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1 st Grade Health

Full Year Workbook

Week 5 - 2 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

We have learned about how our bodies work and vitamins in

foods. Now we are going to learn about foods that help our
bodies grow strong.
Nutritionists are people who advise others on what foods to eat
to be healthy. They advise people to eat healthy foods like fruits
and vegetables and to control their portions of meats and fats.
They advise their clients to eat a healthy balance of the 5 food

What are the five food groups?

breads, rice, pasta

vegetables and legumes
milk, yoghurt, cheese
lean meat, fish, poultry
Week 5 - 4 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

Healthy grains include whole grain breads, cereals,

pasta, noodles, biscuits, and other grain products.
These foods provide needed carbohydrates for
energy. Whole wheat bread is better for you than
white bread and provides the body with more

You should eat 5 to 6 servings of healthy grains a day.

A serving size of bread would be 1 slice. You can read
the serving sizes of prepackaged food such as cereal.

Week 6 - 2 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

Vegetables such as broccoli and eggplants are good for your

growing body. They provide nutrients and help you feel full.

Each day we should eat 5 or more servings of vegetables.

A serving size of vegetables is ½ cups to 1 cups.

What are a few of your favorite vegetables?

Week 6 - 4 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

Fruits can come in different ways. They can come

canned, fresh, frozen, or dried. They provide us with
a quick boost of energy and vitamins too. There are
several different kinds of fruits and most are sweet
in taste.

We should have at least 4 servings of fruits a day.

What is your favorite way to eat fruit?

Week 7 - 2 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

Dairy comes in different forms and it is easy to get your daily

suggested servings in. You can drink a glass of milk or eat milk
with your cereal. You can grab and eat yogurt on the go. Also
you could eat cheese on sandwiches or salads.

We should have at least 3 servings of dairy a day.

A serving size of milk is 1 cup. A serving size of cheese would be
1 piece or 1.5 oz.

What is your favorite way to get your dairy servings in?

Week 7 - 4 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

Meat is a good source of protein. Some people choose

to not eat meat. They get their protein from beans
and legumes. Meat comes from animals like cows,
fish, and chicken.

We should get 8 to 9 servings of lean meats a week.

You could also eat 5 servings of beans, legumes, or
What is your favorite way to get your protein in?

Week 8 - 2 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

We should eat a balanced plate of food each day. That means to

eat our servings of fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy, and grains.
All together these foods give us the vitamins, minerals, and
nutrients we need to grow strong and healthy.
Week 8 - 4 Health


Plan out a meals that are well balanced for a day.

Breakfast: Dinner:
Grains: Grains:
Dairy: Dairy:
Fruits: Fruits:
Vegetables: Vegetables:

Lunch: Snacks:
Grains: Grains:
Dairy: Dairy:
Fruits: Fruits:
Vegetables: Vegetables:
Week 9 - 2 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

We all have mouths. We use them for lots of different things. We use the mouth
to talk. We use the mouth to drink. We use the mouth to eat. We use the mouth
to smile and laugh. We also use the mouth to sigh and frown. The different parts
of the mouth are used for different reasons.

The mouth is needed for talking. With the lips and tongue, teeth help form words
by controlling airflow out of the mouth. The tongue strikes the teeth or the roof
of the mouth as some sounds are made. That is how we talk to each other.

While eating, our teeth grind and tear the food in our mouth. Four main kinds of
taste buds are found on the tongue — they sense sweet, salty, sour, and bitter

Our mouth has other parts as well. We are going to learn about the different
parts of our mouth and what they do.
Week 9 - 2 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

The roof of the mouth is called the palate. The front part is called the hard
palate. It divides the mouth and the nasal cavity above. The soft palate is in the
back of the mouth. The soft palate closes off the nasal passage from the throat
when you swallow.

The soft palate also contains the uvula which is the little dangling piece that
hangs down in the back of the mouth. The tonsils are on both sides of the mouth
where the uvula is.

The tongue is a bundle of muscles extending from the floor of the mouth. The
top of the tongue is covered in the taste buds.

When we chew food, special glands in the walls and floor of the mouth secrete
saliva. This saliva, or spit as we often call it, makes the food wet and easier to
break down and swallow.

