks, kicks only</Word>
<Word Title="MAGIC_LEVEL_RESTRICTION">Magic level {0}</Word>
<Word Title="FIGHT_IN_THE_DARK_NO_HEALTHBAR">Fight in the dark, no
<Word Title="EARTHQUAKE">Periodical earthquakes</Word>
<Word Title="RING_OUT_INVISIBLE_ENEMY">Ring out, invisible enemy</Word>
<Word Title="HOT_GROUND_NO_FALLS">Hot ground, you lose on fall</Word>
<Word Title="THROW_AREA">Perform a throw in a shown area</Word>
<Word Title="TRANSIENT_REGENERATION">Enemy regenerates until being hit</Word>
<Word Title="INVERTED_JOYSTICK_DODGE_ENEMYS_MAGIC">Inverted movement, dodge
enemy magic</Word>
<Word Title="VOLCANO">Periodical eruptions</Word>
<Word Title="AGGRESSIVE_ENEMY_TIMEOUT_SURVIVE">Aggressive enemy, you win on
<Word Title="THORNY_WALLS">Shrinked location with thorny walls</Word>
<Word Title="SCORE_CONTEST_HOT_GROUND">Hot ground, score victory</Word>
<Word Title="TRANSIENT_BLEEDING_DAMAGE_RETURN">Passing burning effect, enemy
returns damage</Word>
<Word Title="EARTHQUAKE_INVERTED_JOYSTICK">Periodical earthquakes, inverted
<Word Title="ANCIENT_MAGIC_LEVEL_RESTRICTION">Thou shalt only fight in this
combat if thou possess a magic amulet not lower than level {0}.</Word>
<Word Title="ANCIENT_FIGHT_IN_THE_DARK_NO_HEALTHBAR">Dark shall fall upon thee
from time to time in this fight, and thou shalt not see thy foe's health.</Word>
<Word Title="ANCIENT_EARTHQUAKE">Earth itself shall tremble under thy feet in
this fight, and thou shall fall and suffer wounds.</Word>
<Word Title="ANCIENT_RING_OUT_INVISIBLE_ENEMY">In this fight thou shalt lose
should thee step on the red, and thou shall not see thine adversary.</Word>
<Word Title="ANCIENT_HOT_GROUND_NO_FALLS">Defeat shall be thy destiny in this
fight, shouldst thou stand on the ground for five seconds or more, or shouldst thou
<Word Title="ANCIENT_SCORE_CONTEST_HEAD_HIT">The winner in this combat shall be
he who gains more points with head hits.</Word>
only open for those who have all equipment of level {0} or higher, including magics
and thrown blades.</Word>
<Word Title="ANCIENT_RANDOM_AREA_ZONED_DAMAGE">Fight, but know that thou shalt
only be able to wound thy foe in the zone that is noted.</Word>
<Word Title="ANCIENT_WEAPON_LEVEL_RESTRICTION">To fight this combat, have a
weapon not lower than level {0}.</Word>
<Word Title="ANCIENT_DODGE_ENEMYS_RANGED">In this fight, thy foe's throwing
blades shall kill thee once they hit.</Word>
<Word Title="ANCIENT_THROW_AREA">To win, thou shalt grip thy foe and throw him,
all in the zone that is noted.</Word>
<Word Title="ANCIENT_TRANSIENT_REGENERATION">Thy foe shall start regaining his
health from hitting thee, but thou shalt be able to prevent that by hitting
walking to the left thou shalt move to the right, and vice versa. Also, thy foe's
magics will kill thee instantly.</Word>
<Word Title="ANCIENT_VOLCANO">There shall be a mighty geyser of magic springing
up from time to time as thou fights this foe, dealing damage to all it hits.</Word>
shall be that of ease: survive for {0} seconds, for thy foe shall be of unusual
<Word Title="ANCIENT_ARMOR_LEVEL_RESTRICTION">To fight this combat, clothe
thyself in armor not lower than level {0}.</Word>
<Word Title="ANCIENT_THORNY_WALLS">Fight in a narrow place this time, with
damage-dealing thorns on the arena's borders.</Word>
<Word Title="ANCIENT_SCORE_CONTEST_HOT_GROUND">Deal more hits than thy foe to
win this fight, and stay for five seconds or more on the ground to lose.</Word>
in this fight. Hit thy foe to stop the flow and he shall bleed instead, but thou
shall be damaged in return.</Word>
<Word Title="ANCIENT_SHOCK">Disarm thy adversary if thou wishes to win in this
<Word Title="ANCIENT_EARTHQUAKE_INVERTED_JOYSTICK">Earth itself shall tremble
under thy feet in this fight, thou shalt suffer wounds when falling. Walking one
way, thou shalt move in the other.</Word>
<Word Title="ANCIENT_STYLE">Thy foe shall be tough as stone, but reach {0}
style, and thou shall win at once.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c2_final2">So Shadow meets May when least expected. Where
