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Stomach STEP II – Conjugation pathway, whereby the liver

Gastrin: STIMULATES cells add another substance to a toxic chemical or
o GASTRIC JUICE SECRETION drug, to render it less harmful.
o STORE FAT, VIT (A, B12, D, E, and K),
Highly acidic: ph (0.9-1.5) COPPER, AND IRON
o STOMACH MOTOR FUNCTION Functions of the liver
1. Nutrient conversion – liver cells convert some
Stomach wall: Mucosal barrier with a thick coat of nutrients into others
o Amino acids can be converted to lipids or
bicarbonate-rich mucus
o Fats can be converted to phospholipids
Mucoid secretions: coat stomach wall and prevent o Vit D is converted to its active form
autodigestion 2. Synthesis of new molecules – synthesizes
Pepsinogen: Aids in protein digestion blood proteins such as;
✔ Albumin
✔ fibrinogen
Hydrochloric acid: released in response to gastrin.
✔ globulins
o Functions in protein digestion, ✔ clotting factors

Intrinsic factor: Promotes absorption of vitamin B12 Hepatic duct: joins with the cystic duct (which
drains the gallbladder) to form the common bile duct.
Chyme: is either delivered in small amounts to the
Sphincter of Oddi
duodenum or forced backward to the stomach for
✔ If relaxed: bile enters the duodenum
further mixing
✔ If contracted: bile is stored in gallbladder
✔ INTESTINAL PHASE – pH is 3 or above, Pancreas
gastric secretion is stimulated (gastrin). Exocrine cells in the pancreas secretes:
*pH is 2 or below, gastric secretion is ● Trypsinogen and Chymotrypsin for protein
inhibited (secretin) digestion.
● Amylase to break down starch.
SPLEEN FUNCTIONS: ● Lipase for fat digestion.
✔ Filter the blood of cellular debris ● Sodium bicarbonate to neutralize the
✔ Digest microorganisms acidity of the stomach contents that enter
✔ Return breakdown products to the liver the duodenum.
● Pancreas is an exocrine gland
Liver Large Intestine
Portal Vein – Neutralizes gastric acid, emusifies ✔ Serves as a reservoir for fecal material until
fats, facilitates fat and cholesterol absorption defecation occurs
Excretion – cholesterol, fats, and bile pigments ✔ Decreased motility: causes greater
such as bilirubin absorption and hard feces in the transverse
DETOXIFICATION colon causes constipation.
STEP I: CONVERTS A TOXIC CHEMICAL INTO A ✔ Increased motility: causes less absorption
LESS HARMFUL CHEMICAL and diarrhea or loose feces.
Chemical reactions: o Bacteria in the large intestine aids in
o (such as oxidation, reduction and hydrolysis) the synthesis of Vitamin K and some
o produces free radicals of vitamin B groups.
o Reduces the damage of free radicals ✔ Feces – leave the body via the rectum and
✔ Anus contains:

o Internal sphincter – involuntary 4. Digestion/Absorption

control ● Dyspepsia(Indigestion)
o External sphincter – voluntary control ● Heart burn/pyrosis
Abdominal wall muscles ● Pain - Referred pain
✔ protect the internal organs ✔ Gastritis
✔ allow normal compression ✔ GERD
o coughing/sneezing ✔ PUD
o urination ✔ Stomach cancer
o defecation
o childbirth 5. Bowel habits (constipation):
ASSESSMENT ● Note number of stools/day or week
✔ Health history ● Changes in size or color of stool
✔ Physical examination ● Alterations in food/fluid intake
● Painful defecation
PRESENTING PROBLEMS: ● Associated symptoms (abdominal pain,
1. Mouth cramps)
Check for: Causes: Mechanical obstruction or surgery
✔ Dental carries
✔ Bleeding gums Psychological factors resulting to use of
✔ Dryness/ increase salivation restricted toilet facilities
✔ Odors ● Drugs - atropine and codeine
✔ Difficulty of chewing ● Old age

