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To start off we need to understand what is making the screen make our eyes unhealthy.

you know the light is made out of several different colors. One of them is blue. The screen
light has the most blue light. When this color is combined they make the white light or the
sun light. Each different color has a different wavelength and frequency. The blue light(the
one that damages our eyes) has shorter wavelengths and higher energy compared to the
other colors. This light can damage our eyes by having blurry vision, eye strain, dry eye
macular degeneration, and cataracts. This makes the blue light kind of dangerous.
Scientists believe that blue light has the most effect on our eyes because the blue light
has wavelengths of around 415 and 455 nanometers and the light that comes from the
display wavelength is around 400 and 490 nanometers.

How does blue light affect your Retina?

WHen you get blue light shines in, it can go almost through anything and it goes right
through your retina. When the blue light is large , it can damage the light sensitive cells
in your retina. This can lead to many problems, one of them is that it can increase the
chance of getting eye diseases. SOme other problems are dry eyes and blurry vision.
The blue light does not only affect the eyes, it can also affect your sleep. When you get a
large amount of blue light, before going to sleep you are going to have a poor sleep.
When you get a large amount of blue light you may get certain diseases of cancer.

How can we stop that process

There are some simple solutions for how you can help your eyes. One of the solutions is
to stay on screen less often. This is one of their most simple solutions. As there are more
solutions. One of the most effective ones is the blue light glasses. These glasses are
special because they can stop the blue light from coming to your retina. They do this
because they have special blue light filters. The actual glasses work because they have
filtering materials or surface coating on the lenses that block a portion of the light away.

Nanometers are a modern Unit of measurement that scientists today use. 1cm equals 10
000 000 nanometers, so it is extremely small.

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