shall he end up? Find out in the third chapter!</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeSwordSlash">Composite Sword Slash</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeSwordDoubleSlash">Composite Sword Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeSwordHeavySlash">Composite Sword Heavy Slash</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeSwordSuperSlash">Composite Sword Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeSwordSpinningSlash">Composite Sword Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeSwordUpperSlash">Composite Sword Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeSwordLowSlash">Composite Sword Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="ShockerClawsSuperSlash">Electric Shock</Word>
<Word Title="PowerFistsHighPunch">Pneumo Fists High Punch</Word>
<Word Title="PowerFistsDoubleSlash">Pneumo Fists Double Punch</Word>
<Word Title="PowerFistsHeavyPunch">Pneumo Fists Heavy Punch</Word>
<Word Title="PowerFistsSuperSlash">Pneumo Fists Quake</Word>
<Word Title="PowerFistsSpinningPunch">Pneumo Fists Spinning Punch</Word>
<Word Title="PowerFistsUpperCut">Pneumo Fists Uppercut</Word>
<Word Title="PowerFistsLowPunch">Pneumo Fists Low Punch</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeSpearSlash">Composite Spear Thrust</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeSpearDoubleSlash">Composite Spear Double Thrust</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeSpearHeavySlash">Composite Spear Heavy Thrust</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeSpearSuperSlash">Composite Spear Super Thrust</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeSpearUpperSlash">Composite Spear Upper Thrust</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeSpearLowSlash">Composite Spear Low Thrust</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeSpearSpinningSlash">Composite Spear Spinning
<Word Title="CompositeStaffSuperSlash">Composite Staff Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_CRYSTALLINE">Crystalloid Visor</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_SUPER_LASER">Laserbeam Mask</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_TUBES">Xenon Helm</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_CYBER_MASK">Mandible Mask</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_CYBER_SAMURAI">Formics Headgear</Word>
<Word Title="MAGIC_DEATH_RAY">Force Ray</Word>
<Word Title="MAGIC_ACID_CLOUD">Toxic Cloud</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_CIRCULAR_SAW">Circular Saws</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_SUPER_MINE">Landmines</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_POLYTOXINE_LORICA">Polytoxine Lorica</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_SPACE_GOWN">Space Gown</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_GALAXY_TUNIC">Galaxy Tunic</Word>
<Word Title="dlgFirstPaymentOffer">Purchase a {0} and get {1}%% more for the
same price!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgRepeatPaymentOffer_Gold">Purchase a {0} and receive {1}%% more
coins for the same price! This offer expires in: </Word>
<Word Title="dlgRepeatPaymentOffer_Ruby">Get a {0} and receive {1}%% more gems
for the same price! This offer expires in: </Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_TEC_KNIVES">Hack Knives</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_COMPOSITE_SCYTHE">Reaver</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_COMPOSITE_STAFF">Telescopic Staff</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_COMPOSITE_SPEAR">Thruster</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_POWER_FISTS">Pneumo Fists</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SUPER_COMPOSITE_SWORD">Composite Sword</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_SHOCKER_CLAWS">Shocker Claws</Word>
<Word Title="ForgeNotificationSimple">You've got enough resources to enchant
your gear using a Simple Recipe.</Word>
<Word Title="ForgeNotificationMedium">You've got enough resources to enchant
your gear using a Medium Recipe.</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_SUPER_MERC_SUIT">Mercenary Vest</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_XENOMORPH">Alien Cloak</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeScytheDoubleSlash">Composite Scythe Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeScytheSlash">Composite Scythe Slash</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeScytheHeavySlash">Composite Scythe Heavy Slash</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeScytheSuperSlash">Composite Scythe Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeScytheSpinningSlash">Composite Scythe Spinning