Four main kinds of

taste buds are found
on the tongue — they
sense sweet, salty,
sour, and bitter
Week 9 - 4 Health


Color the taste bud chart.

Bi t te r



S we et
Week 10 - 2 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

Our teeth are important parts of our mouth. Teeth help us talk
and eat. We have different types of teeth.

We have two sets of teeth in our lifetime. Baby teeth and adult
teeth. A child has 20 teeth that grow in after they are born.
They began to fall out and are replaced with adult teeth at
around six years old. They're replaced by a set of 32 permanent
teeth, which are also called secondary or adult teeth.

We show our teeth when we smile. We also need our teeth to

eat. We should take care of our teeth.

teet h
Week 10 - 4 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

Our teeth are made up of four different types of

tissue: pulp, dentin, enamel, and cementum. This is a
look at the inside of a tooth.

Crown Enamel


Nerves and
blood supply

Week 10 - 4 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

We need to protect our teeth by keeping them clean.

Label the parts of the tooth.
Week 11 - 2 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

Teeth can decay. As they do, they form cavities. These cavities can cause pain
and infection. Once a cavity has formed, the tooth is permanently damage. A
dentist can help keep the tooth from hurting and becoming infected. It is easier
to prevent cavities than to deal with them once they have formed.

Ways to prevent cavities:

• Brush your teeth with toothpaste after every meal or at least twice a day.
Bedtime is an important time to brush.
• Brush up and down in a circular motion.
• Gently brush your gums as well to keep them healthy.
• Floss your teeth once a day to remove plaque and food that's stuck between
your teeth.
• Limit sweets and sugary drinks, like soda or juice.
• See your dentist twice a year for regular checkups.

Week 11 - 4

to ot h to ot h paste

teet h floss

to ot h enamel dentist

to ot h brus h mout h was h
Week 12 - 2 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

A dentist is a doctor that specializing in teeth. You have probably visited a dentist office.
They look at your teeth and make sure they are healthy. They also take care of your teeth if
they are not healthy. A dentist uses many tools to do their job.

A mouth mirror helps the dentist look in the back of your mouth.
They can check for cavities with this tool.

A Sickle Probe is another tool a dentist uses. This beneficial

in finding signs of cavities or gum disease. It explores the
pockets in between teeth.

A Scaler is similar to a sickle probe. It helps to remove larger

sections of build up.

This tool is called the Saliva Ejector or Suction Device. It helps

suck up the spit so the dentist can have a dry place to work.

The dental drill helps to remove decay before the cavity can be filled.
This tool can be quite scary by the looks of it but is nothing to be
worried about.

The dental syringe is what the dentist uses to numb the gums before
working on the tooth. They do that so you won’t feel any pain while
they make your teeth better.
Week 12 - 4 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

A dentist office is much like any other doctor’s office. There are
a few differences but the waiting room is much the same. When
you go back there is a large reclining chair you will sit in. This
chair makes it easier for the dentist to look into your mouth. He
will check your teeth for cavities. He will also clean your teeth
and do X-rays of your teeth. None of this is painful. If you do
have a cavity, they will schedule an appointment to fix it.

When you are finished they dentist will give you a gift. This is
usually a bag with a tooth brush and tooth paste. There may be
some mouth wash or other items as well.

Have you ever been to the dentist? What happened while you
were there?
Week 13 - 2 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

We have five senses that help us navigate the world. Do you know
what they are? Sight, hear, touch, taste, and smell.

What do you use to see with? Your eyes! Sight is important to us

to see how to read, where we are going, and many other things we
do each day. What is something you use your eyes for?

What do you use to hear with? Your ears! Hearing helps us know if
there is danger, what someone is saying, enjoy music, and a lot
more. What do you enjoy hearing?

What do you use to touch with? Hands! We have two of them!

We can touch our toys, soft blankets, or hard rocks. What other
textures can you feel? How about a bumpy football? Or a satiny
rose petal.

What do you use to taste with? We studied about this one before.
Our tongue! Do you remember the different tastes our taste buds
can taste? Bitter, Sour, Salty, and Sweet. Can you think of some
foods that are each?