2. Ingestion
● Changes in appetite: Anorexia
● Note food preferences/dislikes
● Digestive disorders, cancers
● Psychological disorders
o Older clients: experience a decline in
appetite (altered metabolism,
decreased taste sensation, decreased
mobility, depression)
● Food intolerances: Allergies, fluid, fatty
3. Weight gain/loss:
● Nausea and Vomiting
● dietary intolerance, pregnancy
● Regurgitation - foods eaten Positioning. Type 1 and 2: CONSTIPATION
● like pebbles, Less fiber and less liquid
b. Stomatitis intake.
C. Achalasia ● exert a lot of pressure on the rectum
Nature of vomitus - Color/Taste/Consistency – Type 3: IDEAL
Possible Source ● softer and is easy to pass
● Yellowish or greenish – May contain bile Type 4: IDEAL
● Bright red (arterial) – Hemorrhage, peptic ● does not exert any pressure in the anal and
ulcer rectal cavity
● Dark red (venous) – Hemorrhage, Types 5, 6, 7 – STOMACH UPSET, DIARRHEA
esophageal or gastric varices ● Type 5: softer consistency, easily passed
● “Coffee grounds” – Digested blood from ● Type 6: with foul smell
slowly bleeding gastric or duodenal ulcer ● Type 7: diarrhea
● Undigested food – Gastric tumor? Ulcer ● Take note: thin, ribbon like appearance
obstruction? (cancer)
● “Bitter” taste – Bile
● “Sour” or “Acid” – Gastric contents Diarrhea - No. of stools/day, Consistency
● Fecal components – Intestinal Obstruction
6. Hepatic/biliary problems

● Jaundice ● PALER than the general skin tone

● Pruritus Abnormal findings
● Urine changes ● Grey turner’s sign - purple discoloration of
● Clay colored stools the flank (Bleeding) = PANCREATITIS
● Increased bleeding ● Cullen’s sign
● Cholangitis – stones partially block o superficial edema and bruising in the
● Stone – total block of bile subcutaneous fatty tissue around
Use of medication: the umbilicus (Bleeding) =
● Note use of antacids, vitamin supplements; PANCREATITIS, TRAUMA
aspirin and anti-inflammatory agents, high ● Jaundice - liver, gallbladder problems
iron intake ● Ascites – Liver Cirrhosis
Life Style
● Eating behaviors (rapid ingestion, skipping 1. Vascularity of the abdomen
meals, snacking), cultural/religious values ● Normal Findings: scattered fine veins may
(vegetarian, kosher foods [drained of blood]), be visible
ingestion of alcohol, smoking ● Abnormal findings:
● exercise (promotes peristalsis- regular bowel ✔ Spider angioma- dilated surface
movement) arterioles and capillaries with a surface
Past medical history: star – liver disease
● Childhood, adult, psychiatric illness ✔ Dilated veins - liver cirrhosis
(anorexia nervosa) ✔ STRIAE – normal findings
● stretch marks (tears in the skin
● Bleeding disorders
because of weight gain) or past
● Menstrual history
pregnancy or weight gain
● Exposure to infectious agents ● Liver Cirrhosis (ascites)
● Allergies
● Cancer 2. Scar – Document
● Prior abdominal surgery or trauma – risk
● source of scar
of developing ADHESIONS
● location (quadrant)
● shape, length (use ruler), specific
Physical Assessment: characteristic
Preparing the Client Hypertrophic scar is a condition on the skin that is
● Adequate lighting marked by excess scar tissue at the site of skin
● Ask client to empty bladder before exam injury.
● Instruct – remove clothes, put on a gown Keloid: excess scar tissue
● Supine position, HOB lowered, head or Deep iregular scars: burns
pillow, knees bent or on pillow, arms at side Lesions and rashes – Abdomen is free of lesions
or across chest and rashes. Flat or raised brown moles are normal
● Expose abdomen, drape genitalia and Abnormal Findings - Bleeding moles
female breasts ● Psoriasis
● Stand on client’s right side ● Petechiae
● Ticklish clients: use controlled hands-on
technique; place client’s hands under your 3. Umbilicus
own ● pinkish, similar to surrounding skin tone.
Preparing the client ● is midline at lateral line
● Warm room, hands and stethoscope ● inverted or protruding no more than 0.5cm
● Keep your fingernails short ● Abnormal: Umbilical hernia
● Palpate tender areas last ● Deviated (pressure from mass, enlarged
● Use distraction organ, hernia, fluid)
Abdominal Contour: Look across the abdomen at
Equipment eye level from the:
● Small pillow ✔ client’s side
● Stethoscope ✔ from behind the client’s head
● Ruler ✔ from the foot of the bed
● Marking pen May be abnormal: Severe wt. loss/cachexia
(starvation, terminal illness
Abdominal Inspection