<Word Title="CompositeScytheUpperSlash">Composite Scythe Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="CompositeScytheLowSlash">Composite Scythe Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="DoubleScytheDoubleSlash">Double Scythe Double Slash</Word>
<Word Title="DoubleScytheSlash">Double Scythe Slash</Word>
<Word Title="DoubleScytheHeavySlash">Double Scythe Heavy Slash</Word>
<Word Title="DoubleScytheSuperSlash">Double Scythe Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="DoubleScytheSpinningSlash">Double Scythe Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="DoubleScytheUpperSlash">Double Scythe Upper Slash</Word>
<Word Title="DoubleScytheLowSlash">Double Scythe Low Slash</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_BLASTER">Incinerator</Word>
<Word Title="ANCIENT_NO_BLOCKS_KICKS_ONLY">In this fight, thou shalt only kick
thy foe, and never block his attacks.</Word>
<Word Title="Casket_Gems_gp">%Casket_Gems</Word>
<Word Title="Casket_Gems_Zone7_gp">%Casket_Gems</Word>
<Word Title="dlgServiceDownloadDemandForced">Some content is missing and needs
to be updated:
SIZE: {0} MB</Word>
<!-- Chapter 3-->
<Word Title="versionCheckDialog">You have an old version of Shadow Fight 2. For
better gaming experience, please update your version.</Word>
<Word Title="dlgNotEnoughGoldMessageABtestNoCoins">You can earn coins in
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Zone_1_Rematch">Win all Tournaments in {0} once
<Word Title="SenseiEclipsemodeNotify">Was it too easy? Then cast a look at the
sun, for the powers of dark are stronger during its eclipse. And defeating them
brings Shadow Orbs!</Word>
<Word Title="HelperEclipsemodeNotify">Remember: during the eclipse enemies are
stronger, but the reward is better!</Word>
<Word Title="dlgBtnRedirect">GO</Word>
<Word Title="Act_7_Chapter_3">Act VII: Chapter 3</Word>
<Word Title="Spaceship_Challenge">Spaceship Challenge</Word>
<Word Title="characterScavenger">SCAVENGER</Word>
<Word Title="LockedTitanDescription">Get ready to meet the mighty conqueror of
the shadow world!</Word>
<Word Title="Titan's_citadel">Titan</Word>
<Word Title="characterAssasin">ASSASSIN</Word>
<Word Title="characterMaster">MASTER</Word>
<Word Title="characterGuru">GURU</Word>
<Word Title="characterCorsair">CORSAIR</Word>
<Word Title="characterEmperor">EMPEROR</Word>
<Word Title="DUEL_FACTORY">Factory Duel</Word>
<Word Title="EGGS_SURVIVAL">Incubator Survival</Word>
<Word Title="STONE_FOREST_TOURNAMENT">Stone Grove Tournament</Word>
<Word Title="NAME_WRAITH">WRAITH</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_HALF-LIFE">Half-life Armor</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_OUTWORLD_VEST">Outworld Vest</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_FACELESS_TUNIC">Faceless's Tunic</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_MEMBRANE_CUIRASS">Membrane Cuirass</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_NAVIGATORS_COAT">Navigator's Coat</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_NAVIGATORS_BREATH_MASK">Navigator's Breath Mask</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_FACELESS_MASK">Faceless's Mask</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_VISOR">Elders' Visor</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_PROTECTOR">Protector's Headgear</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_SUPER_BLADE">Dissecting Blade</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_THORNS">Mortal Thorns</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_LOTOS">Lotos of Pain</Word>
<Word Title="MAGIC_SAWMILL">Torturer's Rage</Word>
<Word Title="MAGIC_FIRE_AURA">Wrath of Flame</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_ELECTRO_HAMMERS">Thunder Hammers</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_FIRE_BATONS">Flame clubs</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_KNOBSTICKS">Orbs of pain</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_GLAIVEBOW">Cobra's Tooth</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_RIFLE">Plasma rifle</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_begin1">Long time no see, dear friend. The Gates are
closed, so - you want more? You want to take Titan's place, don't you?</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_begin2">And who's that? A new girlfriend already? Titan
was right! You're not "saving the world". Chicks and power, that's all you want!