What do you use to smell with? Our nose! Noses are good for
helping us smell fire and get to safety. They can also tell us when
dinner is almost done. Some things smell nice. Something do not
smell nice. What is something you like to smell?
Week 13 - 4 Health


Circle the senses you would use for each picture. Tell how you would use them.

touch taste hear touch taste hear

smell see smell see

touch taste hear touch taste hear

smell see smell see

touch taste hear touch taste hear

smell see smell see
Week 14 - 2 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

No one likes when someone bullies or hurts their feelings. Being

mean to people can make them sad and affect their health. It
can also affect their mental health. That means it can make
them think sad thoughts. We shouldn’t want our friends and
family to be sad or hurt by what we do. We should want them
to be happy and healthy. When we are nice to people it makes
them feel good and also has an impact on their health but in a
good way. How do you feel when someone is nice to you?

What are some ways you can be nice to people?
Week 14 - 4 Health


Think about the different ways you can be kind and show love to others. When
you show kindness you are bringing happiness into someone’s life. Being happy
can make people feel better even when they are sick.

Plan an act of kindness today. Plan to do something for someone without getting
anything in return. It can be simple like helping your mom clean up. It can be
taking a meal to someone in need. Find a way to show someone kindness.
How do you feel after doing something for someone else? Do you feel happy?
Being kind to others can also bring ourselves happiness. Being kind is a
wonderful thing for everyone!

Write about your act of kindness and how it made you feel on a separate piece
of paper.

Look at the pictures. How is kindness being shown?
Week 15 - 2 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

Do you know what to do in case of a fire? What are some safety tips you have
learned? Here are a few you should know.

Don’t Hide, Go Outside!

Don’t play with fire or matches!
Create an escape plan with your family!
Stay low and crawl to safety!
Don’t go back for your toys!
Make sure the smoke alarms are checked monthly.

You should have a family escape plan

from each room of the house. Know
your exits and how to use the door

Talk with your family and form your

escape plan. Draw a map of your
house and map out the plan on it. Hang
it up in an easy to see location as a
Week 15 - 4 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

A person who puts out fires is called a firefighter. They will drive a fire truck to
a fire. They have many tools they use to make sure people are out of the building
and safe while also putting out the fire. One of those tools is a hose. The hose
can connect to a truck or fire hydrant. It shoots water at the fire to put it out.

Fire fighters will put on their gear and go into a house that is on fire. They have
special gear that will help them in the fire. No one else should go into the burning
building. They wear helmets with face masks. The have oxygen tanks. They have
clothes that protect them. The wear boots and gloves that also protect them.

We should always listen to the firefighters and follow directions. It can be scary
if there is a fire and people can forget how to act. Firefighters are trained to get
everyone to safety.

Firefighters risk their lives to save others. We should be kind to them. If you see
a firefighter, tell them thank you for their service.

What kinds of gear does a firefighter need to go

into a burning house?

Why should we listen to the directions the firefighters

are giving us?
Week 16 - 2 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

A police officers is someone who protects people. They patrol the

streets to keep us safe. They make sure people are driving safely. They
arrest people who commit crimes to try to make our world safer for us.
Police officers wear special uniforms with badges. These uniforms help
people know they are police officers. They also use different tools to do
their jobs. They have a handset to talk to each other and dispatch. They
have handcuffs to help calm people down and keep them from hurting
the officer or others. They have several tools on their belt that they

Don’t be afraid of the police officer. Be nice and do what they tell you
to do. Don’t talk back to them. They are trained to keep the situation
calm and make sure everyone is safe.

Do you know any police officers?

What is something police officers wear to show

they are police officers?
Week 16 - 4 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

What would you do if something were to happen at your house? What
if someone got hurt or someone was trying to get into your house?

What if you got lost and couldn’t find your parents? Do you know who
to call or talk to?

There are a few things you should know in the case of an emergency.

What is your full name?

What is your address?

What is your parent’s cell phone numbers?

What is your home phone number?

What number do you call if there is an emergency?
Week 17 - 2 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

We have learned about eating healthy, muscles, and our bones. Now we
are going to learn about the rest of the body. The human body is a
complex system of many different parts working together.

Our bodies are wonderfully made and can do so many things. We can
use our legs to walk, run, dance, skip, and get us to different places. We
can use our arms to hug people we love, carry things, and throw a ball.
We can use our eyes to see new things and read. There are so many
other things we can do with our bodies.

