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Online Learning Course-II (IMMG-4992)

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* Required a Global design and innovation company. *




The process of design
thinking begins with 

Solution identification

Empathy and understanding of human need

Market demand

Product designing

empathy maps are split into 4 quadrants 

Reflect, Thinks, Does, and Feels

Says, Thinks, Does, and Feels

Thinks, Reflect, Does, and Feels

Ask, Thinks, Does, and Feels

Design Thinking typically helps in _______ *


Data Analytics

Financial Planning

Operational Efficiency

One needs to have professional training in

design to become a design thinker, *
True or False?


How many sides of the issue are studied in the conflict analysis:





Design Thinking ……………………….. *

is a cognitive approach

is a recognition approach

is an integrative approach

is an assessment approach
What purpose do inventive principles serve
in the Solve module?   *

Help in communicating ideas to your customers

Serve as triggers for generating appropriate solutions

Replace design thinking with a tool that can think on its own

This tool is mainly for the engineering division and hence serves no function

The preceding step of test step is ................. *




…………………… attempted to unify many thinking
patterns mined out of patents.  *

Edward de Bono

Genrich Altshuller

Albert Einstein

Clayton Christensen

conflicting parties in Mr. Portos's story are:

Mr. Portos and his tailor

Mr. Portos and his mistresses

Mr. Portos and the King

Mr. Portos and the other musketeers

would interview people to gain an understanding of how they feel during the *
Stage of Design thinking.





Pain points are things that prevent users

from going on to the next step, True or *


building a customer journey map, we interview only one customer: True or *
False ?



Thinking attempts to project 

designers' approaches and methods onto business processes.

customer’s need and demand to product development

entrepreneurs’ idea and design into product

entrepreneurs’ idea and design into business model.

Karmic design
thinking do no involves  *




Empathize phase deals with 

Fine tune products or services till they are no more bugs in them

Adjust the quality of the product or service

Get in the shoes of the customers and understand the situation from their

Prototype a concept and check if it stands the test of the market

Design Thinking is a comprehensive

……………………-oriented ……………approach that *
aims to generate and develop creative
business ideas or entire business models.

business; strategic

customer; innovation

customer; business

profit; design
The customer in the customer journey map is
one who *

Makes profits for the design thinkers

Is a designer who wants to help with the project

Uses a product/service and may need help

Helps build the prototypes that may be useful later on

The Solve phase of Karmic design thinking deals

with *

Fine tune products or services till they are no more bugs in them

Bring creative ideas to the forefront using your team's best minds

Get in the shoes of the customers and understand the situation from their

Prototype a concept and check if it stands the test of the market

How many levels
are typically recommended for the Google decision analysis? *

primary objective of constructing the conflict analysis model is to:

Make a visual version of the conflict in the problem

Analysis is a necessary step and has to be performed to keep the project going

Identify the core of the problem at hand

None of the above

Karmic Design Thinking comprises of __ phases. *

flavour of design thinking is founded on which philosophical principle?  *


Lord Buddha's Four Noble Truths

Newton's third law

Harvard's methodological thinking

What is a customer journey map? *

It is a map to locate where the customer has travelled

This only applies to the travel industry, since it involves maps

It is a typical journey of a customer who goes through a certain experience

The map that leads us to a profit making enterprise

Design thinking is also termed as   *

Intellectual property

Ecological sustainability

Alien diversity

Human centered design

Which of the following are benefits of
brainstorming when compared to nominal *
group technique?

brainstorming is more fun

brainstorming can create a positive organizational climate

brainstorming can encourage talented and highly skilled employees to remain in an


all of the above

The three P’s of design thinking are  :  *

Product, Promotion, and Partnerships

Product, Process, and Place

People, Product, and Process

People, Process, and Place

The step before you test is ........... *




What are the steps of the design thinking
process? *

Understand > Draw > Ideate > Create > Test

Empathise > Define > Ideate > Prototype > Test

Empathise > Design > Implement > Produce > Test

Understand > Define > Ideate > Produce > Try

A university is updating its website. The website's primary *
audience is currently enrolled students. Which of the following items must be

College rules and regulations

Information on faculty members

Information about courses

Alumni details
The procedure for developing a customer journey map does not ......................

Add smileys or sad faces to some steps

Create a fictional persona with age, geography and sex

Trace a typical person's journey through interviewing many customers

Use words and phrases that suggest a solution

................ is the step you follow after defining the problem *




generating a solution, what must we check?

If the budget for the project is satisfied

If inventive principles have all been used

If the conflict from the previous step has been resolved

If the customer is aware of the ideas that we have generated

For customer journey mapping, how many "How might we" *
questions are acceptable?

The more the merrier


Toyota has popularized the................... decisions thinking technique.

3 steps



Visual identity

Which of the following well known

consulting firms are offering Design Thinking *
as a solution?

Mckinsey and Co



Aravind Eye Care System (AECS), an Indian eye care provider for
millions of low- *
income people has been using design thinking in its approach
for a long time.
Which of the below statements are examples of design thinking
at AECS?

AECS provides buses from remote locations to the AEC center to provide
transportation to its users, the poor people as they can't afford these.

AECS has developed a manufacturing facility which enables providing lenses at a

fraction of cost than the market price.

AECS has been using telemedicine trucks to enable expert advice from doctors at

All of the above

The Analyze phase deals
with............... *

To be able to mine the unsaid or latent needs of customer using analytical reasoning

Get in the shoes of the customers and understand the situation from their

Prototype a concept and check if it stands the test of the market

Bring creative ideas to the forefront using your team's best minds
The Test phase deals with  *

An iterative process with many customers will help you figure out the strength of the

Prototype a concept and check if it stands the test of the market

Get in the shoes of the customers and understand the situation from their

Bring creative ideas to the forefront using your team's best minds

 Which of the below is incorrect? *

Emerald Healthcare has built a MR scanner for children using Design Thinking

GE avoided bankruptcy and turned profitable using Design Thinking

AirBnB has turned Design Thinking into its strategy

Google has a 3 step process to bring about new innovations

The recommended group to test out the
prototypes with are :  *

People in your team

Professional designers

Your target customers


Design thinking is both an ideology and a method focused on tackling *

complicated issues in a highly user-centric manner. True or false?


We performed a conflict analysis and a multi-why analysis ...................................

To analyze till we cover all aspects of the problem

To appear competent in front of our design thinking colleagues

To show progress in the project

To unearth the latent needs of the customer

Design Thinking is a non-linear

Process True or False? *


address the limitations of brainstorming, …………………………… was developed as *
technique to allow every one to be involved.

brain mapping

brain writing

brain cloning

brain draining

What is the third step in the Designing

Thinking Process? *




Prototyping is …………………………………… *

an experimental process where design teams implement ideas into tangible forms
from paper to digital

developing an idea, using cognitive thinking and analysis

making budgetary planning for project and product development

building sample designs on paper

Design Thinking is: *

Thinking about Design

Designing ways in which people think

Asking users to solve problems

Defining, framing, and solving problems from users’ perspectives

The main objective of the "How might we" statements is to

Set a design thinking project goal

To challenge status quo of the customer situation

To set a marketing campaign that will attract the customer's attention

Inspire the design thinking team to think beyond the ordinary solutions

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