Usually abnormal: Protuberant/Distended abdomen Vascular sounds

– obesity, air or fluid accommodation ● Use bell of stethoscope to listen for bruits
Bruits at the left and right MCL
4. Abdominal Mass ● between the umbilicus and the anterior iliac
● Distention below the umbilicus – full spine – stenosis of the iliac arteries
bladder, uterine enlargement, ovarian cyst Venous hums: are continuous sound found in the
● Distention of the upper abdomen – epigastric region and around the umbilicus. They are
pancreatic mass, gastric dilation caused by Portal Hypertension.
Auscultate for friction rub over the liver & spleen.
Measuring Abdominal Girth (Abdominal ● Listen over right and left lower rib cage with
distention) diaphragm of stethoscope.
Measurement is done: ● Normally no friction rubs
✔ Daily in hospital ● Abnormal: High-pitched, rough, grating
✔ During a doctor’s office visit sound
✔ home nursing visit ✔ Heard w/ respiration
✔ same time of day, preferably in AM just after ✔ Hepatic abscess or metastasis or
voiding splenic infarction, abscess or tumor
✔ at designated time (bedridden / with ✔ Friction rub
indwelling catheters)
✔ standing position (ideal position) 6. Abdominal Percussion
✔ use umbilicus – as starting point ● Percuss for tone – Sequences
Assess abdominal symmetry: Look at client’s ● Generalized tympany
abdomen as she lies in a relaxed supine position. ● Dull- Liver, Spleen, Sigmoid
● Normal: Symmetric
● Abnormal: Asymmetry (organ enlargement, a. Suspect Ascites:
masses, hernia or bowel obstruction) 1. Shifting dullness test - Wait for 30-60
● Have client raise his/her head. seconds
● Normal: No bulges 2. Fluid wave test- Client in supine.
● Abnormal: Hernia Ask client to help:
● Mass within abdominal wall is prominent o Place the ulnar side of the hand and
o Abnormal - Vigorous wide the lateral side of the forearm firmly
along the midline of the abdomen
exaggerated pulsations
o Place palmar surface (fingers and
● Peristaltic waves – may be visible in very
hands) against one side of abdomen.
thin people. o Use other hand to tap opposite side.
o Abnormal – Peristaltic waves o Abnormal: fluid wave is transmitted.
increase and progress in a wave like ● Percuss the span or height of the liver
fashion from LUQ to RUQ ● Determine its lower and upper borders.

5. Abdominal Auscultation b. Percussing the liver:

● warm stethoscope before use ● Lower border: begin in RLQ at MCL and
● apply with light pressure or simply rest percuss upward.
(tender abdomen) ● Note the change from tympany to dullness.
● start RLQ – proceed clockwise in all ● Mark this point (lower border of liver
quadrants dullness)
● confirm bowel sounds in each quadrant, ● Assess descent. Have patient breathe
listen for up to 5 minutes (minimum) deeply and hold then repeat procedure. After
● Normal findings: soft clicks, gurgles, percussing remind client to EXHALE.
intermittent 5-30/min o Normally descends 1- 4 cm below the
o Borborygmi: hyperactive bowel costal margin
sounds, loud, prolonged gurgles ● Upper border: percuss over the upper right
● Deviation from normal: chest at MCL and go downward.
o Hypoactive – abdominal surgery, o Resonance to dullness. MARK this
point – upper border of liver dullness
late bowel obstruction
o Normal liver span at MCL: 6 to 12 cm
o Hyperactive – diarrhea,
o Abnormal: hepatomegaly, tumors,
gastroenteritis abscess
o Decreased/ Absent – surgical o Abnormal: A liver displaced in a lower
emergency position:

o Emphysema – A liver displaced in a ● Ask client to turn to right side.