Why else would you climb in here?</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_begin3">Don't be silly. I am not his "girlfriend", I am
his liaison officer. And he's here for you!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_begin4">For me? What do you know about it?! He's not...
But... are you... serious?</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_begin5">Attention, Justice! We demand your surrender! I
have restored the Hideout's internal defense circuit; you have no other
<Word Title="zone7_c3_begin6">Argh! Damn you, rebel! Damn you, Shadow! All that
talk was just to trick me! But Titan will come! Titan will tear your heads
<Word Title="zone7_c3_begin7">The girl has lost her mind, obviously, it's
Titan's work. We can hold her here, but she'll remain like that for as long as
Titan holds grip of her mind.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_begin8">So it's back to plan A: we're going to the
Citadel with Shadow disguised as Titan's soldier.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_spaceship1">Folkss! I can ssmell it! Shadow Energy! Sso
pure, sso undiluted! So tasssty!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_spaceship2">So... hungry! I smell it... on you! Damn you,
Titan! What... have you done... to me!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_spaceship3">Scavengers. Titan runs horrible experiments
on his prisoners, drives them mad with pain, then throws them away from the Citadel
when he no longer needs them.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_spaceship4">Shadow Energy is like both food and dope for
them. Strange. The Scavengers are usually scared of Titan's soldiers, but now they
seem to...</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_challenge_phrase1">Give 'im to me! Now! Now!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_challenge_phrase2">Ssee, folkss! Shadow man! He smellss
so delicious! Let’ss feasst!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_spaceship_done1">Kali to Cypher. The Scavengers attacked
us. They were babbling about a source of "pure Shadow Energy". Do you know of it?
<Word Title="zone7_c3_spaceship_done2">I understand Titan's true motives now.
When you opened the Gates, Shadow Energy formed a new body for you. A capsule made
of pure energy.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_spaceship_done3">Should you lose this battle, Titan won't
need the champions' energy - he'll have yours. Any world finding itself in his way
will be reduced to ashes.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_spaceship_done4">No! Fear is a luxury we can't afford. As
long as you keep May under guard, Titan will not recognize Shadow. We're entering
the Citadel now!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_citadel1">Why of course. Did you think you could trick my
beasts? They know pure Shadow Energy - you can't hide! Welcome to my humble
Citadel, Shadow.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_citadel2">You are my crowning glory! The Gates opened,
and you survived the most powerful Shadow Energy emission. But you're no slave;
you've retained your mind and will.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_citadel3">So many experiments, so many worlds... Finally,
success! But before I take your power, meet some of those who, too, survived the
<Word Title="zone7_c3_citadel4">They were so much like you - your doubles, I
might say - but lacked the will to hold so much energy...</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_guard1_greetings1">Yours is the fame of the most talented
assassin. For that is your main skill: killing. Why waste time with common rabble,
doing their meaningless errands?</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_guard1_greetings2">I took over the Order in one of the
worlds, then did away with the bothersome old man and that skirt. Now only I decide
who lives and who dies - I'm in control.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_guard1_defeated">You let me live... That mistake will
cost you dearly! One day...</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_guard2_greetings1">Mastery of combat is above all else. I
have no match, so I choose to challenge the Eternity, so that I could excel
<Word Title="zone7_c3_guard2_greetings2">I have become the greatest Master of
the Orient. The rare disciple who earns an audience with me only reminds me of my
<Word Title="zone7_c3_guard2_defeated">You, wayward moron! I have founded a
great school, and my name will be remembered, and pronounced gushingly! And you
shall simply be forgotten...</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_guard3_greetings1">You don't fear me? Strange. Should you
had been a little braver, Shadow, you could've become me. Didn't you see people
were worshiping you? Was it not obvious?</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_guard3_greetings2">Butcher's children saw in me their
messiah, one to free them from censure and morals. They are my flock now, and I
lead them. Where we walk, blood will flow.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_guard3_defeated">Think well, Shadow. With your potential,
you could lead nations! We can be at head of a great family of faithful! I shall be
<Word Title="zone7_c3_guard4_greetings1">Answering the call of the ocean
granted me freedom! Now, the only true law is my law. And any who stand in my way -
I'll feed them to the sea devil!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_guard4_greetings2">Wasp was weak! Now her fleet is mine.
