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Communication barriers implies any form of hindrance in the flow of communication.


At modern banks solution implementation can become an exceeding complex task, involving
stakeholders across institutions and departments .During these transitions, clear decision and goal
communication become challenging, largely due to number of moving pieces involved .As such banking
executive often report flagging enthusiasm and a lack of support for transitional processes when
institutional goals and objectives seem unclear .In this sense , communication failures stands as one of
the most substantial barriers that institutions seeking change must overcome .


1.Wrong communication technology

Communication technology can make or break any organization’s communication strategy. In the sea of
available technology, employers in a bank need to be able to find and implement solutions that best fit
their organizational needs and goals. Luckily, modern internal communications solutions are made to
tackle the biggest communication barrier.

2.Organization structure

Complex and rigid organizational structure can be the main culprit for inefficient communication in a
bank, making It one of the most common communication barriers. This may lead to inefficient
information sharing and communication systems, often resulting in frustrations, lack of engagement,
and productivity among employees. If the bank is highly hierarchical, information can easily get soloed,
lost or distorted as It travels through each layer of the hierarchy.

3.Lack of trust

When there is no trust, there is no effective communication in a bank. In other words, when employees
do not trust their employers or manager’s communication suffers. This is the reason why one of the
main goals for bank organizations across the world has become to build trust in the world has become
to build trust in the workplace. Yet, many employers still have long way to go to become more

4.Wrong communication channels

There are. Many different communication channels people use nowadays. The same is true for banks.
Such complexity in the communication ecosystem makes it hard for employers to make sure that they
use the right channel to inform their people and deliver relevant information in a timely manner.

5.Communication skills and styles

People have different communication skills and styles. oftentimes these differences in communication
skills can create communication barriers in the bank between the communicator and the receiver of the
message. For example, while some people may be highly detailed and specific when communicating,
others may tend to generalize. Even though communication skills are extremely important only few
employees are evaluated on their communication skills in performance reviews.
6.Social distance and physical barriers

Banks depend on digital means of communication due to social distancing and remote ways of working.
These physical barriers are even more evident within organization within blue – collar employees
without designated working places. Such barriers can go a long way in causing damage to an
organization that doesn’t know how to leverage technology to eliminate communication challenges.


Communication should always be a toe way street. Moreover, listening is more important than
speaking. Yet, many banks still don’t understand the importance of encouraging employees share their
voice and the value of their feedback. Those who drive and nurture the culture of open workplace
communication enjoy a happier, healthier, and more engaged workforce.

8.Demographic and cultural differences

The way people interact with each other can vary depending on the demographic and cultural
differences. If communicators in the banks are not aware of these differences, communication barriers
will arise. Hence, it is important to find a common ground for effective communication.

9.Language barriers

Language and the way we use it often results in barriers of effective communication in a bank, this often
happens in various ways example if the customer does not understand the official language and the
worker in the bank is not familiar with the language the customer is using. This will hinder the
effectiveness of communication in the workplace since there must be an interpreter to interpret the
information given.

10.The use of jargon

When employees in the bank use specialized language of a particular field or miscommunication can
occur especially when the customers are unfamiliar with the field. This will cause ineffectiveness in


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