high position: ● Moves spleen downward and forward.
● Abdominal mass ● Normally not palpable. If palpable usually w/
o Ascites - Paralyzed diaphragm rounded edge (infection) and sharp edge
o MIDSTERNAL LINE (4-8 CM) If (chronic disease)
cannot accurately percuss, do
scratch test. g. Palpate the kidneys
o The Scratch Test Normal findings: NOT PALPABLE, if palpated firm,
o Auscultate over the liver and smooth and rounded
starting RLQ scratch lightly over Deviation from normal: ENLARGED
the abdomen, progressing upward
the liver.
o Normal: scratching becomes more
intense over the liver. AND ASK CLIENT TO EXHALE AND HOLD
o spleen is an oval area of dullness BREATH BRIEFLY – RELEASE
approx. 7 cm wide near the left
10th rib and slightly posterior to h. Palpate urinary bladder
MAL ● Begin at the symphysis pubis and move
o Abnormal: splenomegaly (trauma, upward and outward to estimate bladder
portal hypertension) borders.
● Normally nonpalpable.
c. Performs blunt percussion on the liver and ● Abnormal: smooth, round, firm mass; dull
kidneys percussion tones.
● Liver – left hand flat against the lower right
anterior rib cage
● Ulnar side R fist - strike
● Kidney - CVA 1. Tests of appendicitis
Normal findings: ● Rebound tenderness
● Liver and Kidneys- No Tenderness ● Palpate deeply where the client has pain.
Deviation from normal: ● Tenderness greater when you quick
Tenderness withdraw your hand from the point of the
● Hepatitis pain.
● cholecystitis
● Tenderness 2. Test for Psoas sign
● Raise right leg.
d. Palpate for masses ● Place hand over lower thigh and apply
● PALPATE THE UMBILICUS AND pressure downward against lower thigh.
SURROUNDING AREA FOR SWELLINGS, ● Extend the R leg at the hip to stretch the
BULGES OR MASSES iliopsoas muscle
● (SINGLE HANDED DEEP PALPATION) ● RLQ pain= + test for psoas sign
Normal findings: (appendicitis)
● No palpable mass
● No swellings, bulges or masses 3. Test for obturator sign
● Abnormal findings - MASS ● Raise right leg.
● Flex the hip and knee and rotate leg
e. Palpate the liver internally and externally – stretches the
Hooking technique: internal obturator muscle
● Curl fingers of both hands over the edge of ● RLQ pain = (+) obturator sign (Inflamed
the costal margin. appendix)
● Ask the client to breathe deeply and gently ● Rovsing’s sign (positive)- pain that is felt
pull inward and upward. in the RLQ when deep palpation (5 seconds)
in the LLQ is made.
f. Palpate the spleen ● Pressing the LLQ traps air within the large
● Place right hand below left costal margin, intestine and increases the pressure in the
pointing toward the client’s head. cecum
● Ask client to inhale deeply and press ● Appendix is inflamed, this increase in
inward and upward. pressure causes pain
● Spleen seldom palpable.
● Abnormal: splenomegaly

4. Hypersensitivity Test ✔ Hot flashes and night sweats

● Stroke abdomen with sharp object or grasp ✔ Irregular vaginal bleeding
fold of skin with thumb and index finger and ✔ Spotting
quickly let go. ✔ Mood swings
● Positive test: pain or exaggerated sensation ✔ Appetite – decreased
felt in the RLQ - Appendicitis ✔ Dryness – vagina
✔ On hormone replacement therapy
5. Test for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
● Patient complains of tearing pain. 2. Vaginal discharge, pain and masses
● Auscultation reveals bruits or exaggerated ✔ Unusual vaginal discharge – infection
pulsation. A mass may be palpable over the ✔ Pain, itchiness - genital or groin
aorta. ✔ Lumps, swelling, masses – genitals

6. Test for Cholecystitis 3. Urination

● Press fingertips under liver margin and ask ✔ Difficulty – blockage
client to inhale deeply. ✔ Pain – infection (UTI, STD)
● Murphy’s sign: accentuated sharp pain ✔ Blood in urine – infection
when client hold his or her breath ✔ Difficult in controlling urine –
7. Ballotement technique -Test for ascites
8. Single Hand Method – using a tapping or 4. Sexual Dysfunction:
bouncing motion of the finger pads over the ✔ Sexual performance
abdominal wall, feeling for a floating mass. ✔ Change in sexual activity/libido – frigid
✔ Fertility problems
9. Bimanual Method – Place one hand under the
✔ Gynecologic problems
flank (Feeling hand) and push the anterior ✔ Pelvic and rectal examination – masses
abdominal wall with the other hand ✔ Pap Smear – screening test for cervical
FEMALE GENITALIA ✔ History of STD? Treatment?
✔ Pregnant. At present? How many times?
a. Ovary - Develop and release ova and produce
Miscarriage or abortions?
hormones progesterone, estrogen, testosterone
b. Uterus
5. Diabetes mellitus – risk: Vaginal yeast infection
c. Fallopian Tube
✔ Family history of cancer
d. Cervix - Prevents entrance of vaginal bacteria
✔ Lifestyle
o passage of menstrual flow
✔ Smoking
o allows entrance of sperm to the uterus
o birth canal - delivery ✔ Sexual partners
✔ Contraceptives
e. Vagina ✔ Sexual preference
o Acidic – pH of 3.8-4.2, Prevents vaginal ✔ Sexual likes/dislikes discussed with partner
infection ✔ Fears related to sex. Stress
o passage of menstrual flow 6. Lifestyle
o receives the penis-sexual intercourse ✔ Fertility problems
o birth canal - delivery ✔ Monthly genital examinations
✔ HIV testing
1. Menstrual Cycle ✔ Cotton underwear, tight jeans
Date: Last Menstrual Period ✔ Wipe from front to back – urination,
✔ Regular or not defecation
✔ Amount of blood flow ✔ Vaginal douche
✔ Symptoms experience before or during
period 7. Tampon Use - mass of absorbent material that is
Age: started her period (10-16 y/o) used to absorb the menstrual fluid during
Stopped menstruating: menstruation.
✔ MENOPAUSE ✔ Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) – tampon
✔ Ask if still having her periods use
Symptoms of menopause:

✔ worn inside the vagina, where it absorbs the ● Ask the client to squeeze around the finger
menstrual fluid right after it is released from ● NORMAL FINDINGS: Able to squeeze
the uterus ● Deviation from normal: Absent or
✔ should not be left inside the vagina for more decreased ability
than 6 hours
Inspect the cervix
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION ● Observe the cervical color, size and position.
● Embarrassment - patient ● Observe the surface and the appearance of
● Explain – details of procedure the os
● Encourage – her to ask questions ● Check for discharge
● Eye contact – elevate head of the bed, use
mirror to teach normal anatomy and get her NORMAL FINDINGS:
involvement ● Smooth, pink, and even
● Equipment - ready ● Midline position
● Smooth, small, round opening
PREPARATION ● Clear or white without unpleasant odor and
NORMAL ● Bluish, pale or redness
Mons Pubic hair distribution Absence of ● Cervical enlargement project into the vagina
pubis - o inverted triangle pubic hair >3 cm (prolapse or tumor)
Palpate ● Asymmetric, reddened areas, malodorous or
inguinal Old clients – Enlarged irritating discharge
lymph o gray hair inguinal
nodes o No L.N. - Inspect the vagina
enlargement/swelling swelling ● As you remove the speculum observe the
color, surface, consistency and any
discharge of the vagina
1. Inspection - Labia majora and perineum ● NORMAL FINDINGS: Pink, moist, smooth
● labia minora - symmetric, moist, dark pink no lesions and irritation
● Clitoris - erectile tissue, sensitive to touch ● DEVIATION FROM NORMAL: Reddened
● Urethral meatus - slit like areas, presence of lesions and malodorous
● vaginal opening - size depends on sexual discharge
activity/ deliver
Normal findings: 2. Palpation
● Labia majora – equal in size, free of lesions Palpate Bartholin’s glands
● Healed episiotomy scar – NSD ● Place your index finger in the vaginal
opening and your thumb on the labia majora.
Deviation from normal: Lesions = Infections ● Gentle pinching motion, palpate from the
● Pediculosis Pubis – pubic hair lice inferior portion of the posterior labia majora
to the anterior portion.
● Repeat on the opposite side
Inspection of Internal Genitalia: Inspect the size of ● Normal findings: Soft, nontender, and
the vaginal opening and the angle of the vagina drainage free
● Normal findings: Varies in size according to ● Deviation from normal: Swelling, pain, and
client’s age, sexual history and OB history presence of discharge
o Tilted posteriorly at a 45-degree Palpate the urethra
angle ● Insert your gloved index finger into the
● Deviation from normal: Any loss of superior portion of the vagina
hymenal tissue between 3 o’clock position ● Milk the urethra from the inside, pushing up
and the 9 o’clock position (children) and out.
● Normal findings: No discharge, soft and
Inspect the vaginal musculature nontender
● Keep your index finger inserted in the client’s ● Deviation from normal findings: Presence
vaginal opening. of discharge from the urethra