When the land rats see my black banner heaving, they know death is coming to their
towns, death with my face!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_guard4_defeated">The ocean does not excuse mistakes. I
shall now have to atone for my failure - atone with blood of innocents. Is that the
victory you wanted?</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_guard5_greetings1">Kneel, peasant, and behold your
sovereign, who rules with an iron hand! When Shogun's head touched the ground, I
took his kingdom - it was mine by rights!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_guard5_greetings2">You're meek, Shadow. People left to
their own will shall soon destroy the State. And you are the quintessence of
everything that I hate about commoners! </Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_guard5_defeated">Cur, mongrel! Should you ever dare to
trespass my kingdom, my vassals will flay you alive!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_allguardsdefeated1">Incredible! Your power is
unprecedented! I never imagined you'd be able to defeat your dark half. But you
have surpassed my expectations!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_allguardsdefeated2">Your essence belongs to me, just like
the Gates that you have opened! It will open the way for me to thousands of worlds
that have no heroes to guard them.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_allguardsdefeated3">Following the call of your heart
brought you into my trap. Losing your body, you gained the ability to walk between
the worlds. And that shall soon be mine.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_allguardsdefeated4">You're filled with fury, waiting to
fight me, but... Once more, for the last time, I would like to watch what pure
Shadow Energy is really capable of... May!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_allguardsdefeated5">I hear you, my lord.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_allguardsdefeated6">What?! How did she escape?</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_allguardsdefeated7">Ha! Did you think that some ragtag
gang could hold me in place? Their blood is on your hands!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_allguardsdefeated8">Skank!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_allguardsdefeated9">Restrain yourself, girlie. I've
brought your buddy Cypher here to watch you fail. And you, Shadow, get a special
reward for your obstinacy: fighting me!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_may_greetings">I know every move before you make it! I
have seen all your fights! How can you hope to defeat me?</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_may_defeated1">No... No! What's going on? Where am I? How
did I get here?</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_may_defeated2">It's okay. Just breathe. Titan kidnapped
you, but Shadow gave chase. Now pull yourself together. We'll have time to discuss
all that happened...</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_may_defeated3">What... what have I done?</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_may_defeated4">Our enemy proved to be more devious than
expected. It was not your fault. But you should go now, while you can! Back through
the Gates and to your world.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_may_defeated5">But... how can I leave... him?</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_may_defeated6">That was the purpose of Shadow's mission:
to set you free. Just go! The rest of us - we have things to do here. It's your
turn, Shadow!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_may_defeated7">Your world teeters on the edge of the
abyss, Shadow, unaware that its fate was already decided: it's destined to become
the flesh and blood of the new empire!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_may_defeated8">After you fall, I will give you some time
to see the finale of that world and the birth of the new one. Sheer, wild, endless.