What are some things you like to do? What parts of the body do you
use to do them?
Week 17 - 3 Health


Word Box

Week 17 - 4 Health


Word Box

Week 17 - 5 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

Inside and outside the body there are several different systems that
play an important role in how our bodies work. Each system has a job
and if that job is not done the other systems won’t be able to do their
jobs either.

There are six major body systems we are going to learn about in the
next few weeks.
Skeletal Nervous Muscular Digestive Circulatory Respiratory
system system system system system system
Gives the body Sends signals to Moves the body Breaks down Pumps blood Helps the body
shape and and from brain food around the body breathe
protection to tell the body
what to do
Week 18 - 1 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

The Skeletal System is very important to
our bodies. The skeletal system is all the
bones in the human body. Our bones give
our bodies support, allows movement and
protects delicate organs. They also make
blood cells.

We have 206 bones in the body. Each

bone has a job to do. Some bones are there
to protect our soft organs from injury.
Some bones are there to help us move.

The skeletal system also includes tendons,

ligaments, and cartilage. Tendons are
what attaches our bones to muscles while
ligaments attach bones to other bones.

Color the skeletal system.
Week 18 - 2 Health


Read, Think, and Answer.

Joints are where our bones come together and connect. Joints make
the skeleton flexible and without them we wouldn’t be able to move.
Some joints open and close like a hinge. Some joints allow for more
movement they are called ball and socket joints.
Color the joint diagram.

Week 18 - 4 Health


Fun Facts – Copy the facts

The smallest bones in the body are in

the ear.

The longest bones in the body are in

the legs.

The body has two types of bone.

More than half your bones are in your

hands and feet

The hyoid bone is the only bone that

doesn’t connect to a joint.

The biggest joint in your body is your

Week 19 - 2 Health


The nervous system controls everything our bodies do. This system is
made up of your brain, spinal cord, and all the nerves of your body. The
brain is the control center and the spinal cord is the major highway to
and from the brain telling the rest of the body what the brain’s
The biggest part of the brain is the
cerebrum. The cerebrum is the
thinking part of the brain and it
controls your voluntary muscles. The
cerebellum is at the back of the brain,
below the cerebrum. It's a lot smaller
than the cerebrum. It controls balance,

movement, and coordination

The brain is the boss of the nervous

system. It uses the spinal cord to
spread it’s message. The spinal cord is
a long bundle of nerves.
Week 19 - 4 Health


The nervous system is made

up of millions and millions of
microscopic cells called
neurons. Each neuron has tiny
branches coming off it that let
it connect to other neurons.

When you learn things, the

messages travel from one
neuron to another, over and
over. Eventually, the brain
starts to create pathways
between the neurons, so
things become easier and you
can do them better and better.
So practice really does make

Trace the dotted lines and

color the nervous system.

Nervous System
Week 20 - 2 Health


We have learned about muscles and

some of the different types. All of our
muscles together make up the body's
muscular system. The muscular
system is how our bodies move.
There are over 650 muscles in the
human body and often they work
together to do the job.

Color the muscular system.

Muscular System
Week 20 - 4 Health


Copy the facts about the muscular


Shivering is caused by hundreds of

muscles expanding and contracting to
produce heat and give our body heat.

It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43

muscles to frown.

Our longest muscle is the Sartorius. It

runs from the hip to the knee and helps
us bend the knee and twist our leg.

The strongest muscle is in our jaw and

is used for chewing.

The smallest muscle is in our ear and is

attached to the smallest bone in the
Week 21 - 2 Health


The digestive system is what

our bodies use to turn food in
to fuel and waste. It starts at
the mouth. We put food into
our mouths and chew it up
with our teeth. The esophagus
moves food from the back of
our throat down to our
The food is then stored in the
stomach for up to 4 hours.
There it is broken down by

Color and trace the digestive


Week 21 - 4 Health


The next stage is the small intestines. First the small intestine works
with juices from the liver and pancreas to continue to break down our
food. Then the food gets absorbed from the intestine and into our body
through the blood.

The large intestine are next. This is where the foods our body can’t
used are turned into waste.


small intestines
large intestines
Week 22 - 2 Health


The circulatory system is the system that moves blood around the body.
The heart and all the blood vessels make up the circulatory system.

