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Humans should invest in technology to explore and colonize other

(Argumentative writing)

In today's world, technology runs our lives; cellphones, computers, and tablets - we can't seem
to function without them. Technology has proliferated throughout the globe in such a short
period of time, and now, most of us can't even live without it.

It has only been a short amount of time since technology, specifically digital gadgets, was
scarce, and you had to pay to even simply make a phone call in a phone booth. The 21st
century has brought about many changes in the world, and everything now seems to be more
accessible, and every task that used to be quite difficult for us humans can now be completed
much more quickly thanks to AI technology. Basically, technology is a part of our daily lives,
Everything from the simplest tasks, such as toasting bread, to the larger and more significant
things, such as earning money, is now done with technology.

But it doesn't stop there. We can use technology for far greater purposes, such as studying the
cosmos, which will help us understand who we truly are. and unsurprisingly, we already are
using it for these purposes. Well, the thing is that we have only discovered less than 4% of the
universe, which means that practically all of it is still unknown, and who knows, maybe there are
other inhabitants on various planets in the cosmos, or maybe there are certain planets that are
absolutely ideal for human existence. Such discoveries would be far more significant and
far-reaching than our ordinary use of technology.

Well to discover a planet that would be optimal for humans to live on, we must first be certain of
the basic essentials of human life, such as water, food, and, most importantly, oxygen. For many
years astronomers have been looking for planets other than Earth that might be suitable for
human life. In fact, several projects have been carried out for this purpose as well. NASA has
been searching for planets that may be livable for people, and in 2020, they discovered an
Earth-sized planet, known as TOI 700 d that may actually be habitable for humans due to the
planet's characteristics, which might be just right for the presence of water. Aside from that,
space experts believe that people may be able to live on Mars, and Elon Musk, the owner of
Space X and Tesla, who is working hard on this project to send humans to Mars, believes that
we may be able to relocate to Mars by 2060. However, all of this is a hotly debated and
contentious subject. Some experts believe that mankind will not be able to find and relocate to
another planet in the near future. Furthermore, we require an appropriate atmosphere on a
planet to live on that is very similar to the atmosphere of Earth. It must have a very particular
composition. Additionally, the temperature of the planet is really important too. We would cease
to exist if the temperature on the other planet is too high or too low. If we decide to go to Mars,
we must consider the fact that the temperature on Mars is considerably lower than on Earth,
and what's amusing is that the temperature on the surface where we are standing would be
completely different from the temperature where our head is in the air.
Well, one thing is certain: humanity will not be moving anywhere other than Earth in the next
40-50 years, and even if some people can, there is no chance of populating and colonizing
other planets. This implies that even if astronomers achieve this tremendous feat, we will not be
around to see it. So, while we are still on Earth, we should take care of it and protect it since it is
the only place where we can live and exist, at least for now.

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