My world!</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_losstoboss1">Do not wonder, Shadow. You, humans, live in
haste, but I know the value of time. </Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_losstoboss2">Thy friends and thy foes, they cannot see or
hear us now. I have stopped the flow time so thou can take a breath. I give thee
another chance.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_tournament_begins">New banners are now flying over the
risen army! Ancient gave us new life, so that we should fight anyone who dares
trespass in his realm.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_tournament_after6wins1">Once we came here to take
Ancient’s head, but fell to his sword. He is now gone to the war of his own. He is
not here anymore.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_tournament_after6wins2">So - Ancient has left the Stone
Grove? Where did he go, I wonder?</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_tournament_after12wins">There is more of us than you
think. We shall rise from our tombs, again and again.</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_c3_tournament_after18wins">Titan was our lord, but it was
Ancient who gave us new life. We shall protect the secrets of the Stone Grove
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Justice">Salvation</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Justice_Eclipse">Redemption</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Titan">Retribution</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Titan_Eclipse">Vengeance</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Level_Cap">Totally Experienced</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Win_After_Shock">Amazement Effect</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Win_After_Shock_Eclipse">Beating the Odds</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Justice">Save May from Titan.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Justice_Eclipse">Win a fight with May once
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Titan">Defeat Titan.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Titan_Eclipse">Win a fight with Titan once
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Level_Cap">Gain maximum level.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Win_After_Shock">Win a round after being
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Win_After_Shock_Eclipse">Win a round after being
shocked during Eclipse.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Cypher">Man of Sense</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Cypher">Defeat Cypher.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Hyperion">Robopocalypse</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Hyperion">Defeat Cronos.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Surv_Factory">Presumed Innocent</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Surv_Factory">Overcome Survival at the
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Tourn_Hideout">The Inside Job</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Tourn_Hideout">Defeat all competitors at the
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Ancient">Buried in Oblivion</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Ancient">Defeat Ancient.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Chlng_Forest">The Flashback</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Chlng_Forest">Defeat all Ghosts.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Tourn_Eggs">Rare Specimen</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Tourn_Eggs">Win the Tournament at the
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Shroud">Curtains Fall</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Shroud">Defeat Shroud.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Surv_Eggs">Survival of the Fittest</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Surv_Eggs">Overcome Survival at the
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Chlng_Ship">Cleaning Up!</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Chlng_Ship">Defeat the Scavengers.</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Tourn_Forest">Dead Stay Dead</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Tourn_Forest">Win the Tournament in the Stone
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Hard">Diehard Fighter</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Hard">Win a fight on Hard difficulty
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Insane">Insane Fighter</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Insane">Win a fight on Insane difficulty
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Impossible">Made It Possible</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Impossible">Win a fight on Impossible difficulty
<Word Title="Achievement_Name_Profi">Furious Comeback</Word>
<Word Title="Achievement_Desc_Profi">Re-play the Tournament and the Challenge
in Act 7 Chapter 3 completely.</Word>
<Word Title="KnobsticksSuperSlash">Knobsticks Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="ElectroHammersSuperSlash">Thunder Hammers
Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="FireBatonsHeavySlash">Flame clubs Heavy Slash</Word>
<Word Title="FireBatonsSpinningSlash">Flame clubs Spinning Slash</Word>
<Word Title="FireBatonsSuperSlash">Flame clubs Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="GlaivebowSuperSlash">Glaive-Bow Super Slash</Word>
<Word Title="RifleSlash">Bayonet Hit</Word>
<Word Title="RifleDoubleSlash">Bayonet Double Hit</Word>
<Word Title="RifleLowSlash">Bayonet Low Hit</Word>