The heart pumps blood throughout the body. Blood is what gives every
cell in the body nutrients.

Arteries carry
blood away from the

Veins carry blood

back to the heart.
Week 22 - 4 Health


Circulatory System Facts Copy Work

The circulatory system is what transport

oxygen and nutrients to tissue all
throughout the body.

The circulatory system has two main

components, the systemic circulation and
pulmonary circulation.

If you laid out all the blood vessels in

circulatory system into a straight line, it
would be around 60,000 miles in length.
In theory, you have enough blood vessels
in your body to wrap around the Earth
2.5 times.

An average adult human has between 10

and 12 pints of blood flowing through
their circulatory system.

circulatory system
Week 23 - 2 Health


The respiratory system is how our bodies breathe. Our cells need
oxygen to function. We get oxygen to our cells through the respiratory
system by breathing.

The respiratory system is made up of nose, mouth, throat and lungs.

The lungs function by transporting oxygen
from the air you breathe into your
bloodstream while taking away carbon
dioxide, which is released into the air
when you breathe out.
There are two sides to
the lungs. The left side
of the lungs is divided
into two lobes and
slightly smaller than
the right to make room
for the heart. The right
side is divided into
three lobes.

Week 23 - 4 Health


We breathe in using a muscle called

the diaphragm. It flattens to make
room for out lungs to expand with air.
When we breathe-in air is forced
through the mouth or nose and into our
lungs. The lungs help us absorb the

oxygen into the blood cells.

The lungs also help us to get rid of
carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide
is the waste gas given off by the cells
after they use the oxygen.
Week 24 Health
Use these cards to become familiar with the different body systems. You can
match the label to the system, create a matching game, or just use them as
flash cards.

Skeletal System Nervous System Muscular System

Digestive System Circulatory System Respiratory System

Week 24 - 2 Health


Draw a line from the organ to the body system it is used in.

Nervous System

Skeletal System

Digestive System

Circulatory System

Respiratory System
Week 24 - 4 Health


Write in the correct body system.

Which body system helps the body to move and gives the body support?

Which body system pumps blood through the body?

The lungs are part of the ____________________________ system.

The nervous system does what?

What does the muscular system do?
Week 25 - 2 Health


Organs are groups of tissue that work together inside the bodies of
living things. Humans may look different on the outside but on the inside
we all share the same common organs. These organs work together in
the different systems we have talked about. The brain is an organ. Do
you remember which system it is a part of? The lungs are organs too.
What system are they a part of?

The human body has several organs. Can you name some of the organs
Week 25 - 4 Health


Draw a line to where the organ is located.


stomach lungs


small large
intestines intestines
Week 26 - 2 Health


The biggest organ we have is our skin. Our skin covers our body and
protects our inner organs. It also keeps our bodies at the right
temperature, protects our bodies from harm, and gives us the sense of

Your skin is made up of three layers:

the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous fat (fatty tissue).
Week 26 - 3 Health


The outer layer of your skin is the epidermis, it is found thickest on the
palms of your hands and soles of your feet

This layer of skin is responsible for making new skin cells, giving skin its
color, and protecting your body.

Cells in the epidermis produce a pigment called melanin.

New cells are made at the bottom of the layer and work their way to
the top as older cells die and flack off.

We lose about 30,000-40,000 dead skin cells every minute.

Week 26 - 4 Health


The dermis is beneath the epidermis and contains nerve endings, blood
vessels, oil glands, and sweat glands. Nerve endings work with your
nervous system to send messages to the brain about what you touch
and feel.
In this layer there are:
Glands –
Sebaceous glands keep the skin soft and keep water out.
Sweat glands make sweat. Sweat helps cool the body down.

Hair follicles are what hair grows from.

Nerves are network of sensors that report messages temperature,

pain, and feelings back to the brain.

blood vessels carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells and take the
waste away.

Week 26 - 5 Health


The bottom layer is subcutaneous fat. It helps keep your body warm
and absorbs shocks, like if you bump into something hard or fall down.

Label the chart

Sweat Gland

Epidermis Dermis Subcutaneous Fat

Nerve Hair Follicle Oil Gland
Week 27 - 2 Health


Cells are the basic build blocks of all living things. They make up our
skin, organs, and muscles.

