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There are two types of government systems which is parliamentary and presidential system. There
are four characteristics of presidential systems which are head of state and head of government,
election for president, fix term and member of legislative.

One of the characteristics of Presidential System is the head of government and the head of state is
the same person. In other words, the leader of the government is known as president. He or she is
the head of state and the head of government. The president exercise real power and not nominal
power. Vice versa, the parliamentary system the head of government and the head of state is
different person or individual. Thus, in the presidential system the president is also known as the
real executive. For example, Indonesia, where Jokowi is the president of Republic of Indonesia, and
he is the head of government and head of state.

Another characteristic of presidential system is the existence of election for president. For instance,
Indonesia is a country that practise presidential system and the people directly elect or vote for their
president in an election which known as Pilihanraya President (PILPRES). It showcases, that in
presidential system the people are directly involves which means they will have to vote for the
president. Thus, usually there is presidential debate during the election where the candidates will
debate among themselves about the government policies and manifesto. Therefore, the people will
be able to value the candidate and decide which one is the best. Unlike parliamentary system,
where there is no presidential election, and the leader of the government is indirectly elected.
Usually, the leader of the political party will become the head of state.

Next, characteristics of presidential system is the president can only hold the office on a fix term.
For example, the president of United States of America which is Donal Trump can only hold the
office for only two terms. This is because it is as stated in the constitution of USA. Hence, this is
important to give chance to another person who is more capable. Plus, this is critical to avoid abuse
of power. For instance, in Indonesia during the reign of Suharto the government performance is bad
and most government official is corrupt. He is the longest president of Indonesia, and he is forced to
resign by his own people.

The last characteristic of presidential system is the president is not the member of legislative. This is
because of the principle of separation of power. Thus, this is important to avoid abuse of power and
lead to total control of the state. For example, the president of United States of America is not the
member of legislative or congress. This is also the reasons why Donald Trump shut down the
government after the congress fail to pass the budget to build border walls. This showcases the
principle of separation of power.
In conclusion, both parliamentary and presidential system have its own merits and demerits. As
Malaysia, I hope we can improve the parliamentary system to allow it fit with our culture.
Teknik dan Tips Menjawab Soalan Esei.

Bagi pelajar Fakulti Sains Pentadbiran Awam dan Pengajian Polisi (FSPPP), kebanyakkan soalan
terdiri daripada 10 markah, 15 markah, 20 markah atau 25 markah dan jawapan kita mestilah
dijawab di dalam bentuk esei iaitu karangan.

1.0 Tips Bentuk Soalan

Berikut merupakan bentuk dan pecahan soalan.

1. 10 Markah (soalan direct, biasanya akan ditanya apakah objective, advantage atau feature/ciri-
ciri. Soalan 10 markah biasanya 2 isi sahaja.
2. 15 Markah (soalan direct, biasanya 3 isi sahaja)
3. 20 Markah (soalan direct. Soalan 20 markah biasanya 4 isi sahaja)
4. 25 Markah (soalan long esei. Soalan biasanya 4 isi dan memerlukan bahagian pengenalan dan
Tetapi, apa-apa pon tengok juga soalan, dan jumlah markah yang diberikan.

2.0 Teknik Menjawab.

1. Jawapan mestilah dijawab dalam bentuk perenggan, esei atau karangan.

2. Nyatakan isi atau point mengikut kehendak soalan dengan jelas. (1 ayat)
3. Nyatakan huraian bagi isi/point dan juga huraian kepada contoh. (5 ayat)
4. Berikan contoh kepada isi dengan isu semasa atau lepas (1 ayat)
3.0 Tips Tambahan.

1. Gunakan penanda wacana seperti Furthermore, Moreover, Next atau Another bagi setiap point.
2. Gunakan kata hubung seperti Nevertheless, Additionally, Consequently, In Contrast, Plus, Then,
Hence, Therefore, bagi setiap ayat huraian.
3. Pelbagai cara untuk mengurai sesuatu isi atau contoh antaranya dengan menyatakan kesan dari
sudut kebaikkan atau keburukkan.
4. Contoh pula boleh diberikan lebih dari satu. Tetapi contoh mesti dihurai dan jangan lupa hurai
contoh yang diberikan. Gunakan isu semasa, terkini dan lepas yang popular dan pastikan sesuai.
5. Kebiasaanya, setiap ayat dinilai dengan 0.5 markah. Sebagai contoh, soalan ialah 10 markah.
Jadi, setiap point ialah 5 markah. Oleh itu, setiap point atau perenggan mestilah terdiri daripada 6-7
ayat atau 10-13 ayat (ayat isi, ayat huraian, ayat contoh).

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