<Word Title="RifleUpperSlash">Bayonet Upper Hit</Word>
<Word Title="RifleSpinningSlash">Bayonet Spinning Hit</Word>
<Word Title="RifleHeavySlash">Bayonet Heavy Hit</Word>
<Word Title="RifleSuperSlash">Rifle shot</Word>
<Word Title="INVERTED_JOYSTICK_COMBO">Inverted movement, perform a {0} combo to
inverted in this fight. Perform a {0} hit combo to win.</Word>
you win by timeout</Word>
fight, your enemy is invisible, but very agressive. Stay alive for 60 seconds to
<Word Title="SCORE_CONTEST_HOT_GROUND_FIGHT_IN_THE_DARK">Hot ground, fight in
the dark, score victory</Word>
this fight, you will win by scoring more hits than your enemy. Staying on the
ground for too long will count as loss. Your vision will darken
effect; your enemy regenerates</Word>
fight, you and your enemy both pass on bleeding effect to opponent on attack. Your
enemy regenerates gradually.</Word>
dodge his magic attacks</Word>
this fight, your enemy regenerates gradually if he takes no damage. His magic kills
you instantly.</Word>
<Word Title="MINES_ONLY_NO_MAGIC_BOT_ENDURANCE">Landmines only; enemy can't use
magic or missiles</Word>
landmines are your only weapon, and your enemy will not use magic or
<Word Title="EARTHQUAKE_NO_JUMPS">Earthquakes; no jumps</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_EARTHQUAKE_NO_JUMPS">In this fight earth itself
shudders under your feet; furthermore, you're not allowed to jump.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_VOLCANO">In this fight earth disgorges magic
periodically. Dodge its indomitable rage!</Word>
<Word Title="THROW_AREA_DODGE_ENEMYS_RANGED">Win by throwing enemy within
marked zone, dodge enemy's missiles</Word>
defeat your enemy you must throw him within the marked zone. His missiles are
deadly - dodge them to stay alive.</Word>
<Word Title="THORNY_WALLS_NO_FALLS">Walls have spikes; you lose if you
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_THORNY_WALLS_NO_FALLS">In this fight even walls
are extremely harmful for you. If the enemy knocks you down, you lose.</Word>
<Word Title="RING_OUT_ENEMY_FAST_MAGIC_CHARGE">You lose on ring-out; enemy
recharges magic very fast</Word>
those who overstep the ring bounds lose; furthermore, your enemy charges his magic
much faster.</Word>
<Word Title="5_ENEMIES_RANDOM_RULE">Five fights in a row with special
conditions and random weapons</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_5_ENEMIES_RANDOM_RULE">In this fight you will
encounter five enemies in a row. Every fight has got its own rules, you'll get a
random weapon to defend yourself.</Word>
<Word Title="FULL_DESCRIPTION_MAGIC_LEVEL_RESTRICTION">You may enter this fight
with a magic level {0} or higher only.</Word>
<Word Title="MAY_RAID_UNLOCK">So - where are we? At the end of a very long
adventure, and the beginning of a calm and happy life?</Word>
<Word Title="SENSEI_RAID_UNLOCK">See those hot ashes in the wind? This world
needs your help again, Shadow. But this time thousands shall follow you into the
<Word Title="SENSEI_RAID_UNLOCK2">The hot air is rising from this pit between
the rocks. Something is very, very wrong here. Proceed with caution - and not
before we find a team to support you.</Word>
<Word Title="SPHERE_GAIN">This sphere contains some of the essence of our own
world that Titan’s minions have likely stolen... It should not be left unattended!
<Word Title="drop_name_sphere">Eternals' Sphere</Word>
<Word Title="zone7_sphere_drop">The Eternals' Sphere glows from the inside and
pulses with some obscure power.</Word>
<!-- Halloween 2015-->
<Word Title="HW2015_stranger_greetings">Trick or treat! The spirits are nigh!
Do you hear them whispering? Once in a year they awaken to watch a spectacular
<Word Title="HW2015_stranger_greetings2">The winner gets this broom, a symbol
of the incredible might of the warriors of the past. But... it’s been mine for
ages! The spirits are bored... and angry!</Word>
<Word Title="HW2015_stranger_challenge">Hello! What a fine costume! Who are you
today, dear? A hero or a villain? Or just a kid on a quest for some sweets?
<Word Title="HW2015_stranger_reject">Oh, not again... No, no, please don’t yell
all at once! Can you hear them? Now they’ll be shouting in my head! Oh, come back,
<Word Title="HW2015_stranger_rematch_offer">The spirits are so fond of
offerings... I think I could convince them giving you another chance if you’d
donate a few coins...</Word>
<Word Title="HW2015_stranger_challenge_again">The spirits doubt if my choice
was right. Let’s prove them wrong! I trust in you, my dear!</Word>
<Word Title="HW2015_stranger_drop">Incredible! After so many years I can
finally leave this job! Take your prize, my hero. And be blessed by the warrior
<Word Title="HW2015_stranger_rematch_warning">Are you sure? I doubt you'll ever
see her again if you quit now.</Word>

<Word Title="CharacterWitch">LILITH</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_HW15_SCYTHE">Blade Of Death</Word>
<Word Title="WEAPON_HW15_BROOM">Devil's broom</Word>
<Word Title="ARMOR_HW15_WICKED_VEIL">Mist Cloak</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_HW15_WITCH">Witch Hat</Word>
<Word Title="HELM_HW15_PUMPKIN">Obsessed Pumpkin</Word>
<Word Title="RANGED_HW15_SKULL">Flame skull</Word>
<Word Title="Chest_HW15">Mysterious chest</Word>
<Word Title="Chest_HW15_Text">Purchase this chest to get unique Halloween items
and Ascension tickets.</Word>
<Word Title="HW2015_item">Congratulations! You've won a unique Halloween item!
<Word Title="HW2015_tickets">Congratulations! You have received {image0}{1}
lottery tickets! You can use it in Ascension (available in Zone 2).</Word>

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