Cells types are categorized based on complexity and include

prokaryotic and eukaryotic:

Prokaryotic: The simplest organisms that have only one cell, like
bacteria. These cells do not have a nucleus or internal compartments.

Eukaryotic: Plant and animal cells are more complex and classified as
eukaryotic because these cells have identifiable internal components
in addition to a genuine nucleus.
Week 27 - 3 Health


Prokaryotic are simple cells. An example of a prokaryotic cells is

The outside protection of the cell is made up of the cell wall,
membrane, and capsule.
The flagella can help the cell to move.
The inside of the cell called the cytoplasmic region. This region
includes the nucleoid, cytoplasm, and ribosomes.
Week 27 - 4 Health


Eukaryotic cells are bigger and more complex than prokaryotic cells. They have a
defined cell nucleus which houses the cell's DNA. Animals and plants have
Eukaryotic cells. The membrane is the outer layer. This layer protects the cell.

There are several different parts of a cell. These are called organelles.

Mitochondria - This is where the cell gets its energy.

Nucleus - The nucleus is the brains of the cell.
Nucleolus: The nucleus holds the nucleolus which makes the ribosomes.
Ribosomes - Ribosomes make things the body needs like proteins.
Cytoplasm - This is the stuff that fills up the rest of the cell. Cytoplasm is
mostly water.
Lysosomes – These get rid of the cell’s waste.
Week 28 - 2 Health


Germs are tiny organisms that can cause disease in living things.
Germs are so tiny that we can not see them. We pick them up on our
skin and don’t even notice them. They can get into our bodies and cause
us to get sick.

There are four types of germs:


Germs invade the body and take nutrients and energy from the host.
They can produce toxins into our bodies that cause fevers, rashes, and
other symptoms.

We can better protect ourselves from germs by washing our hands,

covering our mouths when we sneeze, and taking good care of our
Week 28 - 3 Health


Bacteria are one celled creatures that take their nutrients from their
environments to live. The can live inside the human body. Bacteria can
grow inside or outside the body. They can cause sore throats, cavities in
our teeth, and other illnesses.

Some bacteria isn’t bad. Some bacteria our bodies need to stay in
balance. Good bacteria lives in the intestines to help us make waste.
Week 28 - 4 Health


Viruses need a living host to grow. They need to be in a host and many
can not survive long outside the host. Viruses can spread between
people and make them sick. Chickenpox is an example of a virus. They
can live on some surfaces for a short time and spread, If someone
touches a door knob after someone who has a virus, they too can get
the virus.

What is a difference between a bacteria and a virus?
Week 28 - 5 Health


Fungi are multi celled organisms that are not animal, plant, or bacteria.
They are plant like but cannot make their own food from photosynthesis
like plants. The get their nutrients by taking them from plants, people,
and animals. They tend to live in damp, warm places.

Fungi have eukaryotic cells like

animals and plants.

Fungi play an important role in decomposition of organic matter. Some
fungi can be used to kill bacteria and useful in medicines to make people
feel better. Mushrooms, Mold, and Yeast are all fungi.

Protozoa are single celled parasitic
organisms that feed on organic matter
such as organ tissue.
Week 29 - 2 Health


When we catch an infection from bacteria or virus, we become sick.

Different sicknesses cause different symptoms. The symptoms we have
tells us what illness we may have. There are many different viruses and
bacteria in the world.

The immune system is what helps our bodies fight off different
illnesses. The immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues,
and organs that work together to protect the body.

Each part of the immune system
works to protect the body in a
different way. The main parts
of the immune system include
white blood cells, antibodies,
complement system, lymph
nodes, spleen, bone marrow, and
Week 29 - 4 Health


There are several ways we can help keep ourselves safe!
Week 30 - 2 Health


When we get sick we go to the doctor. The doctor is

a person who has trained to diagnose and treat
different diseases. The type of doctor that children
see is called a pediatrician, while an
adult usually goes to a primary
care physician.

Week 30 - 4 Health


Doctors use different instruments to treat patients. Here are just a

Doctors use the otoscope look into the

Doctors and nurses wear scrubs

to stay clean.

