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the relationship between English proficiency and language learning behaviors

The inadequate English language proficiency (LP) of multilingual first-year students on a university
campus in South Africa has proved to be an obstacle to successful academic literacy and
performance. English is the medium of instruction at university, but not a home language for any of
these students. (Glenn, W. 2017)

Glenn, W. (2017). Language learning strategy use of Multilingual foreign language learners in South
Africa. Language Learning, 50, 203-244.

The Relationship Between Global Food Security to The Personal Nutrition of Senior High School TVL Students in Sacred Heart

Agricultural production is challenged by an increasing world population. Due to this fact a

sustainable growth of food production should be focused by farmers. In terms of agricultural
production, the Western Siberian grain belt is of global importance and faced with upcoming
challenges by climate change. (Food and Agriculture Organization of Us, 2018)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (2018). Save food: global initiative on food
loss and waste reduction.

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