matter that collects between the glans penis

Palpate the vaginal wall, cervix, uterus using and the foreskin or around the clitoris and
bimanual examination labia minora.
● Normal findings: smooth, non-tender, soft ● Testes – produce sex hormone testosterone
● Fundus is round, firm and smooth; at the
level of the pubis Collecting Subjective Data:
● Deviation from normal: ✔ Pain – inflammation, hernia
o Tender, presence of lesions ✔ Lesions – STD, cancer
o Enlarged uterus above the level of ✔ Discharge – color, odor, (infection)
the pubis ✔ Lumps, swelling, masses – infection,
o irregular shape cancer, testicular tumor, hernia
✔ Urination – difficulty (infection, blockage)
1. Condylomata acuminata – warts on the
genitalia and perianal areas. SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION:
o Sexually transmitted ✔ change in sexual pattern/desire
✔ erectile dysfunction
2. Syphilis
✔ ejaculation problems – epididymitis
3. Candidiasis ✔ fertility problems
4. Herpes simplex ✔ Past Medical problems – recurrence of
5. Bartholin’s cyst abscess cancer, DM – impotence
6. Dropped or prolapsed bladder (cystocele) ✔ Testicular exam
o occurs when the bladder wall bulges ✔ Tested for HIV, herpes, gonorrhea. Why
into the vaginal space. It results when tested?
supporting muscles and tissues between ✔ Family history of cancer
a woman's bladder and vaginal wall ✔ No. of sexual partners
weakens and stretches, allowing the ✔ Kind of birth control used
bladder to bulge into the vagina. ✔ Satisfaction on current sexual function
✔ Infertility and relationship
7. Rectocoele – bulging in the posterior vaginal
✔ Sexual preference & Fears related to sex
wall caused by weakening of the pelvic ✔ Sexual likes/dislikes communicated to
musculature. partner
8. Uterine Prolapse – uterus protrudes into the ✔ Knowledge on STDs and its prevention
vagina ✔ Exposure to chemicals or radiation- past and
9. Uterine myoma present
10. Ectopic pregnancy ✔ ADL – lifting heavy objects
11. Ovarian cyst ✔ Testicular examination

Medico – legal: Sixteen days after assault. The
● Empty his bladder
“starburst” appearance created by the multiple ● Container – if urine specimen is needed
lacerations of the hymenal rim become apparent ● Gown or drape – for privacy
during this examination method ● Lower pants/underwear – examined
Genital piercing
✔ Triangle Equipment: stool, gown, disposable gloves,
✔ Vertical Clitorial Hood flashlight
✔ Inspect the base of the penis and pubic
hair pubic hair
● free of excoriation, erythemata and
MALE GENITALIA infestation.
Reproductive and urination ● Abnormal findings – scarcity of
● Scrotum – protective covering of the testes pubic hair (CHEMOTHERAPY),
and maintain a cooler than body Pediculosis pubis
temperature: sperm production ✔ Skin of the shaft – wrinkled, hairless, no
● Smegma - the secretion of a sebaceous rashes, lesions, lumps
gland; specifically: the cheesy sebaceous

✔ Palpate the shaft – non erect state (soft,

flaccid and nontender) Palpate each spermatic cord and vas deferens
✔ Inspect the foreskin – intact and uniform in from the epididymis to the inguinal ring.
color ● Lies between your thumb and finger
✔ Inspect the glans penis – smooth, free of ● Note any nodules, swelling, or tenderness
lesions and redness
o if uncircumcised – ask client to retract Transilluminate the scrotal contents
and if not able the nurse will retract it ● Darken the room and shine a light from the
for examination back of the scrotum through the mass
✔ Palpating for urethral discharge – free of ● Look for a red glow
discharge Normal findings:
● Uniform on both sides.
SCROTUM: client holds his penis out of the way ● The cord is smooth, nontender and ropelike
● shape and position ● No transillumination
● Inspect the scrotal skin Deviation from normal:
● Observe: color, integrity, and lesions or ● Tortuous veins (varicocele) - Beaded or
rashes thickened cord
● Spread out the scrotal folds (rugae) of the ● Swellings or masses
skin ● Presence of red glow (fluid)
● Lift the scrotal sac to inspect the posterior ● Solid masses do not light up with a red glow
Normal findings: Ovoid, approximately 3.5 to 5 cm INGUINAL HERNIA
long, and 2.5 cm wide and 2.5 cm deep Cause:
● Equal in size and shape ● Muscle weakness (congenital or aging) – it
● Smooth, firm, rubbery, mobile, free of cannot be prevented, but exercises can be
nodules, tender to pressure performed to strengthened weak muscles.
● Epididymis is nontender, smooth, softer than ● Defect muscle wall - trauma
the testes ● Increase in intra-abdominal pressure
Deviation from normal: o weight lifting
● Cryptorchidism (undescended testicle) o coughing
● Painless nodules o obesity - weight control
● Tenderness and swelling o pregnancy
Palpate for inguinal hernia and inguinal nodes
✔ Client to shift his weight to the left for
palpation for the right inguinal canal
Inspect the size, shape and position:
✔ Palpate up the spermatic cord external
Normal findings:
inguinal ring
● Varies in size (according to temperature) and
✔ Once the index finger is in the canal ask
client to bear down or cough
● Left side of the scrotal sac lower than the
✔ Feel for any bulges against your finger
right side
✔ NORMAL FINDINGS: No Bulges or masses
Deviation from normal: Enlarged scrotal sac,
✔ D FROM NORMAL: Bulge or masses
hydrocele, hematocele, hernia, tumor
Palpate inguinal lymph nodes, femoral hernia
Inspect the scrotal skin:
● Note the size, consistency, mobility and
Normal findings:
● Thin, rugated with hair dispersion
● NORMAL: No enlargement or tenderness,
● Slightly darker than the penis
bulge or masses
● No lesions or rashes
● D. From Normal: Enlarged and tender nodes
Deviation from normal: Rashes, lesions and
- bulge or mass hernia
Inspect and palpate for scrotal hernia
✔ If you discovered a mass; ask client to lie
Palpate the scrotal contents
● Palpate each testis and epididymis between
✔ Note whether the bulge disappears
your thumb and 1st two fingers
● Gently palpate the mass and try to
● Note size, shape, consistency, nodules and
push it upward into the

