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The Entrepreneurial Mind Activity

Perdonia, Denise Ann M.


1. Her idea circulates about boredom and how can a person be creative without using any of the

2. It was when she was taking care of her baby, she was pushing the stroller of her baby when she
realized she had already generated the idea. An idea of what would happen if a person cannot be bored.

3. Yes, since it tackles all about what great things you can do when your not using your phone. One of
the people who try the challenge helps her do cardiovascular exercise without realizing, it was really

4. Yes often, It’s hard for me to let go of it specially on free time. It also might be hard for me since I
can’t uninstall the apps on my phone specially because they make me happy, but I can do it if try really

5. If multitasking, I always do one at a time because if you do them all at once it would be to hectic or
messy for you, things could go wrong and you’ll be distracted so it’s better to only focus at one before

6. It is because of excitement of seeing what you want to see in social media and probably updates or
news about your favorite videos etc, could also because of communication long distance people or
friends and relatives.

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