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STUDENT: William Mello Araújo Matrícula: 1074761

Conditionals Exercise

Answer the questions using your own opinion. Use at least one large paragraph in each

01. What would your second choice for a university or degree subject have been? How
would your life be different now if you had done that instead?
02. How would your country be different if someone different had won the last election?
03. If you could change one thing about your body or personality, what would it be?



My second choice for a university was Psychology, if I had chosen it, I wouldn’t be at
Uespi. As I like Ensglish Language, this choice was very good to me, and my grades from
ENEM was enough to enter in English, if I had studied harder, I would have learnt more and I
would pass in Psychology. But I like so much about English that I’m so happy learning about
it. My life will be diferent because I would have to read a lot. If I had studied at UFDPAR, I
would have read a big quantity of books. And if I study again to do the exam, I will pass the
ENEM for Psychology, but I’m like English that I don’t want to do again. if i had met some
other people, i would have had other friends there.


I’m sure that little things would change, because just one person can’t change whole
Brazil. If other person had won the last election, i would have been at university studying,
because i just can change the world When i change me. If you evolve your world, you evolve
the world of other people. Everyone needs stop speaking bad about the authorities, and
concentrated themselves in their developments to change and make first their families, school,
university and city better. If i had the power to choose someone, i would choose a person that
could defense the Rights of Family, the rights of old people, the rights of the workers, and that
could defense innocent children like babies who are murdered. If we concentrate in change
ourselves, we will focus about own lives and this way, change our world. If we defense the
rights, we will live in a better place.


We always have to do our best in everything that we can change, but somethings we
never can’t change. If we change our inside, we improve our outside. The people are beatiful
when they are doing very good things don’t care about who they are helping. If we think
about it, we will help a lot of people. The personality is the same way. Everyday we can
improve and getting better about our actions. But first we have to identify our mistakes and
change. I need to improve my personality everyday, if i had begun earlier, i would have been
much better now, however we can do our best today for the future to be better. If you had a
body, you will do exercise to getting more healthy. You can do it. If you had a few friends,
you will meet other people to be your friends and improve your personality. Everhing we can
improve. If we start now, we will be beautiful people.

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