● Normal: NO bulging when standing the patient is upright- palpate “BAG OF

● Deviation from normal: Bulge WORMS”
disappear when lie down 9. Spermatocele – sperm filled cystic mass
located on epididymis. Mass will appear on
Indirect inguinal hernia - Occurs through the transillumination.
inguinal ring and follows the spermatic cord through 10. Cryptorchidism – failure of one or both
the inguinal canal. testicles to descend into scrotum
Hernia – enlarges and descends to the scrotum 11. Epididymo-orchitis – is an inflammation of
Direct Inguinal Hernia - WEAK ABDOMINAL both the epididymis and the testicle. Viruses
LAYER - Congenital deficiency in the number of commonly cause the infection (e.g., MUMPS)
fibers it contains.
Femoral Iguinal Hernia - often present as an GENITAL PIERCING: Frenum, Prince Albert
incarcerated or strangulated hernia.
ASSESSMENT ● Sim’s position
✔ Reducible: can be manually placed back in
the abdominal cavity. Inspect the perianal area (side – lying position)
✔ Irreducible: cannot be place back in the ✔ Lumps, Ulcers
abdominal cavity ✔ Lesions, Rashes, Redness
Position: ✔ Fissures
● Standing - examiner palpates the inguinal ✔ Thickening of epithelium
ring Normal findings: Appear hairless, moist, and tightly
● Supine – check if it is reducible closed
● No redness, lumps, ulcers, lesions and
1. Inguinal hernia: Painless inguinal swelling that is rashes
reducible. Deviation from normal:
● Swelling may disappear during periods of ● Lesions – STD, cancer or hemorrhoids
rest and is most noticeable when the patient ● Thrombosed external hemorrhoids –
coughs itchy, painful and bleeds when passing stool
● Perineal abscess, anorectal fistula (small
2. Irreducible/Incarcerated hernia - Occurs when opening in the skin surrounding anal
the descended portion of the bowel becomes tightly opening)
caught in the hernia sac, compromising blood
supply. Ask client to perform Valsalva’s maneuver then
● Represents a medical emergency requiring inspect anal opening for bulges or lesions
surgical repair. ● Normal findings: no bulging or lesions
● Deviation from normal:
3. Strangulated hernia o Bulging - rectal prolapse
● Protruding part - blood supply is cut off o Hemorrhoids - anal fistula
4. Femoral hernia - protrusion through the femoral
ring, more common in females Inspect sacroccygeal area – for swelling, redness,
dimpling or hair
ABNORMALITIES OF THE PENIS AND SCROTUM ● Normal findings: smooth, no redness, and
1. Venereal warts – genital mucosa hair
2. Syphilis ● Deviation from normal:
3. Penile wart o Pilonodal cyst – reddened, swollen,
4. Penile cancer or dimpled area covered by small tuft
5. Paraphymosis – foreskin becomes trapped of hair located midline on lower
behind the glans penis, and cannot be pulled sacrum
back to its normal flaccid position covering the
glans penis. PALPATION
6. Epispadias Palpate the anus:
7. Hypospadias – A circumscribed collection of ✔ Inform client
fluid, especially in the tunica vaginalis of the ✔ Lubricate gloved index finger
testis or along the spermatic cord. ✔ Ask client to bear down
8. Varicocoele – dilated, tortous varicose veins ✔ Place pad of finger on anal opening
most often affect the left spermatic cord. When

