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Section 2 – Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning

Business to Business (B2B) Approach of Spring Dew

This approach is related to the business to business sakes that refers the company who starts
to sell their product or services to the businesses, before direct sales to their customers.
Business to Business have higher values of order and also more complex than B2C sales. The
Drinkenstein PLC organization has to do a proper market research before starts to launch
their products in the customers. The organization should interact with their potential vendor
or the sales person who will deal their product in future. The Drinkenstein PLC organization
can also amalgamate with other successful existing company who already has enough
understanding about the current market of soft drinks. Therefore, the Drinkenstein PLC
organization will be able to identifies the problems or the company can also conduct
additional research to get the possible solutions (Ladrière, Lundquist & Ye 2022). 

Business to Customers (B2C) Approach of Spring Dew

This approach works based on the customers who looks for the goods or services to fulfil
their needs. B2C approach is very easy for the customers to understand about their product.
Drinkenstein PLC organization should build their website through which the customers will
be able to know about their product. In this website the customers who has already used
Spring Dew will also be able to provide their feedback. So the organization will be able to
know about the demand and the choice of the customers. Through proper advertising the
organization will sell their new product to the huge customers. Social media plays a very vital
role in this case as, in recent trend most of the customers can find about the new product
through social media. Therefore, the organization should build up their social media partners
to catch various age of customers.
Differences between B2B and B2C approach

B2B Approach B2C Approach

In this approach business to business Here, business to customers relation are
relation are associated associated
A long-term boding is built in the business Transactional bonding is built in this
to business approach (Raišienė & Raišys, approach between the business and the
2022). customers.
In B2B approach companies want to In this case, the main focus of the
increase the value of relationship organization is to increase the value of the
In B2B approach Drinkenstein PLC But in this B2c approach the organization
organization always focus on the various gives main focus only on the product.
strategies of the organization

Targeting Methods of the B2C Market on Spring Dew Soft Drink

Drinkenstein PLC organization primarily fixed their target on the age group of 10-60 years of
people in the United Kingdom (Orriens, 2022). 


Geographic segmentation is to division the customers of the organization according to the

region where they live in. Geographic location helps to determines the positioning of the
marketing as well as product sales. So it is extremely important for the Drinkenstein PLC
organization to make a market research before launching their products. Like- the people of
urban area like to drink strawberry flavor or mango flavor whereas the people of township
area like to drink soda or lemon flavor.


Drinkenstein PLC organization should modify their products according to the lifestyle of
their customers. The organization should continue the manufacturing process that helps to
fulfill the nutrition of the customers. The organization should make an excellent packaging of
their drinks in a paper bottle or in a can that also gives sustainability of their product (Zhang
& Feng, 2022).

In this section Drinkenstein PLC organization will focus on the age, gender, or family status
of their potential customers. The primary target of Drinkenstein PLC organization is the age
group 10-60 years of people who like to drink soft drink and also are regular customers. The
organization will conduct a survey in Birmingham of the UK so that the company will be able
forecast about the demand of their new product.

Positioning Method of Spring Dew Soft Drink

The objective of market positioning is to prepare a brand image in the mind of the people
about their soft drinks so that the customers feel more demand about their product. The
company can build up a brand image by packaging their soft drink in a paper bottle or can
that is completely eco-friendly in nature (Guo, 2022).  The raw materials of the product are
completely organic and no utilization of any unnatural colors. So this soft drink is very good
for health of all ages group. In this way Drinkenstein PLC organization fixed their
positioning in the market of their business operation.

Ladrière, M., Lundquist, K., & Ye, Q. (2022). B2B e-commerce marketplaces and MSMES:
Evidence of global value chain facilitation? (No. ERSD-2022-7). WTO Staff Working Paper.

Orriens, M. J. (2022). Business model transformation of start-ups towards a B2B/B2C

hybrid. Developing a value proposition for low-interest goods for the B2B market (Master's
thesis, University of Twente).

Raišienė, A. G., & Raišys, S. J. (2022). Business Customer Satisfaction with B2B Consulting
Services: AHP-Based Criteria for a New Perspective. Sustainability, 14(12), 7437.

Zhang, X., & Feng, L. (2022, April). Research on Information Fusion Method for Cutting
Positioning of Wire Harness Corrugated Pipe. In 2022 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on
Image Processing, Electronics and Computers (IPEC) (pp. 1022-1025). IEEE.

Guo, K. C. X. (2022). Novel positioning algorithms and node configuration optimisation for

non-gps wireless systems (Doctoral dissertation, Macquarie University).

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