Doctors use the stethoscope to

listen to lung and heart sounds.
Week 31 - 2 Health


Goals come in different forms. We can plan on reaching a goal on

completing our school work. We can set nutritional goals. Goals help us
succeed and strengthen an area we may have a weakness in. Goals are
the outcome of hard work. They give us something to work toward.

Create your own version of the chart below to hang on your wall.

S Specific
Write exactly what you
want to accomplish.

M Measurable
How will you know your
goal is met?

A Attainable
Is it possible to achieve
the goal?

R Relevant How will this goal help me?

Set a time that is

T Time bound reasonable to achieve the
Week 31 - 4 Health


Planning goals and setting milestones can help us be more successful.

Think of something you would like to do. Maybe you would like to learn
how to hit a baseball farther or learn new math skills. Pick a goal and
write up a plan to succeed and meet the goal.

____________’s Goal

My goal is

My SMART Goal Plan is:
Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time
Week 32 - 2 Health


What is a family?

Families come in may forms. Families are all different but they can be
alike in some ways. What is one way you think your family is different
from a friends? How is your family alike your friend’s family? All
families may look differently but they are all special in their own ways.

Look at the families below. How are they alike? How are they different?
Week 32 - 4 Health


Draw a portrait of your family. In your portrait, challenge yourself to

show what makes your family different and special.
Week 33 - 2 Health


Choose one person in your family you’d like to know more about.
Interview them about what they think of when they hear the word
family and what family means to them. Draw a picture of them and
summarize your interview below.

Create a family tree.
Week 33 - 4

grandfather grandmother grandfather grandmother

father mother

me siblings
Week 34 - 2 Health


We have learned about our families and where we come from, now we
are going to learn more about ourselves. Everyone is unique. We may
share some similarities with our family or friends but we all have our
differences as well. We have different likes, wants, and hobbies. Some
of us may like to play ball while others may like to sew. We all have
different character traits, life experiences, and memories. What makes
us different makes us special. We should all celebrate our differences
because it takes a lot of different people doing different jobs to make
the world work.

Think about what you like to do. Do you have a hobby you enjoy? Write
about why you enjoy your hobby. On a separate piece of paper draw a
picture of your hobby.

Week 34 - 4 Health

My Name is:

My birthday is: I live with my:

I like to:

My best friends are: My favorite game is: My favorite

color is:

My favorite subject is:

When I grow up I want to be:
Week 35 - 2 Health


We should always play safely no matter where we play. On the

playground we should be careful to not run in front of other children
playing. At home we should not climb on furniture or pull on shelves.
We should take turns. We should not throw sharp objects. We all know
safety rules. What are some rules you follow at home and on the

Week 35 - 4 Health


What is a stranger? A stranger is someone you don’t know at all or

well. Some strangers are good. Some strangers may hurt you. They may
look the same. How can we tell the difference if the good people and
bad people look the same?

If an adult approaches you and asks for help. Find someone you trust.
Never go with a stranger. They may ask you to help them find their lost
puppy. Walk away. If they don’t let you, scream and run. Find an adult
you can trust.

If an adult you don’t know follows you, run.

Do not talk to a stranger in a car or vehicle you don’t recognize. Never

get into a car with a stranger no matter what they tell you. Some may
know your name or address. They may tell you that your family member
has been hurt. Do not go with them.

Never take candy or gifts from a stranger who approaches you while
you are alone.

If someone asks you to disobey your parents or keep a secret, tell your
parents immediately.

Use the tips above and some of your own to create a paper about
staying safe around strangers.
Week 36 - 2 Health


Some chemicals you find in your home can be very toxic. Household
cleaners, paint, detergent, and bleach can be fatal if ingested.

Never drink something if you don’t know if it is safe. Don’t put any
liquid in other’s drinks even as a joke.

Perfumes, soaps, and shampoos can also be poisonous. Never drink


Always follow the labels on medicines. Never take medicine that isn’t
yours or not given to you by your parents or doctor.

What are some ways you can keep the chemicals in your house safe?
Examples: put them in a higher
cabinet or lock them up.

Poison Control 1-800-222-1222

Week 36 - 4 Health


We should always be careful around water. Here are some rules to

remember when you are around a pool or body of water. Color the
rules as you read them.

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