✔ Normal findings: Sphincter relaxes, ● Female – anterior rectal surface (behind the
permitting entry cervix and the uterus)
✔ Deviation from normal: sphincter tightens ● Normal findings: Smooth and nontender
✔ When sphincter relaxes, insert finger with ● Deviation from normal: Rectal shelf –
pad facing down peritoneal protrusion which may indicate a
✔ If with pain, spread gluteal fold with hands in cancerous lesion or peritoneal metastasis
close approximation with anus, visualize a
lesion (causing the pain) Palpate the prostate (male)
o Normal findings: Finger enters ● Turn hand counterclockwise so the pad of
anus finger faces umbilicus
o Deviation from normal: Finger ● Palpate prostate gland, feel the sulcus
cannot enter the anus between lateral lobes
o If with severe pain, don’t force the ● Note size, shape and consistency, nodules
examination or tenderness
✔ Ask client to tighten external sphincter, note ● Note: may need to move away from client for
the tone proper examination angle
✔ Rotate finger to examine muscular anal ring ● Normal findings:
for tenderness, nodules, hardness o Prostate – nontender and rubbery with
o Normal findings: Client can 2 lateral lobes divided by median
normally close sphincter around the sulcus
gloved finger o Lobes – smooth, 2.5 cm long and
o Smooth, non–tender, no nodules, heart shaped
and hardness ● Deviation from normal:
✔ Deviation from normal: o Swollen and tender – acute prostatitis
o Poor sphincter tone – spinal cord o Benign prostatic hypertrophy
(BPH): enlarged smooth, firm prostate
injury, previous surgery, trauma or
with no median sulcus
prolapsed rectum
o Nodules – cancer
o Tenderness – hemorrhoids, fistula
o Nodules – polyps or cancer 1. Digital rectal examination (DRE) - Check stool
o Hardness – scarring or cancer Inspect the stool
● Normal findings: Stool – semi-solid, brown
Hemorrhoids - Dilated varicose veins of the anal and free of blood
canal which may be internal, external, or prolapsed. ● Deviation from normal:
● Above the anal sphincter, not seen on o Black stool – upper GI bleeding
inspection o Yellow – steatorrhea (increased fat
● Below the anal sphincter, seen on inspection content)
● Prolapsed hemorrhoids can become o Blood – cancer of rectum or colon
thrombosed or inflamed. Seen in pregnant (endoscopy should be performed)
pregnancies with vaginal deliveries) 2. Fecal analysis - The stool is examined for its
● Anoscopy - Polyp Hemorrhoid amount, consistency, and color (Normal - light to
dark brown)
Palpate the rectum ● Hemoglobin and bleeding affect the stool
● Insert finger further into rectum as far as ● Upper G.I. Bleeding – tarry black (melena)
possible ● Bulky, greasy, foamy, foul in odor, gray in
● Turn hand clockwise then counterclockwise color with silvery gloss - Steatorrhea
● Normal findings: Mucosa soft, smooth,
nontender, no nodules 3. Fecal occult blood test: Hemocult Guaiac slide
● Deviation from normal: test - blood in the stool that is not visible to the
o Hardness – scarring, cancer naked eye.
o Nodules – polyps or cancer Uses: To detect G.I. Bleeding and early cancer
● Proctoscopy ● 3 stool specimen (3 successive days)
Interpretation of results:
Palpate peritoneal cavity ✔ Positive Result: BLUE COLOR presence of
● Male – this area may be palpated above the occult blood.
prostate gland in the area of seminal
vesicles on anterior surface of rectum ABNORMALITIES OF ANUS AND RECTUM:

✔ Pilonidal cyst
✔ Rectal prolapse – when the mucosa of the
rectum protrudes out through the anal
✔ Rectal polyps
✔ Rectal cancer
✔ Hemorrhoids
✔ Perineal laceration from blunt trauma
✔ Prostatitis
✔ BPH – surgical procedure (T.U.R.P.)

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