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Week 1 – Lesson 2

Understanding the Mind

In this lesson I share why understanding how the mind works is one the
most important gifts we can give ourselves. We create the life we have
using our mind yet we are never formally trained how to use it. This lesson
emphasize why this is the most important part of our study together.


1. Most people struggle with making changes in their life because they don’t understand
how the mind works.

2. Because people don’t understand how the mind works they can’t control it and
therefore can’t direct it, and create the life that they want. It’s not that they don’t have the
ability to. It’s simply because they don’t understand what they are working with.

3. In my lineage, understanding how the mind works is the most important concept to
learn. In your own words, please take a moment to reflect on how this learning will affect
your approach to life. (Use the text box below for your answer)
Worksheets Answers

1. Most people struggle with making changes in their life because they don’t understand how the
mind works.

2. Because people don’t understand how the mind works they can’t control it and therefore can’t
direct it, and create the life that they want. It’s not that they don’t have the ability to. It’s simply
because they don’t understand what they are working with.

3. In my lineage, understanding how the mind works is the most important concept to learn. In
your own words, please take a moment to reflect on how this learning will affect your approach to
life. (Use the text box below for your answer)

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